After forging the Kingdom of God, Jiang Chen gained 4 abilities.

[Immortality]: You can give up your body and territory and live forever in the Kingdom of God.

[Accepting Heroic Spirits]: Consume a certain amount of divine power to extradite the souls of believers after death to live in the Kingdom of God. In the soul state, believers can continue to pray.

[Super Blessing]: Under the condition that the consumption of divine power remains unchanged, it greatly improves the power of divine arts of yourself, the gods, and believers, including the true body of the gods.

[The Kingdom of God Descends]: You can evolve the Kingdom of God to the main world, but it requires a large amount of divine power crystals.

It can be said that except for the third “super blessing” which greatly improves the overall God’s domain, the other abilities are still a bit useless for Jiang Chen now.

Jiang Chen did not intend to give up his body or extradite souls.

At the same time as forging the Kingdom of God, Jiang Chen also received a task completion prompt.

[Prompt: You forged the Kingdom of God and completed the opportunity task: Divine Stone Advancement. ]

[Prompt: The Creation Divine Stone has completed the advancement. 】

While Jiang Chen was entertaining big shots like the Origin Daozu, the God of Fortune in the sea of ​​consciousness had already quietly completed the advancement.

Jiang Chen casually took out an Excellence·Heroic Soul and clicked the “+” behind it.

[Strengthening Direction ①]: Epic·Heroic Soul, consuming 2 million spirit stones.

[Strengthening Direction ②]: Legend·Heroic Soul, consuming 50 million spirit stones.

[Strengthening Direction ③]: Myth·Heroic Soul, consuming 5 billion spirit stones.

Without delay, Jiang Chen took out another ordinary spirit stone, opened the strengthening list, and flipped directly to the bottom.

[Strengthening Direction ③③②]: Immortal Stone, consuming 100 million spirit stones.

Although he was mentally prepared, Jiang Chen was still overjoyed.


Jiang Chen’s laughter echoed in the enlightenment space.

“It is indeed possible to strengthen mythical items, even mythical quality immortal stones!”

After that, Jiang Chen suppressed his excitement and took out the Soul of Arms, Recruitment Order, equipment, resources, building blueprints, skill books, territory advancement symbols and other props to try, and finally came to a conclusion.

“Almost all items can be strengthened to mythical, but not all mythical items can be obtained by strengthening.”

This is easy to understand.

For example, the upper part of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art was originally strengthened by the Iron Shirt, but at this moment, Jiang Chen could not directly strengthen the middle part of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art.

Jiang Chen’s understanding is that the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art is just like the Origin Divine Fist. Either you practice step by step from the lower part, or you directly get the complete version, that is, the eternal skill.

Jiang Chen guessed that if the Fortune Divine Stone is advanced again and can strengthen the eternal items, it can directly strengthen the complete version.

In addition to strengthening mythical items, the functions of protecting the sea of ​​consciousness and purifying divine power have also been significantly strengthened, but compared with the strong, these are additional abilities.

What Jiang Chen is most satisfied with is that it does not require high-quality spirit stones to strengthen mythical items, but ordinary spirit stones.

“It’s just that the price of this strengthening is a bit high…”

The price of strengthening mythical props is generally a hundred times that of strengthening legendary props, and the price of fairy stones is thousands of times that of top-grade spirit stones.

A mythical hero soul actually requires 5 billion spirit stones.

Fortunately, the soul of a soldier is not expensive. A mythical soldier soul only requires 200 million spirit stones.

The annual tax revenue of the God’s Domain is now around 200 trillion spirit stones. Excluding operating expenses and various dividends to allies, Jiang Chen can monopolize half of it. If it is used to strengthen the soul of mythical soldiers, 5 million pieces can be strengthened, adding 5,000 mythical 12-star soldiers for Jiang Chen.

In the ten years since ascending to the fourth heaven, Jiang Chen has been recuperating. In addition to the huge expenditure of state resources, he has accumulated ten years of spirit stones. If all are used to strengthen the soul of soldiers, it will be tens of thousands of mythical 12-star soldiers.

The mythical 12-star troops are already the strongest under the eternal. Even the old eternal like the Great Sun Tathagata should be regarded as a treasure.

However, Jiang Chen is still not satisfied.

“After a while, when all the war lords in the God Realm are at full level, we will go to war with the Nether Ghost Clan to rescue Xiao Zhu and Xuan Xuan, and the task of Jiangcheng’s advancement to the King City has not yet started. So not only me, but the combat power of the entire God Realm must be improved. The tax revenue of the God Realm alone is probably far from enough. We have to find a way to increase revenue.”

“But before that…”

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen first explained to Ying Yinman, Little Fox, An Chuxia and others, saying that he would retreat to stabilize his realm and let them manage the God Realm during this period, and then began the crazy road of strengthening.

He first flipped his hand and took out an epic technology crystal.


One hundred million spirit stones burned, and when the light dissipated, the technology crystal in his hand had been advanced to mythology, faintly emitting three-color brilliance.

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction”Xixi and Xiaobai come here.”

Soon, Tianji King and Boss Bai appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

“Congratulations to the Lord for building the Kingdom of God.”

The two should have discussed it in advance, and they congratulated each other as soon as they met.

Jiang Chen pointed to a pile of technological crystals that had just been strengthened in front of him and said, “Are these enough?”

He Xi only noticed the technological crystals in front of him. After a moment of surprise, he was overjoyed: “Enough, enough, Lord, don’t worry. With these technological crystals, I am sure that I can analyze the basic rules of ‘raising the level limit’ within a few years. Even if it is not as good as the Judgment Set, it can at least play half of the effect when carried on the Abyss.”

When chasing the Heaven Mountain Legion in the sixth heaven, He Xi proposed the possibility of analyzing the rules of the Judgment Set, but it only required a large number of mythological technological crystals.

However, it turned out that the difficulty of analyzing this rule was far beyond everyone’s expectations.

In addition, only the mythological lords of the technological race can explode mythological technological crystals, so after twenty years, the analysis progress has always been slow.

When the Creation Stone was advanced, Jiang Chen naturally strengthened enough mythological technological crystals as soon as possible.

In the next month, Jiang Chen did nothing but put all his energy into strengthening.

Even the small generals became laborers. In addition to condensing the blood of the ancestors, they also strengthened.

Under the hundred-fold time acceleration, the two finally used up all the spirit stones and exchanged them for various mythical props worth tens of millions.


Jiang Chen exhaled and started his own plan.

He opened the military merit system interface of the fourth heavenly divine domain and directly included ordinary spirit stones into the military merit exchange system.

Clearly marked price: 100,000 spirit stones/military merit.

A few seconds later, some of the divine domain lords who were exchanging found something unusual.

“Damn, you can actually buy military merit directly with spirit stones?!!”

“Hahaha, I have saved for more than ten years, but I still need 40,000 military merit points to exchange for a mythical hero soul. Now I can buy it in seconds if I make up the difference of 4 billion spirit stones!”

“Doesn’t this mean that all mythical props in the military merit system can be bought with spirit stones?”

“The sudden opening of spirit stone exchange, is it going to start another war?”

Some smart people keenly sensed something unusual, but were quickly interrupted by everyone.

“No matter what the reason, grab the mythical props first!”

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the lords of the divine domain, the number of mythical props that can be exchanged in the military merit system is controlled at more than 100,000 pieces all year round, most of which are mythical equipment, but there are also treasures such as mythical territory advancement symbols and hero souls.

More than 100,000 pieces may seem a lot, but the number of lords who followed Jiang Chen to ascend to the fourth heaven has exceeded 10 million, which can be said to be too many wolves and too little meat.

The lords who were able to follow Jiang Chen to ascend to the fourth heaven, except for those farming lords, were naturally thousands of times stronger and more profound than An Luoxi back then, and their family background was not ordinary.

Once the opening of the exchange of spirit stones for military merit was opened, hundreds of thousands of mythical props were snatched away in just a few minutes.

Not only props, but also mythical dragon tooth rice, various spirit fruits, enlightenment tea, etc. were looted.

Ying Yinman, who realized it later, immediately found Jiang Chen and said with a headache:

“What’s going on? It’s true that we still have millions of mythical props in stock, but it’s not enough for these guys to fill their teeth. You don’t lack spirit stones, why do you want to relax the exchange standard?”

“Who said I don’t lack spirit stones?”

“Damn, after so many years of taxation in the Divine Realm, there is no bottomless pit like the state capital. It’s not a problem for you to save tens of trillions of wealth, right?”

Jiang Chen was also helpless. Tens of trillions were only enough for him to strengthen tens of millions of mythical props.

On average, each of the lords of the fourth-level divine domain has only one or two items.

Even if the lords of the divine domain raise funds in this way, it may not be enough.

So this time, Jiang Chen decided to focus on the entire human race.

“It’s time to come up with some good things…”

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