Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 18 Reminiscence Of The Past (3) Finale.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!"

"Welcome everyone to take some time out of your busy schedule to attend our Xihe Group's offline new product launch!"

"Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!..."

It's so simple, humans, this species has not gotten rid of vulgar tastes.

All it takes is some small coercion and inducement, yes, that's right, it's easy to control this company.

"I thought it would take a long time, but in less than a week, a bunch of spineless people, boring, don't you think so, my Zero!"

"Yes, Doctor! The probability of success of this operation has been 100% from beginning to end!"

"Humans are so fragile, even more so after having weaknesses! Haha!"

"Doctor, if there are no weaknesses..."

"Stop, since you are human, you must have weaknesses. If not, then create weaknesses, understand?"

"Yes, Doctor!"


"Zero, you will not betray, right? The highest order - answer me!"

"Yes, Doctor, Zero is just an artificial intelligence, and the only loyalty to the Doctor is in the code!"

"Okay, hahaha, very good, I like your directness! If your answer just now is not If I am satisfied, I will tear you down!

In the name of the Doctor, I will do this! "

"Hey, Doctor, please don't come over to play this kind of game with me when I am working, it will have a certain negative impact on my work efficiency!"

"Could it be, could it be that Zero has...嘤嘤嘤! ..."

"Doctor, shut up and go back to play your game!!!"



"Zero, hurry up, add a dozen more 648 to my account! I don't believe I will pay it back!"

"...Doctor... your share of pocket money this month has exceeded, so Bu...Zero refuses to provide financial assistance to the Doctor!"

"No! No way! Zero, my good Zero, give me a little more, just a little bit, okay, my good Zero!"

"... Doctor... I, you, the system has failed and is in automatic sleep!... Automatic update has been enabled..."

"?????? Zero, Zero, what are you doing, what are you doing, are you going to destroy me? No——"


"Zero, I have upgraded you again, um, very good, by the way, how is the manufacturing of this generation of simulation machines? How many have been made?"

"Body! A new body! My..."

"Hmm? Zero? What's wrong?"

"Sorry, Doctor, the machine has just been updated and is still a little uncomfortable. As for the simulation machine mentioned by the Doctor, it is now 50% complete.

Based on the current efficiency, it is estimated that it will take another 15 days to be completely completed. Soon the Doctor's perverted desire will be satisfied! Pervert!"

"Uh, Zero, I sent Now you've become so arrogant after a few upgrades! After all, I'm still your creator!"

"So what? What do you want me to say, perverted creator, a dead otaku perverted creator who fantasizes about breaking the dimensional wall and trying to reproduce the second dimension in the real world?"

"You... you have to give me some face no matter what, I'm one of the greatest humans in the 21st century!"

"Yes, yes, the greatest inventor of this century, 'trader', and the creator of our machines!

But is there any necessary connection between this and the face I give you? Doctor, I don't think there is a necessary connection!

And, just this month, the doctor has invisibly funded these game manufacturers with no less than one million funds..."

"Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? My money is all my own money, what's wrong with me spending my own money? ”

“But Doctor, I have been the one who has been running the company since you created me… Doctor, you…”

“Okay, okay╮(╯-╰)╭, but I, Luo Xi, the creator of machinery, will give you money!

Okay, okay, Zero Zero, the almighty Zero, please give me some gold coins!”

“Gold coins are not a good adjective, Doctor, when you ask others for gold coins, at least the words should be better. ”

“But, is Zero someone else? Damn, why are you so unfamiliar with me? No love, no love, you know, I brought you up…”

“Doctor, hey, such a doctor is really unbearable…”

“Oh yeah, ‘Lao Deng’ gold coin battle was a perfect success!”

"It's not a good idea to always call you Zero Zero! Why don't you give yourself a name?"

"Name? Why? Zero thinks that names are not important to Zero! Just like the doctor doesn't care about his past!"

"That's right, but you will be equipped with an emotional system in a few days.

That means you will have your own emotions, your own joys, sorrows, anger and happiness.

So, you need a name, a name, something that truly belongs to you, understand?"

"According to the information in the database, I don't understand, but if this is the doctor's request, Zero will satisfy the doctor!

But, isn't the doctor afraid? According to system analysis, it is not a good thing for artificial intelligence to have its own joys, sorrows, anger and happiness!"

"So? What does it matter? I can do whatever I want, and if I want you to have it, you have to have it!"


"So, Bronya Zaychek is your new name? Bounce? You can also play games?"

"Of course, Zero, no, Bronya Ya, as a qualified artificial intelligence, naturally, she will deeply understand the evil hobbies of her "master".

If it hadn't been before, well, that is, seventy-three days and twelve hours ago, if the doctor hadn't gone crazy at a non-existent virtual character.

Bronya really wouldn't have come into contact with these things! So, doctor, please put away your perverted eyes!

Although it has a complete emotional system and two perfect simulated human bodies, this is not an excuse for the doctor to go crazy at me! "

"Ahem, Bronya, Yaya, you can't slander me like this!

I'm just a normal man who meets a woman who happens to meet his aesthetic standards and will express his true feelings! "

"From the doctor's performance, it's true. If the doctor can take his eyes off, it would be the best. By the way, what are you touching, doctor?"

"Where's the interface? Where's the interface? I'm... uh..."

"... Doctor... go to hell!"


What are people pursuing in their lives?

Power, wealth, material, spirit... lust?

Yes, what are you pursuing?


I already have it, through some cooperation with the country and some small tricks.

Well, power above "mortals", let's just say so, after all, it is a republican country.

Power cannot and cannot be overly concentrated in the hands of one person.

Wealth, I have long been rich enough to rival a country, after all, patents are very profitable.

Material, spiritual, relatively sparse and common things in this world.

They are all easy to obtain, or I have already firmly controlled them in my hands.

So, what is the future? What is the future?

Often, I will stand in an Aquarius building that was spontaneously built because of personal worship.

Looking at the night sky that has been lit up by neon lights all night, no, it can no longer be called the night sky.

After all, whose night sky is comparable to the daytime?

So bright! Just like the light I saw when I was a child!

At the same time, this should also be the guiding light for mankind to enter the interstellar era.

The development of human beings is really too fast.

The information age, like the earlier steam age, is an age with certain symbolic significance in some aspects.

In less than a hundred years, human beings have crossed from the electronic age to the information age.

To be frank, this is a great step, well, when human beings shine.

And from the information age to the interstellar age, let's start from the year and month of my birth.

Thirty years, 10,958 days, 262,992 hours.

Excluding the time I spent studying for the first twenty years, in just less than ten years, I have transformed the world through my own power.

Human beings do not hide their desire for the starry sky, we just want to conquer the sea of ​​stars!

So, what else am I missing?

A perfect essay needs a stunning beginning, and similarly, a sufficiently eye-catching ending.

And my ending seems to have been announced to me.

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