Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1915: War started

m Chapter 1915

For a thunder,

The big demon was shocked,

Commissioner Qian was furious after being shocked.

These great monsters are too savage,

Far away,

It was a thunderstorm.

If the cultivation base is almost achieved, you have to hang in this thunder.

Stop talking now,

Waving his hands again and again,

A burst of muffled thunder rolling,

Piece after piece of boulder,

Appeared in the sea,

In the muffled thunder,

The thunder on the boulder rushes like a flame,

The flame thunder of vermilion, the flame thunder of blue, the flame thunder of deep blue,

Brought out one after another thunderous roar in the water,

Smash at this big monster!

To cultivate these kinds of thunder methods, you need to use the body of the **** Hu to refine the Yang Qi and Yin Qi.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian especially favors monsters of the fire genus xìng, yīn cold genus xìng, and abyss monsters.

However, Lei Fa practiced to a high level,

There are so many materials needed,

Lei Fa’s rank is difficult to improve for a while,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

Just think of a way,

Let this kind of thunder method merge with other spells.

This kind of sky-repairing thunder, thunder in the stone, and stone in the thunder,

Belongs to the derivative method of thunder and earth magic.

of course,

Several thunder methods must be integrated with the sky patching thunder,

After the integration,

In every patch of sky thunder,

The storage of thunder spells has increased.

The power increased accordingly.

These dozens of thunder boulders smashed over, as if infinite and violent, but there was such a great atmosphere.

Make people feel,

As if within a hundred miles,

All were shrouded by the thunder from this boulder.

This big demon also screamed,

In this sea area,

As long as you feel his pressure,

Which one is not trembling?

It’s a mouthful immediately,

It also spit out dozens of mines continuously,

Each mine has a radius of more than ten meters, and there are blng ten thousand inside.

Towards the coming boulder, he blasted away.

Thousands of miles away,

The monsters that are swimming on the way,

No matter how high the cultivation level is,

Just feel, thousands of miles away,

A burst of dazzling brilliance rose into the sky,

Thousands of miles away, you can see it vaguely,

The sea area hundreds of miles around was illuminated transparently.

However, it is the huge thunder that resounds through the sky.

The gigantic lng, thousands of feet high, came whizzing crazy.

A tsunami thousands of feet high,

For the monsters in the sea of ​​ruins, it was nothing.

They exhibited the Dao Fa of the water system,

Or water gushing out, or water swirling,

A giant lng thousands of feet high, touch this water lng and water spin,

Rage's destructive power is reduced a lot.

Such a dazzling brilliance, such a powerful tsunami, there must be a master in the French war.

The monsters within a thousand miles opened their eyes wide and looked away.

Being able to see the master's magic warfare at such a distance, I also feel that it is simply infinite.

Dozens of sky-repairing thunder bombarded the past,

The big demon has turned into a human form,

But it was a middle-aged man with a long robe,

It is a mosaic of countless treasures.

Commissioner Qian pouted his lips.

The great demon in the sea of ​​ruins is really vulgar.

"Who are you?"

The big demon asked coldly.

Just now there was a frantic explosion,

This big demon is fine,

A dozen of his followers,

She was already covered in cuts and bruises, and blood was splattered.

Several entourages were struck by sky-repairing lightning and exploded to pieces on the spot!

The great demon was angry,

But I saw the water mist rolling next to the Qian Da committee member, who turned out to be a four-diamond hu **** master.

On my own side, there are more than a dozen people following,

Only oneself is the four-diamond hu god,

Had to ask questions coldly.

"I'm just asking for directions. I don't know where the nearby market is?"

Member Qian smiled and said lightly.

"You still have the mind to go to Fang City, don't you know that the sea of ​​ruins and the abyss have already waged a full-scale war on the bone fortress?

Are you still the demon monk of our ruins sea? "

This big man just shouted sternly and righteously.

Is this full-scale war?

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo,

Glanced at each other,

Since I got another innate water pearl,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo, how can they still care about the battle between the monsters in the abyss and the sea of ​​ruins,

Anyway, the news has also arrived,

Whatever they want, just do it.

Why is it important to find innate treasures?

This innate treasure was found, but it's own.


Coming out of the teleportation array of the Dragon Inn,

It's been more than three months.


Nakanisi has already obtained the super teleportation circle.

"You said we were hanging out here, don't you do the same?"

Commissioner Qian sneered.


This big demon realized that the person opposite was not his subordinate.

"This war is too far away from us, so we don’t care about it.

Can you pick me up on the map near here? "

Member Qian said coldly.

This big demon stared at one of his followers,

This one hundred feet long follower is covered with exoskeleton,

There are only big Ao in the first paragraph, each of which is more than ten feet long.

There seemed to be endless cold light shining above.

Seeing that the boss opened his eyes, he immediately spit out a piece of yù Jane from his mouth.

Flew towards the Qian Qian.

Commissioner Qian deliberated, nodded, "Farewell."

The mist is flying like a dragon,

The water mist is consistent, and the seawater with huge pressure in front of it cracks to reveal a thousand-foot-long channel.

Speeding like electricity,

It is no different from flying in the air.

"Bone Fortress is full-scale war, do we want to see it."

Luan Po said.

Upon hearing this, Commissioner Qian was unhappy: "The last time I went to the bone fortress to loosen equipment, there are already monks from the Dragon Inn, who have sent better equipment.

I have already said that within the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Earth God,

There must be monks cultivating in the Dragon Inn.

In that case, what shall we do at the Bone Fortress? "


Luanpa listened and nodded.

"The Bone Fortress, which has stood for so many years,

It is also strong, there are some old monsters in it,

I have been there for decades, only to hear about it, but not to see it.

Let's go back to the Dragon mn Inn and practice the refining technique. "

Luanpo really muttered in his heart, your mountain hu plane ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a great formation of Zhou Tianxing, so don't worry.

The protection of Tianpeng Mountain is far worse than that of Mountain Hu.

The water mist like a dragon gallops away in the direction of the sighing trench!

The sea of ​​ruins is not so easy to walk,

Even if they are four diamond hu gods,

not excluded.

After traveling these millions of miles, the monsters that stood in the way, before the Qianzhang Jianguang thunder fire bombarded like thunder, many had already turned into the materials collected by the Commissioner Qian and Luanpo.

Only at this time, the world in the water ball of Commissioner Qian was completely stabilized.

Although the world, compared with Luanpo’s water pearl,

There are just as many.

Only then did Commissioner Qian relieved his mind.

Moreover, in the world of Shui Yuanzhu, there are more b movements of the innate Dao machine, which are integrated with the mysterious in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Of course, this integration is even slower.

More than a month has passed.

"Huh? This sigh trench, how come there are so many high-level monsters."

Member Qian said in surprise.

"Yeah, why did you become depressed? You know, many big monsters come here and want to get a powerful magic weapon from the monks of the Dragon Inn."

Luanpo is also strange, the excitement is gone.

There is a war, there should be more people here.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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