Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1983: Fierce battle

The hundreds of miles of Qingxia crowned by his Qingxia, used the divine power of the Rako Protoss to spur the magic circle of the Longmen Inn. Of course, in order to adapt the magic circle of the Longmen Inn to the divine power of the Rako Protoss, these Rako Gods Wei also made improvements to the Longmen Inn's array.

With the strength of the God Guard of Rako, very close to the strength of the Yuan Ying Hu God, there is no problem with this.

What's more, the God Guard of Rako has seen countless strange sights in the void.

There are also many insights.

The strength of Leko Shenwei is not only based on growing tall.

After the azure crown was refined, the Rako guard went to the Void Continent several times to experiment with the power of the magic weapon. Ordinary monks, wrapped in the azure crown, took the magic weapon together, and only walked for a while. By these hundreds of miles of green clouds, turned into gray.

At this moment, seeing hundreds of miles of green clouds, wrapping these countless boulders, there are countless runes shining on this boulder, and the green clouds are rolling and eager, but this boulder is not enough.

If the boulder is just the image of the law, even if it is the magic weapon of the **** Yuan Ying Hu, it will not be able to compete with this green glow for a long time.

Each of these boulders are countless runes, refining magic tools!

Rako Shenwei came to understand that when he used to fight against Yuanying Hu from Longmen Inn, he still couldn't realize the power of this Yuanying Hu.

This Rako Shenwei was furious, it was the full force of Fa Jue!

Qingxia crazy roll!

The boulder has burst like thunder!

There was not a single thunder fire, but hundreds of them.

Like a tsunami!

"Lake Shenwei, your refining level is higher than that of the monks below the Great Duoyuanying Hu, this time, let you take a look at the refining level of Yuanying Hu!"

After a while, Jing Yi became nervous, and already understood the magic weapon of this Rako God Guard!

That is, they are connected by the multi-layer refining circle of Longlongmen Inn.


There are quite a lot of magic circles in this Rako Shenwei!

If it weren’t for the God Guard of Rako, use Rako’s divine power and a lot of void mysteries to refine it, this Qingxia magic weapon"

Jing Yi Yuan Ying Hu God, it can be said to be broken in a shock!

After this while, Jing Yihu God, reminded the law!

The torrent of countless boulders, galloping and roaring!

Countless thunders sounded!

Hundreds of miles of green clouds boiled, but in an instant, the torrent of rolling boulders "has rushed out of the green clouds."

Seeing hundreds of miles of green clouds, a passageway tens of miles wide appeared.

This Rako guard stretched his hand and pointed, "Hundreds of miles of green clouds gathered together" and another green crown appeared.

However, in this green halo crown, a long burst has appeared. !

The face of the Lecco guard twitched, and seeing the billowing torrent of huge stones, he was already rushing toward him!

He is a roar like thunder!

"You think you will eat me, I will let you be with the turbulent flow of space!"

The body of three hundred feet seemed to shrink sharply.

As for the weapons in his hand, Guanghua blazed all the way, rushing toward the torrent of huge boulders!

Being able to become the supreme officer of a fortress, his cultivation level is obviously not comparable to that of an ordinary Lecco guard.

Facing Yuanying's hu god, he dared to fight with all his strength!

The two hit hard in the air! ~

The entire void seemed to pause, and then, the void within a radius of thousands of miles was shocked!


The torrent of huge rocks rushed out dozens of miles in the air!

The "big stone all the way" exploded like a thunder, forming a thunder and fire corridor in the air.

The Lecco guard also rushed hundreds of miles away and stopped in the air!

"Boom" boom, boom! "

Above the three-hundred-zhang divine body, thunder and fire continue to rush!

The torrent of boulders is just a gathering!

The figure of the **** Jingyihu just appeared in the void.

The face of the **** Jingyi also changed several times. Obviously, in this nose fight, the **** Jingyi was also injured.

"Okay, sure enough, there are some cultivation bases, you are what I have encountered, the strongest Leko guard, the cultivation base is comparable to the average Yuan Ying Hu Shen."

In fact, the cultivation base of this Rako deity guard is even worse than the ordinary Yuanying Hu god!

You know, the Yuanying hu **** in the Longmen Inn has some understanding of the rules of the Longmen Inn. In terms of power, it is stronger than the general Yuanying hu god.

"So, then come again!"

Lecco screamed!

While shouting, the God Guard of Rako stretched out his hand!

In the void, in the thunder fire vortex with a radius of a hundred li, thousands of thunder fires rushed out, traversed a hundred li, and rushed towards the Jingyi Hu god!

"Huh? Only thousands of thunder and fire?"

The Guardian Rako said in surprise.

He reminded him of this method, at least, there will be tens of thousands of thunder and fire bombardment, "Hahaha...Your fortress is not working."

The Jingyi Yuanying hu god, howled and swooped.

Thousands of thunder fires traversing hundreds of miles, bombarding the boulders surrounding him, countless pillars of thunder and fire rushed up, but they couldn't slow down the charge of Jingyi Hu God at all.

In the fortress, a huge vortex of hundreds of miles of thunder and fire whizzed and whizzed straight into the sky!

In this thunder and fire, there are countless runes.

Dozens of pieces roared! Smash on these runes!

The bleak, fierce, and cold Taoist methods are like the sea like a tide.

And in the distance, there was a fierce bombardment from the floating spaceship!

In the huge thunder and fire vortex, runes exploded piece by piece.

Naturally, the power of the Rako Protoss fortress cannon is greatly reduced.

"Look at those floating ships. Ten more were lost. The total loss is close to twenty."

Luanpo pointed at Tang Kongkong in the distance and shouted!

"Now I know that the fortress of the Rako Protoss is not so easy to attack."

Lei Fang said with emotion.

If the "Fortress Cannon" explodes, we can't stand it. We still stand still and take a break. "

Ajan said.

"Well, those Nascent Souls, there is no loss. Those of us have suffered a lot.

Still rest. "

Rambo said.

These two, when they fought, were about the same as everyone else, and they didn't see any special effects.

Take a break and be more active than anyone else"...

"What is the situation of the fighting everywhere, we rushed here all the way, and we have already lost ten monks.

Suhari frowned and said. A floating airship, including the pilot Yan's fire controller, is more than 30 people.

Losing ten monks is equivalent to losing one third of the combat power.

This is still the Leilong floating spacecraft, with two masters, Lei Fang and Qian Dao, at the critical moment, the powerful Taoism is released, otherwise"...

Lei Fang hesitated.

"My magic weapon, there is only one remaining to be able to face the Rako Protoss, and there are a few magic weapons, all of which are released to exceed the power of this magic weapon."

Suhari said.

"That is, my magic weapon is the same now my magic weapon, a few pieces can be regarded as the past one!"

The monks agreed.

"I will contact the other captains to see how they progress."

Lei Fang said.

With the images of captains, they appeared in front of everyone.

Needless to say, Lei Fang, everyone knows.

The fighting was tragic and the casualties were heavy.

Some airships have lost more than half of the monks!

Rako Protoss is not so easy to fight.

Although Longmen Inn, after studying the divine power of the Rako Protoss, proposed many ways to modify the magic circle, the Rako Protoss, the ordinary monks of the opponent Longmen Inn, still walked too much.

At this moment, they came to attack their fortress again, and the battle was even more intense!

"Go, let's support Red Beard."

Lei Fang said coldly.

Everyone is simply embarrassed together!

However, embarrassing return, Lei Fang said, he must go.

"Lei Fang, the captain, is more enthusiastic."

Suharie, said to the member of the committee Qian.

"What do you know, Redbeards, but they are amazing.

They were the first to rush into this fortress. Although the monks of our Thunder Dragon were not as good as their Mengzhi monks, our monks of Thunder Dragon could not shrug. "

Ajan rolled his eyes, and his long hair floated without wind.

Suhari had nothing to say.

Commissioner Qian is too lazy to control, but the Taoist law is fully open and move forward quickly!

The Rako Protoss appeared in front.

Commissioner Qian and Lei Fang just shouted at the same time!

The passage is wide and tall, as if it is infinite and far-reaching, and it seems to be a moment.

Countless sword auras and misty star fog seemed to pass through time and space, not knowing where they came from or where they left.

Youran was shocked, but, where countless sword auras and misty star fog passed, one or several Rako Protoss suddenly stopped in the passage, and then exploded!

After the battle was fought, Lei Fang and Commissioner Qian both had full mana, tactics, sword tactics, and full force. There was nothing left. The magic tactics and sword tactics were opened to the greatest extent. Of course, the power was great, Lei Fang But the more he fought, the more frightened.

The two-person Fa Jue started, and in this passage, for a while, they had already advanced a hundred miles!

There were dozens of slain Rako Protoss!

Lei Fang felt that his mana was not good.

However, Commissioner Qian was right next to him, and he felt that since the start of the reinforcements, the mana of Commissioner Qian had not weakened even a bit.

"Just ahead, there are more than twenty miles."

Lei yelled to the monks.

With these two mana fully opened.

The fortune teller of the Thunder Dragon rushed all the way, and only a few monks were injured.

"In a moment, when we get to the red beard, I am afraid that the fight will be fierce."

Ajan said.

"Red Beard and his monks are much better than the monks of our Thunder Dragon floater. Now, even he is asking for reinforcements. Their battle along the way must have been extremely tragic."

"Well, it does."

Rambo's rough face was almost crumpled!

The other monks did not speak one by one.

"At this time, what else is there to say, go ahead!"

Luan Po said.

In the eyes of other monks, Luanpo's innate Yuanyang ruler was not the strongest among the magic weapons of these monks, but the thunder fire of the Leko Protoss came and Luanpo easily blocked it!

After turning a corner, there is a huge 〖guang〗 in front of it, which is a hundred miles wide.

Red Beard and the monks under him are fighting with a group of Rako Protoss with all their strength.

Red beard holds a machete, but it is extremely heavy.

When the scimitar slashed, hundreds of fireballs fell.

These hundreds of fireballs look like magma, but when exploded, they are incredibly powerful!

The dozens of feet of weapons of the Rako Protoss were smashed and exploded by several fireballs. The flames were immediately bounced away!

However, Red Beard is mighty, and the Taoism under his hands is far worse than Red Beard.

The number of monks under Red Beard was already less than half.

Seeing Lei Fang's arrival, Red Beard nodded towards Lei Fang: "Yes."

Lei Fang knew that he could say "Yes."

That is already very good.

Lei Fang's countless sword energy swept away!

A monk with a flaming red robe is about to be bombarded by dozens of thunder and fire!

Countless sword energy swept dozens of thunder and fire, which had been crushed by the guards.

Countless sword qi swirled again, traversing hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In an instant, countless explosions sounded!

A Rako Protoss, several weapons, swung with all strength, in an instant, it was already blocking hundreds of swords, countless sword energy, passing him!

"This Terran monk is really strong!" This sentence came out, "Boom--"

The Rako Protoss next to him had already seen the Rako Protoss and exploded suddenly! It is not Yuan Ying Hu God, but it is so powerful!

The few Rako Protoss next to him were shocked.

However, I saw a mist of mist, hurriedly coming, but it was a radius of tens of meters, not as high as the Rako Protoss. However, in the eyes of these few Rako Protoss, I only feel that there is infinite and far-reaching, rushing towards me!

"Damn, it's more terrifying than the most terrifying Void Turbulence I have ever encountered!"

A Rako protoss shouted, and the monk at the Dragon Gate Inn had fought for so long. The Nascent Soul Hu and the Rako God Guard fought in the sky without attacking the fortress.

These Rako Protoss said this for the first time.

Several Lecco guards waved their weapons like a hurricane.

It was just a whirl, dozens of thunder and fire split out, but these dozens of thunder and fire split into the star fog, and only felt that the star fog whirled, as if there were countless stars in it. Dozens of thunder and fire blasted out together, which was enough to open the sky, but compared with the countless stars in this star fog, it was simply insignificant. In an instant, this cluster of star fog rushed straight into it.


A Rako protoss yelled. From the eyes of others, he seemed to have rushed straight into the star fog, and he was gone.

The cultivator of Thunder Dragon rushed in.

The monks of Mengzhi suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved!

On the [Broad] field, the two sides entered a well-matched battle.

Thunder and fire are like mountains, sword spirit is like sea!

Both sides are shouting!

In the thunder and fire of countless tactics, open and close, or dodge and move!

This is a tragic beauty!

"Damn, after coming to Longmen Inn for so long, only this battle is the hardest. It is even more difficult than the battle for the Void Continent!"

Luanpo complained loudly.

"What weird thing are you talking about, you have innate water and yuanzhu protection" It is much better than those monks. "

The crimson flames in the hands of Commissioner Qian turned into countless hu petals, as if there were tens of thousands of layers, and a few weapons of the Rako protoss was a slash! Hundreds of thunder fire blasted out!

In the midst of a huge shock, he and Commissioner Qian retreated several hundred feet each. Don't need Zhou Tian to fight against the stars, this is the true level of Committee Member Qian.

Suddenly, in the void, there was a thunderous roar!

With the sound of this huge howl, the sound of thunder and explosions continued to be heard everywhere in the fortress.

"This is the void escape method of the Rako Protoss!"

Suhalie said suddenly"

The eyebrows are just one pick!


Everyone nodded together, this is indeed the thunderbolt escape method of the Rako Protoss.

Lei Fang stopped talking with the other captains: "Okay, this is the signal of the Lecco Guard, they are going to retreat."

The Rako Protoss was originally a tribe in the void, and the use of escape methods and escape into the void was nothing more than an ordinary thing for them.

The Rako Protoss who were at war with Commissioner Qian and the others, heard this long howling sound, one by one was thunder and fire."

Forced the monk away.

There was a thunderbolt! Escape from the battlefield too!

"The thunderbolt escape method of the Rako Protoss is really good."

Luanpo nodded very much to this escape method of the Rako Protoss.

"You and I both know the principle of this thunderbolt escape method, but" it is difficult to learn.

If you want to learn this thunderbolt escape method, you must understand a lot of the void mystery. Only when you have an understanding of the void profoundness and reach the level of 桠dang, can you practice the thunderbolt escape method. "

Commissioner Qian stood on the [Guangzhou] field and talked with Luanpo about this thunderbolt escape method.

Just in the blink of an eye, the Rako Protoss on the [Guang] field had already run clean.

"This fortress belongs to us"..."

Lei Fang yelled, "Before he raised his arms, he found that" Red Beard and his men were all embarrassed.

In this battle, only one third of Red Beard's men remained!

Only the monks on the Leilong airship responded a few times! However, seeing Red Beard and his melancholy expression, his mouth was also shut.

After clearing the battlefield, the Yuan Ying hu gods made a decision to install the fortress of the Rako Protoss and fly back to the Longmen Inn.

"In the future, patrolling in the void can completely improve this Rako Protoss fortress~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

Yuan Ying Hu said.

Everyone had to get busy again. Create a large flying circle. After making it, install it on the fortress of the Rako Protoss.

It is a huge project to push the fortress of the Rako Protoss for hundreds of miles. These monks have been busy for several days to complete the laying of this large-scale magic circle.

A burst of light circulated, just like that, flying in the void.

Along the way, it was unimpeded.

Before reaching the Void Continent, monks from the Dragon Gate Inn had already arrived.

After this battle, the patrols on the Void Continent have their own monks.

Commissioner Qian and the others were given a one-month break, "We plan to go back to Longmen Inn to take a look, how about you?"

Ajan, Rambo, and Suhaf said to Commissioner Qian and Luan Po.

"We are going to get a sense of the void and mystery."

Member Qian said.

"Well, the Void Profound Realm is still very useful, but we will still be stationed here in the future, and we have the opportunity to realize it every day!"

Ajan said.

"You will all stay at the Longmen Inn from now on. Luan Po and I cannot stay at the Longmen Inn."

Commissioner Qian smiled.

Ajan, Rambo, and Suhaf all plan to stay in Longmen Inn.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were in the Longmen Inn and could not stay long. ! ~!

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