Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1704: Interference dotted line


Under the stars in a radius of six hundred miles

Almost all monks

His mouth is wide open, his face is incredible

All are in a silent state.

The star storm is too loud

There are many cultivators who are already moving around the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Preparation is bad

Just run away

Unexpectedly, the head suddenly released a treasure

And this star storm

Actually hit a match.

It's simply an end to the world.

Fellow monks, it was just a sudden horror, inexplicable and ecstatic.

"The head is really awesome, there is such a powerful magic weapon."

"Really---really--I never dreamed of it."

Commissioner Qian, Zhan Haijian

It really has never been done before the disciples.

Indigo's and Vidona's hands

There is also a sea cut

I have never used it.

The faces of the disciples changed from fear to fanaticism, and they shouted together: "Long live the head, the head is mighty"

Long live a hairy, mighty hairy

Commissioner Qian scolded

I saw your bear look just now

It's almost gone.

There are too many disciples, and it's rare to serve them.

I, as a teacher, have done so much for you

You disciples, how little did you respect me as a master.

Commissioner Qian is shaking his head

When he got angry, apricot light rushed up all over his body

Like a circle of waterfalls pouring down

Countless clouds aroused.

Really very powerful.

See the next wave of stars and storms, falling from the sky

Although I cut away ten star storms in a row

However, Zhanhaijian and Star Storm collided

Turbulent fluctuations

Commissioner Qian, his five internal organs are shaking and his breath is chaotic.

A few times, the blood surged to my throat

They swallowed back like this.

A shocking collision at the Yuanying level

Several times at a time

Can be fine

10 consecutive collisions

This aftermath

Commissioner Qian couldn't bear it either.

In the past, Zhanhai Sword was used against monks of the same rank

you could say so

Going unfavorable.

Commissioner Qian did not receive any backlash.

Now, Commissioner Qian really understands

What is Yuanying monk?

What is called a battle of Yuan Ying level.

The star storm was suppressed again.

Commissioner Qian couldn't help but feel bitter.

A stellar storm is equivalent to the full attack of the current Zhou Tian Xingdou Array.

If it wasn't for the Sea Slasher

Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array

It was broken long ago.

At least partially breached

Of course, Zhou Tian’s star battle formation can grow in the future, and its power will become even greater.

However, the cultivation base of Yuan Ying period

Compared with my own four-diamond flower god

It's too far.

Collide with the star storm

Severe backlash

Every time against the star storm

Commissioner Qian could not wield too many swords.

It is still up to Zhou Tianxing to fight the big formation, the current resistance.

Then, there was another sea-cutting sword to make a decisive blow.

"Master, I can't stand it anymore, request a replacement."

Thirty-six defensive star positions

A disciple made a request.

"No, let's go through this wave first."

Commissioner Qian shouted wildly.

The disciples in thirty-six defensive star positions

Because I can't resist the strong aftermath vibration

Already nearly all of them have been replaced.

Turtle, Datou, Pond, and even Indi Yuer, they all entered the defensive position to replace the disciples who couldn't support them.

If you continue to change, there will be no qualified disciples to replace

I want to enter the star position and fight against the star storm

At least it must be successful

Pongyang Gate

The monk who opened up the temple

There are more than fifty people, plus a few turtles

It can be replaced almost again.

But now

This monk go

There was no replacement for the monk who opened up the gods.

There are no monks in the foundation building period

Even in the star position

Protected by Nebula

Fight the Star Storm once

I am afraid that even the aftermath of the battle cannot be withstood

Will be shaken to death on the spot.


This disciple opened his mouth

However, within ten miles of him, there is no one in the same door.

Obviously, when fighting a star storm

Nebula orbiting the stars

Extremely intense vibration

In the Zhoutian star formation with strong stars everywhere

The fluctuations caused by these vibrations even spread throughout the entire Zhou Tianxing Array.

Those monks who didn’t build up a pill, and didn’t open up a divine palace

Seeing the fluctuations so fierce

One by one they ran away early.

The summit of Chairman Qian has long been in his heart.


This matter

Must teach these timid guys a lesson.

Lao Tzu scrapped so many pills

Is it used to feed pigs?

However, it was too late to scold at this time.

Zhou Tian's star battle array, launched three consecutive Starlight Thunder


The blood of a disciple is like a fountain

Sputtering several feet from the mouth, falling out of the nebula

Fall to the ground

Commissioner Qian is really helpless

The monk who opened up the temple

Within Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array

There is no one to send.

Commissioner Qian just yelled: "Ugh, you are on top."

A thought

A Chou has appeared in the star position.

"Manipulating the formation is a trivial matter, A Chou still likes to fight."

A Chou shouted.


The opponent's entourage fell behind the ancestor of the star evil spirit

There is no chance to fight.

Just as Commissioner Qian’s Zhanhai Sword was about to be wielded.

Dozens of escape lights

From the very center of the star storm

Swarm out

Like a goddess scattered flowers

Towards Zhou Tian's star battle array

Hurried forward

If Commissioner Qian cuts to these escape lights, the star storm may fall on top of the Zhoutian star formation.

Commissioner Qian only gave a slight meal.

A trembling sword rainbow

Already cut diagonally

Directly blast the stars and storms.

With a sneer: "Trash, if you want to enter the big battle, let you taste it."

The rumbling tremor blazed thousands of miles with the dazzling light

Illuminate the entire mountain flower plane.

And dozens of Escape Lights had already sent out huge howls, thrown into the star formation of Zhou Tian.

Greet them

Hundreds of rays

Not thick, only the bucket is thick

However, every ray of light, rumbling and shaking, traverse hundreds of miles

Know at a glance


Want to avoid

Direct whole body condensation

Then, the surrounding space

It seems to be broken into pieces, like a huge kaleidoscope

"Not good, space confinement"

Finally, the star evil hole is also the practice of star evil spirit

Often in Qingming

For spells such as space imprisonment, he knows a little bit about breaking the spells.

Various tactics are fully urged

Let's drink together: "Stars guide the way"

In the fragments of space like a kaleidoscope

Flashes of light

A way was immediately shown.

Rejoice, all monks from Stars Cave

Just go along this road

It can be imprisoned through space.

It’s just that the hundreds of stars and thunder that traverse hundreds of miles

The coming is very fast.

But in such an instant

Hundreds of rays of light traversing hundreds of miles have been bombarded.

Moreover, it is not affected by space constraints at all

Like this star thunder

It was originally there.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Hundreds of rays blazed up, rushing straight into the sky

Of course, this power is more powerful than Zhanhai Sword against Star Storm

But it's much worse.

But despite this

A string of screams sounded.

Nearly ten cultivators in the Star Fiend Cave, together with the Taoist method of body protection, have been blown into pieces

Some monks escaped the soul

She can only drift in the stars, but can't run out anymore.

Just hit

All the monks from the Stars Cave

Below three diamond flower god

All wiped out

Three Diamond Flower God

Resist the stars and thunder

Several were injured.

However, those who are not dead have almost all escaped from the confinement of space.

Xingsha Cave led by Yuanying Flower God

There are a few brushes.

"Interference dotted line"

Turtle screamed

Now, Zhou Tian’s line of defense

Temporarily hosted by turtles.

Countless dotted lines immediately appeared all over the invaders

As real as imaginary

Each one is only a few feet long

And Star Thunder, the mighty power that traverses hundreds of miles at every turn

It's simply nothing compared.

The monks in the Stars Cave, feel relieved

But saw dozens of dotted lines surrounding

The monk surrounded by endless dust

Endless sand and dust, once encountered those dotted lines.

Turned into nothingness immediately

Seeing dozens of dotted lines, easily

Twisted towards himself.

Shouted: "What is this? The body protection method is so useless?"

With a wave of his hand, nine silver sands, the size of a fist, released a ray of light, which was already banged out.

This is made of crystal silver from the stars

Crystal Mountain

It can be said that this guy's magic weapon.

Every silver sand

Seems only big fist

Actually weighs 360 million jun

Hit in the air

Seemingly flirty

Instead, they used the space cracks in the air as the trajectory.

Nine fist-sized silver sand

Breaking the nine mountains is not a problem.


Several dotted lines are cut on the crystal mountain, each crystal mountain has a deep trace

It is more than half the thickness of Crystal Mountain.

The blood in this person’s chest is a violent shock, and it is difficult to conceal the shock in his heart

Riding the gap created by the nine crystal mountains, flashed

Has appeared on the periphery of the dotted line

A wave of the hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magic weapon has been recovered

"Hurry up and this is great"

Above the head and soles, there is another gray cloud of sand and dust

Towards the outside of Zhou Tianxing, he hurried away.

This dotted line is powerful, and after a few more rounds, the magic weapon must be destroyed.

Other three diamond flower gods

Are also playing magic weapons

Riding on the magic weapon to resist the dotted line, rush straight out.


Several screams sounded again.

A few three diamond flower gods

The magic weapon is twisted by the dotted line

At the moment of moving outward

Hit above the dotted line

Blood spattered immediately

Become a few pieces.

The body of the Three Diamond Flower God can be considered a thousand tempered

Ordinary magic weapon

It just left a few traces.

Touched by this dotted line

Like tofu

It easily becomes a few pieces.

Seeing a group of people escape from Zhou Tianxing.

The Star Fiend ancestor flew in quickly, keeping an eye on the members of the Qian Da committee.

Commissioner Qian only felt the pressure all over his body, like a huge mountain, he did not dare to tell the group of monks who escaped.

Seeing that their ancestors of the star evil spirits turned into a group of meteors, they were already in the starry sky in an instant, leaving only a group of light spots.


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