Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2008: Green Fire Sword

Gudaote set up a blue fire, which also flew like electricity.

Seeing from a distance, there was a big circle in the valley. Damn, it seemed that more than a few died. Otherwise, the faces of these hundreds of Canglang monks were full of anger and fear. .

Look at the one surrounded by Canglang monk again.

"Ah... why is that one?"

It is the member of Qiang who has not seen for more than ten years.

Seeing the clear light surrounding the wallet committee members and the deep and sky covered by the scenery, my heart is stunned!

There are few hu gods in Yuan Ying, but there are many monks at the top of the four diamond hu gods.

Each has its own mysterious technique.

This old money has reached the top of the four-diamond hu god.

Gullit disappeared, and he had not spoken to Councillor Qian.

A majestic Canglang monk has already taken a step forward: "Gu sir, monks on these mountain planes, not only occupy this black volcano, but also kill dozens of us!

The Nanchao Brotherhood Committee, must be fair for us. "


Gulit muttered in his heart, the monks of the main gods who fought on this southern tide plane, you monks of Canglang, that is famous and powerful.

"You take care of it."

He nodded towards the Canglang monk.

He bowed his hand to the Qian Qian: "Old Qian, long time no see."

"Gullit, it's been a long time since I saw you, what did you do with the Southern Tide Plane Monk Committee?

This black volcano plane was recovered by our mountain hu plane.

Commissioner Qian was a bit angry.

I don't know about "this". "

Gullit said.

"However, this black volcano has the "one" who is seated by the Yuan Ying Hu God.

Member Qian snorted coldly.

Reaching out, a water mirror appeared in the air.

The scene of fighting between the ruined and cracked naive people immediately appeared.

Then, it was the scene of the cracked innocent man, rolling away.

All the monks present, including the monks on the plane of mountain hu, were all staring blankly.

That's right, Yuan Ying hu god, fled.

"What a powerful magic weapon""

"It's the four-diamond hu god, with a magic weapon that can contend with the Nascent Soul Hu god. There are several battles on the southern tide plane. I have only heard of a few people."

There were also monks wondering: "This flame sword is powerful. Looking at the innocent cracking person, he also resisted it. Why did he suddenly lose?"

Gullit also thought this way.

However, Commissioner Qian and Luanpo defeated the real Yuan Ying, which was a real thing.

"Everyone, what can I say now?"

The turtle's head was raised, with a pretentious look.

There was a cold field.

Gullit and the several monks from the Southern Tide plane, and hundreds of monks from the Canglang Lord God, had nothing to say.


Gullit was worried.

However, the cultivator of the Canglang Lord God stood still.

"Boss, among the monks of the Canglang Lord God, there are also four-diamond hu **** peak cultivators, as well as the Yuan Ying hu god, let alone," a monk on the plane of the South Chao said to Gullit.

Oh Zhou Yi said this to Gullit in his heart.

"Old money, look, the mountain on which this formation is located belongs to the plane of your mountain, and other places belong to the monks of Lord Canglang,"

Gullit said.

"That won't work...

Qian Dawei Yan waved his hand, "It's all plain to you, this black volcano was recovered by us, and you follow the rules of the southern tide plane!"

There is such a rule in Juyan Shrine's jurisdiction, whoever recovers it has the priority to station troops. If the two parties recovered together, the two parties sent personnel to compete.

"Old money, they Canglang Lord God, but they have a Nascent Soul"

Gullit said.

Commissioner Qian did not speak, and Turtle snorted coldly: "For this competition, the monks sent by the two sides must be in a high-level position. On this point, the lords of the Nanchao Plane Monk Committee, have you forgotten?"

Gullit smirked.

"Since Lao Qian insists on doing this, let's try it out, the monk of the Lord Canglang God plane, you arrange for a four-diamond Hu God monk to come out." Hundreds of Canglang Hu God monks immediately became happy.

"Okay, we, but there are super-class masters among the four-diamond hu gods, we are not afraid that you will not accept it.

The monks of the Canglang Lord God were satisfied. Those monks on the Mountain Hu plane still had their faces as usual, while the other dozen monks were panicked.

"Old Qian, the superb master of the four-diamond hu **** peak, is only one step away from the Yuan Ying Hu god."

Turtle whispered to committee member Qian.

"Look at it."

Commissioner Qian’s expression remained unchanged. On Gullit’s chair, he chose a wide open area. Gullit stretched out his hand and pointed, and a magic weapon was issued. In an instant, it was transformed into a world with a radius of hundreds of miles.

This magic weapon is exclusively for competition.

There are hundreds of miles of space inside, but from the outside, it's just tens of meters in radius.

In a short while, several radiances appeared in the sky, and the whole sky was dyed blue!

It was just a few blinks, and the sky-shielding blue light had fallen before everyone.

But it was a few monks, surrounded by a group of blue flames.

"Who is it, dare to kill the monk of my Canglang Lord God."

As soon as the cyan flame fell, the voice was not angry and majestic.

"Hehe, this look has the aura of a kind of humiliation." Committee member Qian said to the turtle.

Turtle nodded for a while, seeing your old money like this, it was quite sure.

"That's you? Still pretty powerful."

In the flames, a face appeared, with raised eyebrows and big eyes, without anger.

It's as if the situation has changed its color.

The hundreds of monks around all felt as if the whole day was empty, all being suppressed.

"That's right, it's me. Now that the gathering is here, what are you talking nonsense?" Commissioner Qian took a step" and stood within the world of hundreds of miles.

"You are just an ordinary four-diamond hu **** peak cultivator, really arrogant."

This cyan flame flickered and stood in the world.

But I saw a cloud of clear light, which had expanded to a few miles in a radius, the clear light was clear, and the sky was dark, but there were countless fresh hu floating, as if it were endless.

This face with raised eyebrows and big eyes is just a scowl!

One hand!

There is already an extra three-foot long rainbow in the hand, deep blue in color, and countless cyan fires appear in the air."

It’s just a moment, the cyan fire, layer upon layer."

It has spread for dozens of miles!

The cyan fire is in various forms, as if the whole day is empty, and it is starting to burn.

The cyan Changhong slashed with a sword, and countless cyan fires whizzed down.

However, this endless scenery and hustle did not immediately greet them." Instead, a thunder rushed out, but in an instant, thousands of thunderbolts connected a net of thunder with a radius of more than ten miles toward the blue fire. hu welcome!

Countless cyan fires" touch this thundernet!

Countless huge thunders exploded, cyan flames skyrocketed!

The thunder net within a radius of more than a dozen miles descended continuously in the endless blue fire.

However, the infinite thunder shot and changed endlessly.

This four-diamond hu **** peak monk of the Canglang Lord God"

Hundreds of swords were blasted out in a row, but they were blocked by the Thunder Net!

"Good magic weapon!"

In this blue flame, there was a shout!

A group of five-color brilliance hits"

This group of five-color brilliance, cold and gorgeous, the five-color brilliance, radiant and brilliant.

Sweeping in the air, it has turned into hundreds of feet.

One touch with the thundernet, a loud thunderbolt was shocking!

There was a huge tremor in the Thunder Net, and the five-color brilliance of hundreds of feet had become entangled together.

Countless cyan fire hu, just a roll, blasted towards the scenery of thousands of meters in radius.

"Huh? Your magic weapon is also good..."

Commissioner Qian said.

Seeing that the five-color brilliance of hundreds of feet touches the thundernet, its changes and profoundness are not as good as the wind and thunder sword, but it has an infinite chill.

This material is much better than Feng Lei Sword, only then can it be comparable with Feng Lei Sword and entanglement.

A roll of infinite blue fire, thousands of feet of clear light, in an instant, raging flames, and at the same time transformed into thousands of landscapes, bright and bright, as if ignoring the boundaries of time and space, it has suddenly collided with countless blue flames.

Fighting against the four-diamond hu **** pinnacle super-class master, Shui Yuanzhu cannot be released.

You can only rely on the sword tactics to fight. In this way, to be honest, the pressure of the Qian’s prestigious committee is greater than the pressure of fighting against the Yuan Ying hu god. There are countless scenery and countless blue fires. hu collided, and everyone watching the battle saw that countless lightning explosions filled hundreds of miles of space. It was just a few moments. The two sides did not know how many moves they exchanged!

Outside of the space magic weapon, the sharp and unmatched, the meaning of thunder that destroys everything, is also full of monks' spirits.

Except for a few four-diamond hu gods, the other cultivators who watched the battle looked at the thunder flames that crisscrossed for hundreds of miles, and the whole person was already shaking.

I don't know how to cut out tens of thousands of swords!

Commissioner Qian’s sword light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, before the peak of the four diamonds, can be said to be retreating step by step.

Commissioner Qian shouted!

Endless scenery, just a shrink!

In an instant, it has been gathered into a sword light that is several meters long, and countless landscapes have turned into ten thousand meters of glory, just a blow!

The endless blue flame has been shaken away, and the branches of nine colors have been grasped in the hands, and it is a violent brush! Tens of thousands of cyan flames have been brushed into the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree. These four diamond hu gods only felt that the light of the sword in their hands was just a shock, and the sword art was a bit scattered!

The scenery of clear light reappears, it is like a wave of madness!

This time, it was these four diamonds who retreated again and again.

"What is this magic weapon?"

He was shocked and stretched out his hand!

A shield was struck out, and on the shield, there were countless frenzy roaring!

Flickering in the air, it has become hundreds of feet large!

The superb master of the four-diamond hu **** peak, a few magic weapons, there are still some.

However, Commissioner Qian suddenly felt that from the Nine Treasure Show-off Tree, a feeling came from!

In the turbulent flow of the Longmen Inn, countless scenes of fighting with the Rako Protoss, passing by the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian, the nine treasures show off the tree, it is the glory of nine colors!

In an instant, Commissioner Qian’s trick was to urge it to the limit and shout!


"Boom...yi" The shield of hundreds of meters in size has disappeared in the air. ! ~!

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