Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1956: Top grade equipment

For several days.

Luan Po was a little sad.

The arrogance that Shui Yuanzhu brought to Luan Po dropped a lot.

"Damn, the power of the Taoism of the God of Yuan Ying Hu is really a monk in the early stage of God of Hu with four diamonds. If there is no Water Yuanzhu, just rub the edge, it will be a spike."

Turning over and over, Luan Po muttered, just this sentence.

Hey, you Lord Luan Po, you are a little self-aware at last.

Commissioner Qian laughed, Luan Po, the four diamond gods, originally relied on Shui Yuanzhu to forcefully promote.

Luan Po is not very clear about the realm that many four-diamond hu gods should have.

"Don't be so frustrated. After you have practiced the Artifact Refining Technique of Longmen Inn, you will have time to comprehend the cultivation. After you have realized the innate Dao mechanism, you can go to the profound mysteries, soon.

Commissioner Qian said.

"Is the Dragon Gate Inn's refining technique well practiced?"

Luan Po's voice increased.

There was an extra piece of the airship in his hand, which shook in front of Commissioner Qian.

"As far as the level of refining represented by this fragment, if there is no advanced refining technique, I am afraid I will not be able to refine it in more than ten years. Then, those monsters in the abyss and the monsters in the ruined sea, maybe , Has hit Tianpeng Mountain."

Luan Po sighed.

However, his eyes turned to Committee Member Qian.

I almost didn't ask aloud: Old Qian, what secret of refining you have gotten from the master, get a copy.

Commissioner Qian did not say anything.

How easy can I get these refining tips?

Apart from anything else, it was in the abyss, sir, I also went to hack, slash and kill for three years. At that time, you were in the Dragon Inn and stayed well.

. . . . . .

After a while, seeing Chairman Qian didn't say anything, this old Qian...Yi Luan Po cursed in his heart, but the truly advanced tactics have always been secrets of various schools, how can they be taught so easily.

Luan Po and Commissioner Qian exchanged innate Dao Ji with each other, but only God knows how many profound and subtle parts are left for themselves.

I had to say: "I don't know how the fighting is going, I'll find out."

Luan Po hurried out.

Commissioner Qian was hanging out in the ten thousand li residence.

Not long after, a silhouette came quickly!

"Old money, I'm looking for you!"

It turned out to be Buro. Seeing Buro, the original violent mana fluctuations, but at this time, it has become quiet and profound.

"Bro, your cultivation has improved a lot."

Commissioner Qian chuckled.

"That is, the refining method of Longmen Inn can also be used in cultivation. In fact, it is even more beneficial to our abyss monsters.

In the abyss, fighting is the main thing. I found that I had gone too violent and bloody. After practicing this Longmen Inn's refining technique, the mana became more pure, but there was no original violent aura. "

Bro was very satisfied with his cultivation.

Well, this person, Buro, is probably faster than Luan Po, who can cultivate to the middle stage of the four-diamond hu god.

However, Bro's expression changed: "Old Qian, have you heard about the war a few days ago?

The loss of 300 hovercrafts killed more than 6,000 people from the Leco Protoss.

Heaven, if this is in the abyss, even if it is the more powerful abyss, the three hundred Yuanying hu-god's floating spaceships, and the death of 60 million will not necessarily be able to kill the three hundred Yuanying hu-god's floating flying. Ship "As soon as he said, Bro's face changed. Abyssal monsters are generally more hideous.

However, Bro's face looked a little funny, "it was caused by terror.

Oh, these days, Commissioner Qian and Luan Po have been studying the airship officially made by Longmen Inn. What's special? After studying for a few days, the airship officially made by Longmen Inn is really mysterious.

Luan Podu felt that the technology Longmen Inn used to make high-level magical artifacts was the truly mysterious technology, and it felt a little bit of a mountain of admiration.

I haven't walked on the street, but when the strength of the Dragon Gate Inn is revealed, the giant rock temple and the abyss are already in ruins, which is simply inferior.

"I just don't know how many people there are from the Rako Protoss. Each of them is a hundred feet tall. There shouldn't be many.

Have you heard any rumors about the Rako Protoss these days? "

Member Qian asked.

"I heard that the rumor came from the Shangxian district of the Dragon Gate Inn. The number of the Rako Protoss is more than expected. The continent that emerged from the void is still gathering. The Dragon Gate Inn has decided After that continent was fully manifested, it made a big move to compete for that continent. For this reason, a list of recruiting monks has been issued in the Dragon Gate Inn."

"Oh? What is the specific content?"

Member Qian asked.

"The monks are recruited to fight on a floating non-ship, and long-range attacks are ignored. As long as the Lecco Protoss is close, they will conduct close combat.

Everyone who participates in this combat can get a piece of jade slip of advanced refining technique. There are several kinds of jade slips of this refining technique. We will go together. All of these jade slips are fine. obtain.

The skill level of a few of us can rise a lot. "

Bro said happily.

"Cut, I said, Broa, I know that your abyss monsters can issue tricks that exceed their own level. What level of power is equivalent to the four-diamond hu **** with the super tricks you are issuing now?"

Member Qian asked.

"The peak of the four-diamond hu **** mid-term, and it is close to the four-diamond hu **** late."

Bro said.

He is very clear about the meaning of Chairman Qian.

If the moves made by Buro are not powerful enough, the member Qian, who has reached the late stage of the four-diamond hu, will not team up with Buro.

"The Rako Protoss has several arms, and each arm holds several tens of meters long. It is a weapon tempered by the turbulence of the void, the ordinary four-diamond hu gods and below the monks, and the Rako Protoss If you fight, you will be defeated if you don’t survive a few encounters."

Even if you use a trick close to the four-diamond hu **** late stage, you can't survive ten moves. "

Commissioner Qian just poured cold water over it.

"Don't you know, the grandmaster of the Dragon Gate Inn, now collectively shooting and refining magical instruments, it has a very good destructive effect on the divine power of the Rako Protoss."

Luan Po said.

"Oh, I believe this." Longmen Inn, tens of thousands of years ago, fought against the Rako Protoss."

If there is no way to deal with the divine power of the Rako Protoss, this is strange. What is the name of that magical artifact? "

Commissioner Qian was not surprised by Luan Po's words.

"It's called Zhankongjian.

If you take a flying spaceship and participate in combat, one person will be allocated nine air-cutting arrows. "

Luan Po said.

"Six empty arrows? Refined by Grand Master."

Commissioner Qian stood up, "I'll go to Grandmaster Liu Dao and ask, how powerful is this Zhankongjian."

Luan Po agreed and said, "Well, that's okay, this God Slashing Arrow was made by the Grandmaster, and the Grandmaster knows it best."

"The power of Zhankongjian? Are you going to join the battle?

With your strength, "You can participate in combat."

Liu Dao nodded after listening to Committee Member Qian's question.

Master Liu Dao, in the realm of cultivation, is the four-diamond hu **** late stage, a top-notch master at the top.

Commissioner Qian entered the ranks of the late masters of the four diamonds.

There are also many magic weapons, and there is no problem at all to fight against the Rako Protoss.

"Zhankongjian is refined based on blueprints left over tens of thousands of years. It is a special thunder method that can produce violent explosions.

However, after tens of thousands of years, the power of the Rako Protoss must have made considerable progress.

Although the Dragon Inn has fought against the Rako Protoss several times, and has a considerable understanding of the current Rako divine power, the blueprint of Zhankongjian must have been improved, but Zhankongjian is definitely not as powerful as tens of thousands of years ago. Now, an ordinary four-diamond hu god, with nine air-cutting arrows, blasted a Leko protoss, no problem.

However, there is a premise...

Grandmaster Liu Dao has not yet said that Commissioner Qian took it: "At least, the cultivation base and magic weapon of the monk can withstand the attack of the Rako Protoss."

Liu Dao nodded: "It seems that you and the Rako Protoss have fought, but that's the case.

Therefore, the monks below the summit of the three-diamond hu **** need not think about it.

The monk at the top of the three-diamond hu god, if he has a good magic weapon, he can participate in combat. "

The magic weapon that Liu Dao said is very good, at least, it is also at the same level as the Nine Treasure Show Off Tree and the Six Snake Wind Fire Sword.

"Then" Zhan Kongjian's refining is much different from my current refining level. "

Member Qian asked.

"I also participated in the refining of Zhankongjian, the refining method of Zhankongjian, of course I can't say, I can only tell you that all the refining process of Zhankongjian is carried out by the master.

If you understand the refining method of Zhankongjian, your refining level will be improved. "

Liu Dao said.


Commissioner Qian bowed his hand and walked out of Grandmaster Liu Dao's courtyard.

That being the case, this battle must be participated.

Bro was still waiting anxiously, "How about?"

Seeing Commissioner Qian came back, Bro asked.

"We are in the war! But, Brow, when you were in the abyss, you were also a craftsman. Do you have any particularly powerful magic weapons?"

"Of course, old Qian, our group of cultivators who came to the Dragon Gate Inn from the sea of ​​ruins, your craftsmanship level is the highest, but my craftsmanship level is worse than yours. In this regard, Luan Po and Chi Da For them, all know."

This time, Brow answered confidently.

"That's true, Luan Po, Chi Dawei, and Dingdel's refining level are far inferior to you."

Commissioner Qian acknowledged this point.

"Go, let's find them, a few of us, can be combined into a small team."

Brow stood up.

Needless to say, Luan Po originally wanted to participate in the battle, but Chi Da hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Dindel, but a few days ago, left Longmen Kelu, "Let's try Tie Dayong again."

So a few people found the artisan workshop where Tie Dayong was.

But this time, Tie Dayong did not go.

"Several people, my refining level reaches a certain level, so I will return to the ruined Haitieshan Mansion to fight against the Rako Protoss. My cultivation base can't keep up."

Oh, since this is the case, a few people are not reluctant.

"Chi Dawei, what magic weapons have you refined in the Longmen Inn over the years?"

Commissioner Qian asked Chi Dawei with great interest.

"In addition to some magic weapons for practicing, I mainly improve my knife and that mountain."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Chi Dawei’s knife and the mountain are made of very good materials, and after Chi Dawei’s refining of the Qiang God, in terms of materials, it’s better than the few magic weapons of Qian Dawei.

"Using the Longmen Inn's refining method, once improved, I will say bluntly, the power of my knife and that mountain will increase tenfold!"

It seemed that Chi Dawei was also very satisfied with his refinery.

So" several people went through the registration procedures together.

"You go back first. You will not be dispatched until the continent in the void is completely fixed. You will be notified of which airship you will take when you come here again in three days.

As for Zhankongjian, it will only be issued after flying on a floating airship. "

The monks in charge of receiving are all intermediate refiners."

At this time, the smile replied.

"How long will the final fixation of the void continent take?"

Chi Dawei asked.

"At least in twenty days."

This intermediate refiner replied.

"Then let's go back and practice first."

Commissioner Qian said.

Several people returned to their residence.

Commissioner Qian sits cross-legged"

In the valley in the divine palace, countless "Talismans" moved faster.

The cultivation of spells is not a short period of time that can quickly increase its power.

There is only this huge talisman, the talisman representing the various branches of mystery. It has been floating in this valley for a long time. In the mansion of Commissioner Qian, his perception of the various subsections of mystery, every time I progress, in this valley , The talisman representing the mystery of various branches is perfect.

What Commissioner Qian has to do is to integrate these hundreds of thousands of talismans, hundreds of millions of trajectories, into an extremely complex large-scale spell.

With the gains in Tianxie Mountain and the library in Shangxian District, Commissioner Qian, the promotion of this large-scale spell is accelerating recently.

Within twenty days, with the current cultivation level of Commissioner Qian, if you want to improve the spell, you can only deduce this large-scale spell.

For other spells, when Commissioner Qian was promoted to the four-diamond hu **** late cultivator, the ones that should be promoted were almost the same, unless Commissioner Qian made a breakthrough in his understanding of the mysterious.

In twenty days, it is difficult to increase the power.

Hundreds of thousands of talismans are turning faster and faster, and on each talisman, there are tens of thousands of brilliances rotating.

The entire huge talisman looks like a giant galaxy.

However, this huge galaxy, as it rotates, seems more and more mysterious.

"Old money..."

Luan Po's voice came over, and it was time for more than twenty days.

The notice from Longmen Inn should have come.

After more than twenty days, the improvement of this group of talisman seemed to be only a little bit. Committee member Qian shook his head.

Standing up, Luan Po's surprised face appeared in front of Committee Member Qian.

"You are really practicing spells. In the middle of the four diamonds, every step forward is very difficult. You can refine what powerful spells in twenty days.", "Just take the past. Several spells, just prepare.

Commissioner Qian said.

As soon as the Longmen Inn's notice came, he would board the ship immediately. Therefore, Commissioner Qian, regarding this, the power of the most complicated spell he cultivated has increased, and there is no count!

After leaving the room and turning a few steps, it was the courtyard.

Chi Dawei and Buro are already standing in the yard.

"Guess what, the old Qian is really practicing the Fa, I called him, and he stopped, and Luanpo sighed towards Buro and Chi Da with emotion.

"Hurry up, Longmen Inn has urged you to hurry to the anchorage of the airship." Bro said.

"Ha, for more than twenty days, we have just prepared some spells that we already have. You are still practicing, what powerful spells are you practicing?"

Chi Dawei asked.

"Oh... I'll know at that time, it will definitely surprise you!"

Commissioner Qian said.

Several people walked quickly.

In the Longmen Inn, flying by magic is not allowed, and there is more than a hundred miles away from the dock of the airship.

Approaching the spaceship's parking place, Commissioner Qian found that there were thousands of people, crowded and shouting, moving towards the floating spaceship's parking area.

"There are only 16,000 people. It seems that they are not much compared to the total population of Longmen Inn."

Commissioner Qian said.

"How many people are there in Longmen Inn?" Luanpo asked.

"Except for the core area of ​​the Longmen Inn, I am afraid no one knows how many monks there are in the Longmen Inn. However, the number of monks outside the Longmen Inn is about six million."

A monk walking beside them answered.

"Ah...you only have the cultivation base of the second diamond hu **** peak, and you dare to fight against the Rako Protoss..." Commissioner Qian was surprised.

Luan Po, Chi Dawei, Buruo immediately looked at the monk in surprise. Sure enough, he looked like he was in his thirties, but he only had the cultivation base of the second diamond Hu Shenfeng.

"You are foreign monks, we, but the indigenous monks of Longmen Inn!"

Saying "indigenous monk", a few words, this monk, is simply arrogant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are several cultivators next to him, who are about the same age as him. Hearing a few people’s conversations, he is also arrogant. Of a chest.

"Show them your equipment."

Said a monk in gorgeous clothes.

"Well, these cultivators have the highest cultivation level, but they are in the middle stage of the three-diamond hu god, but the equipment gives people a feeling like a sea like an abyss!"

Members of Chin-Chi University spoke to Chien-Chi.

"Well, I also have this feeling. It seems that the best equipment I refined in the past few years at Longmen Inn is similar to the most common equipment on them."

Bro also frowned and said.

"They have at least the top-grade equipment of Longmen Inn!

I heard that those indigenous monks in Longmen Inn have lived here for generations, and they practiced good exercises given by Longmen Inn. As long as their qualifications are not too bad, they can cultivate to the realm of the **** of hu! ", Chi Dawei said.

Sure enough, this cultivator pinched a magic formula and swiped it on himself!

A beam of brilliance rushed into the sky, like the sea, endless fluctuations, whizzing out toward the surroundings!

Commissioner Qian, Luanpo, Chi Dawei, and Bro, their faces looked like iron plates, but the scolding around them immediately one after another!

"We all have top-quality equipment!"

"Yes, you think we don't have one."

With that said, another brilliance rose up into the sky! ! ~!

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