Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2332: Greyfinch

Chapter 2332 Cangwen

   I can see,

   I don’t know how many years it took to have this waterhole

   By the water pool, a Jindan monk wearing a cyan armor, with a group of monks in the foundation period, m

   is facing a three-diamond flower god, with some monks in the foundation period,

   far away,

   A group of finches living in the grass,

   These finches have pale lines on their bodies,

   half a foot high

  The birds in the mountains are generally larger

   This grey finches,

  The body type can only be said to be average

   beak like a bird of prey

   More than seven hundred gray finches, gathered together

   Among the mountains,

   can only say ordinary birds

  "This is the realm of our Cuishi School, you Iron Rod School, saying that these birds belong to you,

   The pressure is too unreliable"

   The three diamond flower **** said

   However, the opponent is from the iron rod faction,

   The three-diamond flower god, despite the sword tactics,

   sword spirit lingers,

   This sword, but I dare not swing it out!

   Lan Tingmo’s voice suddenly sounded next to the monk wearing cyan armor

   "It's me, listen, in a moment, a monk will come to help you with my jade medallion,

   You ask that monk to collect half of the pool water, those larvae, springs and give it to the monk,

   you said so-----"

   The golden core monk wearing cyan armor,

   his face is more relaxed

   Sure enough, an apricot brilliance, like lightning, fell from the sky!

   shows a monk,

   This monk has a jade medal in his hand,

   shook towards the monk in cyan armor

   toward the three-diamond flower god, he shouted: "These grebe finches are all mine, you all get out of me!"

   did not do anything,

   just shout!

   This three-diamond flower god,

   Quit more than ten steps in a row!

   Those monks in the foundation period are even more unbearable,

   leaves roll and exit dozens of steps

   This monk in cyan armor stepped forward and bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian.

   "I don't know that this creature is owned by seniors, please forgive me"

  , however, told Commissioner Qian all what Lan Tingmo said

   turned around,

   took a few foundation-building monks away

   Qiang Yuan looked at the Cui Shi Sect monk,

   An apricot brilliance burst from the palm!

   As if the whole sky was shaking


   The Emerald Flower God of Cuishi School, turned around!

   Fa Jue is spinning,

   Brings up the flower **** during the base-building period and flies towards the horizon

   The Qian Qian committee took out a storage bag and punched a magic trick at these gray finches.

   This is Lan Tingmo’s beast defense technique

   Grey-winged finches, flew towards this storage bag,

   As soon as he entered the storage bag, it was a mountain with a radius of tens of miles.

  The woods are verdant,

   There is another spring water falling from the sky,

  In a short while, there are already more than one hundred meters in radius,

  It is the spring water where these grey finches live

   Three-color Linggen sees the starry sky,

  The space of the Qian Qian committee is greatly advanced,

   the spatial artifacts refined,

   can hold living things!

   The Qian Qian committee flew thousands of miles,

   has left the area of ​​Cuishi faction,

   Lanting Mo flew over,

   took out a magic weapon, but it was a mountain range,

   This is a kind of cave

  "You take one hundred and thirty, and give me the others. This larva likes the environment where water and fire are intertwined the most.

   Otherwise, I would have put him in this cave."

   Lantingmo said,

   "I have some mud loaches here, earthy spirits"

   Qian Qian, the committee member, took a look,

   In this cave,

  There is a swamp,

   more than ten miles wide,

   There are a lot of loach

   But the whole body is red, as if translucent, like jade and crystal

   You can see that it is a spiritual thing at a glance,

"it is good,"

   The Qian Qian committee took out another storage bag,

   reaches out and shoots toward the storage bag!

   There was a boom in the storage bag

   A spring water gushes out, after a while,

   has formed a swamp!

   Lantingmo stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky,

   swarms of loach,

   rushed into the storage bag of Chairman Qian,

   there are thousands

   Qian Qian felt these mud loaches,

   grows in water,

   but with a little water attribute,

  Natural creatures,

   generally has the nature of mana harmony

   "These spiritual things are not enough for the four-diamond flower **** magic weapon"

   Member Qian said

   He and Lan Tingmo are just adventurous partners they met during the adventure,

   These magic weapons, even though the level of Qian’s refining equipment has been greatly improved

   The requirements for the materials used have dropped,

   However, not some natural creatures can be compared

   The Taoist book of Yuanying Flower God level given by Lantingmo,

  In the opinion of Chairman Qian,

   is more valuable than a four-diamond flower **** magic weapon

   "Then, I will write you another Yuan Ying Hua God level Taoist book, some spiritual things, in the outer plane, I will go and fetch it with you"

   Lanting Mo said

   Know that Commissioner Qian needs these books, that’s better

   Those Yuan Ying Hua Shinto books of other schools,

   Lan Tingmo saw it,

   but no Kung Fu practice,

  He cultivated in the Iron Rod School,

  The best exercises

   His own practice hasn’t been practiced to the limit


   Committee member Qian nodded

  Four diamond flower gods, practice many Yuan Ying Hua Shen Tao books, that’s impossible

   However, the Nascent Soul is really cultivated, and when the rules are integrated,

   knew it,

   Practicing multiple Yuan Ying Hua Shen Tao methods, it’s not that difficult

   For the magical harmony of Yin and Yang,

   will have a higher understanding

  Chairman Qian and Lan Tingmo flew towards the iron rod

   Several other magic weapons brought by the Commissioner Qian,

   should also be filled with aura, showing the world within the magic weapon,

   only flew more than a thousand miles

   count to escape light,

   rushed out of a valley,

   quickly flew towards Commissioner Qian and Lan Tingmo

   After a while,

   There was a shocking weather,

   has enveloped Chairman Qian and Lan Tingmo,

   is a Yuan Ying flower god, wearing a blue robe,

   Three four diamond flower gods,

   all wearing armor,

  . Holding a flying sword,

   Fei Jie, the sword art has been urged!

   "Xuan Jing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is it you?"

   Lan Tingmo said to a four-diamond flower **** in surprise

   This four-diamond flower **** has a round face

   It seems that he knows these four diamond flower gods

   "Lantingmo, I heard that you went to ask for the Dao plane,

   My friends and I are very interested in your begging for you."

  The four-diamond flower **** with a round face said

   "Oops, I went to seek the plane of Taoism, only people of my sect knew about it, but I didn’t say either,

   to explore the Temple of Novi"

   Lan Tingmo speaks to Commissioner Qian

  I am interested in the Novi Temple, not so much!

  Panaga, Lantingmo,

   There is also the four-diamond flower **** who Lan Tingmo knows, and he brought the Yuan Ying flower god

   "Xuan Jing, I have been to the plane of seeking the Dao, but I traveled normally, why should I tell you?"

   Lanting Mo said

   "I have prepared a good spirit wine, Brother Lanting Mo, you can go to a banquet with me"

   The monk called Xuan Jing said

   "Xuan Jing, you and I met many years ago, why are you so deceiving!"

   Lanting Mo is angry

   "Because we have known each other for so many years, I am kind enough to invite you to the banquet, don’t be ignorant of praise"

   This Xuan Jing says


   Lanting Mo points to the Xuan Jing,

   Suddenly, he turned his head and said to Commissioner Qian: "Old Qian, help me return to the Iron Rod School, and I will write a book for you."

  ——Life is like riding a bicycle, you have to move forward if you want to keep balance

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