Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2034: Large spell

Qian Daweibei shouted!

For these four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters, the magic weapon of the Dragon Inn monk seized from the void battlefield is really easy to use!

With a flick of his hand, there was already an extra mountain, and it was thrown toward a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster!

These four diamond hu gods, only saw this mountain, it was already full of today's empty space, crashing down!

I had to sway a flying sword in my hand, turning into countless sword lights, layered on top of each other, as if boundless, welcoming towards the sky!

"Boom... One"

There was a huge shock!

These four-diamond flying swords in the hands of God Hu, together with the entire arm, have been blown to pieces!

"Good power method" ""

The four diamond hu gods screamed, and in a flash, they turned into a long rainbow and went hundreds of miles away!

Four diamonds hu Shendao Fa tried its best to urge it, but it was not so easy to block.

Commissioner Qian did not accept this magic weapon, and reached out!

A three-diamond hu god, the sword light urged it with all its strength, like countless red light hurricanes, there was a huge shock, all the red light, at the same moment, blasted to pieces!

The magic weapon with people has been smashed to pieces!

As soon as countless red flames are collected, a long rainbow is formed, but a giant flame swirling in the air, "Ah..."

It is also a tall three-diamond hu **** abyss monster, which has been twisted into nothingness!

Three diamonds, hu god, before the member of Qian’s innate magic circle, no matter how the tactics and magic weapons are triggered, they can’t resist!

The flames are just a surge!

Turned into countless flame sword lights, flying like a river!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom... one"

An explosion"

Another three-diamond hu **** hu **** was blasted into nothingness!

Countless flame sword lights swept in the air like a thunderstorm!

It seems that in the next instant, it has already hurried for dozens of miles!

Dozens of monsters in the abyss" Although they have already learned the magic, the magic weapon is fully opened, and the sky is empty dngdng by these countless flame sword lights. "This monk's magic weapon is really powerful...""

The battlefield of the four-diamond hu god, surrounded by a large teleportation array, spanning hundreds of miles!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters" are now standing in the air dozens of miles away from Commissioner Qian.

"This man's magic weapon, the general Yuanying hu magic weapon, is nothing more than that."

They communicate with each other.

"Yes" Yuan Ying Hu God, but that's it. "

The four diamond hu gods and monsters nodded.

Commissioner Qian took a step, already stepping into the space, an abyssal monster covered in scales, he saw the space twisted, his hand raised, and the magic weapon in his hand has turned into a thousand red swordslight〗 〖jī〗 !

With these thousands of red swordsmans"

Infinitely hot and crazy!


With a wave of his hand, a mountain slammed down, and there were countless thunder and flames, thousands of red sword lights, and this mountain."

The explosion was thousands of red smoke!

Dozens of red flames flashed in the air like electricity!

The four-diamond hu gods had a meal in the air, magic weapons, Taoism urged the image, as if it became a sculpture!

Then, there was a crash."

It has exploded into the sky!

The flame of the sword turned!

Cyclonus burst in, hundreds of flame sword lights shot out, each flame sword light"

Across dozens of miles!

The flames flashed among hundreds of monks!

No matter how splendid and magnificent they urged the magic weapon, they only felt "These hundreds of flames seem to have crossed time and space. Hundreds of abyssal monsters have been blasted by the flames that traverse dozens of miles!"

Their Taoism, flying swords, magic weapons, touch this flame!

As if above this flame, there is a kind of irresistible force!

Dao law, magic weapon, flying sword, magic weapon, together with the monsters in the abyss, exploded into flames.

The screams were flat, and hundreds of flames shot straight up!

Endless white sword light and deep yellow sword light blasted hundreds of miles in the air!

In the endless white sword light, there was a voice: "Stop him"..."

A roll of deep yellow sword light!

"Man, your opponent is me..."

"Boom... One"

Countless thunderous shocks sounded again!

"Boom boom boom boom boom... one"

Dozens of sword lights, with endless depth and distance, have rushed into the teleportation array.

The hu **** of the United Fleet, the Yuan Ying, took a blow to the teleportation!

White sword light, countless thunder and fire, show hundreds of miles!

However, there are still dozens of sword lights blasting directly into the teleportation array.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom... one"

After a loud noise, around the teleportation array, there was a panic exclaimed, "Quick, the large teleportation array is damaged."

Suddenly, the four diamond hu gods of the combined fleet, vigorously vibrated, dazzled, and blasted wildly!

Commissioner Qian charged forward, and the four-diamond hu **** monster could not stop it!

The four diamond hu gods of the combined fleet are far away from the large teleportation formation, but for ten miles, large spells are thrown madly.

For a time, the four diamond hu gods can prepare large-scale spells in battle. For a time, thousands of meters of thunder and flames are constantly exploding around the large teleportation array!

The abyss monsters have formed a battle.

However, a large-scale spell prepared by the four-diamond hu **** was thrown, and it was already enough to contend with a formation of dozens of people!

A large spell was thrown over, and there were also hundreds of meters of large spells here, rolled in the air, and bombarded away!

Thousands of feet of thunder, flames, rising each other!

But in an instant, the flames of different large-scale spells have been intertwined."

Rush to the heights!

The large-scale spells of the four-diamond hu gods can form a battle and can be blocked, but "the four-diamond hu gods' sword art technique, traversing dozens of miles, can be said to be endlessly changeable. The screams of the abyss monsters have already sounded! It was just a while, these abyss monsters have lost thousands of them. This is still the four diamond hu **** abyss monsters, and they will try their best to intercept them.

As for the use of the large teleportation circle, it goes without saying "...in a short time, the next teleportation cannot be started!

"You have big spells" we have too! "

The four diamond hu gods shouted in anger!

Large-scale spells, like meteors, were thrown out.

"Boom, ... one"

It seems that thousands of thunders are exploding in the four diamonds of the combined fleet! The four diamond hu gods of the United Fleet, there was also a scream, came over!

At this moment, the four-diamond hu **** who went to the cloud plane with Gaoyang Hu **** has already lost a dozen people!

"You retreat!"

The deep yellow sword light rolled in a radius of hundreds of miles, and Lu Yuan's voice came over.

Hearing the order of Yuan Ying Hu, the four diamonds hu gods urged them, and fled together, hurried away!

Thousands of miles away, the four-diamond hu gods who are speeding have received information.

The portal on the plane of the cloud has been built. The floating airship of the combined fleet has passed through the portal and galloped towards here!

"Go" has a flying spaceship, we are much easier to handle ""One"

"Four diamonds hu gods" is also a shock!

When the airship came, they were much more relaxed. Dozens of evasive light rolled, galloping towards the direction of the flying fleet.

The portal that can pass through the floating fleet is thousands of miles away. After a while, the floating fleet appears on the horizon, and in a blink of an eye, the floating fleet is already close.

The four-diamond hu gods are usually the leaders of the floating fleet. Seeing the adults in front, the floating flying ships just stop in the air.

"This battle has been the most ambitious since we had the airship."

A four-diamond hu **** sighed!

"Above the airship, their large teleportation array has been destroyed. In a short period of time, it is impossible to transmit more abyssal monsters."

"Yes, go to the airship."

The four diamond hu gods shouted, rushing to the airship, the airship, towards the distant battlefield, like electricity, speeding away! Thousands of miles away, the airships made every effort to urge them to launch, and after a while, the airship fleet was close to the battlefield.

"Humanity's airship is coming, end up! One quick"

Shouts filled the surrounding large teleportation array!

Some abyss monsters have not dispersed yet, and immediately, it is the magic formula with all its strength!

"Their floating fleet is coming... one by one"

The Yuan Ying hu gods who are at war just changed their faces! The abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu, his face became more cold, and the sword light in a radius of hundreds of miles would turn around, but the sword light of the opponent's radius of hundreds of miles became more and more fierce!

Reaching out his hand, tens of thousands of sword lights rushed towards the floating fleet. Thousands of artillery fires from the joint fleet floated out, as if the sky was flooded!

The tens of thousands of sword lights emitted by the **** Yuan Ying Hu were bombarded by these thousands of artillery fires.

Immediately afterwards, there were thousands of artillery fires, as if flooding the entire sky: like, a fierce bombardment towards the abyss monsters forming around the teleportation array!

The artillery fire of a floating airship is similar to the large-scale method of a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster!

More than a thousand airships bombarded, and not only did artillery fire flood the entire sky, countless thunder fires exploded around the entire teleportation array, and countless flames rose! After a while, the abyss monster in the white sword light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has already transmitted the sound to the abyss monster in the countless thunder and fire: "My divine consciousness can't detect the loss around the teleportation array.

Let's withdraw. "

Amidst countless thunder and fire, a divine thought came: "It has to be so... one"

Countless thunder and fire, countless white sword lights, suddenly flourished!

Tens of thousands of thunder and fire, and tens of thousands of white sword lights have blasted toward the floating fleet! The combined fleet floating flying swords immediately blasted at these tens of thousands of thunder and fire, and tens of thousands of white sword lights blasted, and several floating ships had already exploded! Tens of thousands of thunder and fire, tens of thousands of airships, once again blow!

Several more airships exploded.

Yuan Ying Hu God attack is really strong! However, among countless thunder and fire, and countless white sword lights, there was a muffled hum!

With this effort, the monsters in the abyss around the teleportation array have received instructions to retreat and are flying around!

Escape from the violent bombardment of the floating flying sword, one by one is already embarrassed!

"Bombard the commander of the "One" joint fleet, screaming frantically. The abyss monsters continuously attacked, that is, this battle, which can be said to have been won.

The airship bombarded again.

In no time, in countless artillery fire, no monsters in the abyss escape!

Countless white sword lights, countless thunder fires, amidst a huge earthquake, galloping away!

"The monk of the plane in the cloud, and a part of the airships, clear the abyss monsters, and the other airships, go to the painted plane."

Lu Yuan Yuanying said to God. @.

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