Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1127: Deduction

Dao is like a house, the starlight burst out suddenly

With this starlight, a breath of prehistoric and ancient times rushed toward his face, carrying an extremely heavy and desolate atmosphere. It seemed to make people distressed, to be assimilated by this ancient breath. The apricot light burst suddenly, violently, quickly!

In an instant between birth and death, the thick and thin stars of the house, together with the stars within a radius of a few kilometers, shattered and broke into countless meteors, flying everywhere!

Qian Dawei just felt his arm heaviness for a while. "What a heavy power!"

Commissioner Qian did not dare to neglect anymore, his hands lit up with apricot-yellow light, which became transparent like colored glaze.

Punch fiercely into the void!

The starry sky has been torn apart.

However, the situation in the rift changed the expression of Chairman Qian.

The space inside is overlapped and distorted like a maze.

"This array is so powerful, it can even distort space!"

Commissioner Qian stood there, his eyes flashing hundreds of meters across these overlapping and distorted spaces.

In Commissioner Qian's mind, the twenty golden fruit shadows all stopped other work.

Rather, it fully deduces all the spatial information recorded by the eyes.

In the palace of Commissioner Qian, an image appeared.

The originally distorted and overlapping space slowly began to restore.

With the passage of time, the restored shape has the shape of the golden kingdom!

This is an extremely esoteric spell about the mysterious power of space that Commissioner Qian learned \"‘Space Restoration.

It can restore the distorted space to its original shape.

However, this spell is not only extremely profound, but most importantly, it requires extremely powerful deduction ability!

Therefore, even Luan Po and Monroe, who imparted the profound knowledge of space to Commissioner Qian, did not practice this spell, and among the Void Walkers of the past, very few practiced this spell.

Beside and above the stars in the distance, extremely violent glare burst out from time to time.

This is a violent battle between the monks who are trapped in the Zhoutian star battle and the stars.


As a senior businessman, Kun Mihui was easy to crack as the last protection of his lair.

How is this

Just when other people smashed the stars one by one, and got rid of the starlight of the sky.

Commissioner Qian opened his eyes, and in an instant, there seemed to be countless spatial ripples flashing across his eyes!

In Commissioner Qian's palace, the space ripples and folds in the cracks, a space node appeared.

Member Qian’s face was already showing exhaustion, and he reached out his hand! An apricot-yellow light flashed! The surrounding space nodes collapsed like broken glass. Commissioner Qian doesn’t need to break the entire Zhoutian Star Array, he only needs to find a channel.


"Speed ​​up, Zhou Tian's star battle can't stop them for long."

A starry sky appeared in Kun Mihui's eyes.

In the starry sky, little by little light is shining, and there are dense stars, which are in constant explosion.

This is the message of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array. As the host of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array, all the changes in the array clearly appeared in his mind.

"Boom!" There was a thud.

Ten meters away from Kun Mihui, the space collapsed into fragments.

An arched space door appeared.

"I can help you block the guy who can use prophecy."

Commissioner Qian looked impetuously and stepped out of the space arch.


Kun Mihui's face was a bit suspicious.

It doesn't matter whether or not Mr Qian's words are boasting.

The mysterious fusion of the three elements of power was demonstrated by Committee Member Qian.

"The big prophecy has a very wide range of attacks. Ritter completely wipes out the teleportation formation and these people while being able to deal with you!

As long as Ritter came in.

Kun Mihui still shook her head.

"This pattern is very good,"

Commissioner Qian looked at Zhou Tian's star battle.

"Give me this formation and I will block Ritter for you.

Commissioner Qian's eyes were piercing and full of confidence.

Kun Mihui was startled.

He fumbled around in the mall and saw how many people.

Commissioner Qian's temperament is as deep as a valley in the mountains, elegant and confident, and his ability to show this kind of gaze shows that Commissioner Qian has absolute certainty.

Kun Mihui is not the one who has lost his reputation as the real master of Thousand Treasure City.

Nodding immediately.

"Well, as long as your Excellency can block Ritter's big prophecy, it will not affect the repair of this teleportation formation.

I will give the original of the star battle array this week!"

"Okay, refreshing!"

Commissioner Qian didn't say much any more, but put his hands on his chest and carefully checked their repairs to the teleportation array.

"Qiantou, let's just give this Kun Mihui to one"

The big head's eyes narrowed, and he spoke to Committee Member Qian.

"Hey, you're pretty dark in the big head.

Commissioner Qian shook his head: "How do you say, Fighting Beast Corridor is under the jurisdiction of Lord Biyou, we do this, don't even think about trading in Fighting Beast Corridor in the future.

Kun Mihui didn't know what they were doing and talking. Although the expression on his face was natural, there was still a trace of alert flashing in his eyes.

This cultivator was really powerful enough to directly tore through the space of the Star Dou Great Array and found his exact position.

If this group of people suddenly turned their faces and started to send their hopes out of the Golden Kingdom, they would all be gone.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian didn't intend to do anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~Kun Mihui's heart, this was settled.

The surrounding space is distorted again.

"Everything I cut and twisted will become a flat road!"

Ritter's voice suddenly came out of the void.

The arrogance of this voice still seemed so awkward.

However, Ritter's cheeks paled slightly.

A row of salivating faces lined up behind Ritter, all looking at Ritter!

Only a few people in the back row of people, Kun Mihui, can compete with them!

Then, a crystal-like avenue appeared out of thin air.

"It's a good battle, it really delayed me for a while, but it's a pity, - tusk.

Ritter looked at the corpse on the ground and shook his head.

Reached out and pointed at Kun Mihui, "I said---."

Big prophecy is about to come out!

At the same time, behind Ritter, Guanghua flashed a burst of flashes. Obviously, the followers behind him had to move unceremoniously.

"Let me say a fart!" Member Qian yelled, and also stretched out his hand! A piece of golden and silver brilliance covered Ritter! Ritter, together with the row of people behind him, turned into a statue-like existence. It stands to reason that Commissioner Qian should now slash with all his strength, and a row of heads flew up.

However, Commissioner Qian turned around and said to Kun Mihui: "How about it, can you get the formation map?

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