Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1906: Innate treasure

m1906 Chapter Innate Treasure

A four-diamond U God, with five medieval equipment, plus millions of high-grade immortal stones, in exchange for one piece of equipment.

"Damn, Copper Pei Palace is really a big sale."

The monks in the square were jealous.

The celestial stone paid was far less than they thought.

"Medieval equipment!"

Everyone realized that

These medieval equipment, in addition to some special medieval equipment that can be advanced,

Other equipment,

In the sea of ​​waste,

Generally not much attention is paid.

The refinery level of Ruins Sea is not very high,

For some special medieval equipment, even if the monk’s mind is strong,

Able to understand the structure,

It is also difficult to imitate.

Courage, today, many monks realize that

The value of the ancient equipment in their hands has increased!

"Sure enough, sigh the ancient equipment in Trench, the good ones have been picked up long ago."

Commissioner Qian shook his head and sighed.

A deep fireball lit up in his eyes.

Luanpo had water and pearls, but he didn’t really care.

Look at the four diamond gods present here,

One by one is just like the members of Qian,

The divine light in the eyes, as if to cut everything.

There was another magic weapon, which was replaced by a four-diamond god.


A loud noise!

A table has been shot to pieces!

A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes,

I smashed the table in front of me, and stood up and shouted: "Do you think we are a joke?"

Since you want to exchange for medieval equipment, you should say it in advance!

Uncle, I'm in a hurry, I didn't bring any medieval equipment! "

Roar like thunder,

The entire square that shook was shaking a few times!

This big man produced a warhammer,

In an instant, his body was covered by a tight armor,

The whole person immediately became a rolling torrent,

With a wave of the warhammer, the monstrous giant rose out of thin air, the wind roared and thunder rolled,

Countless lightning bolts have bombarded down the tall buildings,

As for him, his figure turned into a phantom, grabbing one of the three treasures left.

That treasure is really suitable for him,

Therefore, he suddenly shot.

Is the forbidden law of the Tong Pei Palace displayed?

Countless lightning strikes, like a thunderstorm!

Where the countless lightning blasted by this man’s warhammer passed, the thunder and fire exploded into smoke in the sky.

The supporters and several ì people have been bombarded to the utter scum.

And those four diamond gods holding treasures,

Treasures are shot one, and one goes down.

The four diamond gods who are holding the treasure in the sea, make a move!

In the sky full of green, all the attacks have been absorbed,

Countless lightning strikes, these four-diamond gods, all retreated dozens of steps!

The power contained in this lightning is simply beyond their imagination.

Obviously, this big man is not only a **** of four diamonds,

Moreover, in the cultivation realm of the four diamonds u god,

Compared to these four diamond gods holding treasures,

It's more than that.

However, the magic weapon is in the hands of the God of Four Diamonds,

It's not so easy to take.

One point, countless lightnings roared in the squally wind,

It has a hundred weights and a thousand weights, and it is wrapped in one of the four diamonds!

This big man just sneered in his heart,

As long as it is wrapped up,

With your cultivation base, this treasure is here!

Dozens of feet of flame madly rolled,

It turned out to be like a roaring river,

Just a boom!

In the loud noise, countless runes appeared on the tall buildings, but they were also half collapsed!

"Three diamonds and below God, all exit the Tongpei Palace!"


A four-diamond **** yelled loudly!

The four-diamond **** of officials sitting in the tall buildings,

Nearly ten four-diamond gods in the Tongpei Palace, and one of the dozen or so four-diamond gods invited, finally shot.

The huge lightning, blasted by this flame, flew back dozens of feet,

But it was still a giant whistling and lightning.

Nothing happened to him,

There are a few monks who were touched by this flame,

It turned to gray on the spot, or exploded into a cloud of blood.

"Haha---this treasure belongs to me!"

With a long roar,

A torrent of rocks,

Roaring towards a four-diamond u-god holding a treasure,

Looks like a rock,

But it is as liquid,

The raging waves of blue and gray made a sense of vastness and loneliness.

Cyan gray èl beat,

Able to repel the flames of the Four Diamond U God, suddenly collapsed,

A thousand feet high fire ujīè,

The shield of the Tong Pei Palace suddenly leaked, and the sea water rushed down.

The raging wave of Qinghui is another volume, which seems to be very lazy.

A four-diamond u-god holding a treasure, the shield suddenly shattered!

Soaring into the sky!


The shield in the sky is a few bigger.

This four-diamond u god, abruptly retreated in the blood spurting wildly,

The plates and treasures in his hands have already been flying high.

In the eyes of these four diamonds, there was already a bitter expression on his face.

Able to hold treasures,

Naturally prepared enough,

The eyebrows are raised, the four-diamond u-god monster who came today

One is really stronger than one, and the Dao Fa is more ruthless than one.

Four diamond gods, every subtle difference in realm is reflected in the battle,

It's good to be beaten back.


There was a thunderous roar,

This is a mist of water that has passed the sky quickly,

Waiting for the rolling whistling sound,

This mist of water is towards this treasure,

Madly rolled away.

"Don't fight, it's mine."

Commissioner Qian laughed wildly, amidst the thunderous sounds,

It is very clear.

I searched for millions of miles of innate treasures, right in front of my eyes,

Do you let the old money calm down?

"That's not necessarily the case--"

In the blue and gray rocks and waves,

There was a long laugh,

Blue and gray rocks,

Suddenly, the speed has been several times faster!

There are countless ripples in the air,

Just before this mist,

Roll the treasure together with the plate in your hand.

In the mist, there was a "Huh?"

A monk who is faster than the Qiang Committee member,

It's really rare.

Everyone is a master of the four diamond gods, not to mention the innate treasure,

Even if there is no innate treasure, this step is not so easy to let.

A red flame flashed, and in an instant it turned into hundreds, thousands,

In the vertical and horizontal red, but extremely mysterious, with eyes b vast, dense clouds and mist.

And the flame-like sword light formed an indescribable difference!

"Boom, boom, boom-----"

A booming sound passed,

The gray rock has been smashed to pieces,

However, after this trick,

The treasure, together with the plate, was hit by Yu b and flew several tens of feet away,

Fortunately, both are treasures, and this has not turned into ashes.

lù shows the figure of a middle-aged scribe,

There are six blue demon lines across the entire forehead.

"Good swordsmanship!"

The middle-aged scribe gave a compliment, and between his eyebrows, one opened his eye.

Commissioner Qian just yelled badly.

This is a powerful spell, a sign of release.

Sure enough, Commissioner Qian,

Only had time to blow up the mist,

A gleam of blue and gray brilliance, like a glimpse of the sky, straddling time and space, bombarding the mist.

Half of the water mist has turned into a grayish boulder,

Moreover, this blue and gray boulder,

It quickly spread to other parts of the mist.

With one move, Commissioner Qian was already a magic weapon.

And now,

There are already several figures, like Changhong shaking the sky,

At the plate and the Xuan yī six beast fans on the plate, pounced!

There are many magic weapons and many monks.

Commissioner Qian had no choice but to shake his figure, and the magic weapon that was rapidly turning into a blue-grey boulder had been put into his sleeve.

Toward the Xuanyī Six Beast Fan and the plate holding the Xuanyī Six Beast Fan, he hurriedly rushed.

This middle-aged monk with a blue monster pattern on his face was shocked.

This magic weapon for inducing water mist is unusual.

His move, even if the four diamonds are hit by the gods, science is turned into a stone!

However, this mist was hit by this trick,

Only half of it is petrified, and the rest, although the petrochemical rate is very fast,

However, in the eyes of this middle-aged scribe,

It's as slow as a snail.

All this shows that this treasure is quite strong.

"You already have such a powerful treasure, what do you still want to do with the Xuanyī Six Beast Fan?"

The monk was furious and shouted,

The tactics pushed to the limit,

The body shape is like an electric, and they are not in particular order with Qian, and they grab the plate at the same time.

The figures on the opposite side were also caught at the same time!

The square is so big,

Although the buildings around the square, in the flickering of countless prohibitions,

In this short and fierce battle, it was all turned to gray.

For the four-diamond god,

There is not much room for turning.

Here, a wide range of techniques cannot be used,

It’s a strange spell, sword tactic, and magic tactics cultivated by individuals,

Here, can play the best effect.

Several figures collided almost at the same time,

Countless thunder and fire bombing, countless sword lights, countless rocks!

In an instant,

A few four-diamond u-gods' full battle,

Let the shield of the entire Copper Pei Palace collapse completely.

However, a water plant that is thousands of feet wide,

But with the momentum of overwhelming, whizzing up!

Go straight to a height of several thousand feet,

On the surface of the misty ruins of the sea, a giant with a radius of a thousand feet and a height of a thousand meters rose suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stayed in the air for a while,

This was taken suddenly!

A few four-diamond U God's hands, just Yu b, are already so powerful!

The buildings around the square,

With this thunder fire, sword light, water l, rock,

Countless runes appeared in an instant,

Then turn to ashes, together with the building!

The screams in the building stopped abruptly.

It is too far away from the four-diamond u **** level,

It was too late to escape the building.

Several silhouettes opened,

Commissioner Qian held the Ke Innate Water Yuanzhu in his hands impressively.

Go out towards Luanpo.

Since Xian Shui Yuanzhu has been obtained,

And behind Committee Member Qian, a figure was chasing after him!

Just now a few four-diamond gods’ Taoism blasted together,

Most people don't even know who grabbed what.

This monster,

Just look for the old money and pursue it!

The old money was furious, I just grabbed a water yuan pearl, there are some in your ruins!

With a sway of the hand, there is already an apricot-yellow flower with the size of a fist in the hand. The u petals weigh thousands of dollars. Between the u petals, there are countless stars like electricity, flying and jumping!

Commissioner Qian waved his hand and yelled: "Hey!"

Enjoy reading, all in m

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