Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1994: Broad core

Luan Po took his own scroll and compared it with that of Commissioner Qian, stunned.

Commissioner Qian’s scroll seems to have countless flames jumping, but it’s just that the seal is engraved on the scroll, and it has such a momentum, "Old Qian, you have made few mistakes in the seal cutting of this law.

How strong is your spirit? "

Luanpo said in surprise.

With the current structure of seal cutting, Luanpo is already exhausting the mind.

"Why bother with so much, you will seal it all the way until it can't be cut.

You have half of those arrays with innate Dao machine. "

Luan burst open his mouth.

"The half that I made can't be compared with the half that you made.

Sure enough, after walking more than six hundred miles in this flame mountain, Luanpo stretched out his hand, the flame sprayed on the scroll, and the scroll, it was a crackling sound!


Either flames rose on the scrolls, or thunder and lightning exploded, turning to ashes.

"This is the skin of the Rako Protoss, it's ten times better than the fur of the four-diamond Hu Divine Monster Beast!"

Luan Po made a pained expression on his face.

"You are out of mind?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Damn, you still have to seal one, there is one, how strong is your spiritual mind, and my magic power can still support it, but the spiritual mind is not supported."

Luan Po said.

"As for mana, I have spent so many years in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and I have absorbed a lot of star power, and now there is still."

Luan Po said.

Commissioner Qian had made the strongest move ever since he was in a battle with the God Guard of Rako, and he drove the Guard of Rako back dozens of miles.

Not to mention the monks in the fortress, they are just astonished.

Commissioner Qian’s Zhanhai Sword" can compete with Yuan Ying Hu, this, he knows.

However, after seeing the Yuanying hu **** of Longmen Inn"

Luan Po knew that Commissioner Qian’s Zhanhai Sword could only hold up to twenty moves against the Yuan Ying Hu God, whose art was strengthened by the law!

Unexpectedly, Commissioner Qian's entire Zhou Tianxing star battle array was activated!

It is so powerful.

When that blow was issued, Luan Po and the surrounding monks felt "Several Yuan Ying's eyes all looked over."

The gaze of Yuanying Hu, for the monks"

Like a torch in the night sky!

How powerful is Zhou Tian's star battle?

How strong is Commissioner Qian?

Three hundred miles away!

Luanpo pointed out, and countless flames pounced on the unfolding scroll, but, unlike before, the flames could fly on the scroll for a while. Now, Luanpo’s flames touched the scroll with countless crackling sounds. The flame and the scroll turned into ashes together.

This is the case for more than a dozen consecutive experiments.

"I can't move forward anymore."


This is a rigorous test of cultivation and realm, and there is no coincidence.

"At the realm of the Four Diamond Hu God, the understanding of spells has reached a considerable level.

But for this law, understanding and remembering "is so difficult."

Luanpo sighed.

"A dozen scrolls have failed. You have indeed reached the limit. Just stay here."

Commissioner Qian said"

Toward the front, walk firmly.

There is no way to break the mountains"

Seeing Commissioner Qian, his figure became farther and farther!

"Just like this, the gap has grown so much."

Luan Po only felt that he could no longer think about the problem, but this idea was so clear.

"Oh, Commissioner Qian made a muffled hum.

Countless flames rose into the air and turned into various shapes, leaving that one ever changing.

Inside the palace, the Golden Fruit Shadow Array has been fully activated.

But for so many flame changes"

I also feel strenuous.

"Damn, I just walked out of six thousand miles, and it's hard for me to move forward."

The spirit of the incarnation of Commissioner Qian, countless brilliance fluctuated and surged.

Countless hu flowers opened up, burned, and turned into ashes, and then countless hu flowers opened up and burned. It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that a moment has passed.

A voice came from the billowing flames.

"Time is up."

Once there, Luan broke in the flames, and all of a sudden, he returned to his body.

Just as he saw it, Commissioner Qian also opened his eyes, looking tired.

"How much do you feel?

I traveled more than two hundred miles again, and I still had a good understanding of the peripheral structure of the top-grade equipment. "

Luan Po said.

"I have traveled five thousand miles, and for the core of more than ten thousand miles, I can only go wherever I go and where I can see.

Have a considerable understanding? Don't overdo your feelings. "

Commissioner Qian said.


Luan Po said.

"Can you let us watch for three more days. This top-grade magic weapon is really hard to detect. I think you haven't fully utilized the power of this top-grade magic weapon."

Commissioner Qian said to Huo Gongheng.

"Yes, the power of this top-grade magic weapon, I can play now, less than half."

Flame Gongheng said frankly.

Flame Gongheng didn't say a word, just looking at the array in his hand.

"Give him another formation map with innate Dao machine."

Commissioner Qian said.

Luan Poyou took out an array with innate Daoism.

"Flaming Gongheng, the core of this high-grade magic weapon is very mysterious. With our realm, we can't finish it in three days."

Luan Po said.

Flame Gongheng just took over the formation.

"Don't blame me, this is what you asked to see~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, your array of pictures, placed in the universe of law, might be as powerful as a magic weapon that incorporates laws."

Flame Gongheng said.

"However, there are no rules for the usefulness of this map."

Commissioner Qian said unceremoniously.

Flame Gongheng nodded.

"Exactly, so, I will take you another formation and let you look at it for another three days. I'm quite interesting."

Entering this top-grade equipment this time, it is still the Flaming Mountain of Ten Thousand Miles of Miles. Committee Qian and Luan Po’s spirits appear from different angles, but one thing is the same, that is, it is absolutely at the core of this formation. Peripheral.

It was another three days, Luan Po, a few hundred miles longer than last time.

And Commissioner Qian, compared with last time, is not too far away.

"Almost, the core of [True] will not be very big, but it is very mysterious."

Commissioner Qian said to Luanpo.

"Well, I also have this feeling. Unless we understand the law to a considerable degree, we cannot record and seal the core of this magic weapon."

Luan Po said emotionally, on this point, Luan Po and Commissioner Qian had reached a consensus.

The next monk possesses a magic weapon of the water system.

This monk paid more attention to the magic circle with innate Dao Ji.

However, this ink and wash magic weapon is the same as that fire magic weapon. The periphery can be explored with skills, and the core can only be explored with divine consciousness. ! ~!

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