Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1911: Sky Fire Refining God

m 1911 Chapter Heavenly Fire Refines God

Countless stars, thunder and sound,

The huge whistling sound seemed to be filled with the endless starry sky.

Don’t turn your heads, all the monks feel,

Boundless starlight, in the starry sky,

It seems to be everywhere.

This kind of scene, as if the entire galaxy is attacking itself,

For these monsters,

It's just terrible.

Commissioner Qian has absorbed a large amount of star power within the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Therefore, the projection of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array in his God Mansion,

It's also very powerful,


Every time the Milky Way rotates,

Fire at full force,

Mana expended,

It is also amazing.

The giant axe of thousands of feet, burning with a raging blue flame, shrank quickly.

Under the call of the law,

It turned into a blue flame and flew toward the big monster quickly,

This great demon will burn the blue flame axe,

Get it in your hand,

But I saw thousands of stars, which had already blasted violently.

This big demon escape method urged,

The figure turned around, and at the same time, the blue flames on the axe shot into the sky,

It's just one block, and an arc is drawn.

However, the blue flame rushed into the sky, but there were countless ripples.

Space folding---!

This big demon was shocked!

He knows very well that this formation is very strong,

The law is urged, and it is definitely not that easy to form ripples in space.

These spatial ripples can only be urged by the master of the formation.

The big demon just shouted,

Between opening and closing,

Thousands of axes have been split!

An extremely violent force rose into the sky like a volcanic explosion.

Powerful, thousands of blue arc-shaped flames crisscross, as if to destroy everything.

Hundreds of spatial ripples were smashed to pieces.

Then, the starburst came from the bombardment, most of which was broken into pieces!

Among the stars,

This big demon was shocked.

Obviously, this effect is far from what I requested.

He worked on this axe for hundreds of years,

As soon as it unfolds,

Don’t talk about ten thousand stars,

Even one hundred thousand starbursts, hundreds of thousands of starbursts, are also broken.

Many starbursts, in their own feelings, the arc-shaped flames slashed through, they should be smashed into pieces.

However, the arc-shaped blue flame passed by,

But the stars remain the same.

"What a powerful space to fold mystery."

This big demon immediately understood.


Thousands of stars have already blasted on this great demon,

"Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng----"

There was a violent explosion,

The big demon trembled violently,

The shield fragments splashed, followed by blood ru, bones,

In blood,

The big demon flickered and turned into a **** rainbow flying away.

But the blood rainbow is together,

Thousands of stars arrive again, just a whirl,

This blood rainbow suddenly felt that countless colorful fragments passed by before my eyes,

As if being transmitted,

The scene I saw was average,

It was a sudden shock!

Suddenly realized that I was already on the surface of a planet,

Then, on this planet, countless flames rose into the sky,

In the blood rainbow,

The figure of this great demon faintly appeared,

With a weird cry, the monster seemed to rise up into the sky,

However, he only felt that the entire planet was suppressing against him.

Commissioner Qian’s Zhoutian star battle array has absorbed countless star power.

As long as the planet has been constructed,

They have absorbed a considerable part of the mystery of the planets, and the way these planets are constructed contains some restrictions on the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array.

This great demon’s retreat is the mysterious space of Zhou Tian’s star battle,

Transferred to this planet,

Feeling that the whole planet suppressed him,

The **** rainbow rushed, and I only felt that the flying that I had done in the past has become extremely difficult.

Just rushed for more than a hundred meters,

It has fallen down!

I just feel that in this planet,

There was a magnificent voice: "Sky fire refines the gods!~"

As if back dng in the entire universe starry sky.

A brown flame shot straight down from the starry sky of the universe, and hit the surface of the planet.


Countless chains sprang from the planet like lightning,

Has wrapped up this big demon strictly,

In the flames of thousands of feet,

There is another brown-green flame,

Burned by this brown-green flame,

The big demon only felt that he was collapsing.

As for his magic weapon,

I didn't know where to go for a long time.

There are a few big monsters who have received the same treatment as him,

Wrapped by thousands of stars,

Countless ripples appeared in the space immediately,

In front of thousands of space folds,

Their Taoism, swordsmanship, it is difficult to play the role expected.

For the incoming stars,

It can intercept at most about half.

Under the light of the remaining stars,

It was immediately injured.

Immediately afterwards,

That huge galaxy turns,

As if there is endless suction,

They were immediately teleported to a certain planet to perform Heavenly Fire Refining!

However, the flying red tortoise ran away.

When thousands of stars strike,

His shield, with all his strength, urged, thousands of shield shadows flying,

Wrap him tightly.

After a bombardment like a rocket bombardment,

His shield was damaged,

The shield shadow that can be issued, but hundreds.

Block again,

Countless explosions skyrocketed,

His shield is already badly damaged,

However, this flying red tortoise has already rushed out of the Zhou Tianxing star formation!

Has reached the level of the four-diamond hu god's cultivation level, and it's bragging for thousands of miles.


However, in a flash,

Fa Jue fully urged,

It is still possible.

In this way, Commissioner Qian tried his best to urge Zhou Tianxing to fight the big formation,

Catch four four-diamond hu gods and one three-diamond hu **** on the planet,

To refine God through sky fire,

The other four-diamond hu gods and monsters who rushed into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation all retreated.

"Flying Red Tortoise, your shield is over, but unfortunately, this shield is the best defense weapon I have ever seen, tusk."

Xing Nanzu's tone was full of laughter.

There are only a few blood stains on his body,

Several magic weapons surround him,

These magic weapons ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are only damaged.

It is not completely damaged.

But the magic weapon of Flying Red Tortoise was almost completely destroyed.

Fei Hong Tortoise stared at Xing Nan fiercely.

Don't say anything.

"The power of this battle is really too great----"

A four-diamond hu-god monster mumbled.

The monsters of the four diamond hu gods nodded with lingering fears.

Standing here, it is not advancing or retreating.


Commissioner Qian took a long breath.

After all, this is a projection arranged in a divine mansion,

Just now, he is simply facing the Zhou Tianxing star formation. Since its establishment,

Maximum pressure.

Although they will all be beaten away,

He also arrested a few for refining gods in the sky fire.

However, the mana is very expensive.

"Old money---you, your space mystery has already surpassed me."

Luanpo's face was complicated.

Zhou Tian's star battle array is powerful, he knows,

However, seeing that Commissioner Qian is in the Zhou Tianxing Array,

Controlling the space is simply free and easy.

Obviously, I have surpassed myself,

The one in Luanpo's heart-----

Enjoy reading, all in m

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