Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1940: Scorpio Mountain

m "Boom...ち"... There was a huge shock, and the thunder passed through the phantom shadow of a large mountain, and flashed directly on an abyssal monster. This abyssal monster, flying rapidly in the air, was just a meal, and then,

"Hula La Yi"" has turned to gray.

"Hurry up and keep Lei Yu!" A Thunder Dragon roared like thunder. However, the other Thunder Dragons attacked Nile's companions bravely within a second. There seemed to be many pauses in the air, but the Thunder Dragons hummed and hawed to the few members of the Qian Yuan who were hurriedly away, and no one came forward. "Silver Zhengdou, didn't you see the sword that was just now? Our shield and the mysterious iron body given by the Thunder God can't stop the sword and a Thunder Dragon, and said bitterly. This roaring Thunder Dragon Call Zhengluodou and make them the leader. "Shut up, are you the leader or am I the leader? —, the ferocious roar. The talking Thunder Dragon is just the husband who shrinks his head, just a few words,

Several members of Committee Qian have already opened the ban.

Whizzed away.

Thunder Dragons, each breathed a sigh of relief,

No one wants to go under the sword of the Qian Da Committee.

Nile’s companions have been beaten to run around,

"That's it."

Commissioner Qian said.

Gal got Lei Yu,

I was ridiculed by Chairman Qian earlier, and now I am also happy.

"Thank your Excellency for your help. If you didn't have your Excalibur, the treasure collection this time would definitely not go so smoothly.—,

Gail was very convinced by the compliments of Commissioner Qian's swordsmanship.

"That is, Sword God Eryu, your Excellency can indeed be worthy."

"I don't dare to be it, I still have to look for the negative fruit. I don't know you, but there is news about the negative fruit?"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I know the news of a negative fruit."

Said the monk with insect compound eyes.


"In the jurisdiction of Scorpio Palace, there is a negative fruit, and the negative fruit is already ripe."

The monk with compound eyes replied.

"Hall Master Scorpio? That's a great person."

Gail's face was shocked. ‘Indeed, this person is extremely brutal. Within thousands of miles of Scorpio Mountain, all those who disobey the Lord Scorpio will be driven away, but this person’s tactics are quite terrifying. "The monk with compound eyes said. "It doesn't matter, you guys tell me first, is his negative fruit true?" Gal shook his head: "About the Scorpio Palace Master, I just probably know a little bit of the monk with compound eyes, and indeed nodded again and again. "It's true. I have a companion who had a battle with the Scorpio Lord for that negative fruit, and his injuries were serious. "Everyone suddenly, that's the case. "The negative fruit, Scorpio Palace Master got it? "No, they fought a battle, and the negative fruit is gone." "

Said the monk with compound eyes.

"Snatched by someone else?"

"No. Later, within the jurisdiction of the Scorpio Palace, some slaves saw this negative result appear.

However, when the master rushed away,

This negative fruit is gone again. "


A few people were surprised,

In the abyss, slavery is practiced.

"In this way, within the jurisdiction of the Scorpio Palace, people have seen this negative fruit from time to time, but no one has ever been able to pick this negative fruit."

"That's better!" "No one gets it, that's nothing."

"Come on..."

Gale and the other four diamond flower gods shook their heads.

"Hall Master Scorpio, he has long regarded this negative fruit as something in his pocket. He has already let out a word. If anyone has the idea to fight this negative fruit, he will be anxious!"

"Cut, everyone knows this big story."

Member Qian said coldly.

Nodding to a few people, together, they are already straight into the sky.

The Temple of Scorpio is 30,000 miles away from the town where Gal and the others stayed. In the abyss, the distance of tens of thousands of miles is normal.

The distance of 30,000 miles passed quickly. Commissioner Qian was on his way,

Flying away in the sky,

There are also many giants approaching,

These behemoths are tens to hundreds of feet long,

Full of demonic energy,

Between the flapping wings is a flight distance of more than ten miles, dozens of miles.

Commissioner Qian is not polite,

The sword light is like a rainbow, traversing dozens of miles of sky in an instant.

Even a wise and powerful creature like Thunder Dragon,

Can't stand the sword of the Qiang Chief Executive,

These abyss creatures that have not yet transformed,

I just felt that the sword light surged, like countless mountains pressed, just roared, it was already turned into pieces of the sky.

Thirty thousand miles passed, on the mountains, on the plains,

Balls of flame embellishment, or thousands of boulders,

Floating in the air.

These are small protective arrays.

It is like a village inhabited by ordinary abyssal creatures.

These ordinary abyssal creatures,

It’s just like ‘ordinary people’ in the human plane.

Of course, even ordinary abyss creatures,

It is still much stronger than ordinary people.

However, in the wild,

These small villages, even with protective formations, can't stand the slap of powerful creatures. Even with a protective array,"

These villages, to be able to exist, must be under the jurisdiction of a powerful force.

So, according to the directions provided by Gail and the monk with compound eyes,

It should have entered the jurisdiction of Scorpio Palace.

On the periphery of the village, neat plants are planted.

Commissioner Qian watched with interest.

I heard this negative fruit,

In the Temple of Scorpio, appearance is uncertain,

Commissioner Qian, he can wander slowly.

Flew a lot,

I saw a group of abyss monsters attacking the protective formation of a village. , An abyss monster. Like a giant bear standing up by the same person, holding a giant hammer, countless white air penetrated into the giant hammer from all around, and a giant hammer phantom the size of a mountain appeared, with several blows, surrounding it. The flames in the village have turned into countless magma splashes. Inside the village, roars and shouts. Commissioner Qian suddenly discovered that these abyssal creatures, except for a face that was a bit hideous and terrifying, were actually almost like humans. This giant bear-like monster doesn't need a hammer anymore.

A sharp claw,

One tornado one roll,

Several people have been caught in the giant claws.

A mouthful,

"Card wipe."


Screams sounded.

Now the creatures have been chewed,

Then, the remaining few creatures,

They are all sent to the entrance.

"Yes, yes, thanks to Palace Master Scorpio for this, he raised you, I will harvest-this monster is just a burst of laughter.

A group of monsters have swooped up.

As the claw shadow flies, flesh and blood are flying.

The creatures in the village can also bring Zhang Xu’s long sharp light between the swords and guns.

Put it in the human world, ‘that’s an innate master.

However, these knives and guns slashed on these attacking abyss creatures,

It's just a few more scratches.

"You farmers are the worst creatures. You dare to resist. Let's cook our food obediently..."

A grinning monster grinned.

Oh, look at the neat plants, they are a bit like planted food.

There are farmers in the abyss. However, the profession of farmer is in the most helpless position in front of that person.

Commissioner Qian sighed,

Reach out,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

It was like a series of firecrackers.

The attacking abyss monster broke the defense of the village,

Already one after another,

The explosion was a cloud of blood!

The abyss farmer in the village stayed,


Seeing a person, slowly descended.

The brilliance lingers all over, like a god-man.

"Thank you, sir."

Immediately, the remaining farmer of the abyss just knelt on the ground!

"I wonder if your lord is in charge of the punishment?"

Asked an abyss farmer with red hair.

Commissioner Qian shook his head: "I am not from the Scorpio Palace. I have only walked. I came to look for the negative fruit. I don't know if you have ever seen the negative fruit."

"Oh...I didn't belong to the sub-temple from afar, so I'll just say, the group of the sub-temple is always the last to arrive. How can it become diligent this time?"

"That is, the group of guards in the branch hall, but they are always the last to arrive.

We farmers, they don't take it seriously. "

The kneeling abyss farmers,

There is already a lot of discussion. "We haven't seen it, but we heard that the negative fruit was caught a while ago.

‘There is also a Chi-Ji who was caught together. The Fruit of the Abyss ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ grew on the Chi-Ji. "

"Oh... The Commissioner Qian was greatly disappointed.

The negative fruit must have been used.

"My lord, there is an order from the top to open a pill refining conference." I heard that this chi-jing and negative fruit grew together.

But an incredible treasure, I heard that I had already reached the Zhantian Tower 100,000 miles away and invited an alchemist to make the Zhu Chi Jing and the negative fruit together into a **** pill. "The red-haired farmer said. "God pill... One" Committee member Qian rolled his eyes. He had the alchemy formula granted by the gods, even though it was only part of it, he made the best medicine. God pill, even Committee member Qian, It’s also something that I can’t even think about. However, it’s easy to handle the negative fruit before it’s used. This kneeling abyss farmer saw a flash of light and went straight into the distance of the sky. This is a rocky mountain with a radius. Thousands of miles! The whole stone mountain seems to be a monolithic boulder. This is Tianxie Mountain, Tianxie Mountain is within this stone mountain.

Looking at these blue-gray mountain walls, on the mountain walls, the forbidden brilliance is faintly revealed,

Commissioner Qian didn't care.

The apricot-yellow brilliance all over, as if the picturesque scenery unfolded,

Bright and beautiful.

Touching this blue-grey mountain wall, the blue-grey mountain wall has already been separated. Committee member Qian just stepped in

It’s just that these prohibitions, if they touch your own brilliance, you must be separated by ten miles.

, This is the basic level of the ban by the Qian Da Committee.

However, in front of Commissioner Qian Tai, countless runes are mixed with rocks, but they are only ten feet apart.

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