Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1860: Fire Cloud Fan

m Remind book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1860 Fire Cloud Fan

Chapter 1860 Fire Cloud Fan

Grandmaster Liu Dao's turban rushed up,

Just a spin,

Has been turned into billions of silver and thin awns,

One foot long,

Like a torrent,

It revolves rapidly around Liu Dao.

A blow of thunder flames,

He was immediately crushed by billions of silver awns.

These hundreds of millions of silver awns were completely undamaged.

"Follow the scheduled route"

In the torrent of billions of silver and fine awns,

There was a firm voice from Master Liu Dao.

Then, billions of silver and thin awns drew a mysterious and bright trajectory in the air,

Covered half of the sky.

The power was so powerful that the other three people were stunned.

In countless thunder flames and gray fog, it appeared so conspicuous.

"When I go to this Dragon Inn, I can have a table of wine, I am satisfied.

Who knows, I was terrified to see such a big meal today, full of ducks and fishes. "3

In the tumbling color smoke, Gui Fang complained to Dingdel.

"Is there any difference between me and you? If you can become an intermediate refiner, you can return to your own plane. That day, it will be nourished. I didn't expect such a big meal."

Dindel said.

"It would be nice if Luo Yao could be owned by us this day."

Guifang sighed.

"Unfortunately, good dreams have never been the hardest to come true."

Dindel squinted at Commissioner Qian.

Obviously, thunderfire after bombardment,

Although it was completely blocked by Tian Luoyi, it also made these two feel the pressure.

"Let’s work hard, I’ll treat you, see you at the Daoxiang Village Pub"

Commissioner Qian yelled and turned into a nebula, disappearing into the gray mist.

And in the sky of thunder and fire.

As for the complaint, I didn't hear it.

Do you want Tian Luo Yi?

Are you kidding me?

How many horns do you have with such strong equipment?

Luo Yao, even Commissioner Qian, can't count on it this day.

Able to seize a few pieces of equipment in this battle, that is your good fortune.

Nine thunder fires are thousands of feet long,

From the ash mist, it suddenly blasted to

That thunderous momentum makes people no doubt that these nine thunder fires can blow everything up.

For a moment,

The entire star fog has become transparent.

However, in the star fog, nine thunder fires blasted towards the Milky Way far away, and soon they were broken down into hundreds of thunder fires. At this time, it was no longer a bombardment.

It flew into hundreds of planets.

Commissioner Qian knew that the host of the formation had discovered that they had entered the formation and were starting the formation and carrying out a "warm greeting".

He is also full of the power of Zhou Tian's star battle array.

A bombardment whose power has not reached a certain limit,

The star fog that had entered this several meters wide was decomposed by the Zhoutian Star Array and turned into a part of the Zhoutian Star Array.

This is also the profound meaning of the Milky Way.

Thousand-foot-long thunder fire,

In the real galaxy, it is really not even embellishment.

"The comparison of these nine thunder and fire, leaning to flame, thunder, and the subtle morality of the **** thunder is as follows ------

The comparison with Wuyang Real Fire is as follows------"

The shadow of the golden fruit array, comes with water-like data analysis.

Zhou Tian’s star-fighting formation, among the attracted star powers, there are a lot of b-movements.

After an instant analysis, it is impossible to immediately increase the power of his minecraft. However, let the thunder fire from these attacks become part of the galaxy. If there is enough time, Commissioner Qian can let his minecraft absorb The power of this thunder and fire is further enhanced,

Of course, when the formation is broken, there is not so much time. If necessary, the thunder and fire can be returned intact.

This is the terrible power of the combination of the Golden Fruit Shadow Array and the Milky Way.

According to the method taught by Liu Dao, he dashed forward, turned, and went rampant.

In fact, it has bypassed a lot of spatial distortions,

Amidst the thunder and fire, occasionally there are icebergs, tumbling to Haiti,

The cold air seemed to be frozen for hundreds of miles,

Commissioner Qian thunderbolt,

But the iceberg turned into a volcano, thousands of feet big i,

Just a smash,

The flame is shining,

The star mist in Commissioner Qian's body has moved.

The planets in the star fog burst one after another.

Zhou Tianxing's cast of casts unexpectedly loosened.

The star fog revolves rapidly,

There are spirals formed in the body of Chairman Qian.

This stabilized Zhou Tian's cast of stardom.

The model, the projection of Zhou Tian’s star battle array, is in the palace of Commissioner Qian,

External projection,

Even if the planet is shattered,

Commissioner Qian urged his mana,

It can be restored as before.

In this way, the bombardment of volcanoes, icebergs, and knife hills appeared continuously.

The illusion of every blow,

All have a range of thousands of meters.

Commissioner Qian’s star fog revolves at full speed,

It can only resolve part of the bombardment,

Thinking of what Liu Dao said,

Commissioner Qian smiled bitterly.

This simply increases the experience of being beaten.

Going forward for an hour,

It seems to have advanced tens of thousands of miles, and it seems that it has only advanced a few hundred miles.

A lupeng appeared in front,

The entire Lupeng was burning with flames, and the flames rose, but countless symbols and words appeared.

There are still dozens of miles away,

The hot temperature has caused the surface of the star fog to be twisted again and again.

The figure on the lupeng, a fan in his hand, with fire clouds lingering above, just a fan

A huge flame bird with a size of one hundred feet is formed,

With a whistle,

With a flap of wings, I have already crossed dozens of miles, stretched out and grabbed,

Bring countless sparks, and grabbed the head against Committee Member Qian

Before the claws arrived, the scorching heat had already caused a piece of space within the star fog to twist.

"Well come, there is a lack of a host on a flame planet."

Commissioner Qian gave a long scream,

The star fog surrounding the body suddenly expanded,

In an instant, it has become a star fog of hundreds of meters, which envelops the firebird of hundreds of meters.

The firebird of Baizhang big i pecked its head and flapped its wings.

One third of the star mist has already burst

However, this firebird saw the infinite starry sky ahead, countless starbursts, rolling towards him,

Has confined the firebird,

Then, a big fireball came oncoming, with a roar,

This firebird was dragged into this big fireball by countless stars.


The temperature of this big fireball is not as high as this firebird,

The fire bird fanned its wings,

Struggling desperately,

However, countless stars imprison it,

These countless stars represent the will of the galaxy,

How can it be so easy to break free?

"Your cultivation is not weak, you want to refine my attack? How can it be so easy?"

On the flame canopy, among countless flame symbols,

The man sneered,

The fan surrounded by the fire cloud, but a flame knife appeared obliquely. It is dozens of miles long, as if it traverses the entire sky.

Chop down

As if to cut the sky in half

This is the power of Yuan Ying U God's primary level.

The sea of ​​flame knives did not fall, and the sky was glowing red.

Commissioner Qian only felt that the surrounding space was as hot as a melting pot

However, a gleam of water shining up, rushing for dozens of miles in an instant

Crystal clear, as if infinitely deep.

The momentum is not weaker than the flame knife in these dozens of miles.

Water sword fire sword,

Crashed together in mid-air,

The flame water suddenly spread to the surroundings,

Shining thousands of miles away,

At this moment, Commissioner Qian was shocked, but regardless, he rushed forward.

The power of this flame knife was about 10% more than the sword light of the Sea Slashing Sword.

The person on the flaming lupeng is not Yuan Ying,

It’s not the grandmaster, it depends on the flame fan

However, they have the cooperation of the power of the formation. As soon as the flame knife is released, in the process of formation,

At least a 30% increase from the formation.

In other words, the power of that Huoyun Fan was 20% less than Zhanhaijian.

However, people have a bonus

Cut it down so right,

Commissioner Qian’s sword will collapse sooner or later,

In the rapid advance, the fan surrounded by fire clouds was cut again.

It was another flame knife that was dozens of miles away, quickly cut down

The howl rumbling, like rolling thunder

Commissioner Qian's body shape changed once and turned around

Rise out of thin air

The water sword has been shining for dozens of miles, with the will to destroy everything, it has been cut on the side of the flame knife for dozens of miles.

"Boom" with a loud noise,

The flame knife was chopped into several pieces.

This figure screamed badly,

The teacher said that Liu Dao would definitely attack the north that he personally guarded.

Came to attack the other sides,

Just a few apprentices.

Why is this apprentice's combat power and magic weapon so strong?

Reach out and pat the flame lupeng,

Countless symbols and words, turned into flame arrows,

Each flame arrow is several miles long, and the entire sky is full of howling flames.

at this time,

The Milky Way in the Zhoutian Star Array rotates with full force,

That huge flame bird,

Has been **** like rice dumplings by countless stars.

Commissioner Qian yelled: "Give me a break"

Countless stars ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are released from the star fog,

To greet the booming flame arrows roaring in the sky

For a while,

Countless thunderbolts

Like countless huge thunder explosions, in this air, endless back

"Damn, with these few more tricks, my mana will be exhausted."

Commissioner Qian gritted his teeth and reached for a finger

Around the burning lupeng, countless fresh flowers bloom

Even though Xianu appeared, most of them were burned into nothingness by the flames burning on the reed.

However, still a few fresh u survived,

A few fresh u,

Thousands of brilliance,

In the thousands of brilliance, there are countless fresh flowers blooming.

In the continuous and violent explosion,

Even if it was one of the leaders of the formation, that figure had also lost the trace of Commissioner Qian.

This is, I saw a shadow, suddenly flashed out of a u, towards the monk who presided over the formation,

Pounce straight.

The flame fan turned,

I saw thousands of red flames, each of which was no more than a few feet long, like a short sword of flame,

It formed a mysterious sword formation, which suddenly became a cover.

The flame fan slammed out flames, and then suddenly blasted and swept,

Dozens of fire sword daggers have already arrived

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