Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2092: Yuan Ying War

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual mind is already strong.

After practicing at the Fenghuo Pass, he became even stronger.

Say it politely.

Commissioner Qian’s spirituality is no worse than ordinary Yuanying hu.

This flame can't pass through the spirit?

"Are all those who walk in this flame?"

Member Qian asked.

"Now standing in the flames, they are all Yuanying hu gods, more than 20 four-diamond hu gods entered, and they all burst. All parties are stationed in the southern tide plane, and they have to replace a lot."

A three-diamond hu **** said.

This" "Commissioner Qian remembered.

On the Chaoyun plane, the cave mansion and the core of the cave mansion found were surrounded by this kind of flame?

After the picture was closed, Commissioner Qian once went to the flame again.

After entering more than a hundred feet, the wind and fire sword, the thunder sword, the sword light of gold and copper, which can no longer block the flame, then retreated.

The wind and fire sword, thunder sword, and gold and copper were refinished, and they could only reach a hundred feet.

In the heart of Commissioner Qian, it is simply indescribable.

This flame is only one-tenth of the flame on the cloud plane.

However, it is very similar to the flame on the Chaoyun plane.

"Four diamonds are all exploded?"

Gullit stretched out his hand!

A flying sword rushed into the flames.

As soon as this flying sword rushed into the flames, its speed immediately slowed down, flew out by a foot, and exploded with a bang, but it was as big as a firework.


Gu Li was shocked and stood there, not daring to step forward.

"It's possible that the Great God of the Transcendental Stage might set up Taoism, and it might be possible for the monks in the Anti-Void stage."

The poolside was surprised.

I didn't make any shots, and stood there.

"I'll go in and take a look."

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, the wind and fire sword, thunder sword, gold and bronze, and iron whip quickly revolved around.

"Lao Qian, this is a great way to set Taoism in the transformation stage..."

Said Chibian.

"My magic weapons are not decorations.

Member Qian said.

With one step, he has entered this flame.

As soon as he entered the flames, Commissioner Qian said: "Fortunately..."

Although the boundless pressure is pressing on him.

However, this flame was not as powerful as the flame of the cave mansion on the plane of the cloud.

The wind and fire sword, thunder sword, gold and bronze, and iron whip release great brilliance, and the flame slaps above the wind and fire sword, thunder sword, gold and bronze, and iron whip release brilliance.

Thunder bursts!

Commissioner Qian moved forward step by step.

Soon, Commissioner Qian had already passed the last figure.

Walking in the last figure, I saw that Commissioner Qian had already surpassed him, moving forward quickly.


Another magic weapon exploded.

"Hey, your magic weapon is good, can you go together?"

He yelled at the back of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian didn't seem to hear it.

This Yuan Ying Hu **** took a few steps, turned and walked out of the flame.

"I have only cultivated the Nascent Soul for more than a hundred years. This Southern Chaos plane, looking at ordinary people, how can a cave mansion be so powerful?"

The monk muttered.

The monk came out.

"My lord, what's the situation inside?"

A monk asked.


He waved his hand and slapped it.

"What are you looking at? I want to know if I'm leaving."

Yuan Ying hu gods palm, this monk can avoid it, and it has flew ten feet in one revolution.


Commissioner Qian saw it, as if countless flames blasted over.

It seemed that the Thunder God Brake was constantly bombarding.

That tall abyss monster Yuanying is called Thunder God's Bra.

The wind and fire sword, the thunder sword of gold and bronze, and the iron whip flicked, and the sword light shot out from the front only a few steps away.

After walking for a few miles, I saw the body of a Yuanying Hu, whose brilliance flashed, and a magic weapon exploded like a huge thunder.

The footsteps of this Yuan Ying Hu God is just a slow.

Commissioner Qian has more than one Yuan Yinghu god.

This Yuan Ying hu god, looked at Commissioner Qian.

Not long after, I have seen it before.

In the front hall, there is a book, a sword, and a warhammer.

Commissioner Qian has affirmed that the Taoism here has many similarities with the Taoism of the Dongfu on the Chaoyun plane.

Of course, the power is not so strong.

Commissioner Qian must get this book.

However, before this hall, there were already a few Yuan Ying Hu gods, and their minds were the same as those of Qian Yuan.

Ran towards Tao Shu.

Commissioner Qian's figure flickered, and the stars all over him!

The magic weapon is fully urged.

The wind and fire sword urged the flames, the thunder sword urged the thunder, the golden light urged the golden scenery, the iron whip urged a huge wave, amidst countless huge thunders, in a short while, Commissioner Qian had already reached the first few yuan. Yinghu God goes hand in hand.

"Boom..." A thunderfire came.

Yuan Ying Hu Shen shot, it should have been thunderous, but in this flame, a thunder fire only blasted out tens of meters, just like a monk in the training period.

However, Commissioner Qian knew that in the flames, it was the Nascent Soul Hu God, and he was doing his best.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, a golden light burst out, and there were countless scenery in the golden light.

Has been blasted above the thunder and fire.


Thunder fire has been blown to pieces!

Commissioner Qian was furious, and stretched out his hands and fingers!

Flame, golden light, thunder, burst out continuously!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The monk had already been beaten back a few steps.

This dozen, a Yuanying hu god, is tall and close to three treasures.


Including Lao Qian, the Yuan Ying hu gods shouted together!

At the same time, towards this tall figure, thunder, fire and sword light blasted out ten times.

That Yuan Ying Hu, surrounded by magic weapons, blocked several thunder fires, his figure flicked out a number of punches in succession, and the thunder fires that had been attacked had been dispersed!

However, it has been back ten steps in a row.

"Thunder God, it's you..."

Committee member Qian shouted. It's you, human...

The double antidote has not yet taken a stand.

It is Yiyuanying Hu God, rushing to the forefront.

All the Nascent Souls, including the Thunder God Temple and the Commissioner Qian, are at the same time making moves to the Nascent Souls!

After ten years of sword light, thunder and fire swept away, this Yuan Ying hu god, backed a few steps likewise.

After a while, ten or so Yuan Ying Hu gods were already standing in this hall together.

Commissioner Qian looked at "Standing in this hall, only oneself is not Yuanyinghu god, other monks are Yuanyinghu god."

"I only need this book, other magic weapons, please feel free to fellow Taoists."

A Yuan Ying Hu said.

"Hey, I want this book too, this magic weapon, please feel free to fellow Taoists."

Said a lanky monk.


This Thor brush, stretched out his hand to grab the Taoist book.

In an instant, including Committee Member Qian, there were a dozen waves of thunder, fire and sword light, intertwined with a boom!


Thunder God brake blocked these thunder fire sword light, the whole person has already retreated.

In an instant, all the Yuanying hu gods rushed towards this book!

Although this book "is also in flames, the pressure is like a thousand mountains and a sea.

The Yuan Ying hu gods shot with all their strength, while grabbing towards the Dao Shu, while urging the Dao Fa to prevent others from attacking.” At the same time, Dao Fa, the magic weapon, blasted towards all the monks close to the Dao Shu, whether it was human or monster.

Many feet before these three magic weapons,

Thousands of thunder and fire blasted against each other, and for a while, neither humans nor monsters could gather one step closer to this book!

Thunder and fire fell on these three magic weapons, "Boom..."

Three magic weapons were blown up.

A monk saw that the Taoist book fell on the side, and when he reached out to grasp it, he would grasp the book in his hand!


Dozens of thunder, fire and sword light have already blasted over.

This monk and this book were both shrouded in the range of Thunder Fire and Sword Light.


The Taoist book exploded suddenly, and the pages of the Taoist book flashed, and I don't know what material to weave.

Everyone can't care about the bang now, stretch out their hands and grab them!

"I have six pages."

Member Qian said.

"I grabbed seven pages!"

Thor said.

"I have nine pages!"

Just a moment ago, relying on cultivation, not magic weapons.

Although Commissioner Qian relied on magic weapons to remain undefeated in the melee, the Yuan Ying monks who were able to walk here were all extraordinary people.

Reach out for a grasp, the difference in cultivation base, then it will come out.

Commissioner Qian did less.

"You guys are so happy, if this book is related to the cave house on the Chaoyun plane, the cave house has only been visited by yourself."

Commissioner Qian mumbled.

Everyone looks like holding a book.

At first glance, I only saw that this book was extremely mysterious.

Only Commissioner Qian could see that this, similar to the picture, is indeed similar to the picture on the cliff!

Looking at the other Yuanying hu gods, one by one, they looked blank.

"Thunder God, there are six pages in my book, how about changing six pages with you."

Member Qian said.

Lei Shensha looked at it: "Okay, I didn't get the magic weapon. It's not bad to exchange it with you."

He took the six-page Taoist book in his hand and gave it.

Commissioner Qian took the six-page Taoist book in his hand and gave it to him.

Both sides read the content of each other's Taoism.

Commissioner Qian wanted to exchange with other Yuanying hu gods, but the other Yuanying hu gods refused to change.

Suddenly, the flame whirled, ""The Yuan Ying hu gods found that the flame and the palace were completely gone. Ten miles away, there was a circle of monks.

The monks exclaimed together.

"Nan Chao, the Yuan Ying Hu God, are all here, I don't know what benefits they have."

Said a monk.

Next to the monk" one-novel-head.

However, not a single monk stepped forward.

Gullit and Chibian flew over.

"Old Qian, what happened just now?"

Gullit said that the look in his eyes "can no longer be described as shock.

"It's nothing more than fighting for treasure. Go, look at this cave house, there are other treasures."

Member Qian said.

"Don't look at it, there are already more than 10,000 monks here."

Said Chibian.

"Okay, let's go" "Gullit, here you are, the mine is occupied by the abyss monsters, tell me. "Okay"..."Gullit said several mines.

Commissioner Qian turned around and flew towards the nearest mine.

A row of abyssal monsters is raging at the mining humans.


A piece of scenery appeared in the sky, rolling in and out, its potential was like electricity, and it had reached the front of the mine. This row of abyssal monsters looked nervous, and the magic tricks had been opened to the maximum.

"The master is here" I don't know it is one"" said an abyss monster.

I saw that the scene was unfolded. I don’t know how many miles it was unfolded, and the mines in a radius of more than 300 miles were covered by this scene.

Whether it is a four-diamond **** or a three-diamond god.

There were countless sword lights on his body and thunder and fire shining.

Dao Fa, magic weapon, has been urged to the maximum in an instant!

But" touch this scene.

At the same time the sword light thunder and fire blasted out, they couldn't help but flew towards this scene together with them!

Ah... "Human, Abyssal Monster" shouted, coming out of this scene.

"Puff through one" thrown into a pile.

More than four hundred monsters of the abyss got up, not daring to make a sound.

A four-diamond hu **** stood up and looked at Commissioner Qian, his eyes were full of fear!

This mine is not far from the human border, of course there are four diamonds guarded by the gods.

"You go, let your bosses come." Committee Member Qian said to the abyss monsters.

The four diamond hu **** stood up, turned and flew by!

More than four hundred abyss monsters followed these four diamond hu gods and galloped.

"My lord, these abyssal monsters have enslaved us and can't make them live." A human monk said, Commissioner Qian looked at it and found the peak cultivation base in the foundation period.

People's abyss monsters don't even need to restrict their cultivation base.

"You still go back quickly!"

Member Qian said coldly.


These human monks glanced at each other, Dao Fa tried their best to urge them to rush toward the human boundary!

After a long while, a flash of light has already covered up the entire day!

"Yuan Ying Hu God is here." Chibian said.

"This Yuanying hu **** escapes light, we seem to have seen it in the cave just now"..." said Gullit.

It covered the empty escape light for the whole day, and fell in front of the mine, showing his figure.

It was in that hall, one of the ten or so Yuan Ying Hu gods.

When I saw it, wind and fire sword, thunder sword, gold and bronze, iron whip surrounded.

"It's you..." he said in surprise.

In the melee before the treasure, he fought dozens of moves with Commissioner Qian!

This Yuan Ying Hu God was sent back by the four treasures of the Qian Da Committee.

So, when he saw the wind and fire sword, thunder sword, gold and bronze, and iron whip surrounded, he was shocked.

"It's just been a battle, it's very healthy." Committee member Qian said.

The sword of wind and fire, sword of thunder, gold and bronze, and iron whip have released great brilliance.

"It's just narrow-minded, now, it's just a battle!" said Yuan Ying Hu, reaching out his hand, hundreds of thousands of thunders have appeared in the sky in a radius of thousands of miles, and they slammed toward the member of Qiang.

Committee member Qian, released Daguanghua, billions of thunders, all exploding outside Daguanghua.

The Thunder Sword vibrated, and a thunder blasted past.

Thousands of miles of thunder in the sky have all dimmed.

This Yuan Ying Hu Divine Sword Art urged, billions of thunders, already blasted above this thunder.

This thunder exploded at a distance of several tens of meters away from the hu **** of the Nascent Soul.

In the midst of the thunder and fire, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

The flame sword struck, and another flame rushed up!

Hundreds of thousands of thunders blasted fiercely again, countless thunders and flames touched, thunder exploded, and the flames passed through this thunder easily!

This Yuan Ying Hu God has retreated dozens of feet.

Commissioner Qian, stretch out his hand again!

The golden light shook, a golden light burst out"

In the golden light, there are countless scenes!

Hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts blasted down with the power of destroying everything, "Boom..." In the midst of a huge earthquake, countless thunderbolts, with a muffled grunt!

Already madly swept hundreds of miles away!

In this battle between the two sides, the world is vast and they are all fighting with all their strength."

There is nothing to say about victory or defeat.

"Old money... from the hands of Yuanying Hu, really cow..."

Gullit stayed for a while before speaking.

After a few days," no master of the abyss came over.

Ordinary abyss monsters, none of them came.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and a set of flags burst out like electricity.

Within a radius of three hundred miles, stars are lingering.

"Specific things, you will arrange them."

Commissioner Qian said to Chibian.

Chibian nodded.

"We are back to the mountain."

Member Qian said to Gullit.

"Okay... Gullit said and waved.

Feel like in a dream.

In this cave, he only got some materials.

"Old money" in which flame did you get? "Amidst the light, the poolside asked the old money.

Commissioner Qian took out a Taoist book.

"Look at this text, do you recognize it."

Looked at the pool for a long time.

"I don't know, but" this seems to be a legendary article about the law, used to record the law.

Chibian said, "I have seen this kind of written record in a classic book."

"Oh"... the recording rule? "

Commissioner Qian said, "However, I feel profound in the pictures on the cliff," I don’t seem to feel that this is the law.

Commissioner Qian mumbled.

Along the way, not talking.

All the way up to the mountain plane, Commissioner Qian built a model of the rules he already had, and deduced it from what he felt in the pictures on the cliff.

What Chibian said makes sense"

I have my own perception of the model of this law, and what I have realized in the pictures on the cliff, some of the mysteries are the elaboration of this perception.

A month later, "Old Qian, the page of Taoism you took out, in general, may be like this..."

As the pond said, he stretched his hand and pointed in the air, and a complicated extremely talisman had already appeared in the air.

This Fulu has hundreds of thousands of strokes.

However, Chibian was halfway through writing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a muffled hum and couldn't write it down.

"This is the pinnacle that I can deduce. Maybe, only one-tenth of this page."

Said Chibian.

"Yes, let me see..." Commissioner Qian Cheng looked at it for half a year.

The talisman was drawn by the pond, and Committee Member Qian understood.

However, that page of the Taoist book, Commissioner Qian understands, is less than one-tenth.

"This sacred humanity method is really extraordinary..."

Commissioner Qian said that it took more than three years for Commissioner Qian to understand this page of Taoism.

However, it is this page of Taoism.

Commissioner Qian's perception in the picture has improved a lot.

"Sure enough, this book is related to the cave."

However, even if Commissioner Qian goes to the Chaoyun plane now, he may not be able to find the cave mansion.

"Master, Master Kun Mihui, Master Gu Tianshan, request a remote teleportation""

A monk stepped forward and said to Commissioner Qian.

"Oh, allow transmission."

Member Qian said.

After a while, Kun Mihui and Gu Tianshan walked over.

Kun Mihui, not surprised.

Gu Tianshan looked at the starry sky and said, "Old Qian, you have a starry formation this week. You haven't been here for many years, ten times more profound..." "Gu Tianshan said.

"Old Qian, here you have a temple of Tengwen, and Gu Tianshan and I will go take a look.

Kun Mihui

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