Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1360: Destroy

"But isn't it nice to place the gravity pool here?

If Big Brother Qian wants to cultivate, he can come here? "

Linda looked at Commissioner Qian with a little grievance.

Commissioner Qian gave Linda a deep look.

"Linda, this gravity pool was not available to me before. Now, many people need it to improve their strength.

After I moved this gravity pool to a new place. You can also go to new places to submerge.

It is not as expected, as soon as we meet, the only committee member Qian will follow.

Come to think of it, since the Jade Floating Army Golden Sand Group has a share in this gravity pool.

Di Mattel was promoted to centurion by tenth. Linda's two brothers and sisters, here, it is not bad to mix naturally.

He wanted to move the gravity pool all at once, even if Linda knew how to put it away. I'm afraid it should be considered.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Linda's eyes.

"Big Brother Qian, I'm sorry, I really can't put away this gravity pool."

Commissioner Qian exhaled.

This answer was unexpected to Committee Member Qian.

"Then share the console permissions with me. I will study it myself."

Commissioner Qian is bargaining with Linda here.

On the other side, the leaders behind the various fortresses have been driving various escapes. Get together.

With more people, the courage becomes stronger.

After understanding what happened just now, they exchanged views with each other.

Rows of monks, under the command of their brains, began to line up nervously.

Commissioner Qian didn't seem to see it.

Linda's expression showed a trace of panic.

Having condensed the 8-Rank Gravity Gold Core, he naturally knew how powerful these formations were.

There are several big formations, all of them are here.

Once an attack occurs, the momentum is absolutely overwhelming.

This eldest brother Qian, as if he hadn't arrived, his face was calm and calm.

If it's not stupid, then the skill of the long-lost big money man has reached an incredible level.

The five formations have been quickly arranged.

As the lights of various colors flowed, it was suffocating. In general, he rushed to the Qian committee.

And the Bifu Army who came after hearing the news was under the command of a middle-aged man dressed in the armor of the commander.

Lin killed the big array also.

Presumably, this middle-aged man is Nathan, the commander of the Jade Floating Army Jinsha Group.

A ten captain who was sending a message came, and Di Mattel immediately followed the ten captain of the Blue Floating Army to the forest killer formation.

I saw Di Mattel whispering to Captain Nathan for a while.

Captain Nathan projected two extremely surprised eyes without concealment!

This expert who dared to challenge the army of several master gods with one bow. It turned out to be the ten captain of his subordinates!

In the eyes of a commanding officer.

There is no difference between a ten captain and a small soldier!

Moreover, it is the kind of deserter who is silent.

After a while, Nathan waved his hand.

Nearly two hundred people formed a large array of forest killings. Just retreated to the back.

Presumably, the attitude of Commissioner Qian towards Di Mattel and Linda has already been made clear.

As long as the Bifu Army does not act rashly, Commissioner Qian will not attack the Bifu Army.

When the Bifu Army retreated, the other parties quit.

Among the Haofeng Army formed by a piece of blue armor, a tall figure stood up in the air.

This person's eyebrows are cut off, and the nose is high. A pair of triangular eyes flickered, staring at Captain Nathan cruelly, as vicious as an eagle watching its prey.

On a blue armor, the mark of the commander of the Haofeng Army suddenly appeared, holding a snow-white folding fan.

Said coldly: "Captain Nathan, what do you mean?

We reached an agreement to carve up this gravity pool back then. Just agree to advance and retreat together. What do you mean by doing this now?

Could it be that this smasher has nothing to do with your Bifu Army? "

This person didn't keep a trace of his words, his tone was fierce.

Nathan frowned before answering.

The turtle was picked up first.

"The leader of Nathan, this is a gift!

Knowing that the master of this gravity pool has been found, naturally he won't continue to fight stubbornly. It’s like you, occupying our things and wanting to besiege.

What kind of army of the Lord God are you, just a group of copycat bandits. "

Turtle's mouth made the Qianfu of the Haofeng Army smile angrily.

"Your Excellency's tongue is really powerful, enough to be a good flying sword.

I, Suo Shaoyan, can be regarded as a master.

The ownership of this gravity pool. It's no use saying anything.

We still see the truth in words"

The commander of the Haofeng Army just shouted!


The entire Haofeng Army's blue armor formation started from the edge, and a breeze-like blue light lit up. Immediately afterwards, this breeze-like blue light. Just towards the middle one!

A billowing wind, full of madness for more than ten meters, slammed at Commissioner Qian fiercely!

In the billowing wind, there are countless blue wind blades. Rotate in incredible degrees.

Where the cyan wind blade passed, the space was cut into strips.

Billowing Gang Fengshan. There is a sound like dry metal rubbing, and the entire space is torn by Xu's long crack channel!

Commissioner Qian first patted Linda on the shoulder. Linda only felt her figure sway, amidst countless changes in the scene.

People are beyond the ten important points.

With Linda Jindan’s eighth-rank cultivation base, she couldn’t figure out how she passed this ten-mile distance.


Commissioner Qian also let out a long laugh: "That's what I meant!"

Then, with a grasp of his hand, the watery apricot light condensed into an apricot axe.

The face of the axe is as thick as the door.

However, the axe blade is not very sharp.

The watery and agile light contrasts with the mighty and ferocious axe, which is simply weird. How weird it is.

Commissioner Qian made a discus thrower.

This watery axe had already chopped the cyan wind on the head.

Only heard a loud bang!

The cyan gang wind rolls into two from the middle!

The cyan wind blade that can cut the space into strips. He couldn't shake the axe for half a minute, as if it were a majestic mountain!

The force of the wind system is fast.

However, Commissioner Qian’s axe carried the force of ten thousand jun of water pressure and the force of billion jun of the earth.

Just be touched by the blade that is not very sharp. You will feel a huge pressure that is enough to split the world!

The cyan wind roll that was several miles long was split apart.

After that, it was like cutting into the cake.

The thick blade of the axe cut effortlessly into the blue light protection layer outside the Haofeng Army's position. Then, all the way through the formation of the Haofeng Army.

Wherever he went, all the Haofeng Army was touched by the axe blade. Immediately broke into a mass of blood mist fragments.

"Peng, Peng, Peng... One"

A series of muffled noises sounded.

In the formation of the sky blue armor, a corridor made up of blood mist just appeared!

"Quickly, stand. Keep the battle!"

Suo Shaoyan, the commander of the Haofeng Army, looks incredible in a pair of triangular eyes!

His right wrist. In the sword that the net slashed the giant axe head-on, the flying sword and right wrist were shaken to pieces by the force of the counter-shock on the giant axe!

Two blue and black icy magic lights, showing two sharp blades, staggered towards the Qiang Commissioner and the big head!

Two ten-meter thick blue and black magic lights, flying around, endless changes!

"I'll stop it!"

The big head burst out with confidence!

Followed by the Commissioner Qian for so long, on the occasion of the enemy. This is the first such confident shout!

A ten-meter thick, extremely blazing sword glow lit up, turning red in the white, and red flames burst from the sword glow from time to time.

Jianmang suddenly forward. A blue-black magic light with a thickness of ten meters. Touch this sword light. Immediately burst into blue-black frost-like fragments in the sky.

The extremely blazing sword light, once again turned and cut!

Another blue-black magic light with a thickness of ten meters was cut into two immediately!

This is an attack from hundreds of monsters, forming a formation!

Two swords were cut out, and the big head's forehead was already covered with sweat!

The whole person has been breathing like a bellows!

"With the feeling of one enemy hundreds, it's really enjoyable!"

The big head yelled excitedly.

During Commissioner Qian’s scan of his mind, he understood.

Datou's two swords just now almost exhausted his whole body strength.

Among the three largest members of the committee Qian and Turtle.

Although the big head also broke through the wind element, the two elements of the fire element merged mysteriously.

However, both Commissioner Qian and Turtle can increase their own strength by devouring others' cultivation.

The large-headed wind element, fire element, and two elements are profoundly powerful, although their destruction ability is high.

However, UU read www.uukanshu. But com does not have the skills of the Qianjin committee and turtles. In other words, even if it absorbs the strength of others. It also needs to go through flame refining, and it is not as efficient as the big head alone.

Therefore, the cultivation base of the big head is the weakest among the three.

Despite this, with one enemy and hundreds, he reached the peak of life that Datou could not have imagined before, and let Datou burst into an unprecedented passion.

Commissioner Qian's figure flickered, and he was in front of the formation of hundreds of monsters.

I saw the evil spirits on the few monster weapons that were condensed from the human soul.

Commissioner Qian decided to give these monsters a surprise.

"Quickly, the attack changes direction!"

The wearer wearing a golden helmet roared violently!

With a right fist clenched, watery apricot yellow light. It condensed into one thing. The huge fist slammed into the protection surrounded by the blue and black magic light.

Circles of ripples quickly filled the entire monster's formation.

Hundreds of monsters, I just feel that there are countless gold stars in front of my eyes, and everything is spinning around the world.


A dazzling aquatic sword light swept from the left of the entire formation to the right!

Hundreds of monsters, including the few leading high-level disgusting demons, just felt like they were suddenly abrupt. Flying towards the sky!

A piece of blue, purple, and red monster blood splashed in it.

Hundreds of monsters were slashed at the same time!

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