Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1972: Void Profound

Boom one by one, one by one, in the midst of a huge shock, dozens of flames rushed into a thousand meters high and dozens of dozens of meters long weapons, bursting!

Several Rako Protoss retreated hundreds of feet!

"Great, go..." the blue-headed, slender-faced Protoss Protoss of Lyco shouted.

The other Rako Protoss didn't say anything, their bodies shook!

The void is distorted, and the brilliance of hundreds of meters in a radius is blasted!

It is whizzing past!

"Damn, the power has increased" ~ But... One", Commissioner Qian was a bit speechless.

Luan Po slayed a Rako Protoss, but he didn't have anything. Damn..." One "Listen to them, it seems like they are here to understand the rules of emptiness. "

Luan Po said.

"Well, they mean, the void rules of this Void Big 6 are different from the void rules in this void."

"Oh..." Commissioner Qian said in surprise.

"We can't feel it"..."

"Haha, after staying in the Longmen Inn for so long, I don't have a lot of insights into the rules of the void. One is the mystery of the training tool, and the other is the rules of the void, which are more difficult to comprehend than the general rules."

Luan Po said.

"Indeed, the refining technique of Longmen Inn is enough for us to practice. Void rules, I feel that it is too messy.

Have you seen in the void of the Dragon Gate Inn, there is no long-distance portal, which is dozens of times more complicated than the general long-distance portal we use! "Commissioner Qian said.

"I've seen it. It is precisely because of the rules of the void that it is much more complicated than the general plane. The remote portal in the void is dozens of times more complicated than the general remote portal.

Originally, ordinary remote portals are complicated enough.

The remote portal of the void is dozens of times more complicated!

I think it would take me ten years to learn how to make a remote void portal. No, I'm not interested in this remote void portal. ", Luan Po very much agrees with the opinion of Chairman Qian.

"Shui Yuanzhu feel what's so strange about the rules of Void Big Six."

Commissioner Qian said.

Reached out and pointed, a group of radiant brilliance rose up and turned into ripples. "It spread quickly to the surroundings, but it was only a few moments of effort that had gone thousands of miles away.

"Yeah" The detection range of my Innate Water Elemental Bead can reach thousands of miles away on an ordinary plane, and above this Void Large 6, it is only a thousand miles forward and cannot be expanded.

Commissioner Qian is really strange this time.

"My Innate Water Yuanzhu is the same..."

Luan Po said.

"Yeah" Anyway, there are still a few days, so I can feel the rules of Void Big 6 here. "

Member Qian said.

The two sat cross-legged, feeling the message from this innate water and pearl.

The rules of the void that I felt through Shui Yuanzhu were really different from what I felt.

When Commissioner Qian came to Longmen Inn, he had explored the rules in the void.

However, in the void, sometimes the divine consciousness extends for thousands of miles, and no information can be felt.

Sometimes "in the void, there are countless torrents, violent chaos"

For monks like Commissioner Qian, it’s only better than no information.

After several times, Commissioner Qian felt that the profoundness in the void is very difficult to cultivate, and the number of times to explore the profoundness of the void is decreasing.

This time, using the Innate Water Yuanzhu to detect the rules of the Void Big 6 is a bit rewarding.

None of the cultivating cultivators felt that they had a lot of mystery.

Commissioner Luan Po and Qian Da, then realized that the rule of Void Da 6 that came from the Innate Water Yuanzhu came thousands of miles away. A flame burned in the void, and the surface of the flame was like a mirror, on which it was money. The situation of CPPCC and Luanpo's cultivation.

"Ban Yong, they are cultivating, and it seems that they are also comprehending the mystery of the void, the mystery above the Void 6, our Rako protoss, it is not easy to explore. They are human races, so they can easily understand?", one by one The Void Protoss with a fleshy face, said to the Void Protoss with a slender face.

"This Void Master 6, now, is no longer owned by our Rako Protoss. Since we are here, we still don't have to feel the profoundness in this Void Master 6, it's still wordy!"

The blue slender face of the Rako Protoss said very unhappily.

Oh... This monk with a face full of flesh, suffered a loss, full of resentment.

Said by the blue slender Rako Protoss.

Only then did I feel that this Void 6 is no longer owned by the Rako Protoss.

Besides, there have been several battles with the patrol team of the Longmen Inn in the Void Big Six.

The patrol team of this Longmen Inn is also very strong.

"I...I just think their baby is pretty good."

He said.

The Rako Protoss and the monks of the Dragon Inn have fought many times, and the treasures refined by the Dragon Inn have also robbed a lot.

Rako Protoss, use divine power to refine these treasures, hey...not to mention it, it's as easy to use.

Therefore, this monk with a face full of flesh and blood is quite interested in Commissioner Qian and Luan Po's Innate Shui Yuanzhu.

"I am also very interested in their baby, but if we can grab it, we won't be here.

You should go "..."

Lan Fa's slender-faced monk said with disdain.

"Oh"...If you don't go, what can I do. "The monk with a haughty face also sat down and felt the profound mystery of this Void Master.

"Sit down, Huo Lei, feel this great six profound mysteries, next time, we call a guard over to see if they can block the guard." A Void Protoss, with green eyes, greeted this monk with a face full of flesh.

"The baby of that person just now is enough to fight against a guard." A guard is not as optimistic as them. Oh... "That's right, this one's baby" we can only take it together, and we broke the weapon! "

Several Lecco guards just started talking.

A few days passed. Commissioner Qian and Luan Po both collected the congenital water yuanzhu, and were very satisfied, and nodded.

"In the past few days, using Innate Water Primal Pearls to explore these void mysteries is much better than our own exploration of innate mysteries." "Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, it is true. From now on, the patrol is over." We can come to Void University 6 often.

Rako Protoss, but so. "

Luan Po said with confidence.

"Oh... Luanpo, your realm hasn't improved a lot yet," said the member of the committee. Oh... Luan Po rolled his eyes when he was hit by Committee Member Qian.

The two went to the fortress, Fu Zhuan flew up, flying into the shield. The shield opened with a "whew".

The two walked into the fortress.

"Oh, you guys look" very relaxed one...

Void 6 is very deserted. "

Lei Fang said in surprise.

"Void Big 6 is very deserted, so we took it as a tour. If we don't participate in your patrol, where will you put Lei Fang's face?" Committee Member Qian said. With this, the smile on Lei Fang's face froze.

"I said, "Old Qian, you are really straightforward." "Commissioner Qian smiled: "Isn't it just a patrol, there is a floating ship of Yuan Ying Hua, what else are you worried about? "

"Let's go, all the patrols are here" waiting for you two. "

Lei Fang shook his head. Originally I wanted to say a few words about Commissioner Qian. In this way, it turned out that Commissioner Qian and Luan Po "participated in patrols, and they gave themselves face."

"Everyone," this is our Leilong floating spacecraft, new companions, let me introduce to you. "

Lei Fang said, first introduce Commissioner Qian to the members of the patrol team. This means that Commissioner Qian's position in the airship is above these people.

Immediately, these people just quit. A sneer appeared on each face. After introducing the Chinese-German cultivator of the floating spaceship to Commissioner Qian, "This is old money, we welcome old money to join our patrol team."

After Lei Fang finished speaking, a round-faced monk opened a pair of slender eyes!

"Hehe, this old money, what a big shelf, let's wait here for so long.

It is ridiculous. "

He said, stretched out his palm, and patted the old Qian's shoulder! A hand, with countless talisman seals flowing on it, transformed into a palm shadow of thousands.

It can be seen that this person has a very high level of cultivation in sword art, so with just one palm, there is such a profound change. Commissioner Qian coldly snorted, "The patrol team, didn't you abandon it? It's ridiculous, where does it come from?" Do you think I am a newcomer?

Stand there without moving. A lotus hua is already in full bloom under the palm of this photographed hand! But there are also thousands of weights, star fog lingering.

"It's still a little wise, let him know your strong wife of Qianfanjian!"

Inside the airship, the monks roared!

Sure enough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This monk, thousands of palm shadows, is like the shadow of thousands of sails on the water.

Lei Fang just sneered. Thousands of palm shadows, touch this tens of thousands of lotus!


There was a muffled sound. Commissioner Qian's Lianhua just shook it a few times.

And this tens of millions of palm shadows had been shaken into countless fragments, and this monk flew up suddenly!

The whole person has been embedded in the airship behind.

The magic circle on the floating spaceship is activated, surrounded by countless talisman seals, "Peng..."

He was bounced out again. The light on his face changed several times before returning to normal.

"You" he pointed to Commissioner Qian with an angry face, but he couldn't say anything.

It was just a discussion, or he provoked it on the initiative.

Inside the floating flying sword, one is silent. This monk is not the strongest among the monks on the airship. However, one move that made him so embarrassed was that Lei Fang couldn't do it. For a while, no one challenged again. Commissioner Qian sat down in the best position, and Luan Po sat down proudly.

"Master Lei Fang, you can start pulling..."

"Ann..." In a roaring sound, the six airships took off together, the protective cover opened, revealing the endless void!

Soon after the airship took off, several Void Protoss appeared on the water mirror. However, seeing the airship approaching and the void twisted, these Leko protoss were already gone.

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