Dragon Girl looked at the singing and dancing sky city, and even a few fallen goddess warriors wearing bikini armor barely covering their key points pointed at her, and a trace of anger flashed across her face.

“You should have a pious heart when you seek the scriptures, how can you be greedy for pleasure?”

After saying that, she ignored Jiang Chen, bid farewell to the Bodhisattva, and took off directly into the air and flew westward.

In the fifth heaven, the distance between territories is at least tens of millions of kilometers. Without using the arbitrary door, it may take more than a month to fly across a territory, not to mention that you have to adjust your breath and recover during the period, which is extremely hard.

Jiang Chen said to Guanyin helplessly:

“Look, Master, I am doing this for her safety, but she doesn’t appreciate it.”

Guanyin put her hands together: “Master Dragon Girl is sincere to Buddha, there is no greater kindness.”

Manjusri Bodhisattva and Venerable Jinshou also spoke up. Although they did not criticize Jiang Chen, they praised Dragon Girl.

Unknowingly, salvation has begun!

In Buddhist terms, this is to subtly guide Jiang Chen onto the right path, just like educating a child, and the Dragon Girl is the power of a role model; but in Jiang Chen’s view, this is PUA.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to listen to the chatter of several people, and clasped his hands together and said:

“My lords, Wu Shi is also leaving.”

Accompanied by a roar, the Sky City took off, following closely behind the Dragon Girl.

Watching the Sky City disappear in the sky, Manjusri Bodhisattva sighed: “Wu Shi’s stubbornness is not inferior to that of the monkey head, and from the perspective of comprehensive strength, it is far superior to that of the monkey.”

“Hehe…” Guanyin Bodhisattva was more patient and chuckled, “As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, at least he happily accepted the Dharma name and put on the tight hoop, this start is much smoother than expected.”

Half a month later

“Master, we have left the Blue Star Region. There are more and more wild monsters along the way. The Dragon Girl is in a tough fight. Should we take action?”

Hearing the voice of the Empress, Jiang Chen, who was practicing in the deep space of the territory, slowly opened his eyes.

“It took half a month to leave the Blue Star Region and enter the wilderness. If so, after a journey to the west, I am afraid that I will reach the maximum level. After the journey to the west, I can start to ascend again…”

Jiang Chen waved his hand to open the image sent by the Empress. In the picture, the Dragon Girl showed her true body of thousands of feet, facing the siege of tens of thousands of night owls alone.

Although the night owls were afraid of the dragon’s might, they could not resist the temptation of the dragon’s flesh and blood. They fought bravely, and the legendary Night Owl King, who was leading them, even uttered the unpleasant common language of all races.

“Brothers, such a low-level dragon is rare, not to mention a lone dragon lord. As long as we eat this dragon in front of us, we can all advance.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was almost amused.

This can be considered as another kind of Tang Monk meat!

“Evil beast, you are looking for death!”

The Dragon Girl is only level 225, but she is also a high-level myth. She is not afraid even when facing tens of thousands of level 250 monsters. Every time the dragon swings its tail, it can easily smash dozens of night owls.

The compassion of the ancient Buddha clan is only for believers or potential believers, and it is not forbidden to kill.

However, there are too many night owl monsters, including epic bosses. The Dragon Girl was soon injured. If she continued to fight, even if she killed all the night owls, she would be injured.


Although the Dragon Girl has been unwilling to set foot in the Sky City for half a month, Jiang Chen can’t watch the Dragon Girl die for the mission.


Accompanied by thunder, tens of thousands of goddess warriors rushed out of the Sky City, leaving streaks of lightning in the void.

Three seconds later, tens of thousands of night owls were completely destroyed.

Jiang Chen’s strength seemed to be beyond the Dragon Girl’s expectations. She looked deeply at the Goddess Warrior Corps for a long time, and then said to Jiang Chen’s clone in the Sky City: “Such a powerful army should join Lingshan and become the guardian of my Buddha.”

“Humph!” Cynthia snorted coldly, “This Dragon Girl has become stupid because of practicing Buddhism!”

Jiang Chen put his arm around Cynthia’s slender waist: “Don’t be angry, sooner or later, I will make her the second Medanzo.”

After saying that, Jiang Chen immediately contacted the clone.

During this period, the clone has been dealing with the Dragon Girl.

The clone quickly told Jiang Chen about the situation of getting along with the Dragon Girl in these days.

In order to prevent the clone from revealing any flaws, Jiang Chen made an exception and gave the clone intelligence and even part of the memory of the original body.

In fact, Jiang Chen can instantly read all the memories and emotions of the clone, but he is extremely cautious.

Careful to the point that he not only refuses to have any direct contact with the Dragon Girl, but also does not allow any memory of the clone to be uploaded to the original body, but all through oral narration.

The clone talked for several hours before he sighed: “Through my observation of the Dragon Girl over the past half month, I found that the Dragon Girl was not putting on a show, but was reallySincerely worship Buddha, teach the world to be good. I actually have a feeling of admiration for her, even if this feeling is very faint, it is also very scary. ”

Jiang Chen’s heart trembled.

The clone completely inherited the world view and values ​​of the original body, that is to say, if the original body had direct contact with the dragon girl, it might have the same feeling under the influence of what it saw and heard.

No wonder the ancient Buddha clan was willing to spend so much money, it was really weird.

“I will reset your memory now!”


Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the clone was instantly stagnant, and all memories were wiped out.

The next second, new memories were given to the clone, including the story that the clone had just told the original body.

The clone’s eyes became lively again, and he nodded:

“My feeling about the dragon girl has disappeared.”

“Okay! “Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

The Dragon Girl really has the ability to bewitch people, and it is even hard to guard against it. Otherwise, why is she the master?

However strong this ability is, as long as the clone is regularly “restored to the appearance settings”, the effect will be greatly reduced without the “empathy” experience of the first-person perspective.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen gave the clone an order: “From now on, you must show the influence of the Dragon Girl on you to the outside world. For example, you can be more intimate with the Dragon Girl appropriately, but you must also grasp the scale. ”

“I know!”

With the little golden man, anyone can become an actor, and it is not difficult to simulate this kind of emotional change.

And doing so is also to reassure the ancient Buddhas and avoid other moths.

Soon, the clone appeared in front of the Dragon Girl and sighed:

“Master just consumed a lot of spiritual power, why not go to the Sky City to rest for a while. ”

The Dragon Girl looked up and found that the fallen goddess warrior who was standing on the Sky City and pointing fingers at her had disappeared.

Considering that this was a good sign, the Dragon Girl stopped being aggressive: “Wu Shi, you know your mistakes and can correct them, which is naturally a great virtue.”

At this moment, Jiang Chen and the Dragon Girl were like a scumbag and a scumbag playing pua with each other. Whoever takes it seriously will lose.

The Dragon Girl has a deeper understanding of Taoism, while Jiang Chen is always a bystander, or an occasional bystander.

After Jiang Chen’s repeated sincere retention, the Dragon Girl reluctantly agreed to stay in the Sky City, and the relationship between the master and the apprentice was completely “relaxed”.

“It worked!”

Another month passed, and the behind-the-scenes planners of the Journey to the West, who had been closely following the Journey to the West through special means, looked excited.

“Although Jiang Chen was still on guard, his attitude towards the Dragon Girl Zen Master was obviously much more relaxed during this period. ”

Golden-headed Arhat said hurriedly: “Master, Jiang Chen is a cunning man. He is probably acting to lower our vigilance.”

“Don’t be afraid!” Guanyin Master was full of confidence, “Even if he is acting, it will come true after a long time! Moreover, although Jiang Chen is insidious and cunning, he is also sentimental. We are together day and night on the journey to the West. With the influence of Master Longnu, I don’t believe that we can’t take him down.”

Everyone nodded.

Guanyin Master continued: “In addition to Master Longnu, we have other chess pieces. Second Brother will be on the stage soon! By then, they have fought side by side for more than ten years, sharing weal and woe, and are as close as brothers. With Jiang Chen’s character, it is impossible for him to give up. ”

Manjusri Bodhisattva counted with his fingers and smiled: “Coincidentally, Second Brother has already appeared. I will broadcast it to you now. ”

Soon, a light screen appeared in front of everyone.

The light screen showed the scene of the Dragon Girl Zen Master about to subdue the second disciple, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

Suddenly, the style of the light screen suddenly changed, and all the ancient Buddha clan strongmen, including Guanyin Bodhisattva, exclaimed.

“Ah? What happened?”

“They actually took action. What happened to the promise of sharing weal and woe and being as close as brothers?”

“No, stop Jiang Chen quickly!”

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