Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2247: Madly

Commissioner Qian’s Jiuqu Qinghe Formation is much stronger than that of the real person Yunquan.

   real person Yunquan wants his friend’s position to come closer,

  , of course, the committee member Qian agreed

  Biyou Temple, where most of the ten-thousand-person teams participated in the battle, were the Biyou Temple or the Bifu Army.

  Bi Mozu’s formation is stronger,

   is also strong and limited


   Member Qian said

   real person Yunquan, immediately turned around and called

   That formation, turned around in the air,

   flew over to the committee member Qian!

   The formation bombarded by the thunder and fire of more than one hundred meters, together with the formation that came with him,

  A bi-colored long sword with a length of hundreds of feet, a large blue sword emerged one after another,

   towards a battlefield more than a hundred miles away, madly blasted past

   is exactly that formation, every time an attack, a thunder fire of more than 100 feet thick

   The three formations are facing each other, like countless thunder, rolling across the sky, above the three formations, canyons continue to appear,

   With the screams,

   The two Biyou temples are in formation, but they have a slight advantage

   The battlefield covered with large lava fields immediately opened fire on the battlefield of the two Biyou temples!

   A series of flames of dozens of feet thick, as if there are flames in them,

   A gorge was added to the continuous mountains,

   scream and splash with blood

   The ten thousand people team of the two Biyou temples is immediately at a disadvantage

  The 10,000-person team of real friends of Yunquan, leaned up and stopped next to the real team of Yunquan

   The communication circle sounded,

   The main controller of the formation appeared, but it was two four-diamond flower **** peak level monks,

   and Kun Mihui, the ten thousand team of the same nature

  Different four-diamond flower **** monks lead a combination

   They gave a few compliments to Commissioner Qian

   "My lord, here are some materials, medicinal materials, please accept it"

   Let them send a storage bag

   Member Qian looked at it and found some precious materials and medicinal materials inside

   not much, equivalent to half a year's income from the mountain flower plane

   Qian Qian nodded,

   These materials have some uses,

   a polite remark,

  The Commissioner Qian closed the communication circle

  Because a 10,000-person team has flown from the horizon quickly


   Don’t look at the jade sign,

   Don’t even recognize the position of the Joint Committee

   However, Commissioner Qian is the Yuan Ying Flower God, except for a few people,

  He wouldn’t say hello to a four-diamond flower god

   Gao Yu is on the jade card, so he can definitely see himself

   More than a dozen thunder fires of dozens of feet thick,

   blasted towards Takaha's formation

   There are countless sword auras emerging from Takaba’s formation,

   blocked those dozen thunder fires,

   soon came to Zhan Chao

   However, Takaha’s formation,

   is not on the side of the battlefield,

   charged all the way towards the center of the battlefield

In the center of the battlefield, it is the four 10,000-person teams directly under the Biyou Temple, and the three other 10,000-person teams are fighting against the demons!

   When Commissioner Qian arrived at this rocky beach,

  Biyou Temple has more than ten thousand teams,

   Just one day,

   There are four teams directly affiliated to Biyou Temple, three other teams with 10,000 people, and the 10,000-person team, Commissioner Qian and Yunquan.

   Seeing Gao Yu’s 10,000-ton team, he rushed in,

   The communication array of the Qian Chief Committee member, but never sounded

   Mountain flower plane monks, all faceless

   Everyone remembered that as the Yuan Ying Flower God, Commissioner Qian,

   in the joint committee of the planet earth star, but a patrol captain

   but rushed into dozens of miles,

   A huge gorge appeared on the form of the tall feather formation

   The blood and screams are reduced again

   "Then Gao Yu, who thought he was"

  Red wolf said disdainfully

   "Definitely hundreds of deaths!"

   Seven-headed bird said

   "Their background is different from ours. Aina will be a casual cultivator with us, general knowledge."

   Yuantie said

   "but so"

   Langchao knife theory

   Takaha's formation went forward dozens of miles,

   is covered by dozens of dozens of thick thunder fire!

   Countless sword qi fragments, accompanied by the thunder and fire soaring into the sky!

   Another huge canyon appeared on the battlefield!

   The battlefield that was originally advancing fast,

   The speed immediately slowed down

  The golden core monks on the flower plane of the mountain, a moment of disdain

   only rushed halfway, more than a thousand killed

   The monks of the flower plane of the mountain, in the previous battle, more than ten died,

   It’s nothing compared to Takaha’s 10,000 people team.

   The communication circle sounded

   "Old money, you are here too, just so----"

The image of    Takaha appeared with a polite smile

   "I have been here for more than a day, the lineup is not small"

   Member Qian said

   was originally a polite smile, but it has become reluctant

   "Old money, together with you and me, you can rush into the center of the battlefield"

   said Takaha

   "Well, the vitality of this battlefield is strong, and you have also experienced it. To be honest, we really have a lot of loss----"

   Member Qian said


   Takaha turned off the communication circle

   "Master, there is another demonic formation coming---"

   Yuantie stepped forward and said

   the horizon,

   A formation, full of black boulders, burning flames,

   galloping over,

   The direction is the direction of Chairman Qian


   Member Qian said

   more than ten thunder **** with a radius of ten feet,

   emerged from the surface of the galaxy formation,

  In an instant,

  . Over two hundred miles,

   blasted above the flame formation

   A thunder and fire burst out,

   Starlight ripples swaying away----

   The flames of the whole formation are dark

   A green long sword with a length of several hundred feet, emerged from the battle of real person Yunquan,

   with mysterious lines,

   has already wanted to take the flame formation,

   A huge flame shield appeared,

   touched that blue long sword and exploded suddenly

   A blue thunder fire tens of feet thick, as if there are countless plants swaying in it,

   is already on top of this flame formation

  , but it was a battle presided over by Yun Quan’s friend

   This flame formation, a violent shaking

   Their attack power is really average

  The Jindan monk on the flower plane of the mountain complained

   There are more than a dozen star mines ten feet thick, blasting toward this flame formation

   A huge flame shield appeared,

   Several star mines exploded,

   Flame shield, exploded to smash!

   Other star thunders have already blasted above this flame formation

   a gorge,

   suddenly appeared on the black boulder,

   Has not entered the Super League and has been injured

   This flame formation turns in the air and gallops in another direction

   There is another formation flying from the sky quickly, it is the 10,000-person team gathered by Biyou Temple this time!

   This time, knowing that it flew into the battlefield, dozens of dozens of tens of feet thick thunder fire blasted past!

   The communication circle sounded, and the real Yun Quan appeared

   "The two formations next to you, ask Xiang to lean over"

   Yunquan said

   "Let them go away---"

  The money committee member roars

   "Let's go over there------"

   Yunquan real person points to a place,

   The place is relatively empty

"it is good----"

   Committee member Qian nodded

   Three formations, start together,

   drove over hundreds of miles away,

   Those two formations, but all the way against the demon formation,

  The huge explosion made the space distorted and shattered,

   the speed of the formation,

   can't improve at all

   Hundreds of miles away, hundreds of thousands of thunder fires were thrown over at a very fast speed.

   However, the three-seater ten-thousand-person team lined up,

  Countless thunder and fire burst,

   It just lets the three formations, a wave of fluctuations

   In the three formations, hundreds of thunder and fire, the air in a radius of tens of miles, the magnificent and countless space debris

   The large demon body, accompanied by aerial fragments exploded into pieces

  Even if they have a space magic weapon to protect themselves,

   can't stop the bombardment of the three formations!

   hundreds of thunder and fire,

   From a distance of more than two hundred miles, blasted over!

  The thunder fire soaring to the sky covered three formations!

   Immediately, a large group of demons appeared in the air dozens of miles away,

   more than 100,000 thunder and fire,

   Throw over like lightning!

   There are countless tens of thousands of thunder and fire again,

   A huge canyon appeared in the battle of that friend of the real Yunquan!

   There was a scream

   Although his position is similar to that of the real person Yun Quan,

   However, in the three formations,

   In his formation, the golden core masters are the least,

   is covered by countless thunder and fire,

   Divine Mind is not working anymore

   Wait until the thunder and fire dissipate,

   Those demons are gone

   The three formations immediately sent out more than a hundred thunder fires, and they blasted over two hundred miles away

  In the distance, thunder and fire rushed into the sky,

   More than a hundred thunders are coming!

   there was a blast,

   The two sides are equal,

   There have been several valleys in the battle of the friend of the real person of Yunquan,

   Even the real person of Yunquan has a canyon

   "I said, Qian Ren, the formation that is still intact to this day, is the only one on this battlefield.

  What powerful magic, don’t hide it"

   Yunquan said

  In this nebula formation, once a large-scale wave appears, there will be a nebula vortex immediately,

   calm down the fluctuation

   "Another ten thousand people team of our Tianyang Star Joint Committee~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has arrived"

   Member Qian said,

   just before the explosion,

   He received a communication from Kun Yahui

   Kun Yahui's 10,000-ton team achieved the highest victory,

   has already received the order to rush towards the chaotic beach!

   "It seems that the 10,000-person team that enters the blue plane will all be plundered---"

   Yunquan said with a sigh

   "A foundation building monk is better than us"

   Member Qian said, his face was a little sordid

   real person Yunquan nodded

   "Yuan Tie"

   Member Qian stretched out his hand and pointed at a formation on the water mirror,

   This formation is really more than two hundred miles away, and it is against these three formations

   I saw that there are already nearly ten canyons above the formation

   "Nebula's Sixth Turn---"

   Yuantie roared,

   Three Hundred Golden Pills, while playing a magic trick!

   A nebula whirlpool with a range of hundreds of meters,

   just in an instant, it has already crossed more than two hundred miles,

   A thunder fire blasted over,

   was whirled by the nebula and disappeared!

   Hit the flame formation!


   Like a hundred huge thunder explosion!

   Like the whole sky, time, pause in an instant!

  Countless flames, nebulae, and pieces of crispy meat are flying everywhere!

   That battle has collapsed by one third! (To be continued

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