Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1362: Linda's progress

The sharply rotating apricot axe does not drip blood. A magnificent arc was drawn in the air and returned to the hands of Commissioner Qian.

In the battle of the Lanxi Lord God's army, another passage of blood and flesh was plowed. "Asshole, devil!" a scream. What's the matter with Lanxi Lord God? The monks under the command of Lanxi Lord God only knew Jin Gu. Even the guy Jin Gu is not so friendly to himself. Give them a little color first. "Look at the department of the chief physician of the Wood Department, give you a face and let me go!"

Commissioner Qian suddenly remembered that he and Jin answered that they had had a tribulation together in Baoquan Mountain anyway, and they did not break their skin with Jin Gu.

Uncertain, I want to trade with Jinnai Valley

Anyway, let these monks of Lanxi Lord God save some face.

The thousand captain of this Lanxi Lord God Army-Team. That is to turn Ginkgo's eyes and turn.

With raised eyebrows, there seemed to be a little starlight in Commissioner Qian's eyes.

Angrily, he said in embarrassment: "I will remember the good side you gave me.

However, for something as big as a gravity pool, do you have a good mouth to eat?

Don't be afraid to eat and hold on? \"

Commissioner Qian made a helpless expression, spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders.

To him, he is obviously not an opponent of an order of magnitude.

He Qiang, the committee member, doesn't care about being smart.

He cleared his throat and coughed-"Your Excellency, you really have a noble sentiment to care for others.

I'm full and support it with a little Xiaoshi Dan, and it can be completely resolved.

Your Excellency is kind, I really appreciate it.

Your Excellency is not it, do you want to taste the taste of ban axe noodles again?"

Commissioner Qian, put a big axe into the door of \\\'. It just shook.

"Okay, you are cruel...-"


This Lanxi Lord God's Qianfu Changbaiguo eyes suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes, and his sharp cheeks were full of bulge, yet he could not put aside any cruel words. There was a whistling in the mouth for two decades. "Retreat!" At the subordinates who were rescuing the wounded, it was just like a thunderstorm. The formation of the Lanxi Lord God's army just retreated in such a panic. There is one formation of the main **** army left, with a mountain mark on his chest. This is the army of the Lord God of Xizhai. It was the one where the fortress was bombarded in half by Commissioner Qian.

The momentum of the siege collapsed in an instant, and the army of the Lord God of Xizhai did not dare to pursue the enmity of the collapse of half of the fortress from Commissioner Qian, maintaining a neat queue and fleeing towards the distance.

Even a sentence of the scene was not put aside.

"Now, you can take me in, lovely Linda."

Commissioner Qian turned \\\'turn around' and said to Linda who was already dumbfounded.

Linda finally woke up.

"Of course, Brother Qian.

Linda Zen-Seki glanced at Commissioner Qian with a complicated look.

It was the portal that year, and the line that year, but it was renovated and tidied a lot.

All the top quality rock sales are heavy.

As for the copper beetle that used to be full of holes, it has long been hunted and killed by monks from all directions.

Except for some copper beetles as pets of monks who survived, there was no more shadow of Cheng.

This makes Commissioner Qian really feel like something is wrong.

However, in front of the cave where the console and modulation slots were hidden, there were arrays, pavilions, and buildings arranged one after another.

Linda took the three members of Qian's Committee and showed various seals, circling around.

The control room has become a bobbin area for the joint guards of several factions.

Not only has a lot of good players stationed, but also a lot of battles.

Even from the gaze of the Qian Dawei member.

If I hadn’t been to the location of the control room

Even with his own cultivation base, in so many buildings and formations, finding the right path to the control room is not a simple matter.

Even if no one stops it, it will be difficult to find it after ten days and a half months.

What's more, in these formations \\\'and Jian\\\'building, stood full of cultivators of various main gods who were eyeing each other.

However, the battle situation above \\\' must have been projected through spells, and these cultivators have been familiar with it.

The chief of all factions on the Jinsha River plane, the highest in power, died to death in the previous battle. Flee to escape.

The monks who were stationed also watched Linda lead the Qian Da committee and the group through the formations.


Commissioner Qian made one move.


The turtle and the big head suddenly looked awkward.

They have been with the committee members for many years.

I know that Commissioner Qian made this expression.

There must be a considerable threat.

"Have any master been here recently?

Member Qian asked Linda.


Linda shook her head.

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base was seen just now.

On the entire Jinsha River, I am afraid that no one is the opponent of this person.

A person who is even nervous about the members of Ling. The cultivation base is definitely not too low.

If these characters come to this heavy \\\'power pool. I'm afraid there has been a lot of noise.

"Well, why I always feel that there is a master who is paying attention to us.

Commissioner Qian looked around in confusion, the feeling just now disappeared again

Dark yellow, orange, and brown light are reflected strangely in the sky above the gravity pool.

Linda brought a floating stone pier, and several people stood on it.

I don't see how Linda is acting \\\', just a finger.

The stone pier suddenly increased, but the time for a few breaths was like a gallop. Never inferior to the general regional airliner.

"Ha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Linda, good skill, the speed of this gravitational stone pier is much faster than when we would come here in the past. It must be much faster!"

The big head is the first time. I am just curious to test the gravity of the gravity pool.

The Turtle and Qian Committee members were a little surprised.


Linda controlled the speed of the floating stone pier, not knowing how much faster than when she passed the gravity pool back then.

Linda just laughed and said nothing for the praise of the turtle. Commissioner Qian just moved in his heart.

The gravitational fluctuations revealed by Linda's \\\' just now felt that the committee member Qian felt that it was far beyond her.

Although he has not been to this gravity pool for more than a hundred years. However, Linda was just a cultivator who had just entered the Qi training period! "Linda, it seems that you\\\'have obtained the path to the true path of gravity and mystery☆How much has your gravity mystery practiced? It's doubled." Commissioner Qian asked, Linda hesitated and looked around, and there were no floating stone piers approaching.

Confident eyes flashed in Linda's eyes: "I have reached 300 times the mystery of gravity.

As soon as Linda said this, Turtle and Qian were members. Jishi turned into two surprised faces.

"Three hundred times the gravity, this Linda's progress. It's also a little faster!"

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