Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1923: Lotus magic weapon

m1923 Chapter Lotus Magic Weapon

No one else is in this dark cloud,

It was the monk who fought a large-scale legal battle on the **** border with Commissioner Qian.

The group of cultivators of turtles fought against a group of ruined sea monsters and abyss monsters,

And Commissioner Qian and this monk,

To lose a wide range of Taoism to each other is also a great battle.

This large-scale Dao Fa battle,

It was Commissioner Qian who passed the **** border many times,

The fiercest battle ever!

Of course, the final result was that the monk retreated.


Commissioner Qian’s tone was not so relaxed.

Sure enough, in this dark cloud, no longer speaking,

That divine mind like a strong wind,

It was also taken back.

However, these two seas did not retreat,

There was another loud howl in the distance.

Thousands of white and thin awns, each several feet long,

With an unstoppable chill,

Like the cold from hundreds of millions of years ago, across time and space,

Galloping from hundreds of miles away!


It seems that I am not the only one who is thinking about mana on these battlefields.

However, these thousands of white glows also seem familiar.

Oh, I went out of the Dragon Inn that time, and I still interacted with these thousands of white lights,

Fought a battle.

These thousands of white awns came and stopped in mid-air, forming a group of white awns, which kept rotating.

From these thousands of white sès, a cold voice came out: "Your Excellency, plant red sun grass and frost grass, and collect mana. That is your freedom, but you plant such extensive red Sun grass and frost grass,

We are unable to collect mana,

This is your fault. "

This cold voice spread far, dozens of miles away,

There were a few more groups of escape lights, and there were probes.

Commissioner Qian listened and looked at Shan Qianyu, laughing.

"If you want mana, just say it straight, where is so much nonsense,

Rain in front of the mountain, let me see your magic weapon, how might it be? "

"Right on my mind!"

In the hands of the rain in front of the mountain, there is already a lotus flower, which is two feet long, the lotus is in full bloom, and the five sè brilliance shines.

There was a roar of rain in front of the mountain,

The howling sound is like passing through clouds and cracking rocks.

In one stroke of the lotus flower, countless phantoms flew out of the lotus flower,

Five sè phantoms, as soon as they fly out of the five sè lotus, they become real lotus.

It’s just a blink of an eye, and it has turned into a five-sè lotus ocean with a radius of tens of miles.

To these people, it is a cover, elegant and light, like a landscape.

A piece of blue mist, a piece of black cloud, thousands of extremely cold white sè light rays unfolded,

Each is hundreds of feet wide,

Towards this five-sè lotus flower sea of ​​tens of miles is a welcome!

Commissioner Qian just kept his eyes wide open.

Xuanchen’s five-qi blessing lotus flower is close to the legendary level.

Commissioner Qian intends to use it to refine Yuan Ying-level treasures in the future,

Moreover, he has already planned to bring this Xuanchen five qi to the lotus flower,

I don't know what evolution will happen if I transplant it into the water elemental bead I got.

I didn’t see that Luanpo used the innate Yuanyang ruler,

Put it into the world of Shui Yuanzhu, in the big fireball. Want to use the Xiantian Dao machine to refine the Nine Heaven Yuanyang Ruler.

Xuan Chen’s five airs are blessed with lotus flowers, fluttering, and colliding with each other’s Taoism.

It just exploded suddenly.

Commissioner Qian only felt very disappointed.

This is the same way as his own Huahai Dao Law.

It's a pity that Xuanchen's Wuqi Fulin Lotus is a treasure.

However, the five lotus exploded,

It is five ripples, dng rapidly towards the surroundings,

Not only is the power and scope of the explosion stronger than that of Commissioner Qian’s Huahai Dao Law.

Moreover, as soon as the five ripples spread, they touched the blue mist, black clouds, and white light,

The blue mist, black clouds, and white light suddenly became dimmed.

The power is reduced a lot,

This point is incomparable to Commissioner Qian’s Huahai Road Law.

Five lotus flowers, like endless explosions,

It’s just half a cup of tea,

The blue mist, black clouds, and white awns have all been bombarded.

You can see the hideous figure inside.

And the rain in front of the mountain just kept shaking the lotus in the hand,

Little beads of sweat disappeared on his face.

Obviously, the magic weapon in his hand does not consume much mana.

It can be seen that the monsters that make blue mist and white light, the sea of ​​urban ruins,

The one who uses the black cloud is the abyss monster.

With the mana of the three of them,

Fighting the rain in front of the mountain will never fall into the wind,

However, the magic weapon of rain in front of the mountain is really powerful.

The three monks shouted at the same time!

Dao Fa urges,

The blue mist suddenly turned into a giant lng, together with the giant lng,

It rushed more than a thousand feet, and hit it down.

Where the giant lng passed, the space was shattered and turned into countless fragments flying.

Thousands of white and thin awns are also a rush, like a rush of mountains and seas, pounced.

In the black cloud, there are flying swords,

Turned into hundreds of thousands, in the loud whistle,

It also formed a dense network,

Towards the five lotus flowers for dozens of miles, suddenly cut down.

As soon as the Dao Fa is issued, there is a real tendency for the situation to change.


Five sè lotus flowers, when they touched these Taoisms, they didn’t burst open immediately.

Instead, he persisted for a while, and then burst into bursts.

In this regard, it is better than the Huahai Dao Law of the Qian Yuan Committee.

If you use the refining method of Dragon Inn,

This magic weapon will probably be of great interest.

"Ancient Bronze, Vertical and Horizontal Promise, Bronze Promise Sword!"

The rain in front of the mountain is another long roar,

Used his special tricks,

This time, the bronze sword aura appeared,

It is hundreds of feet long,

Moreover, the bronze sword spirit,

There are countless bronze flames rushing up,

These bronze flames have all turned into countless human figures, all of them holding swords and shouting loudly,

These shouts, converged into a hoarse whistling sound ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ towards the blue giant lng, with a shocking force, it is a cut!

In an instant, countless human figures transformed into this bronze flame, either splitting or slashing, made countless moves towards this giant lng.

A giant lng of more than a thousand feet,

Although smashing the space into countless pieces,

But I was divided by this bronze sword spirit!

Under the blue giant lng, there was a muffled hum!

Countless blue fragments rose up into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

His magic weapon was also broken.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Commissioner Qian praised,

Last time, the sword of rain in front of the mountain was only like humans in ancient times, brandishing bronze tools, cutting through thorns, wading through mountains and rivers, that kind of indomitable momentum,

And now,

Countless spells have already taken shape.

The sword cut by the rain in front of the mountain is worthy of the past few swords.

Commissioner Qian praised,

A three-foot flame sword in his hand, but pointed at the patterned black cloud far away,

In the dark clouds, countless underworlds flashed, whizzing and galloping,

As long as the monks in this dark cloud remind him,

Countless black knives will be issued.

However, this monk just didn't dare to urge this technique!


An infinite aura has already locked him firmly!

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