Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2019: The same

Ah,,,,,,,,,, Feng Zhu is extremely embarrassed.

"You contact them and ask him to let us in."

Commissioner Qian said.

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, how could they let you in."

The elf shook his head.

"The abyssal monster drove you out, huh, then, you go and tell them that I have some magic weapons." As he said, Luanpo Niu waved his hand, and a row of magic weapons appeared in the sky.

Mana fluctuations, surging like a tsunami!

This middle-aged man only had the cultivation base of the second diamond hu **** peak. Seeing this tsunami-like mana fluctuation, his words were incomplete.

"Ah" "This... are all four-diamond hu gods' mana fluctuations, these magic weapons are all four-diamond hu gods used?"

Luanpo nodded: "Go and talk to them. With these magic weapons, their combat power can also be increased a lot." ""

"This" is good, I'll talk to them. "

This elf monk just nodded, turned into a ray of light, swept dozens of miles away, and disappeared!

"Well, this restriction is mysterious, my divine mind, I just feel that the portal is swept away, and then the portal is gone."

Luan Po said.

"You are like this, I am even more..."

Member Qian said.

Luan Po has also spent many years in Longmen Inn. His space is mysterious and he has made great progress.

While talking, the distance, black fire, blue fire, covering dozens of miles, is already rolling in, the abyss demon commander who just ran away, is standing on top of the black fire" blue fire, together with several abyss demon generals. Hundreds of ears, grinning faces, standing by, each holding weapons and flags, it seems that the text of the momentum is provided by Leyou Literature! It is quite large.

"It's them! They are still here, let them know how good we are!"

This Abyssal Demon General, pointed his hand at this Commissioner Qian and Luanpo!

Thousand-zhang knife light, like the blue galaxy "thousand-zhang thunder and fire, and a warhammer, with a thousand-zhang radius", there are countless strange beasts roaring on it, like the sky, it has been madly cut down.

Hot, cold, cruel, all kinds of auras, whizzing hundreds of miles around like violent waves!

The entire sky was galaxy, thunder and fire, alien beasts, and huge thunder violently shaking, as if a catastrophe had arrived. Commissioner Qian shook his hand, and the branch with the nine-color brilliance "has been grasped in his hand, just a brush, dozens of miles of thunder and tumbling earthquakes, and for thousands of miles in an instant, it was already brushed by the branch with the shining nine-color brilliance" Go in.

The azure blue galaxy in a radius of tens of miles, and then, with a bang, the whole body of Qian’s committee "is already surrounded by star fog. Hundreds of abyssal monsters, only to see, the galaxy in a radius of tens of miles, straight in!

Commissioner Qian, who should have been blasted into ashes, was nothing.

"Why, this way of mine, it seems to have the feeling of bursting into the endless starry sky?" This abyss monster was shocked! There are countless strange beasts, rushing down wildly.

"Good coming!" The star mist around Commissioner Qian was Yisheng!

The star fog is raging!

Countless strange beasts have plunged into the star fog, but in an instant, countless strange beasts have discovered that they are on different continents. Some of these continents are covered with flames and lava, and some are endless glaciers. There are also volcanoes all over the place. Some are like the endless sea! These countless strange beasts are all methods of refining this abyssal monster.

It happens to be on these continents.


An abyss monster with three heads just screamed!

"I can't contact those dynastic aspects, how is this possible! How much effort did I have to refine these dynastic aspects"..."

"Well, his star fog must have very strong rules, otherwise, our divine mind will definitely not be unable to feel it!" Even so. However, hundreds of abyssal monsters stood aside, but they did not dare to shoot.

"Luan Po, let them look at our magic weapon!" Committee member Qian said.

"Well, these abyss monsters are indeed far inferior to the Rako Protoss in the void, our magic weapon, they are not so easy to be blocked!"

Luanpo nodded, a gentle white light, Xian Yuanyang ruler, had appeared in his hand, one finger, nine fireballs, shot out from Xian Yuanyang ruler, but in an instant, it had already crossed dozens of miles. , Before blasting to an abyss monster. Where the nine fireballs went, it seemed to absorb all the light and heat, and the surrounding sky was just dark! A monster in the abyss surrounded by thunder and fire, only felt that these nine fireballs swept by, as if in the sky, there were fireballs of several meters large, four diamonds of the **** of hu, swept past! Dozens of thunder and fire have been smashed out suddenly, thunder and fire are thundering, showing off the sky, as if opening the sky. Several thunder and fire, bombarded on a fireball, a huge shock!

A fireball of hundreds of feet exploded, and a text provided by Leyou Literature! The circle ripples away! Several thunder fires were blasted to pieces, and the remaining thunder fires were blasted away! This abyss monster is shocked!

Thunder is the strongest law, in every plane.

However, when the fireball exploded, it was blown away! In an instant, this abyssal monster felt that in this fireball, it seemed boundless, this was a very strong mystery, and it was this kind of mystery that caused its own thunder to be blasted away.

The fire exploded with another fireball. Amidst the roar, this abyssal monster had already urged it to explode, sending out thousands of thunder. Suddenly, a pillar of fire rushed up!

I only saw that this deep-falling monster, surrounded by thunder, has become surrounded by thunder and flames.

Under one move, he was defeated.

"Damn, it's great"..."

It seemed to be right next to him, in a space," the bird whispered fragrantly. A group of people, more than twenty people, were watching the battle.

Seeing Luanpo's Xian Yuanyang Ruler, he defeated a four-diamond hu god's abyss monster with just one blow. These twenty people all exclaimed!

"This magic weapon" is really powerful" ""

A boy said, his face was round and he looked very cute"

However, he carried a sword on his back.

"Compared with your sword, Hua is so strong that I don't know where it is."

A tall and thin monk said.

"My sword is inferior to those magic weapons, but it is no problem to beat you. It has been played many times" Do you want to do it again! "

It seems that this boy is very hot!


This tall and thin monk was speechless.

He had fought with this boy many times, but he was not his opponent.

"I see" the branch in the monk's hand is a powerful magic weapon. "

A middle-aged man waved his hand.

This boy, and the tall and thin monk, stopped talking.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful magic weapon in the plant department!"

Said the boy.

"Well" we have all the powerful tree species on the southern tide plane" but compared with the branches of these nine colors," it's not worth mentioning. "

Said the tall and thin monk.

"This is the same, you say.

Among us, just count the planes you've been to. "

The middle-aged monk just nodded: "This, it really doesn't look like a natural plant, it's like a magic weapon for training!"

"Well, our situation has been improved so much, it is not easy for the abyss monster to break in.

The abyss monster just broke in, and we also lack a powerful magic weapon. If there are many powerful magic weapons, let alone the abyss monster of the four-diamond hu god, it is the abyss monster of the Yuan Ying hu god, and it will not be able to penetrate. "

Said this monk called Bentong.

"One more thing, you didn't feel it. A monk with all green beard and hair said: "These two monks, a few magic weapons used in their hands, are unfolded. Do you feel it? It seems to be very natural, compared with the sky. In time. "

"Well, the magic weapon they took out, the mana fluctuations, it seems that there is no natural way.

Said the boy.

While several people were talking, Commissioner Qian had a red flame in his hand!

It is really where the sword light ignites, the stormy waves and the sky!

Within a radius of tens of miles, red sword flames are already!

Warhammer is horizontal!

Countless giant beasts are pouring out again, but the crimson sword flame floating in the sky is just a flash!

Countless behemoths, touching this crimson sword flame, already burst out!

The alien beasts fluttered wildly, the sword flames gleamed, and a picture of incomparable beauty was constructed.

The group of people who watched on the semiplanes had already watched one by one.

"See if it's used by others, it's called Sword Art."

The monk with all green beard and hair glanced at the boy and the tall and thin man.

"Tell me, how many tricks can you make under their hands?"

The boy and the thin and tall monk are ashamed!

"There are only five moves at most."

The thin and tall monk said, "No more than ten moves."

The boy said.

"Under that fiery sword flame, you can at most take seven moves!"

Said the tall and thin monk.

"You can take up to three tricks, don't put gold on your face.

The boy rolled his eyes wide, just saying very rudely.


At this time, there was a big shock in the water mirror!

With a strange howl, this abyssal monster had turned into a monster with six wings, and went away like electricity. Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand again and shouted: "Hey!"

Several groups of red and white fire hus have already shot out, flashing in the air!

The limbs of the monster with six wings have been covered with red and white bracelets.

In the red and white fire, the abyss monster yelled, but it could no longer fly, and it had fallen heavily from the air.

"You caught one, so can I."

Luan Po roared!

The red-yellow five-finger mountain peak and tenon in the hand"

This red-yellow five-finger mountain has already flown into space, and when it reappears, it has been hit by the thunder fire a hundred miles away!

The thunder fire a hundred miles away was just an abyssal monster that had just fought against Commissioner Qian!

The red-yellow mountain, with red-yellow thunder fire, dropped from the air!

As if there is endless pressure and heat, the space of thousands of square meters has been distorted by this endless pressure and heat!

In the thunder and fire, there was a roar!

The roar is like a shock!

A shield, in an instant, has grown to hundreds of square meters, and greeted the red-yellow thunder!

At the same time, this monk" sent out quietly with all his strength!

Hundreds of thunders, one after another, swept through the air. These hundreds of thunders seemed to have no beginning and no end. They didn't know where they came from and where they went. The whole day seemed to be a pause!

The distorted space has already opened!

At this time, the red-yellow mountain peaks, with red-yellow thunder fire, blasted down!

Just a flash!

This shield of hundreds of feet" has been blown to pieces!

However, these hundreds of feet of thunder have merged into one, but the instant effort is already hundreds of miles away!

Oh... Yi Luan Po can't say anything.

"When it comes to the master of the four-diamond hu god, whether it is the abyss monster" or the Rako protoss, they are not so easy to deal with..."

Commissioner Qian threw a word towards Luan Po.

"Rely on..."

Luanpa didn't know what to say except for saying this word.

"Ah" "This person's treasure" was able to catch a living four-diamond hu god. "

The twenty or so monks who watched on the half plane were shocked!


Hundreds of abyssal monsters screamed, dragged their flags, and fled quickly!

However, no matter how fast their speed is, the rolling starlight seems to be in an instant. It has already crossed thousands of miles.

The hurricane sky, in an instant, has turned into an infinite starry sky, the infinite starry sky, and stars are coming!

The twenty-odd people who watched in the semiplane are already one by one, with their mouths open!

Of the hundreds of monsters in the abyss, no one could escape, all of them were swept in by the galaxy!

Feng Zhu also opened his mouth wide, and didn't know what to say.

The Dao Fa urged by the pool side did not change the expression. The Dao of the Four Diamond Hu God, the magic weapon of the Four Diamond Hu God, once the urging force was fully urged, it really was not something that the Three Diamond Hu God could contend.

"This"... I've seen Yuan Ying Hu's battles many times. The ordinary Yuan Ying Hu is powerful, but that's it. "

Ben Tong said.

The monster of the abyss that was still aggressive just now is gone, and the place is quiet again.

"Well, let's go to the edge of the battle and talk to them."

The boy said, "Well, it would be great if we could have a four-diamond hu god-level treasure."

The monk said.

A few members of the Chief Qian stood in the air.

"Those Wannian medicinal materials should also come out."

Luan Po said, as soon as the voice fell, the brilliance flashed, a portal appeared, and the elf appeared.

"Come in, they are willing to talk to you."

"Hmm fly"

The few members of the Qian Da committee just stepped into the portal.

On a piece of green grass, there are already more than 20 people standing.

"See, these monks are the real medicine for ten thousand years."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Ah, there are so many 10,000-year-old medicinal materials, but... one has at least three diamonds and above.

Feng Zhu said.

The thin and tall one just took a step forward and pointed towards Feng Zhu with an air of expression: "Hey, a monk with two diamonds, you also want to find; New year medicinal materials? Stop dreaming." One"

"You" one"

Feng Zhu had nothing to say.

"Then I, looking for Wannian medicinal materials, I have this qualification."

Commissioner Qian took a step forward and looked at these monks with great interest.

"Of course, you are certainly qualified."

The middle-aged monk said the same "step forward."

"Your Excellency, your nine-colored branches are a very good magic weapon."

Ben Tong said.

"Oh, this magic weapon" I don't change it. "

Commissioner Qian said, with a wave of his hand, more than 20 magic weapons were already suspended in the air.

Each piece of magic weapon is a treasure of thousands of feet!

Most of them were magic weapons seized by Commissioner Qian at the Longmen Inn, and genuine products used by the monks of the Longmen Inn to fight.

Luan Po also stretched out his hand, and the dozen or so magic weapons he had just taken out were also suspended in the air.

"These magic weapons are not a problem at all to deal with the monsters of the Four Diamond Hu God."

Luanpo said.

"This magic weapon" is for their own use and will not change ""

Boy voice transmission.

"Really, other magic weapons can't be compared with these nine-colored branches"

The thin and tall voice transmission, "They don't change, they can only do this""

Said the monk with green beard and hair.

"Your Excellency, we can only take out the branches and leaves for you, but they are also part of the Wannian medicinal materials."

This book said, "Yes."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Yes, I am planting Wannian medicinal materials in the Shenfu, there is no problem."

Luanpo said.

"Yes, I can also plant Wannian medicinal materials in the Shenfu."

Said Chibian doing my part.

"Oh..." I will try. "

Feng Zhu nodded.

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Years Medicine Forest here is the cultivation base of the three-diamond hu god, he is already very satisfied with what he can divide.

The "Second Diamond Hu God" can already grow medicinal materials for ten thousand years, but it consumes a lot of mana. "

The tall and thin monk rolled his eyes and said to Feng Zhu impatiently.

The conversation between the two sides was very refreshing.

Soon, those monks had one or more treasures in their hands.

Out of the portal, "Well, this trip is worth it!"

Luan Po was very satisfied.

"The prohibition here seems to be an ancient prohibition."

The pond is thoughtful.

"Well, I have been comprehending the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array for so many years, and I feel dim about the restrictions here."

Member Qian said.

"With the magic weapon we gave them, it would be difficult for the abyss monsters to break through here."

Luan Po said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's change the plane and feel the law. "

"Well, the law of enlightenment!"

Several people flew towards the teleportation array.

A few months later, on the mountain plane, a few people sat in Fengxin of the Milky Way and began to discuss the law of collection.

While talking, it was almost a person by the pond who said again.

Regarding the understanding of the law, Commissioner Qian and Luan Po can only listen.

After more than ten days, a few people looked at a loss, even by the pool.

Besides, when the impression of these laws was combined into one law, the pool side exhausted all his knowledge, and even a basic frame could not be built. After more than a month, a few people’s faces, She was already tired.

After more than a month, several people were already half lying on the galaxy.

"I said, we were outside, collecting impressions of these laws, but it took so long.

Now, we have as much time as we have to collect these laws. I said, the construction of this law should be put aside first. "

Luanpo said.

When I came back, the pool was full of energy, and now I wanted to build the entire law, only to realize that it was not the same thing, but a little languid.

"This law, knowledge and reality are far different, let's put it aside first."

The pool side said so.

Commissioner Qian and Luan Po naturally cultivated their own tactics. ! ~!

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