Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1488: Gengjin Mixed Yuan Arrow

The brilliance, like an aurora, constantly lights up in the space within a hundred miles.

Teal, fiery red, purple gold, black!

The pale smoke, mysterious and real thunder, is like a colorful scroll with endless changes

It's like a fantasy.

Commissioner Qian and the other two stood opposite each other in the air.

It's like three statues in the sky.

The eyes of the two opposing people were cold and fierce.

In the eyes of Commissioner Qian, only infinite depth is left!

Nian Zhengchen, already vomiting blood in the air, couldn't stand still.

And the fight of the other four is at a deadlock.

It can be said that the three members of Commissioner Qian are here to determine the direction of the entire battle.

No matter which side wins, they can quickly join the stalemate battle and completely change the balance of victory.

Above the four-diamond flower god, is the five-diamond flower god, Yuan Ying monk.

This is a huge threshold.

I don't know how many monks, all their lifespans are exhausted, they are all stuck above this threshold, and they are not allowed to advance.

So, in order to enhance combat effectiveness.

Many four-diamond flower gods, holing their minds, practice in other directions.

Commissioner Qian, who has the profound cultivation power, is the representative.

There are those who use their life's true essence to cultivate magic weapons with great lethality, such as this monk in silver clothes and black face.

As soon as the happy arrow is released, the infinite thunder light can turn into a pool of clear water.

Commissioner Qian, no matter how hard he practiced, he wouldn't dare to make another arrow.

There is also the ability to absorb a certain peculiar natural force and bring this peculiar natural force to its limit.

Power and lethality are also extremely powerful!

This guy dressed in silver armor, like the legendary "silver dwarf", is a typical example of this.

Commissioner Qian's silvery air flowing from him seemed to be rippling.

However, in essence, Commissioner Qian felt an extremely sharp and golden spirit.

Full of armor of this dwarf.

It is conceivable that this monk would be shocked when he shot.

Similarly, Commissioner Qian gave the two of them the feeling that they were incomparably deep in their eyes, as if they were embedded in the spring when thousands of flowers were in full bloom.

Only in this way, the two felt that the spring breeze was blowing on their faces, as if they were about to disappear.

The three are like three beasts, staring at each other, waiting for this shocking blow!

The air between the three of them seemed to be compressed by the tremendous pressure!

The faint smoke of profound Yin and real thunder, as they passed through the space between the three, slowed down significantly.

If it weren't for Light Smoke Xuanyin and Real Thunder, it has the characteristics of everything.

Maybe it is impossible to pass through the space between the three.

A violent whistling sound came from a distance.

This is the sound of howling from the master-level robbery, advancing at high speed.

The speed of this kind of sound far exceeds the speed of sound in the concept of ordinary people. Under the strong urging of a master, the speed of this kind of sound can reach at least an instantaneous speed of hundreds of miles.

If there is nothing to do with the two parties who are at war, that's fine.

If someone comes here to help one of the two warring parties, then the stalemate here will see earth-shattering changes.

The eyes of the three moved in an instant.

At this moment, the three moved at the same time!

That short monk, in a silver armor, his skin color was as if he were cast of silver.

It was about the same as the turtle, when it was still in the repair of the silver armor corpse.

However, on this person's skin, the silver light circulated like mist and smoke.

With a pair of greedy, fierce eyes.

Just like an evil god.

Compared with the quality of turtles back then, I don't know how much higher it was.

When I saw this person, he stretched out his hand, and a silver light burst out, reaching a thousand feet, and escaping into the depths of the sky.

Suddenly, a cloud of thunder and thunder also showed a passage for it!

In a short while, in this passage, there were countless silver lights falling, and its forces were swift, tearing the air, and there was a palpitation hissing sound, which were silver arrows.

The whole body of the silver light arrow was silver, exuding a faint cold light, it was about seven feet long, and it was still shining with blue flames. The silver light and blue flame arrows flew down.

It is like the Milky Way straight down nine days, endless.

And the other person, the luxurious silver robe banged!

On his face covered with rust, a hideous color flashed.

Pull the bowstring!

The small white arrow that is one foot long has been shot out!

At the same time, Commissioner Qian made a move!

Suddenly, it is as if hundreds of millions of flowers bloom at the same time.

Countless colorful flowers, towards the two, overwhelming!

This sea of ​​flowers is bright and extraordinary, as if boundless.

Every flower is a sword.

These billions of flowers are billions of swords!

The monks in silver clothes and black faces and the monks who looked like silver dwarves had sneered expressions on their faces at the same time.

This kind of sword art that pierces billions of swords in an instant can be used against ordinary cultivators, and it is a little too big to be used against them.

Not to mention anything else, these billions of flowers are just compared with the billions of silver flying swords in the sky.

Whether it's appearance or power, it's much worse!

Just countless silver blue fire flying swords that fell from the sky, named Gengjin Hunyuan Arrows

It's enough to block the Qian's Commissioner, these billions of flowers.

And the white happy little arrow dragged a thin and long light across the sky.

No matter what the flower, no matter the color, no matter the shape

Seeing this white light, UU reading www.uukanshu. com melts and disappears like ice and snow when it meets boiling water.

But as far as this white light is concerned, it is even more powerful than Light Smoke Xuanyin Real Thunder.

One arrow shot, another arrow!

The black-faced monk in silver robe had absolute confidence.

Commissioner Qian would turn around and run away. If he didn't run, he would definitely be injured under the combined attack of the two.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his companion was strange.

Without turning his head, he felt that a beam of black cloud light had enveloped the silver dwarf in an instant.

At the same time, a branch that is only three feet long is only as thin as a child’s arm. However, there are dozens of colors on the bark. Following the black cloud light, like a glimpse of light, it stabs towards the silver dwarf. Come!

"Fool, using a branch is like breaking the defense of a Gengjin combat body?"

The black-faced monk in silver robes only thought it was extremely funny.

This Gengjin combat body was made by condensing the essence of Gengjin.

Using root branches is like breaking defense?

What do you think this branch is?

Is it the spiritual root in the nine heavens?

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The silver flying sword pouring down from the sky, burning blue flames, and countless flowers, have already touched one!

Countless colorful flowers burst open with a thunderous sound.


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