Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2023: Fleet attack

In the middle of a sapphire hall, there are green grass and trees, and the scenery is pleasant.

Luo Tianfeng and Lan Tingmo are discussing leisurely.

"Finally, I found the traces of the Temple of Nowell, and I wanted to find Old Qian to go with him. Unexpectedly, the Abyssal Monster had begun to attack the territory of the Lord Wood Elementary God. It seems that Old Qian, in a short time, could not I went."

Luo Tianfeng said.

"Nowell Temple, just a few of us go, there are fewer people.

Lan Tingmo said.

"There are too many people going, it's no use!"

Luo Tianfeng said.

"How far are you from the four-diamond hu **** late stage?" Luo Tianfeng asked Lan Tingmo.

"It's not far away, but I can't walk up the stairs."

Lan Tingmo sighed.

"How about you?"

"The same is true for me. This still has the perception of the god-man Dongfu, this is the case!

Otherwise, the four-diamond hu god's later stage, these decades, is still far away. "

Luo Tianfeng said.

At this moment, Commissioner Qian came in.

"Old money, I heard that you are in the advanced four-diamond hu **** stage, but is it true?" Luo Tianfeng asked.

"Oh, yes, who did you listen to?" Committee Member Qian nodded, the whole body was clear and the scenery appeared.

Luo Tianfeng and Lan Tingmo immediately knew that, yes, it was the realm of the four-diamond hu **** late stage.

"The rain in front of the mountain said that he is no longer fighting the abyss monsters in the Giant Rock Shrine, and he has returned to realize the realm of the four-diamond hu **** late stage." Luo Tianfeng said.

"The realm of perception in battle is also a certain limit."

That's it.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I just heard you say, Temple of Nowell?"

"Yes, if we want to break through the four-diamond hu **** late stage, we still have to go to the temple."

Lan Tingmo said.

"However, you have also heard that the abyss monsters have occupied one of our planes. You are dissatisfied with your saying that the Eternal Plan has already arrived. We want the planes near us to immediately assemble the coalition forces to recover the occupied plane. In the near future, I will definitely not be able to go, two, are you interested in fighting the monsters in the abyss?"

Luo Tianfeng shook his head, and Lan Tingmo did the same.

"We are not interested, so you can contact us if you understand the matter here.

We just wandered around the planes near you and picked some medicinal materials. "

Luo Tianfeng said.

"Damn, you don't want to go to the fight." Commissioner Qian said.

"There are dozens of planes near that plane, how many masters are there?

Still use us to go? ", Lan Tingmo said.

Commissioner Qian had to wave his hand, "Then let's say goodbye..."

Luo Tianfeng and Lan Tingmo, arched their hands and walked out.

The sky star is about to fight, and they don't want to stay here.

"Old Qian, hurry up and get ready for three days before the team of Tian Yangxing will start."

Kun Mihui walked over and faced Qian


Commissioner Qian nodded, he was just joining in the fun.

However, Kun Mihui said to him a little mysteriously: "Old Qian heard that your refining skills have greatly improved, and you have refined a lot of powerful magic weapons. You Fengyangmen monks, the monks who stay in the sky, I will I've seen the monks with the same level of cultivation compared to those on the Celestial Earth, they are a few better grades..."

"Oh Kun Mihui, if you want a magic weapon, just say it straight, me and you, who and who...""

Since the Temple of Heaven has learned the skills of Dragon Gate Inn, the magic weapon of the Temple of Heaven has been greatly improved.

Qian Dawei waved his hand.

A pile of magic weapons has been suspended in the air.

The entire hall seemed to have countless mana flares.

Kun Mihui looked at these magic weapons again, and shouted in applause.

"Good" every magic weapon, used by monks above the middle stage of the four-diamond hu god, is no problem.

"What do you have?"

Commissioner Qian said that Kun Mihui gave a few storage bags without saying anything.

Commissioner Qian opened the storage bag and nodded.

"Ha, it's so lively here..."

Panaga has already walked in.

One step has reached a dozen magic weapons floating in the air.

Divine thought swept away, "This... these magic weapons are powerful, every magic weapon is better than the magic weapons I use now... Old money, these magic weapons are yours?"

Panagar was shocked. Each of these dozen magic weapons was stronger than the magic weapons Panagar was using now.”...

"It was the old money, now it's mine..."

Kun Mihui said that with a wave of his hand, all these magic weapons would be taken away.

Panaga waved his hand, a flame fluttered, these magic weapons were suspended in the air.

"Kun Mihui, let me see."

With that said, I looked at it one by one.

Like Kun Mihui, the more Panaga looked at it, the more surprised it was on her face.

"Old money, do you have any more, I'll buy one!"

Commissioner Qian shook his head: "There is really no such thing as this level."

Commissioner Qian in the void battlefield of the Dragon Inn, seized the magic weapon.

The monks on the Mountain Hu plane sent some, exchanged medicinal materials on the Southern Tide plane, and used some.

Now there are a dozen more.

The rest is the best magic weapon. Commissioner Qian has practiced the innate magic circle and is tempering it on the Qingqi. "What magic weapon or umbrella is there to see."

Panaga asked.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and dozens of magic weapons appeared.

These were not magic weapons used by the monks of Longmen Inn, they were all used by Commissioner Qian to practice their hands.

"These magic weapons are not as good as these."

Panaga pointed to a dozen magic weapons that already belonged to Kun Mihui and said.

"Panagar, I only have these magic weapons, do you want it?"

Commissioner Qian said, his face was indifferent.


Panaga thought for a while.

Said to Kun Mihui, "Kun Mihui, can you give me one of these magic weapons." Kun Mihui shook her head.

"These magic weapons are hard to see.", "Kun Mihui, how many strong treasures have you seen before this one?"

Panaga's eyes stared!

The two said a few more words.

Kun Mihui took out a magic weapon and gave it to Panagar.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and these dozens of magic weapons had been put away.

"Hey... old money wait a minute."

Gao Yu walked in.

"Old money, now we are going to fight the abyss monsters. These magic weapons can enhance the Galaxy Fleet, a lot of its strength.

You should give these magic weapons to the Galaxy Fleet. "

When Member Qian heard this, the boss was upset.

"Gao Yu, the magic weapons of the Galaxy Fleet are naturally made by the Shengong Temple. These magic weapons are all mine. Why should I give the Galaxy Fleet..."

Member Qian said.

Seeing what Gao Yu had to say.

Commissioner Qian flicked his sleeves.

"I have something else, you will inform me when the war starts."

Having said that, he has turned away!

Gao Yu's face changed, and Nian saw Qingguang dng from Commissioner Qian!

In addition to Kun Mihui, Gao Yu, Panaga and this clear light touch, it is already a few steps back!

Gao Yu and Panaga, their faces changed and they wanted to say, but they didn't know what to say. It was extremely embarrassing. Kun Mihui glanced at the two of them, "Oh" everyone should prepare. "

Gao Yu and Panaga hurriedly walked out.

The monks guarding the main hall saw Gao Yu and Panagar walking away, and immediately got together, "The high **** general and the **** general were forced to retreat by one move."

"What a trick, people didn’t make a move, it’s just the appearance of the law. These two are retreating. I have seen several four-diamond hu **** late cultivators visit and compete with these gods, and it took a while to decide the winner. , This Lord Qian, the ordinary Nascent Soul Hu god, is nothing more than that.", I only heard the footsteps of Gao Yu and Panagar in the distance, getting faster.

Three days later, the sky was full of flags and flying swords, surrounded by thunder and fire, as if covering the entire sky, and there seemed to be countless muffled thunder rolling in the sky, magnificent and majestic.

The Galaxy Fleet is about to set out for war.

"Master Qian, please come with me." A monk saluted Commissioner Qian.

"you are…"

Member Qian asked.

Oh, this monk is already distorted.

"I am the captain of your ship... one"

The monk said.

"Ah"...", prisoner...a "lead the way..."

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

"Boom-one by one"

Amidst the roar of thunder, hundreds of airships galloped away toward a portal that was hundreds of meters in the air.

The space was distorted, and Commissioner Qian found that he and the spaceship were already in a starry sky. In the starry sky, different styles of airships were floating in the sky.

This is the combined fleet.

After a long time, the combined fleet in the starry sky no longer increased.

In each of the airships, a mirror image appeared, and the commander of the combined fleet came out to speak.

"This is the real person Lu Yuan, Yuanying Hu, the original eternal, commander of the combined fleet this time."

The captain gave a "Oh" one to Committee Member Qian, and he turned his head to look at the starry sky.

Oh one captain is not talking anymore.

Commissioner Qian has seen many such scenes in Tianpeng Mountain and Longmen Inn.

The jade talk is over, the fleet of Haohao dngdng ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has three thousand ships!

Towards the occupied plane, flew away.

However, within one day, a plane has appeared in the sky, and the floating fleets of various planes slowly flew towards this plane.

However, for a long time, I didn't see it. Above this face, a floating airship took off to meet.

"It seems to be entering the plane to fight."

The image of Kun Mihui appeared.

"Type plane combat, and then enter plane combat."

Commissioner Qian doesn't matter.

Lu Yuan’s orders were issued, first of all, to attack the major fortresses.

The floating fleet is separated, and each team has the scale of hundreds of floating ships, flying towards the major fortresses.

All the major fortresses have protective arrays, and there are several large fortresses that have not been captured, and a few airships are heading to those fortresses.

Most airships go directly to the captured fortress.

A fortress with a radius of tens of miles appeared in the sky.

"Well, the protective cover of this fortress doesn't look good."

Kun Mihui said in the mirror.

"Of course, the monks in the fortress are not vegetarian."

Hundreds of airships, this is the time when all the airships out of the star plane are about to fire.

In the fortress, a black fire has crossed the sky for hundreds of miles!

In the violent earthquake, a floating airship has been beaten into the sky of smoke! @.

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