Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1970: Thunder Dragon

The top-grade equipment refined by Longmen Inn has the power of the Yuanying Flower God. The middle-grade equipment in the top-grade equipment is a very strong treasure for ordinary monks.

Among the Dragon Inn, those with top-grade equipment and above are the treasures

The power of Arcana, an intermediate refiner like Commissioner Qian Nianye, just listen to it.

The power of the treasure can blow up all the mountains and rivers within a thousand miles

As for the supreme treasure, there is also "the entire tens of thousands of miles of land, has been refined into a supreme treasure?" Committee member Qian Nianye and Luanpo Xianggu pale

"We don't know yet, Longmen Inn itself is a very powerful baby

As for what level of Longmen Inn is another baby, I just listen."

The first monk, Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luan Po, only "...Longmen Inn, shouldn't it be a fortress?"

In the understanding of Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luan Po, Longmen Inn is a fortress built in the void.

"That day, on the battlefield, we also saw the power of the law

Longmen Inn, but the law enveloped

If Longmen Inn is just a simple fortress, how can it be possible to use this law?

The law covering the Longmen Inn only restricts the cultivation of the monks. It has no effect on the activities of the monks. Listening to those Yuan Ying monks, the law covering the Longmen Inn should be a relatively complete law.”

Oh, one of the states, that day, on the battlefield, there was just no fully formed law

That is invincible, no one can stop

The law covering Longmen Inn only restricts the cultivation of monks.

More complete laws, should the power last for many years?

Is it a hundred times the law that broke out on the battlefield? Thousand times?

who knows?

Seeing that these two monks were stunned by the "most treasures", the monks showed satisfaction on their triangular faces.

The vast land in the void is remote and deserted, and all kinds of materials are available on the land." The monks of the Dragon Gate Inn are prohibited from collecting.

Therefore, no one is willing to come here for the normal monks of Longmen Inn

The monks who are willing to come to this remote and barren land are not normal.

This monk also joined the great battle a few months ago

He was also a monk of the late Four Diamond Flower God, but he could tell at a glance that Commissioner Qian Nianye was a monk of the Four Diamond Flower God late period.

So" this monk, when he saw Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luanpo, he was shocked by the "great treasure".

Nodding: "We were introduced by Ruan Ren." I also know Ruan Ren. I am also the captain of the airship. From now on, we will follow me.

I will take you to familiarize yourself with the fortress"

After I turned around, I felt that a huge pressure on my body was twisting towards myself

"" "What is this for?"

The monk with the inverted triangle face drinks it

"There was astonishment on his face" turned into anger, and Commissioner Qian’s face was sneered.

"I am shocked, but I am only a four-diamond flower **** mid-stage cultivator"

I am a monk in the late four-diamond flower god, and I have to obey the command." This monk is really fierce

A monk with an inverted triangle face just shakes


The invisible pressure has exploded into fragments, and the fragments are blasted, and it seems that it will cause some damage to the fortress. When the monk with a triangular face, wave his hand.

There is already a huge whirl, and nothing seems to happen around

However, this person’s face was embarrassed. They were all four-diamond flower gods. Committee member Qian Nianye made one move, and he made two moves, and it was a tie. This proves that he is inferior in cultivation. Commissioner Qian

"I don't understand the rules. Ruan Ren is the captain. I am also the captain. I am Ruan Ren's subordinate. Of course I have to listen to my orders."

"The last battle is over, and I am not Ruan Ren's subordinate. Ruan Ren told me that the rules in this fortress are already there. Any monks who are willing to come here can choose by themselves and who they are with.

Furthermore, Ruan Ren didn't tell me that he knew him"

Member Qian Nianye is cold

A monk with an inverted triangle face is embarrassing

The captain is a monk from the late Four Diamond Flower God, and the monk assigned to this airship is not necessarily a monk from the Four Diamond Flower God late period.

On the battlefield, the Raco Guardian confronts the monks who are in the middle of the four-diamond flower **** or below the middle of the four-diamond flower god, yes, but four or five face the monks in the middle of the four-diamond flower **** or the four-diamond flower **** or lower. I was already beheaded when I tried my best to urge the baby

Unless the baby is particularly powerful, under the bombardment of the Lecco guard, he can only flee in a hurry.

The captains of these airships, although they are driving the powerful airships of the Yuanying Flower God, but for the monks who board the airships, the higher the cultivation base, the better.

"Just ask Ruan Ren, my name is Lei Fang

I know Ruan Ren a long time ago."

Inverted triangle face, although it is very unpleasant, still not angry

"Oh "Wei"

Committee member Qian Nianye shook his hand, and there was already an extra water mirror in front of him. He stretched his hand and pointed, and a talisman rushed into the water mirror. When the water mirror shook, Ruan Ren's figure appeared.

"Ruan Ren, here, there is a friend named Lei Fang? Why not just be with me?"

"Hahaha, hahaha"

When I got there, I knew each other naturally, Lao Lei’s people were pretty good, haha..."

Ruan Ren said haha, committee member Qian Nianye had nothing to say

Lei Fang came up

"Lao Ruan, this friend, his temper is really hot"..."

"Ruan Ren, I know that Luanpo and I, until now, Lu" are those who want to move freely. "The committee members are dissatisfied with the money. Now, the land government has established a fortress and Bu joined the patrol. Like that?

With Lei Fang, in addition to combat operations, daily patrols, left without joining

Lao Lei, this old money is really good, talk to him", Ruan Renwan said

"That's it, I have to refine magical artifacts" see you later

Finish, one pass of communication instruments

Committee member Qian Nianye thinks about it, facing Lei Fang."

"We can fight on the floating spacecraft, but this is only nominal

Except for the combat tasks stipulated by the fortress, we will not participate in the daily patrol activities, and we must act freely."

Commissioner Qian

In this way, Lei Fang had to pour a triangular face, which is the unwillingness of Old Age Eve.

"I" Ruan Ren, since I told the situation about this big land, he naturally knows that on this big land, the Lecco **** guard" is often presented. The general magical power shield and space shield are basically blocked. Can't hold them

Before the shield of the whole land was established, it was daily patrol activities, and it was also possible to encounter the God Guard of Lecco"

Otherwise, what do I want this four-diamond flower **** late monk to do?

The ordinary Rako Protoss patrol team, the powerful airship of the Yuanying Flower God, is enough to handle it."

Lei Fang’s crackling of a year’s night string is a meaning

If Commissioner Qian Nianye does not join the daily patrol"

So what does he want money for?

"How many days do our daily patrols occur?" Committee member Qian Nianye asked

"Look, here, but there are more than 60 Yuanying Huashen-class other airships, and six airships are dispatched to patrol at a time, and only once in ten days. Then, I met the Lecco God Guard. Chances are not very high

The God Guard of Rako came to this land, not for the materials on the land, it was the Yuan Ying Flower God, I don’t know, God Guard of Rako came to the land of the Void, for what? ","Oh, Yuan Ying Flower God also doesn't know? "Luan Po was surprised

"Yes, Yuan Ying Flower God and Rako God Guard, they practice different systems, Yuan Ying Flower God, I don’t know, what Rako God Guard wants to do is normal,” Lei Fang nodded.

"Hey, Rako Protoss, it's really weird..." Luanpo said

"It’s the blame, our cultivation base, even the level of the Yuan Ying Flower God, has not reached

I can't talk about it, I understand the behavior of the Lecco guard."

Commissioner Qian didn't care

"Well, let's kill a few more Rako Protoss to increase the power of the Innate Water Primal Bead, and we will go to Lei Fang's floating spaceship."

"Well, it's patrolling only once after ten days of reforming"

Committee member Qian Nianye nodded, "Lei Fang, just like this, we have to join in daily patrols and designated combat missions. We must act freely."

"Okay, that's it"

Lei Fang nodded

"Our two names?"

"My name is Qian Xing"

"My name is Luanpo"

Lei Fang's smile bloomed: "As the captain, welcome two of you to join the Leilong flying craft""

"Oh... I, Lei Fang, Thunder Dragon, this name seems to be very common..." Commissioner Qian Nianye didn't care, "Yes, there are too many such majestic things", "Where to report, Lead the way"..."

Commissioner Qian Nianye waved his hand and walked ahead, Luanpo followed closely

"...Men...", Lei Fangnumu

I originally thought that at least the title of "Captain Man" should be called. Unexpectedly, people would talk about Lei Fang and Dukou Lei Fang.

Pick the name of the airship from left to right

If it’s a secular fleet, Lei Fang would have to ask for money, committee member and Luan Po, it’s hard to make it.

However, this is the cultivator of the four-diamond flower god's late stage, and his realm is the same as his own. However, as far as the cultivation base is concerned, once he has a trick, he is at a disadvantage.

Under the leadership of Lei Fangde"

The monk in charge of the report issued the pass license of the income and expenditure fortress to committee member Qian

With this pass license, committee member Qian Nianye and Luan Po can pass through the fortresses without hindrance.

He smiled at Lei Fang: "Old Lei, I picked a few waves of cultivators, but I still picked a four-diamond flower **** late-stage cultivator to be his hand. It's really rare--

This old money is the late four-diamond flower god, and the baby should be good too"

"If you don't want a baby here, you have to report it, and then "we come to this fortress, we should send it to us baby to enjoy"

Luanpo took a step forward, very dissatisfied

"Hehe" This fortress on the land is not a leisurely place. If the baby is not strong, I can introduce a team. There are masters of refiners, which can improve the power of the baby. , But very quickly. "The monk in charge of registration" has slender eyebrows, a pair of red and phoenix eyes, and his eyes are brown. They look very shrewd.

"Don't come to this set

In their groups, "There are a few strong players. In my flying fleet, except for me, there is no cultivator in the late stage of Yuanying Flower God."

Lei Fang almost roared

"Lei Fang, don't get excited, monks can choose the flying fleet by themselves" This is also the rule here

I'm just that"

This monk has slender eyebrows, just one pick

"Let me go to another ship group" is fine, but "Ordinary baby, I don't need it. The baby I refined is not much worse than others. Just give me an intermediate top grade baby." "

Committee member Qian Nianye said seriously

The treasures of Dragon Inn are generally divided into top grade, middle grade and low grade

Baby of each grade can be divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced

"What, intermediate top grade baby?"

The monk's eyes were wide open, and he was just leisurely, completely missing

"It's really possible to talk about the middle-level top-grade baby, but it can match the existence of the Nascent Soul Flower God in the mid-term, and the arrival of several Lecco guards, even if they attack for a few days, they may not be able to break

With a middle-grade top-grade baby, this fortress, I will guard it alone"

This monk is simply angrily finished

Then, towards Committee Member Qian, just waved

This person is unreasonable, he is an intermediate top-grade baby when he speaks


Qian Nianye snorted, turned and left

The monks from the Great Land Fortress, most of them are in this style, few are polite

This person has seen too much

When I saw Lei Fang, he approached with a smile

"How about it, don't be hungry if you don't have an intermediate top grade baby"


This monk has a pair of slender eyebrows, his tone is jumping

"Come on, let me introduce to you, my Thunder Dragon floater"

Haven't gone to the assigned room yet, Lei Fangdao

Lei Fang is walking while walking

"The monks who come to this Void Dayelu, usually have a weird temper, when they are not on a patrol mission, they usually practice in the room"

Lei Fang watched Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luan Po while watching

"Except for the monks with high-grade equipment, few people dared to leave the fortress and act in this void."

Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luan Po, they must act freely when they marry. It seems that they also have top-grade treasures.

However, Longmen Inn, the cultivation base is badly cultivated, and there are high-grade treasures.

He Lei Fang, but just think about it

If Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luanpa really have top-grade treasures on his body, then on the Leilong flying craft, his position as the captain would be embarrassing.

Commissioner Qian Nianye and Luan Po, just did not hear

Thunder Dragon is a good airship, the length is about the same as Ruan Ren’s airship

The two pilot the airship and are responsible for releasing the defensive Dao law, the two operate the artillery

The airship is like Taoism, and it is also a raging flame

At this moment, the flames are blazing and it is not turned

The general situation of the hull, with countless fiery red patterns flowing, looks very beautiful

If you saw a floating airship officially built by Longmen Inn before, Committee Member Qian Nianye would definitely have to sigh.

However, now, after that great battle, I have seen 2,000 Yuanying Flower God-class other airships, various ways, and obtained many Yuanying Flower God airships and ship refinements. The mystery

Committee member Qian Nianye and Luan Po, for this kind of floating airship officially manufactured by Longmen Inn, they didn’t think it was such a powerful piece of equipment.

But a few words

Lei Fang babbled

Give a piece of jade slip to committee member Qian Nianye

"This is a drawing of the entire floating sky and the turbulence in nearby space"

These two want to move freely, so let them go

Commissioner Qian Nianye nodded with Luan Po

As soon as Lei Fang left, "The next patrol of the Thunder Dragon will take six days, and now we are here in the void..."


His innate water yuanzhu, the power has only been upgraded

I was trying to find a Rako Protoss

When I met a Lecco guard, he and Commissioner Qian also had a water ball. They were absolutely confident to fight.

"Well, we are the four-diamond flower god, in the void, for us, and ordinary planes, there is not much difference, you can take a look"

The two of them just walked out of the fortress, "You two, came for a walk. I haven't seen it before."

The monk who is in charge of guarding the airship, nods to them

For the fortune-tellers who came, they were also very curious about the strength of the monks who came here, and what kind of powerful treasures they were most concerned about.

After all, it has something to do with the outcome of future battles. Committee Qian Nianye and Luan Po nodded to them.

"Come here, take care in the future, let's go out and take a look, what is special about this big land in the sky, it is worthy of the Rako Protoss and the Longmen Inn, so many military forces will be dispatched to fight."


"We are going out of the fortress? In this void, there are often Rako Protoss present"

One guard said, "Just go out and have a look."

Committee member Qian Nianye said, reaching out his hand, Fu Zhuan flew out

The fortress seems to be opening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A fiery red brilliance, a deep yellow brilliance, have rushed out

"Listening to their tone, they also joined the last great battle. The Rako Protoss and the Rako Guard are powerful. They have also seen them, so don't worry about them." A monk said, "Well, that's since Just like us, they joined the last major battle, it’s not for them.”

This monkhood

As for the great equipment, this Dragon Gate Inn, everyone knows how to refine weapons, can come to this fortress in the void, which one does not have a few great equipment?

Countless turbulence in space

In the void, under normal circumstances, there is not even a boulder. However, the committee member Qian Nianye showed 36 beautiful flowers.

Countless turbulence in space, one touch with these 36 flowers will turn into destruction

And Luan Po’s whole body is surrounded by several mountains, burning with raging flames

Come on, the vast emptiness, the mountains and valleys, are simply countless

However, it is very deserted

"This Void is really barren, it's similar to those barren planes, and there is no special feeling.

I really don’t understand, this Longmen Inn, and the Rako Protoss, sent so many monks to compete for this vast land, what are they doing? ", Luan Po Road

"What do you do? Who knows, find a place, release the innate water element, feel it, and see how"

Member Qian Nianye said

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