"Sister, don’t you have his WeChat account? Send him a WeChat video!!"

Zhang Junjie angrily suggested


Yu Shasha quickly opened WeChat and sent the video directly to Chen Hao......

However, her response was a bright red exclamation mark!!

"he......He blocked me......"

Looking at the red exclamation point in the WeChat dialog box, Yu Shasha was completely confused.

If the call can't go through, it's possible that the other party's phone is out of battery. However, being blocked directly on WeChat means that the other party doesn't want to contact her anymore!

It can be regarded as confirming the fact that Chen Hao evaded the bill from the side!!

"Damn it!!"

"This guy is still not a man, he actually skipped the bill!!"

Zhang Junjie immediately started to curse.

"Did he really run away? ?"

"This is too grandson!!"

"Let the woman pay for the blind date, who is it?!"

"Shasha is really blind, how could she be on a blind date like this!"

"A man who skips every blind date will never find a wife in his life!!"

Everyone started talking and scolded Chen Hao for running away from the bill.

"Miss, can you buy the order now?......"

Zhang Quande finally understood the cause and effect of the matter and came over with a smile on his face.


Yu Shasha frowned immediately. She didn't consider paying the bill at all. In addition, her monthly salary was four to five thousand, which was a standard moonlight clan. She also silently evaluated the meal in her heart. I'm afraid it will cost 10,000 yuan less.......

If she were to pay the bill, she could only swipe her credit card and pay it back slowly.

"How much? How much?"

Although Yu Shasha was extremely reluctant, the matter has now reached a standstill. As a party to the incident, she could not back down, so she had no choice but to ask about the price of the meal.

"Madam, you have spent a total of 42,668 yuan."

Zhao Quande directly handed over the bills for the two boxes 302 and 303.

However, after hearing the bill amount, Yu Shasha was dumbfounded. Not only him, but everyone else was also shocked. Just now they were eating and drinking to take advantage. They didn't think about paying the bill. After all, they came here with the intention of being a big eater.

So, when they heard the sky-high bill, they were all dumbfounded!

"How much? How much? ? ?"

Yu Shasha thought she had heard wrong, and her eyes almost fell out of her surprise.

"Miss, the total consumption of your two private rooms is 42,668 yuan! Details will be shown on the bill......"Zhao Quande still responded with a smile on his face

"There are so many......"

Yu Shasha muttered depressedly and quickly looked at the bill. In fact, she roughly knew the situation of box 302, mainly box 303.......

And when she looked at the bill for box 303, her face turned livid with anger.

Huazi 14 items!!

8 bottles of Moutai!!!

Just these two major items of consumption exceeded 20,000!!

Even Yu Shasha felt that this consumption was a bit excessive. Let alone Chen Hao, even Yu Shasha wanted to escape the bill after seeing it!!

"Madam, do you think you should swipe your card or use WeChat? ?"

Zhao Quande asked again.

"Just wait a moment......"

Yu Shasha shook her head in embarrassment. If it was 18,000 yuan, she could pay with her credit card first.

However, the bill exceeded her credit card limit!

In addition, of course she didn't want to bear such a large amount of money herself, so Yu Shasha called Chen Hao again. In her opinion, he should naturally pay for the meal.

Not enough, the result remains the same......

Chen Hao still can't be contacted!!

"Second aunt, second uncle......"

"What should we do now? ?"

There is no other way. Yu Shasha can only ask Zhang Wanjiang and Wang Huilan for help.

"How do we know what to do?......"

"That kid Chen Hao is too useless!! Zhang

Wanjiang cursed angrily.

"Shasha, if that doesn't work, just put the money down first, and then ask Chen Hao for it later. He can run away, but a monk can't run away from the temple!!"Wang Huilan gave her own suggestions


"This is too much, I don’t have enough money at all......"Yu Shasha lowered her voice and said:"Second aunt, why don't you lend me some first, and then I'll pay you back after I find Chen Hao and ask for the money.""


Wang Huilan's face immediately showed a look of embarrassment:"Shasha, it's not that my second aunt won't lend it to you, we didn't bring much money when we went out to eat. Besides, we shouldn't have to pay this money!!"

Seeing that Wang Huilan refused to lend it to you, Money, Yu Shasha turned her attention to several of her friends. They all ate in Box 303.......

However, as soon as Yu Shasha glanced over, everyone looked away in unison, pretending that the matter had nothing to do with them.


"How do you think this account will be settled? ?"

As the manager of the hotel, Zhao Quande had already seen that there was going to be a problem with the order, and had already called over the hotel security and many service staff. A group of people intentionally or unintentionally formed a human wall to prevent anyone from evading the order!!

"I, I don’t know how to pay!"

"The person who should pay the bill, he......He ran away!!!"

Faced with Zhao Quande's repeated inquiries, Yu Shasha collapsed immediately, and her words were filled with tears...................................................................................................................

New book for newcomers!!! Please give me flowers!!! Please review!!! Please give me a reward!!!..................................................................................................................

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