Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2328: laid back

Infinite Cultivation Chapter 2328 Leisurely Page 1:

   Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   The Qian Qian committee walked to the front of the Sanse Linggen,

   reached out and pointed,

   Practice perception,

   into the three-color spiritual roots.

  At the same time, the various lines in the starry sky where the three-color spiritual roots are enlightened, including the mysterious, including the rules,

   has been transmitted to the Supreme Councillor Qian’s palace.

   went back to the hall.

   "Come on."

   Member Qian said,

  The waiter comes over.

   "In the past few years, the monks from the plane of Shanhua have gone out on adventures to hunt for treasure, but it has been smooth."

   Qian Qian said.

  "It went smoothly, but there were difficulties in the sect organization, but I didn't encounter it.

  Of course, various battles and trends are indispensable in specific adventures. "

   said the waiter.

   Jiuqu Qinghe Great Array, hosted by Yuanying Flower God,

   can easily kill the Yuanying Flower God,

   This deterrence is great!

   Qian Qian nodded.

   "During specific adventures, it is difficult to manage."

   Qian Qian said.

   I should go and see the fighting spirit roots I planted.

   In recent years, Commissioner Qian did not understand the rules.

   However, he can kill a Yuanying Flower God with three swords,

   Combat power has improved a lot.

   The monk who refines the elixir of Taoism,

  The mystery of cultivation may be very complicated. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123 Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

  The Commissioner Qian felt,

   My own practice in the past few years has been mainly based on the harmony of yin and yang.

   and the rules of perception, the rules of the same system merge, and the rules of different mysteries merge.

   This path of cultivation is different.

   However, the harmony of Yin and Yang mana reached a certain level,

   Fusion rules, it seems to be easier.

of course,

   must reach a certain level of spiritual consciousness.

  The Commissioner Qian began to sort out the mystery and lines in the starry sky where the three-color Linggen enlightened.

   took more than a year,

   appeared like a fast jumping flame,

   This flame jumps very fast.

   This is a rudimentary rule.

   There is another flame,

   seems to have countless levels of composition,

   This is also a rudimentary framework similar to the rules.

   sorted out some mysterious and a few rudimentary frameworks of similar rules.

  Chief Councilor

  The Qiany committee member went to Qingyin Mountain.

   The fighting spirit of Qingyin Mountain is twelve feet tall.

  The Qian Qian committee released his spiritual thoughts,

   began to feel the profound mystery of the fighting spirit.

   This profound mystery of fighting spirit roots, I feel for a long time,

   comprehend the rules of the plant system,

   has a promoting effect.

   Qian Qian sat cross-legged for three months. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123 Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

  The Commissioner Qian felt,

   My own practice in the past few years has been mainly based on the harmony of yin and yang.

   and the rules of perception, the rules of the same system merge, and the rules of different mysteries merge.

   This path of cultivation is different.

   However, the harmony of Yin and Yang mana reached a certain level,

   Fusion rules, it seems to be easier.

of course,

   must reach a certain level of spiritual consciousness.

  The Commissioner Qian began to sort out the mystery and lines in the starry sky where the three-color Linggen enlightened.

   took more than a year,

   appeared like a fast jumping flame,

   This flame jumps very fast.

   This is a rudimentary rule.

   There is another flame,

   seems to have countless levels of composition,

   This is also a rudimentary framework similar to the rules.

   sorted out some mysterious and a few rudimentary frameworks of similar rules.

  Chief Councilor

  The Qiany committee member went to Qingyin Mountain.

   The fighting spirit of Qingyin Mountain is twelve feet tall.

  The Qian Qian committee released his spiritual thoughts,

   began to feel the profound mystery of the fighting spirit.

   This profound mystery of fighting spirit roots, I feel for a long time,

   comprehend the rules of the plant system,

   has a promoting effect.

   Qian Qian sat cross-legged for three months. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123 Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

  The Commissioner Qian felt,

   My own practice in the past few years has been mainly based on the harmony of yin and yang.

   and the rules of perception, the rules of the same system merge, and the rules of different mysteries merge.

   This path of cultivation is different.

   However, the harmony of Yin and Yang mana reached a certain level,

   Fusion rules, it seems to be easier.

of course,

   must reach a certain level of spiritual consciousness.

  The Qian Yuan committee began to sort out the mystery and lines in the starry sky where the three-color Linggen comprehend.

   took more than a year,

   appeared like a fast jumping flame,

   This flame jumps very fast.

   This is a rudimentary rule.

   There is another flame,

   seems to have countless levels of composition,

   This is also a rudimentary framework similar to the rules.

   sorted out some mysterious and a few rudimentary frameworks of similar rules.

  Chief Councilor

  The Qiany committee member went to Qingyin Mountain.

   The fighting spirit of Qingyin Mountain is twelve feet tall.

  The Qian Qian committee released his spiritual thoughts,

   began to feel the profound mystery of the fighting spirit.

   This profound mystery of fighting spirit roots, I feel for a long time,

   comprehend the rules of the plant system,

   has a promoting effect.

   Qian Qian sat cross-legged for three months. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123 Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   The mystery of the plant's spiritual roots, what is the understanding of Commissioner Qian.

   He will not cast plant spells on this battle spirit root.

   The Qian Qiang committee thought and thought about these few medicines found on the Dao plane,

   made Committee member Qian realize that

   The plant rule has a greater effect than the Commissioner Qian imagined.

   The rules in the starry sky are more comprehensible,

   is just to enhance the attack power of Taoism,

  The Taoism practiced by the Qian Yuan committee.

   Improve the fusion of the five elements,

  Bi simply comprehend the rules in a starry sky, which would increase the power of Dao Fa.

   understand more plant rules,

   integrate more plant rules,

   is more beneficial to the sermon.

   got up and went to the southern tide plane,

   The battle spirit root near the demon control area,

   Committee member Qian also spent three months enlightened.

   This fighting spirit has grown for decades,

   Some powers can already be understood initially.

   During the past three months, Commissioner Qian had an impression of a plant rule.

   The Qian Qian committee went to Biandan Mountain.

  The apricot flames of the Qian Yuan committee member all over,

   Yin and Yang harmonize the magic power greatly,

  'S perception of the fighting spirit root of this Piandan Mountain,

   is a little different. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123 Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   The mystery of the plant's spiritual roots, what is the understanding of Commissioner Qian.

   He will not cast plant spells on this battle spirit root.

   The Qian Qiang committee thought and thought about these few medicines found on the Dao plane,

   made Committee member Qian realize that

   The plant rule has a greater effect than the Commissioner Qian imagined.

   The rules in the starry sky are more comprehensible,

   is just to enhance the attack power of Taoism,

  The Taoism practiced by the Qian Yuan committee.

   Improve the fusion of the five elements,

  Bi simply comprehend the rules in a starry sky, which would increase the power of Dao Fa.

   understand more plant rules,

   integrate more plant rules,

   is more beneficial to the sermon.

   got up and went to the southern tide plane,

   The battle spirit root near the demon control area,

   Committee member Qian also spent three months enlightened.

   This fighting spirit has grown for decades,

   Some powers can already be understood initially.

   During the past three months, Commissioner Qian had an impression of a plant rule.

   The Qian Qian committee went to Biandan Mountain.

  The apricot flames of the Qian Yuan committee member all over,

   Yin and Yang harmonize the magic power greatly,

  'S perception of the fighting spirit root of this Piandan Mountain,

   is a little different. [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 You

Infinite Cultivation Chapter 2328 Leisurely Page 2:

   And, it grows upward.

   Committee member Qian realized that some of the mysteries of the mystery of the fire element and the mystery of the plant element coexist.

   The fusion of the fire system mystery and the plant system mystery became stable.

   This time, the insight that this fighting spirit brought to Committee Member Qian has ended.

   God's mind is not strong enough,

   If the divine mind is strong enough,

   can comprehend the mystery of the fusion of some fire rules and plant rules.

   Sure enough, from this skyrocketing flame,

   Taoism is not just as simple as rules.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   Qian Qian stood up, but it has been more than a year.

   the remaining spiritual roots,

   Qian Qiang turned around and got some insights.

   took another year.

  The Qian committee member realized a plant rule rune.

   The magic weapon given to Lan Tingmo should be ready for refining.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

  If before,

   The Qian Qian committee is not so active.

   However, the integration of rules and rules is not the whole of Taoism practice.

   Qian Qian wondered if he could get from Lan Tingmo,

   I got some books on the Taoism of the Lord Furong God, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Net Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

Infinite Cultivation Chapter 2328 Leisurely Page 2:

   And, it grows upward.

   Committee member Qian realized that some of the mysteries of the mystery of the fire element and the mystery of the plant element coexist.

   The fusion of the fire system mystery and the plant system mystery became stable.

   This time, the insight that this fighting spirit brought to Committee Member Qian has ended.

   God's mind is not strong enough,

   If the divine mind is strong enough,

   can comprehend the mystery of the fusion of some fire rules and plant rules.

   Sure enough, from this skyrocketing flame,

   Taoism is not just as simple as rules.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   Qian Qian stood up, but it has been more than a year.

   the remaining spiritual roots,

   Qian Qiang turned around and got some insights.

   took another year.

  The Qian committee member realized a plant rule rune.

   The magic weapon given to Lan Tingmo should be ready for refining.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

  If before,

   The Qian Qian committee is not so active.

   However, the integration of rules and rules is not the whole of Taoism practice.

   Qian Qian wondered if he could get from Lan Tingmo,

   I got some books on the Taoism of the Lord Furong God, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Net Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

Infinite Cultivation Chapter 2328 Leisurely Page 2:

   And, it grows upward.

   Committee member Qian realized that some of the mysteries of the mystery of the fire element and the mystery of the plant element coexist.

   The fusion of the fire system mystery and the plant system mystery became stable.

   This time, the insight that this fighting spirit brought to Committee Member Qian has ended.

   God's mind is not strong enough,

   If the divine mind is strong enough,

   can comprehend the mystery of the fusion of some fire rules and plant rules.

   Sure enough, from this skyrocketing flame,

   Taoism is not just as simple as rules.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   Qian Qian stood up, but it has been more than a year.

   the remaining spiritual roots,

   Qian Qiang turned around and got some insights.

   took another year.

  The Qian committee member realized a plant rule rune.

   The magic weapon given to Lan Tingmo should be ready for refining.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

  If before,

   The Qian Qian committee is not so active.

   However, the integration of rules and rules is not the whole of Taoism practice.

   Qian Qian wondered if he could get from Lan Tingmo,

   I got some books on the Taoism of the Lord Furong God, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Net Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

Infinite Cultivation Chapter 2328 Leisurely Page 2:

   And, it grows upward.

   Committee member Qian realized that some of the mysteries of the mystery of the fire element and the mystery of the plant element coexist.

   The fusion of the fire system mystery and the plant system mystery became stable.

   This time, the insight that this fighting spirit brought to Committee Member Qian has ended.

   God's mind is not strong enough,

   If the divine mind is strong enough,

   can comprehend the mystery of the fusion of some fire rules and plant rules.

   Sure enough, from this skyrocketing flame,

   Taoism is not just as simple as rules.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   Qian Qian stood up, but it has been more than a year.

   the remaining spiritual roots,

   Qian Qiang turned around and got some insights.

   took another year.

  The Qian committee member realized a plant rule rune.

   The magic weapon given to Lan Tingmo should be ready for refining.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

  If before,

   The Qian Qian committee is not so active.

   However, the integration of rules and rules is not the whole of Taoism practice.

   Qian Qian wondered if he could get from Lan Tingmo,

   I got some books on the Taoism of the Lord Furong God, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Net Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   different main gods,

   has a different understanding of Taoism.

   As for the magic weapon refining Lanting ink,

   With the refinement level of the Qian Da committee,

   Refining the four-diamond flower god, the magic weapon in the world of Taoism,

   consumes much less materials than before.

   Qian Qian used some common materials,

   can also refine a very powerful magic circle!

   At the level of Jindan, the level of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

   It is impossible to refine such a powerful array with all kinds of ordinary materials.

   It’s good to improve the cultivation base.

   A large pair of common materials,

  Put it into the pill furnace, quickly melt and purify.

   Member Qian stretched out his hand,

   apricot brilliance urged the Dragon Inn to refining art,

   turns into a brilliance,

   cover these materials,

   Only half a day,

   These materials have been fused into a very tough substance!

   With this tough material, it can already be much more precious than beautiful.

   Move this substance out of the furnace.

   The powerful divine mind drew out a strand of this substance and began to change the magic circle.

   The refining of the magic circle has not merged so quickly.

   complex structure,

   Despite the great improvement of Commissioner Qian’s spirit, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   different main gods,

   has a different understanding of Taoism.

   As for the magic weapon refining Lanting ink,

   With the refinement level of the Qian Da committee,

   Refining the four-diamond flower god, the magic weapon in the world of Taoism,

   consumes much less materials than before.

   Qian Qian used some common materials,

   can also refine a very powerful magic circle!

   At the level of Jindan, the level of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

   It is impossible to refine such a powerful array with all kinds of ordinary materials.

   It’s good to improve the cultivation base.

   A large pair of common materials,

  Put it into the pill furnace, quickly melt and purify.

   Member Qian stretched out his hand,

   apricot brilliance urged the Dragon Inn to refining art,

   turns into a brilliance,

   cover these materials,

   Only half a day,

   These materials have been fused into a very tough substance!

   With this tough material, it can already be much more precious than beautiful.

   Move this substance out of the furnace.

   The powerful divine mind drew out a strand of this substance and began to change the magic circle.

   The refining of the magic circle has not merged so quickly.

   complex structure,

   Despite the great improvement of Commissioner Qian’s spirit, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

   also carefully manipulate the divine mind, for fear of some mistakes.

   Refining this kind of complex magic circle, the speed increased but not fast.

   The magic circle used by the four diamond flower gods,

   Need the golden core refiner of the mountain flower plane, several people, to urge the Dragon Gate Inn's refining technique to refine them separately.

   and Commissioner Qian refined a multi-layered array at a time, and the level and quality were quite different.

   After a few days, a multi-layer magic circle formed.

   Orchid Pavilion wants these magic weapons to overcome the catastrophe.

   There are many defensive circles and few offensive circles.


   A magic weapon used by the Four Diamond Flower God is refined,

   The Qian Qian committee also spent three months.

   Of course, if you let other refiners know,

   The Commissioner Qian spent three months refining a magic weapon used by the four-diamond flower god, which can produce a world of Taoism for five thousand miles.

  They must think that the Qian Qian committee is a god.

   Ordinary master craftsman,

  The magic circle they use is not as good as the magic circle of Longmen Inn.

   Therefore, refining a magic weapon used by the Four Diamond Flower God,

   needs more magic circles.

  Of course, it will take longer,

   There are more magic circles, the connection between the magic circles is more complicated.

  A master of refining, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Network Update Infinite Xiu Xian Chapter 2328 Leisurely

  "Ha---I thought, how awesome is the magic circle set up by the pool,

  , you have to take magic weapons from the martial arts.

A thousand years-----"

   The Qian Qian committee thought for a while.

   "Queen, you said, after a thousand years, these disciples on the plane of Shanhua, can someone cultivate the Nascent Soul?"

   Qian Qian asked Quinn,

   The Qian Yuan committee has a lot of time to practice and refine the rule runes,

   On the golden core monk of the mountain flower plane,

   Basic concern.

   "Old money, Jindan Brother Advanced Nassau, then it really depends on the number of days,

   This kind of reincarnation power by the pool, the formation used to overcome the catastrophe, must be powerful.

   also need to borrow magic treasures from the martial arts to cross the robbery. "

  Quin said.

   Qian Qian nodded.

   "There is only me in the sect and the flower god, it’s not good.

   You reply to Chibian, yes. "

  Queen nodded.

   "How is the battle situation on the plane of heaven?"

   asked the Commissioner Qian.

   "Both sides have increased their forces, and the plane of the heavenly book is still in confrontation."

  Quin said.

   "Oh? Both sides increased their forces?"

   Qian Qian asked,

   "A lot of treasures from the heavenly book."

  Quin said.

   Qian Qian’s commissioner set foot on the teleportation array ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leaving Tian Yangxing, [Infinite Xiu Xian] 123Read Novel Network Update Infinite XiuXian Chapter 2328

   transferred dozens of planes,

  The Commissioner Qian has entered the plane under the jurisdiction of the Lord Furong God.

  The Qian Qian committee entered the plane of the Lord Furong God,

   did not immediately go to the plane where the Lanting Demon was,

   However, the Fangshi of this plane turned around.

   Those monks’ stalls, shops,

   In a shop,

   put some jade slips.

   At a glance, the style is simple and simple, and I know that it is something of an ancient monk.

   "Man, take a look at these jade slips."

   "These jade slips are the insights of ancient monks who practiced. There are a thousand low-grade immortal stones, so you can't see them."

   buddy said,

  The perception of ancient monks’ cultivation is not necessarily the same as that of adventurers.

   Therefore, the practice perception that the adventurer gets is different from his own practice.

   is usually sold.

"it is good---"

   Member Qian said,

   One hundred middle-grade immortal stones were taken out.

   The Commissioner Qian took these jade slips,

   Most jade slips,

   It is useless for the training level of the Chairman Qian.


   There are some insights from the practice on the jade slips. Committee member Qian saw it and felt it too.

   Ordinary Jindan monks, looking at these insights, they don’t understand at all!

   One plane, with many large and medium-sized cities, [infinite repair immortals] 123Read Novel Network Update Unlimited Xiuxian Chapter 2328 leisurely

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