Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1909: You are human

m Chapter 1909 You are human

A few monsters,

Standing blankly, that shocking sword appeared in their hearts over and over again,

The more it shows,

They felt that that sword was simply irresistible.

In the vast sea, there seemed to be only this piece of red flames.

It turned out that even though the shocking sword was not aimed at them,

However, they have been affected by this shocking sword, sword intent, or shocked.

Monks keep coming over,

However, Commissioner Qian had just that shocking sword, shining a hundred miles,

The nearby monks gather more and more, but there is no monk.

Take the lead against this huhai and red smoke,

"Old Qian, your sword just now is really too strong."

Luan Po said.

There was only shock and loss on his face,

Commissioner Qian could not care about He Luanpo's politeness.

"How long will it take to open up the world of my Shui Yuanzhu?"

"Oh--- tell the truth, say a few days less, and more than ten days."

Luanpo was already sweating on his forehead.

"Ah-at least a few days?"

This time, Commissioner Qian stayed.

"Alas, the more complicated the law and the longer the time for the opening of a new world,

You Shuyuanzhu, although the world opened up, definitely opened up more worlds than mine.

However, as far as I have used my Water Yuanzhu sensor, it should be of a standard on the Xiantian Dao machine.

Therefore, the time to open up the world will never be short. "


Commissioner Qian was happy now.

As long as the innate Dao machine,

Heluanpo's water yuanzhu can be at the same level.

"I will release the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation and support it for a few days, no problem."

Commissioner Qian said.

At this time, setting up the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array in the God's Mansion was pretty awesome.

Zhou Tian's star battle was on display, and there was an endless starry sky inside.

Waited a long time,

Finally some monks became impatient.

"He treasure is tempered inside, take it out, let me wait!"


With a wave of the warhammer, the monstrous giant lng rose out of thin air, the wind roared and thunder rolled,

Countless lightning has already hit the sea of ​​red smoke, slamming down.

This man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a face of beard.

It was at the Saibao conference,

The monk who took the lead.

As soon as he drank it, a monster snickered next to him: "This Liu Chu, in a battle at the Tong Pei Palace, only grabbed a first-level magic weapon, and it was damaged in the battle.

Still so arrogant. "

"You don't know this. Fan Xifeng is a human monk. I heard that there are secret methods for cultivation.

You didn’t see, there was a monk from the Copper Pei Palace nearby

I didn't dare to take Fan Xifeng. "

"Oh, this Fan Xifeng is really a human monk.

I thought he was just practicing foreign trade as a human race.

He belongs to the plane of Human Race, and the Copper Pei Palace dare not move him? "

Another monster asked curiously.

"I heard that he comes from the command of the Lord Longjing."

Said the monster.

At this time, the wind is huge, with countless lightning,

Has been bombarded above the sea of ​​red smoke.

However, the red smoke is a burst, a surge,

The strong wind, huge lng, and lightning blasted above the red smoke. The red smoke shook violently, but it was not damaged at all.

At the same time, among countless fresh hus, the red light appeared again,

Countless fresh hus all shine a light,

Blasted into Jianhong,

Jianhong is prosperous!

In a flash, he slashed down towards this Fan Xifeng, in an instant,

The scarlet sword light shines once again!

Fan Xifeng's whole mind seemed to be open to the sky, and the feeling that it was inevitable to avoid.

Fan Xifeng's face was a piece of white snow, this sword, all his own Taoism and sword art, couldn't resist.

He exploded quickly,

However, in the midst of a bang,

The giant lng, the wind, and the lightning have been shattered.

Rising like a volcano!

The crimson flames have already slashed towards Fan Xifeng,

Although Fan Xifeng had already retreated hundreds of feet in an instant,

But the crimson flames follow like a shadow,

The sword flame has not arrived,

Fan Xifeng felt that the mana in his body seemed to have stopped working.

Seeing that Fan Xifeng was about to be shattered.

The crimson sword flame is just a turn,

Has been blasted on a monster watching,

That monster immediately burst into pieces!

Turned into a green flame soaring into the sky,

It was also the scream of the soul,

Has fled away.

"Are you from the Fan family under Longjing Lord God?"

Fan Xifeng was in a daze,

Commissioner Qian's voice floated over.

"Ah---sir, I am from the Fan family."

Fan Xifeng said quickly.

"Oh, do you know Fan Wu? How is his cultivation level now?"

Ah, it turns out that this adult with such a strong Taoism,

Actually met Fan Wu.

Fan Xifeng's psychology became jealous.

"Oh, Fan Wu's cultivation level has reached the three-diamond hu god."

Fan Xifeng said.

"Why did you get to the ruined sea plane?

On the ruined sea plane, is there a teleportation array leading to the main **** plane of Longjing? "

Commissioner Qian said.

Fan Xifeng said nothing about how he got to the Sea of ​​Ruins.

Your senior, Dao Fa is so powerful, isn't it the same as coming to the sea of ​​ruins.

However, regarding the problem of the teleportation array,

He still answered honestly: "The plane of the Longjing Lord God, to the ruined sea plane, there is indeed a teleportation array.

There is a distance of three million miles from here, and the location of this teleportation array is here. "


Fan Xifeng passed the location of the teleportation formation.

Commissioner Qian read the message from Fan Xifeng.

A town three million miles away from Tongpei Palace,

There is a teleportation array leading to the main **** of Longjing.

Oh, the plane governed by Longjing Lord God is very far away from Tianpeng Mountain.

This ruined sea plane is interesting,

It was able to connect many distant planes.

Commissioner Qian felt that this ruined sea plane also seemed more and more mysterious.

"This one-----"

Fan Xifeng said hesitantly.

I know Fan Wu, not Fan Xifeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He doesn't want to stay here.

"Oh, do it yourself."

Member Qian said lightly.

"Thank you, sir, I'm leaving now."

Fan Xifeng clasped his fists, and the violent wind had already broken away.

"Fan Xifeng is gone-----"

"The monk who tempers the treasure seems to know Fan Xifeng, and I am afraid he is also a human monk."

"Yes, this person is also a human cultivator, so he came to our sea of ​​ruins to refine treasures. This is really unreasonable-----"

A monster came to the **** immediately and said angrily.

There are also Terran monks who seek refuge in the Sea of ​​Ruins, very few, and they are not welcome.

Once understood,

Those who temper the magic weapon here are human monks,

The monsters who were surprised by the powerful Taoism of Commissioner Qian and the powerful magic weapons,

First surprised, then angry.

Even if Commissioner Qian’s huhai and red smoke are released together,

It can’t completely block the b-movement that the new world opens up,

Most of the people gathered around are four-diamond hu gods, the others are three-diamond hu gods and second-diamond hu gods.

Although I can't see the opening of this new world.

However, this b movement can be said to be mysterious and mysterious.

An extraordinary treasure, how can these monsters remain unmoved?

Enjoy reading, all in m

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