Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1974: Magic weapon

The monks or magic weapons below the Yuan Yinghu **** can hardly cut the sea sword with one sword. Among the opponents that Commissioner Qian has fought, there is almost no one in a hundred monks.

Seeing the monster, he insisted on taking his own sword, and Commissioner Qian was also eager to win! However, the wings of this monster just flicked, and the sword light of the sea sword was so fast, as if crossing time and space. However, this monster just flickered, and the dazzling water color brilliance just wiped this monster!

There was another long scar on the monster's body.

However, this monster's limbs and claws waved in the air, four wings, just one! Dozens of arc-shaped light blades whizz out! Each arc-shaped light blade is more than 100 feet long, and the infinite chill is soaring into the sky. Dozens of more than 100 feet long light blades are intertwined. Committee member Qian looks so insignificant in front of these dozens of light blades.

Just a flash in the air! Dozens of light blades have already blasted in front of Committee Member Qian.

Dozens of lotus hu appeared, and each lotus hu was just in front of a light blade.

The hu petals are thousands of weights and there are thousands of stars and fog. Since his stay at Longmen Inn, Commissioner Qian has studied refining tools, and has rarely played against monks of the same rank in Longmen Inn.

This time, I came across a refining magic weapon whose cultivation base was higher than my own. Except for its power not as good as Zhanhai Sword, in other respects, it surpassed Zhanhai Sword. Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa, so I wanted to see , How powerful is this beast fan?

The Zhanhai Sword only slashed twice, and the cultivators onlookers had already spoken.

"It turned out to be a side-effect magic weapon, specifically to strengthen offensive power...no wonder" has such a powerful power. "

Said the shrewd monk.

Longmen Inn, there is no magic weapon, these monks have not seen any magic weapon. "Ordinary monk" in an ordinary plane, you will not necessarily see a top-grade magic weapon with the power of the Yuan Ying hu **** in your life.

In the Longmen Inn, the slightly larger craftsman's workshop has one or several top-grade magic weapons.

"That is, the drawings of this partial magic weapon are available in the Fang market, although it is very rare." But the drawings of the high-grade magic weapon can not be seen in the Fang market.

What I want to refine is a high-grade magic weapon, this kind of magic weapon that strengthens offensive power "I simply don't look at it."

Said the tall and thin monk. As soon as he said this, he immediately burst into laughter.

"This kind of magic weapon to strengthen the offensive power is generally through the stacking of various materials to strengthen the offensive power. The materials needed are more than the general high-grade magic weapons, and the refining of this magic weapon is even more cumbersome! "Longmen Inn" stays for a certain number of years, the general four-diamond hu god, it is very likely that he will be promoted to the master, who has the intention to refine those partial magic weapons. "

"That's it." Unless there is no hope for the promotion of the Grandmaster, then I will refine this type of magic weapon. The monks laughed. Member Qian listened, that unpleasant, the Zhanhai Sword that I am proud of. In the mouths of the monks at Dragon Gate Inn"

Turned into a treasure that disdain to refine. However, as these monks said, refining the Zhanhai Sword is "very cumbersome and uses a lot of materials."

Commissioner Qian collected the materials for refining the Zhanhai Sword" and refining the Zhanhai Sword, but it took decades. Dozens of light blades of more than one hundred feet were cut on the Qianzhong Lotus.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

There was a thunderous explosion!

Commissioner Qian widened his eyes because he saw that all the lotus hu exploded like a huge thunder!

In the thunder and fire, among the hundreds of light blades, there are still dozens of light blades remaining, but they are reduced a little, and they are whistling toward the member Qian!

On the surface of Commissioner Qian’s blue robe, the star mist is like a surge!

Commissioner Qian was taken aback. The power of this monster already surpassed his own methods. In this regard, Commissioner Qian encountered very few things.

"Boom...yi" Dozens of light blades blasted into the star fog, already in the blink of an eye!

"Nice magic weapon! Dao Fa is very strong!"

For this moment, Zhan Lei had eaten it for a while to tell the truth. The Nine Treasures Show Off Tree has already been appreciated by Zhan Lei. Among the magic weapons that Zhan Lei has seen, there are really not many magic weapons of this type. It has the same type of magic weapon as the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree, which can wipe off the attack of War Thunder, and War Thunder really has not seen several such magic weapons.

"However, your sword is really a bit short of Kawaichi""

Zhan Lei shook his head.

Commissioner Qian’s face was cold!

This sea-cutting sword was refined after decades of hard work. However, for experts like Zhan Lei, Commissioner Qian's Zhanhai Sword is obviously not that useful.

"You said my sword is bad, you can take a few more swords to try!"

Commissioner Qian yelled, "Then you can cut it off. To tell the truth, I really don't care about your magic weapon to strengthen the attack version.

Zhan Lei chuckled.

Reach out.

This monster had already turned into a flame, violently jumping in the air.

In an instant, countless phantoms appeared in the air, and dozens of miles in the air were all huge monsters.

The incomparable coercion is like a monstrous momentum, only destruction and violent!

It was like countless sky thunder rolling in, it was this aura that could be regarded as an attack by ordinary monks.

The monks onlookers were shocked again.

Oh Zhouyi, to be honest, with this monster, such a huge body, such a spell, it is really rare to use this kind of spell so well.

In the hands of Commissioner Qian"

Aqua's sword light could not be cut in one fell swoop. If you use the wind and fire sword and the sword tactics are activated, you can still kill the monster." However, the activation of the Sea Sword can not necessarily kill the monster.


Zhan Lei is proud of it. How can I only have such power as the magic weapon that I have worked hard to refine? The hu sea within a few miles appeared!

Countless fresh hus, there are big and colorful.

The hu petals range from hundreds to thousands.

In the hu petals, the star fog is lingering, and lightning is shooting.

Countless monsters, stepping on the flames are already roaring and swooping!

There was a huge thunder tremor, like countless thunders, giant beasts, exploding into countless fires.

Commissioner Qian has violent legs!

Has been returning for more than a few miles!

"There are six tricks..."

Said a monk.

The thin and tall monk just nodded repeatedly and said to the round-faced monk on the Thunder Dragon.

"Your Thunder Dragon is not bad this time. There is a master who can withstand six moves under Zhan Lei's hands. From now on, we will be the number one player."

The round-faced monk was already smiling.

"That is, brothers in the future, you don't need to look at your faces."

It seems that the cultivator of the Thunder Dragon is usually angry a lot.

The other monks on the Thunder Dragon also showed smiles on their faces.

Just then a voice appeared, "What is there to survive the six strokes, I dare say that old money is absolutely undefeated within a hundred strokes!"

It was Luan Po, stubbing his neck with a look of disdain.

"What, you're really bragging. It's a fortress who can survive a hundred moves under the war thunder. It's him."

More than a hundred monks were in an uproar.

They have come to this fortress and have tried many times.

Zhan Lei's tactics are so powerful that they have already been taught.

This beast fan, when used, is several times larger than the full use of Zhan Lei's tactics!

These monks wondered, they could make a few moves under this beast **** fan.

Everyone has sweat on their foreheads after this pondering.

Seeing that the cultivator on the Thunder Dragon blasted wildly, saying that the old money on the Thunder Dragon, under Zhan Lei's hands, could survive a hundred moves, one by one, thinking that Luan Po was talking about the tales of the universe.

"I said, even under the fan of this beast god, there are still three tricks I can do, I will write a "service" one.

A tiger-backed monk said, with a big sword in his hand, infinite flames blazing, and on the big sword, there are countless talisman seals flowing.

At a glance, you know that this monk is taking the mighty route!

"Then just watch it" ""

Luan said disdainfully.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pointed, "Look!"

A tsunami-like divine mind swept through the air!

I saw several Guanghua, swiftly in the air!


Hundreds of giant beasts were madly pounding at Hu Hai, and Hu Hai has been damaged by more than half!

However, of the hundreds of giant beasts, only one remains!

There are already several crimson bracelets on the claws of the behemoth!

The crimson bracelet spews countless sparks. This spark is divided into two types: red sparks and green sparks. It is really a ring of water and fire.

Commissioner Qian had just released his divine mind and swept wildly! Locking this monster, the two rings of water and fire were released, and it was already hit by one blow.

This monster, being burned by the scarlet sparks and the emerald sparks, just roared endlessly.

You can’t move around in the air.

"What a powerful spiritual mind, his cultivation base is worse than mine. Not only is his spiritual mind not weaker than me, it is also slightly stronger than me!"

Zhan Lei's face was already discolored!

Reaching out and pointing, the monster's body, the seal roar like a thunder!

The two air rings of water and fire are already creaking!

"Don't damage my baby."

Commissioner Qian yelled, and the aqua brilliance in his hand was a cut!

The void around is just dark!

A dazzling aqua brilliance"

It's like cutting through the void, not knowing where it comes from, and where it goes!

In the middle of this hideous monster!

"Boom... One"

Within a 10,000-mile radius, a shake seemed to pause.

The monster, the aqua-colored sword light is like an eternal statue.

Then, the flames rushed up in the huge earthquake! Erupting continuously, like a huge volcano erupting.

This monster, hundreds of feet long, has exploded into a few pieces!


Except for Luan Po, all the monks onlookers were shocked.

Zhan Lei's face was first surprised, then angry!

As soon as the fire and water ring came out, he battled thunder in the Longmen Inn and the void. He also experienced many battles with this type of magic weapon. However, the beast that emerged from the fan of the beast is so powerful!

As long as you make a slight effort, these imprisonment magic weapons are turned into pieces!

However, this water-fire two-air ring seemed to be particularly strong when this monster made it. Not to mention it shattered the water-fire two-air ring, and even the constraints of the water-fire two air ring could not break free!

When Commissioner Qian cut this monster with a sword, it was broken into pieces.

This is also the water and fire two air ring, which has been tempered in the clear air for a long time, and placed in the world of the innate water yuanzhu, a mountain top, it took a few months to temper it to have such power.

As soon as this monster earns, the magic realm within the two-gas ring of water and fire violently shakes the divine mind that Committee member Qian placed in this magic weapon.

Commissioner Qian was taken aback.

If this magic weapon hadn't been tempered by Qingqi, and hadn't been tempered in the innate water elemental beads, it had already evolved quite a bit.

It's the one earned just now, and it has to be turned into countless pieces!

The magic weapon of this monk is really amazing." "One.

Zhan Lei was angry.

My own beast fan was originally the target of ridicule by the monks of the Longmen Inn. This time, wouldn't it be even more, a reminder of the method, and a finger!


A monster that is exploded into a few pieces is a gathering. This monster was originally transformed by the law of the beast **** fan. It was blown into several pieces. As long as the body of the beast **** fan is intact and the magic trick is intact, it can be reunited! Zhan Lei didn't plan to use other methods. This was his strongest magic weapon, and he had to use this magic weapon to defeat Committee Member Qian.

"Your magic weapon is powerful, but my magic weapon is so useless?" Committee member Qian sneered, and the magic weapon urged it all!

The red fire hu, the green fire hu, hot and extremely cold, the body of the monster, huge fragments, twisted in the air!

But it is impossible to quickly gather into new monsters in the air like Zhan Lei imagined! Committee Member Qian didn't say much. He stretched out his hand and pointed out that a fresh hu with a radius of several hundred feet appeared in the air.

Stars and fog linger, thunder blasts, just wrapped! Just pick up the body of a monster! This is transformed by the magic weapon of the beast **** fan, such a powerful magic weapon, second only to the powerful magic weapon of the Yuan Ying hu god. For Commissioner Qian, there are also certain benefits in terms of refining tools. Zhan Lei felt that his beast fan and the body of this monster had lost contact. The beast **** fan in Zhan Lei's hand flicked, sending out a huge roar!

"Your Taoism is so powerful, this devouring power is very powerful!" Zhan Lei also sneered. One folding fan, one flame one roll! Forcibly, the bodies of several monsters were rolled together, and in the flames, the monsters began to regroup.

"Ka Ka Ka..." The two gas rings of water and fire burst like fried beans. Oh... It's amazing, the magic weapon trained in this war thunder is indeed extremely powerful, and all kinds of wonderful and powerful spells are simply endless. If the water and fire two gas rings are not recovered, they will probably explode. Commissioner Qian gave one hand"

An aqua brilliance, as if hurriedly coming from the horizon, dazzling not to be seen!

"Boom--" This monster hasn't been assembled yet, and Commissioner Qian's sword is about to be blasted into countless pieces. However, as in the bombardment of dozens of huge thunders, a folding fan blocked the aquatic sword light.

The seemingly mighty light of the aqua ship was blocked by this folding fan, and it exploded into a blast of thousands of meters of brilliance, and the folding fan "rolled ten miles away. Commissioner Qian could see clearly that above the folding fan," it was just an extra. Just countless scratches.

"What kind of treasure is this?" Commissioner Qian was shocked.

The monks who were onlookers were already startled and speechless.

The several collisions between the Zhanhai Sword and the Beast God Fan caused an explosion like a huge thunder. These people, separated by a distance of tens of miles, were already full of magic weapons.

After being hit by this huge thunder, he was still back ten miles away!

Their contempt for the Zhanhai Sword" is also gone. If you are slashed by this water-colored sword light, you will be able to urge all the powerful magic weapons on your body. I am afraid that it will not be able to stop this sword. This beast **** fan The body, and this sea-cutting sword, shook it forcibly, and there were countless scratches. The cultivator of Longmen Inn was originally from a refining tool." Surprised, for the body of this beast **** fan, what refining was used, Naturally very interested.

"What kind of refining is the body of this beast **** fan? Some materials I know are similar in appearance to this beast **** fan, but in fact, it is far less rigid than the beast **** fan," said the thin and tall monk.

"Well, that is, my Dao traveled hundreds of planes before I found the material for casting my knife. However, if my knife hits the water-colored sword light, it will be shattered. …The power of this sword seems to be much stronger than the general magic weapon I saw in the artisan shop."

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you are right. Compared with the general side magic weapon I saw in the artisan shop, it is much more powerful."

The monks talked one after another.

"Well, this man's sword seems to be different from the design style of our Longmen Inn." This is a general conclusion drawn by the monks.

The monks were talking here, watching Qian Dawei Yan, stretched out his hand and waved, a thunder sword flashed out, turned into a thousand ways, ten thousand thunder, and violently blasted on the monster that was about to be assembled! This thousands of thousands of thunders looked violent and mighty, but they were extremely mysterious, and they looked very beautiful in various poses during the changes. This monster is converging, despite the big claws waving and the wings fanning wildly! Hundreds of hundred-foot-long light blades shot out, but under such a fierce and mysterious thunder bombardment, those light blades were easily exploded! The aggregation of this monster is still unable to finish. This is the Thunder Sword of Commissioner Qian!

There are two four-diamond hu **** cultivators who are controlled by the Thunder Sword here. How can this monster be an opponent. However, a violent boom did not allow the monster to explode into pieces. The voice of King Swallowing Heaven came from the Thunder Sword towards Committee Member Qian: "How this monster is refined is really tough. After a few thousand thunders, it can prevent this monster from regrouping. Commissioner Qian was furious: "You bastard, you practice in this flying sword every day. Why is the progress of cultivation so bad?"

"In this flying sword, it can't be compared to the outside world. I said, you can't always infuse the star power into this flying sword. The heaven and earth vitality of the plane still has the irreplaceable effect of the star power.

Otherwise, my cultivation base will grow very slowly. "!~!

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