Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1968: Power of law

Commissioner Qian, they rushed out thousands of miles before they stopped

On this level of battlefield,

The range of thousands of miles is not far

Around, there are waves of thunder and fire passing by from time to time

Commissioner Qian, they looked at the emptiness just now

In a passage of thousands of miles,

Appeared calmer, no fighting


Commissioner Qian and they looked at each other, just let out a sigh of relief

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, look at the face of the thousand-mile radius, it turns faster and faster, Yuan Ying and flower gods, seem to be very strenuous"

Hong Duan pointed at the far-reaching Faxiang

Everyone, as expected, they have always been the aloof Yuan Ying and flower gods.

One by one urged the tactics, with a strenuous expression on his face,

For Yuanying Flower God, when such a strenuous expression appeared on his face,

Not much

Suddenly, amidst thousands of miles in radius,

A huge wave rises,

Immediately afterwards, between the roar of the huge wave, the higher and higher

Tens of thousands of feet~

All the monks on the battlefield, the airships, looked surprised

All the phenomena of thousands of miles around, seem to rise into the air,

Turned into a huge wave

The splendor of this huge wave can only be described by the galaxy galaxy

These few Rako protoss, the tactics are fully urged,

Flying by like electricity,

Seeing to run out of this huge wave

I just feel that an infinite suction is coming from the waves

Several Leko Protoss shouted this,

Hundreds of thunder and fire, traversing hundreds of feet, hit like a storm,

But hundreds of thunder fires,

Booming on this huge wave,

It's just a splash of waves

These Leko Protoss,

I just feel that even if it is the power of the whole body,

Spinning like crazy,

Divine power revolves too fast, leading to the body above Baizhang,

As if there are countless thunder explosions

But, with the suction of this huge wave,

As if I can't resist at all

Several Rako Protoss, dancing with their hands, touched this huge wave, like a mortal

"Peng, Peng, Peng"

Has turned to gray

Above this huge wave, even the waves did not stir

"This rule is out of control, they have to push this rule, into the void

How could it get out of control? "

Lecco's guard is already sweating

The four-hundred-foot-tall Lecco guard, he could not enter the range of this thousand li dharma,

Naturally, there is no way to know how this rule came about

However, when the rules are out of control,

The general Rako Protoss and Rako Guards,

Unable to penetrate the various dangers of the void,

This four-hundred-foot-high Lecco guard,

The repair is high,

But I have seen the rules out of control

Although I have only seen it from a long distance,

"What, the rules are out of control? Why didn't you early"

"The rules are out of control, but it's terrible"

Lecco guards, there are also knowledgeable people

Regarding the situation where the rules are out of control, although I have not seen it,

However, I have also seen it in the classics

Shouted one after another,

Yes, it has been fully activated by supernatural power,

Out of the battlefield, Cyclonus

However, at this moment, the four-hundred-zhang Lecco guard, only shouted: "Quickly let go"

However, the huge waves as high as tens of thousands of feet,

Mysteriously, the advancement speed is faster than these Lecco guards

Lecco guards on the periphery,

Flying around

These tens of thousands of feet high waves have rushed to

A distance of hundreds of miles, but arrived in an instant,

"Ah hurry up and attack"

The voices of the Lecco gods and guards rang with horror

The divine power of the Rako Guard is several times that of the ordinary Rako Protoss

So, even though this is only a momentary effort,

Has been able to make these Lecco guards,

Put your own divine power and tactics,

Urged to a limit

Thousands of huge thunder fires burst out,

Like thousands of suns rising at the same time

Moreover, thousands of thunder and fire are all flying and spinning

I feel the fierceness of these thousands of thunder and fire, magnificent and vast

This is the full burst of hundreds of Lecco guards

In the battle,

The most ambitious scene broke out

At this moment, all previous battles,

All seem trivial

The Lecco Guard is not an ordinary Lecco Protoss,

The out-of-control of the rules drives this thousand-mile dharma,

Become so powerful,

God Guard Rico, you have to block it anyway


These tens of thousands of feet of huge waves,

And these thousands of rotating thunder fires,

Hit hard

The void within one hundred thousand li was shocked severely

In such an instant,

Rico's guards, half of them, hurriedly out of the coverage of the huge wave

That is, at this moment of time,

Thousands of revolving thunder fires are violent, magnificent and mysterious.

However, under this huge wave, but supported for an instant,


In a sudden explosion,

Huge waves of tens of thousands of feet,

There is also a ripple of the whole

There are more than two hundred Lecco guards left,

Thousands of weapons of more than 200 Lecco guards exploded at the same time

Accompanied by this huge wave,

A powerful pressure

The weapons of every Lecco guard exploded,

All burst into flames,

There are dozens of Lecco guards,

By the power of weapon explosion,

Speeding out of the range of these tens of thousands of feet

Then, this huge wave of tens of thousands of feet,


At this moment,

More than a hundred Lecco guards, and at the same time urged the strongest magic trick,

In the eyes of the monks on the battlefield,

The posture of more than a hundred Lecco guards is like a statue

Reveal the power and mystery of their respective divine powers incisively and vividly


A huge wave of tens of thousands of feet hits, and then rushes up suddenly, reaching one hundred thousand feet

This is also in the void, boundless

The two are fighting and colliding,

Has such a spectacular sight

The huge waves fell suddenly,

Toward a certain direction in the void, a firm whistling and surging,

After a few moments of effort, there is no shadow

And the more than one hundred and forty Lecco guards are gone

The huge wave rushed up to a hundred thousand feet, and they have merged in that huge wave

In the battlefield tens of thousands of miles around, apart from the sound of the whistling of the void,

Everyone opened their mouths wide,

The emptiness extends to the distant void

Everyone knows the power of the God Guard

More than one hundred and forty Lecco guards, what is that concept?

"Damn, more than one hundred and forty guards of Rako can conquer most of the ordinary planes I reach,"

Luan Po muttered

"Compared with this, the battle between the abyss, the sea of ​​ruins, and the giant rock shrine is really insignificant."

Luo shook his head and sighed

"No wonder, what happened to the more than one hundred infant flower gods who wanted to release this law?"

Chi Dawei looked at the distant void, his thoughts seemed misty

"Your Excellency Ruan Ren, what happened to the Taoism issued by this hundred-odd-yuan infant flower god?"

Commissioner Qian asked Ruan Ren

"Let me ask"

Ruan Ren reached out and pointed, and he had entered the airship.

Together with Hong Duan, call other airships

The loss of more than one hundred and forty Lecco guards, the entire battlefield can be seen clearly

Ruan Ren and Hong Duan, haven't received an answer yet

The Rako Protoss on the battlefield has already begun to fly away towards the surrounding void

However, the airship, and the Lecco Protoss, had a close battle,

There are also a lot of losses, and there are also many airships, the flames are straight,

Was wounded by the Rako Protoss,

Seeing that the Rako Protoss began to leave the battlefield,

The artillery fire on the airship is intact, a few shots from afar

What was damaged by the artillery fire was just floating far in the air,

No longer pursue

The rest, there are more than two hundred Lecco guards,

Under the leadership of the four-hundred-foot-tall Rako Protoss,

With more than one hundred baby flower gods, facing away from a distance

More than one hundred baby flower gods,

Mana and Dao Fa are all on, but there is such a trouble

Release the rules,

Also made them feel tired

Masters of both sides,

Just hold on to,

Let the airship and the Lecco Protoss fight

However, after seeing the huge wave just now,

Both sides are uninterested in continuing to fight

The occasional battle is not very fierce

The airship, the Leco Protoss, the speed is very fast

In a short while,

A battlefield with a radius of tens of thousands of miles,

There are only all kinds of intact, burning airships and wreckage floating in the sky.

"There are still a thousand airships, and a thousand airships are lost"

Member Qian said with emotion

"Losing a thousand Yuanying Flower God level airships, this has to be on an ordinary plane, I can't even think about it.

One thousand Yuanying Huashen-class floating airships,

It’s not a problem to smash a plane."

Luan Po said with emotion

"This is the biggest battle I have seen for many years of practicing"

In the formation, a monk said, "

Everyone nodded

Until then,

Ruan Ren flew out of the airship,

"The law of their more than one hundred Yuanying Flower Gods used Taoism, and in this emptiness, the law was produced.

However, although this law is not perfect, it is still emerging ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They can't control it.

Just released this law"

Ruan Ren’s face was shocked

In spite of this law, it covers this Longmen Inn,

However, the monks below Yuanying Flower God,

Can't realize this law

Even the monks like Chairman Qian and Luan Po,

After comprehending the innate Dao machine,

Entering Longmen Inn, I want to understand the rules of Longmen Inn,

It's also a rule, I can't realize it

Therefore, everyone on the airship, I heard that it’s the law that just showed off.

It’s still being produced, there is no perfect rule, one by one is stuck

"There is no perfect law, there is such power,

It is a perfect rule that envelopes the Dragon Inn. No wonder, "

A monk asked

Everyone has seen how powerful the law that covers this Longmen Inn is

"I don't know, I am also the four-diamond flower god, this rule, I can't realize it"

Ruan Ren said helplessly


Everyone murmured

Sword light, spells, let out together,

Toward the countless debris floating in the void, whizzed away,

The law is too far, or these wrecks are closer

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