Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1952: Fierce battle

The rest of the Rako Protoss were shocked to see that the one weighed 220,000 jin!

The spell bombardment distance is two hundred miles!

The purple sword was interrupted. In the eyes of these Leko protoss, it seemed like a slow motion in the movie. This three-headed Leko protoss body was completely distorted in an instant, as if it were extremely fast and as if Slowly fell down, so that the few Rako Protoss did not respond, "Kill..."

The indigo-blue Protoss roared wildly and swept a warhammer in his hand!

This warhammer is also a hundred meters long, and the indigo brilliance shoots thousands of meters! Wherever the indigo brilliance went, the space around Commissioner Qian and the turbulent flow of space immediately stopped. With Commissioner Qian's feeling, a huge spatial confinement force has enveloped him for hundreds of meters!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom one..."

Commissioner Qian's whole body of flowers burst out! However, the beautiful flowers, as if they are endless, bloom when they die, which makes people feel that the sea of ​​flowers around the member of the Commissioner Qian is as if connecting the end of the world.

Another soft light flashed!

This indigo Protoss, the warhammer is overturned, one gear!

The soft brilliance is already above this warhammer!


A thunderous tremor!

The turbulent flow of space within a radius of hundreds of miles is another pause!

The huge indigo blue warhammer suddenly exploded... Then, an indescribable force came from the warhammer!

This indigo-blue Rako Protoss felt "I seem to lift the whole world!"

No matter how great the Rako Protoss is, there is no such ability to lift up the whole world.

Although this is not the "real world, but the fluctuations of the world", even if you pretend to be a "Protoss", you can't stop it!

The arm of the indigo monk exploded fiercely, and then half of his shoulder!

The warhammer, the explosion of the divine body, seemed to destroy everything!

Ah "..." The indigo-blue Rako Protoss retreated violently! However, it is no longer possible to blend into the turbulent flow of the void" and use the same escape method when it comes!

The figure flew more than ten miles quickly, but the trajectory was clearly visible!

"Damn" this Rako Protoss is really powerful "...one"

Luanpo's face changed.

Fortunately, the Rako Protoss couldn't compete with this water pearl.

Commissioner Qian, this is just a picturesque turn! The picturesque clear light collides with the force of imprisonment, bursting out unimaginable brilliance, and the force of space imprisonment is already shattered!

"Their perception of Taoism is far inferior to that of the monks in the late Yuanying stage, and they can't stop Shui Yuanzhu."

Commissioner Qian gave a cold smile.

The cultivation base of the monk has reached the late Yuan Ying stage, and the world in the divine mansion is close to a real world, with very complicated rules, although it is not a law or innate Dao mechanism. But it is enough for a monk, and with innate Dao. The machine monk contends.

Of course, this attack must not have too many innate mechanisms.

These Rako protoss "may be powerful from what they have met or heard," but they have the cultivation realm and sentiment of the Yuan Ying Flower God in the late stage. not many.

However, without the Xian Dao machine, even if the airships launched by Longmen Inn, each of them reached the level of the Yuanying Flower God, and it was not so easy to contend with the attack of the Rako Protoss.

Commissioner Qian, his hand is empty!

Water Yuanzhu appeared in his hand.

At this time, the surging mana on the body of the three-headed Rako Protoss flashed thousands of times in an instant.

The unique divine power of the Rako Protoss, running fast, the picturesque sword light, just a flash!

As if flying across the distant sky, a burst of thunder-like explosion! The turbulent flow of the void in the range of hundreds of miles is just a penetrating, three heads flying up!

"So courageous! Dare to kill the Rako Protoss!"

The flaming Protoss of Rako screamed "...

The four Rako Protoss thought that it would be easy for the two human monks, even if there is a flying spaceship, but this flying spaceship does not have the power of the Yuanying Flower God, they can easily deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked like an insignificant magic weapon, so powerful!

A long knife is already coming across, and the black flame on the knife flashes tens of thousands of times in an instant, as if countless torrents are rolling, as if it has the power to chop everything and sweep everything.

Commissioner Qian Feijian turned, the picturesque scenery, as if it had come to life, turned quickly.

Scenery [Suppression] The black fire is suppressed, the black fire burns the scenery, the sound of thunder resounding through the distant sky, the tsunami-like ripples push the body of the three-headed Rako Protoss hundreds of miles away.

After fighting for a while, Commissioner Qian already felt a lot of pressure!

There is no such kind of aura to look at everything anymore, rely on, ordinary monks, they are very powerful, and they are far behind the Rako Protoss.

The last time I met the Rako Protoss, more than 20 magic weapons were dropped together!

This time, although Shui Yuanzhu was powerful, it only wounded the Rako Protoss. The Nine Treasures show off the tree, the wind and thunder sword, and the water and fire two air rings. Committee member Qian is no longer needed. The magic trick is urged, and the mana of the whole body is swarming toward the hand!

It is not so easy to urge the water element beads.


Guanghua flashed, and slammed towards this red-flaming Protoss.

The flaming Leko Protoss was taken aback, and the sword turned!

A black flame, reaching from the sky, is as long as thousands of feet, and in an instant "has turned into countless shadows of knives, tens of thousands of ways.

Like a mountain with immense blades, traversing within a hundred miles, the black fire revolves. "In an instant, a huge vortex is formed, endless suction is formed, and the space flows turbulently, rushing into this huge vortex. They are all torn to pieces!

A soft brilliance rushed in. But the fist is big, but. Wherever the soft brilliance passed, the black fire immediately disappeared.

The flaming red Protoss only felt trembling all over!

This soft brilliance "is also really terrifying, this one of my own sword technique, but my own technique, the product of divine power urged to its limit...".

However, the supernatural powers and tactics of the Rako Protoss have urged to the limit, after all, it is different, money~. The Commissioner’s Shui Yuanzhu traversed the black flames. The speed has slowed down a lot.

Countless sword lights are already swarming!


It was as if there was a torrential rain of black flames, and a long black sword with a length of hundreds of feet was already bombarding the fist-sized brilliance.


With a huge shock, the black long knife with a length of one hundred feet, together with the arms that are dozens of feet thick and like a pillar made of copper, has all turned into a cloud of blood!

"Aw..." With a sound, the huge body retreated violently!

The Rako Protoss has several hands, so "this retreat, his several hands, simultaneously pinch out the magic trick"

A brilliance is flying to the distant sky!

Shui Yuanzhu is spinning in the air!

It is already bombarding him quickly!


If it is hit by this water elemental bead, it is possible to be broken into pieces.

A red shadow is just a twilight!

In an instant, it has traversed a distance of thousands of feet, and the water element beads have been covered in a flash "...

This is a red thunder, mighty and unforgettable, wherever it passes, the space turbulently turns into gray and gray, and it rushes hundreds of miles away. Such mighty thunder without forging, covering the water element beads." But, a layer of mist The brilliance shrouded in the thousands of feet of scarlet lightning, but it was unable to break through this misty brilliance. However, the flame-red Protoss of Rako had already been pinched by a trick, and the people were already dozens of miles away.

At this time, the three of them converged, and only then did they see that a Rako Protoss was beheaded, and the two were seriously injured. Only one was intact.

The three Rako protoss have also had a lot of contact with human monks of various planes. When, after eating such a big loss, a few people waved their arms together, and in an instant, there was no shadow, tens of thousands of thunder and fire, traversing dozens of miles, madly smashing!

"Well come, I just developed a new function of Shui Yuanzhu, Hai did not have time to experiment."

Luan broke a long roar, and the magic trick was pinched, and the armor of the whole body suddenly released an extremely shining brilliance!

Suddenly, it was just a finger, pointing on this water pearl!

Judging from Commissioner Qian’s understanding of Luanpo, Luanpo’s advice absolutely stepped out, with all his strength, Shui Yuanzhu suddenly became several feet in size!

A giant spin, thousands of thunder and fire, pounced into the water yuanzhu!

"Luanpo, you have a good practice with this trick, but these few of the gods of the Rako protoss are not acceptable to you."

Member Qian sneered.

"Hey, the world in the Shui Yuanzhu has a relatively complete innate Dao machine, I don't believe it anymore, the **** thunder can't catch it!

In my water pearl, the power of thunder is not very strong, it just absorbs the power of thunder. "

By this, Commissioner Qian was just shaking his head.

I have cultivated a relatively advanced thunder technique, and can infuse these thunder technique techniques into the innate water orb, but Luanpo does not practice advanced thunder technique.

"This is the God Thunder of the Rako Protoss. It carries the divine power of the Rako Protoss. It is different from the method we practice."

Commissioner Qian chuckled.

At this moment, in the innate water and pearl beads of the broken Luan, you can see that in the sky of tens of thousands of miles, there are already countless thunder dances!

Thunder hits fiercely"

Thousands of feet and huge waves splashed on the sea, and many creatures in the world of Shui Yuanzhu died! After a while, Luan Po yelled: "Rely on these thunders, I can't control them at all by using thunder techniques."

With a stroke of his hand, the Xian Yuanyang Ruler has been held in his hand, and Fa Jue reminds him! The brilliance like jade shines thousands of feet..."

The nine fireballs were shot out, like nine suns ""


A thunderous sound ravaged the distant sky! The thunder fire traversing hundreds of miles” turned into countless flame electric snakes and flew away, half of them had been knocked out!

"Ha, I said Luanpo. Your innate Yuanyang ruler has increased a lot of power. It seems that you will temper the innate Yuanyang ruler in the fireball in the world of water and pearls, really. Put it right."

Commissioner Qian also nodded again and again.

As soon as this fireball exploded, it seemed a bit like when the Nine Treasures showed off their mighty trees!

It seems that the big fireball in the Shui Yuanzhu is of great help to this innate Yuanyang ruler.

With a pinch of the method, Luanpo has already recovered the Shui Yuanzhu, holding it in both hands, "Old money, you help me block it. I need to refine these thunders!"

A reminder of the Luan Po method, let your body shine!

"I mean, your cultivation is not good, how can this Thunder of the Rako Protoss be so refined?"

Luanpo was depressed. "Own Shui Yuanzhu is bigger than that of Committee Member Qian, and it takes longer to refine. Compared to Committee Member Qian, it seems."

Commissioner Qian's water yuan bead's power is still stronger than the power of the broken water yuan bead.

This bird man definitely has more understanding of the innate Dao Ji than mine.

All along, Commissioner Qian's understanding of Xuan'ao was far more than that of Luanpo.

Seeing that it didn't take long to obtain the water yuanzhu, the power used out of it had slightly exceeded Luanpa.

In Luanpo's heart, this is what it feels like """

Luanpo also saw Luanpo in the Shenfu regarding the innate thoughts passed to him by Commissioner Qian. The resulting theory is that his own water yuan bead is about the same power as the water yuan bead of Chairman Qian.

It seems that although the water element beads are different and contain different innate Dao mechanisms, the overall power is the same.

Qian Dawei* took out the Nine Treasures to show off. All kinds of mana have been brushed into the Nine Treasures Show-off Tree, and they are brushed into their own Dharma Forms. Moreover, the Nine Treasures Show Off the Tree of Virtue Magic Array can refine these mana on its own.

Looking at it now, this ability of the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree even surpasses that of the current Water Element Bead. It can be seen that the world in the Water Element Bead is not omnipotent, such as the Nine Treasure Show Off Tree and many other advanced plants. The treasures that have been tempered for a long time and have undergone a long-term tempering in the mysterious manifestations, the innate water yuan beads also contain plants, but they are far inferior to the nine treasures to show off the tree.

Of course, if Shui Yuanzhu's innate Dao mechanism can gain more insights, its power will also increase.

In the opinion of Commissioner Qian, the reason why the Nine Treasure Mystic Tree has this power is that the many high-level plants planted in his divine mansion come from many planes. In fact, there are many planes of innate Taoism. influences.

In fact, everything is manifested by the innate Dao mechanism, whether it is a plant or an animal, the higher the level, the more prominent the innate Dao mechanism will be.

Commissioner Qian looked at Luanpo's Congenital Water Yuanzhu, which was larger than the Congenital Water Yuanzhu, and the day when the tempering was completed earlier.

However, the ability to absorb and refine the powerful mana is not as good as the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree. Suddenly, it feels a little epiphany, as if to understand the formation patterns of some Nine Treasures Show Off Trees. After being tempered by Qing Qi, the formation patterns The complexity of the changes that have taken place is second to none among the magic weapons of Chairman Qian.

This level of complexity is more than dozens of times stronger than the other magic weapons of the Qian Da Committee.

So that's it, the Nine Treasure Xuan Yaoshu is just one brush!

A thunder that is thousands of meters long and traverses hundreds of miles has been brushed into the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree. Committee Member Qian waved his arms, and the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree danced into a splendid phantom in an instant.

But while breathing, the nine-treasure show-off tree has swept hundreds of thunders into the nine-treasure show-off tree."

The nine treasures to show off the tree has become a thousand times more dazzling than the Christmas tree!

The three Rako Protoss, desperately fighting out of the God Thunder, were first absorbed by the broken Innate Water Yuanzhu, and then, the nine fireballs of the Innate Yuanyang Ruler urged them to send out half of the remaining God Thunder.

Finally, it was Commissioner Qian’s Nine Treasures to show off the tree, and he simply wiped out hundreds of thunders in succession.

The Rako Protoss’ thunder is also a waste of energy.

The three Rako Protoss and two were seriously wounded. All they could do was a burst of thunder, which cost a lot of power.

The opponent took out a powerful magic weapon again, "Nothing happened, the three Rako Protoss are also discouraged, the magic trick is slow."

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed out that the Shui Yuanzhu rose rapidly, "Push-one"

Commissioner Qian shouted!

The fist-big Shui Yuanzhu has traversed hundreds of miles, and blasted towards the three Rako Protoss!

The power of this Shui Yuanzhu "has been seen. In the eyes of the three Rako Protoss, the violent spatial turbulence is gone, and the three Rako Protoss uttered a terrifying roar at the same time."

Three weapons of a hundred feet long, one sword and one sword. Strike out with a hammer, as if. The whole world is burning!

The flame is so powerful that it forms a stream of water similar to lava.


There was a muffled thunder, and within a thousand miles, it was a shock!

One knife, one hammer, one sword, has been blown to pieces!

"Peng, Peng, Peng!"

A series of muffled noises exploded on three arms measuring tens of meters long.

The arms of the three Rako Protoss had been blown to pieces, but it was much better than a single Rako Protoss taking the blow of Shui Yuanzhu.

Just here, there was a twisting nose in the void, and several figures as high as hundreds of feet had already appeared in the distortion!

"What's the matter with you guys? You were beaten like this against two humans?

One more? "

Several Rako Protoss appeared from the twisted void"

Seeing these companions, so miserable, all of them were shocked.

The few Leko Protoss were extremely embarrassed. They were beaten up like this by two human beings. They didn't know how to say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Damn, what teleportation technique is this? There isn't even space here?"

In the space turbulence, the space teleportation technique is more complicated, because the void turbulence is too much and it is very violent.

Commissioner Qian wondered what teleportation technique was.

Luanpo yelled, "A few more! Old money, let's go to the airship!"

Commissioner Qian sneered coldly: "I drive Shui Yuanzhu twice as many times as you!"

Finish, reach out!

A fist-sized brilliance blasted toward the few figures that had just appeared!

After beating for a long time, the body of the three-headed Rako Protoss has long been rushed by the turbulence of space.

I didn't get the same material, so why is it so reconciled?

"Be careful... this magic weapon is very powerful!"

The three Rako Protoss shouted at the companions who had just appeared!

"This magic weapon, you are so afraid of "one"

A Rako protoss smiled disdainfully, but his face twitched: "This fluctuation is too grand...~"

"It's terribly magnificent, I feel that it's just like a world"..."

The Rako protoss next to him, his face was as iron-clad as he was drinking!

Needless to say, a few Rako Protoss, the divine power of the whole body, sent out thousands of fluctuations, it is to cut with all strength!

The incomparable brilliance of Xun Li immediately shined throughout the day!

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