Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1339: Endless sea

"Is this method safe?

The mysterious fusion of the two powers of the light system and the wood system, although the power is a bit smaller, is better than nothing. "

Vidona asked.

She was practicing Holy Light spells, and Commissioner Qian asked her to concurrently practice wood spells.

Prepare to merge the two powers of the Light Element and the Wood Element.

"The soft-shelled turtle has also integrated the two elements of blood and wind. If we do not advance the two elements of the combination of elemental power, the control of the four countries will probably be weakened."

Indi Yuer said seriously.

Indi Yuer is more important than wood. The fire element, the mysterious fusion of the two elements.

"These four small mortal countries don't care too much.

I am worried that the Bifu Army will come to do such a hand today, another day, who knows if they will do such a hand? "

Member Qian smiled.

"How do I feel about the fusion of the two lines of power in your mind? So far, using the power of faith and the blood of the three-color Zhima is the only shortcut I know to merge the two lines of power. "

Indigo and Vidona both nodded.

"The canals and rivers in the territory of Yongshi Kingdom run through. Those who believe in you should

How are these powers of faith used? "

Indi Yuer asked curiously.

After all, Indigo has also condensed a godhead. With the godhead, collecting faith is one of the few ways to advance.

"I transferred those powers of faith to a shadow of golden fruit, and after it was processed by the shadow of golden fruit, it was directly introduced into the divine palace.

Actually, the power of these beliefs. Contains the various wishes of believers.

There are too many impurities, it is really difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, I position my image as a person who helps the people and dredge the waterways, rather than an all-knowing and omnipotent god. The various desires in these beliefs are not many.

However, some wishes have not been dealt with for a long time.

The channel of faith declined.

After all, the benefits of the canal belong to everyone.

Only when one's wishes can be realized can they be seen before them. . "

Commissioner Qian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"In other words, the power of these beliefs is also unreliable?"

Vidona said.

She comes from the jurisdiction of the Light God System.

Especially interested in the power of faith.

"I can't satisfy them, nor can I give them strength, how can they believe in me for a long time?

It is the right way to practice your strength well. "

Commissioner Qian shook his head straight.

The entire Yongshi Kingdom fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Celebrate, a grand celebration!

The Daye Canal runs through the whole territory of Yongshi Kingdom, which brings benefits such as convenient transportation and convenient irrigation.

Everyone can feel the benefits.

Correspondingly, King Yongshi ordered that all citizens of Yongshi must pray for thanksgiving to Commissioner Qian who advocated the construction of the Daye Canal. The people were willing to obey.

All the people of Yongshi Kingdom gathered towards the nearby big towns and prayed for thanksgiving in a form similar to the Olympic relay torch.

After ten days of prayer.

The original plump body of the three-color Zhima has shrunk to only one-third of its original size, making it skinny.


Indigo and Vidona jumped up happily on the spot.

It was specially organized in Eongsi Kingdom. In a prayer ceremony similar to the Olympic relay torch.

After the big prayer ceremony, the two of them stayed up.

Finally, the power mystery of Vidona's wood system and the light system merged, and the power mystery of Indigo's wood system and fire system merged. Both have made preliminary breakthroughs and progress.

This is how the power and mystery fusion is. As long as an initial breakthrough is made, the remaining part will be accumulated in enough time.

In addition, the two of them also cultivated the mysterious power of the wood element, and in their respective palaces, a few shadows of golden fruit were condensed.

This is also the purpose of Commissioner Qian asking them to concurrently study the mystery of the wood system.

The iron crown magic technique was also taught in the past.

Use the Iron Crown Divine Art to organize several Golden Fruit Shadows for deduction instead of using these Golden Fruit Shadows in battle.

After having the iron crown divine art, using the shadow of the golden fruit first produced in battle is completely a waste.

The function used for combat can be completely replaced by shame.

Using the shadow of the golden fruit originally produced to deduce the existing tactics and power mystery, the increase in combat power will be accelerated.

This is also the experience of Commissioner Qian in using the shadow of the golden fruit.

"You are going to the Endless Sea, how can you lose me?"

The blood in the turtle's eyes was faint, and it seemed to be surging.

It seems to be bloody.

After the fusion of the wind and blood forces, the turtle's temperament has undergone a new change.

"Hey. There are so many demon races there, just to make you tonic."

Member Qian laughed and patted the turtle on the shoulder.

Below the light gray clouds is an endless gray ocean.

Everything here is gray, the color of death.

Just walked out of the teleportation array set up in the sky. This is all the scenes that came into the eyes of Commissioner Qian and Turtle

This is a flying castle larger than that on the Iron Leaf Plane, and its size is dozens of times the size of the flying castle on the Iron Leaf Plane!

Equivalent to a person

However, there are no wings.

Suspended in the air solely by the power of magic.

From this point of view, compared to the flying castle in Tieye's face, its protective ability is stronger.

The various energies in the surrounding air. Like a sea tide, pouring into this castle.

Thinking of such a big castle, he already has the surrounding area to automatically absorb the elemental powers of the world and earth for his own use.

However, according to Gu Tianshan.

Inside this floating castle. Contained more than two thousand airships.

In addition, the number of monks in Shanghai is required by the logistics mixer.

Energy and materials consumed every day. It's an astronomical figure!

"Golden swallowing beast! Absolute gold swallowing beast!

Old money, just relying on that point of production on your territory, one year of production, is not enough to sustain the consumption of this floating castle for a day! Gee. "

Turtle shook his head with emotion.

The surrounding eyes focused on the two of them.

Most are hatred, mixed with admiration and worship.

After all, the powerhouse who can kill three airships with one sword cannot be seen everywhere.

Besides, even in the Legion of the Blue Floating Army, for dispatching the floating fleet, to attack the sky star. There are also big objections.

After all, although the main **** has fallen, the concept that the plane under the rule of the main **** Biyou is a family still occupies the hearts of most monks and even warriors.

"Two, you really dare to come, be careful, Gu Tianshan, this guy will arrange dangerous tasks for you!"

One slender eyebrow. The ears are short, and the expression is a bit bald,

The Bifu Army greeted the two with admiration.

"You...are not afraid..."

Commissioner Qian and Turtle both were a little surprised.

Isn't the Bifu Army in front of him afraid of Gu Tianshan's punishment?

"Huh, there are hundreds of people in the Griffin Legion who were born in the stars!

There is no rebellion in Tian Yang Xing. Why did Gu Tian Shan send people to bomb our plane?

Fear, afraid of a ball!

But you really have to be careful. "

Commissioner Qian nodded towards the monk.

"Since I dare to come, I am not afraid!

thanks for your reminder!

Let me ask you a question. I heard that the endless sea plane is lacking in production. How did the golden mirage master choose such a plane to attack? "

The monk shook his head.

"I haven't figured it out yet. The depth of this endless sea is hundreds of thousands of feet. Because of the lack of production, it has not been carefully explored before.

What happened? Attracting the Golden Mirage Lord God to send people to attack, we are busy fighting now, for this, there is no clue. "

"Hi... One"

Commissioner Qian and Turtle took a breath at the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of feet. It is a million meters of seawater with a depth of one meter, which is equivalent to one ton of pressure.

A depth of one million meters is equivalent to a million tons of pressure!

Even with Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base, he could hardly resist the pressure of one million tons to dive to the end.

However, if you want to wield a sword freely under the pressure of a million tons, you can't!

Inside the huge floating castle, a luxurious cabin.

Gu Tianshan frowned and sat on a high chair.

On the silver chair, countless painful and hideous faces appeared.

These are the defeats of Gu Tianshan.

To keep their souls imprisoned in their seats forever is the greatest hobby of Gu Tianshan.

"My lord. That person is already here, do you want to"

A Centurion of the Bifu Army hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and waved, making a slashing action.


Gu Tianshan roared and slapped the centurion's face with a slap.

The centurion was completely fanned and flew backwards with a bang.

A large human-shaped dent was printed on the silver metal wall.

"Do you think my ugliness is not enough?"

With this slap, Gu Tianshan's temper eased a lot.

"If I try to deal with him here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how can I stop the world?

I can't even explain to the Gripen Legion! "

Gu Tianshan paused and smiled coldly.

"Recently, those monsters gathered a lot of people on the Lianhua Mountain under the sea, so I sent them two to have a look at Lianhua Mountain. What is happening there?"

Kang Dang, the centurion, broke free from the metal wall.

A thumbs up.

"My lord, this move is high, near Lianhua Mountain. A large number of water monster races have gathered, and they will go there. I am afraid that there will be no return."

"Go to explore the Lotus Mountain in the sea?"

Commissioner Qian heard the order of the Gripen Legion and looked at each other with the turtle.

This task does not seem to be difficult.

Commissioner Qian and Turtle came here in the name of the Tianyangxing Volunteer Army.

In the assignment of combat missions, at least on the surface, it is still necessary to follow the assignment of the Gripen Legion.

"Lianhua Mountain is located three thousand feet under the sea. It is 10,000 meters deep.

Ten thousand tons of pressure is no joke, old money. How are you going to get there? "

The soft-shelled turtle frowned. After all, opening the shield at any time to resist 10,000 tons of pressure is very exhausting.

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