Main world, Blue Star, Jiangnan Province, Qinghe City, Li Family.

Two hundred years ago, the Li Family had a legendary lord. Although he died soon, the legacy left behind also made the Li Family a third-rate lord family.

“Thinking about the third brother again?”

The current head of the family, Li Zheng, was about to take a rest, but found that his wife was staring at the family portrait on the bedside. Although several years have passed, the pain of losing a son is not so easy to erase.

“Since the third brother chose to enter the battlefield of all races, he should be prepared to die on the battlefield at any time! Under the protection of His Majesty the Emperor Jiang, the safety of the Lord of the Divine Realm has reached the highest level in Blue Star in the past thousand years. It’s just that the third brother has a bad fate!”

It’s fate, but how many people can see through it?

Fortunately, Li’s mother is not an unreasonable person. She said with a strong face:

“Go to sleep, Li. Tomorrow, the eldest and the second will return to the main world. I hope they can stay a few more days this time…”

Li Zheng sighed.

When he and his wife were young, they had fought in the battlefield of all races. Unfortunately, they had limited talent and could only sell their territory and choose to quit. But then again, it was a blessing to be able to retire and return to the main world to enjoy their old age.

Fortunately, with the current technology of Blue Star, even without the attribute bonus brought by the lord level, it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years.

Judging from the age of Li Mu and his wife, they are middle-aged at most, and they have a lot of time to enjoy.

Late at night.

“Dad… Mom…”


Feeling the whisper in his ear, Li Zheng suddenly woke up, sat up from the bed, and took a defensive posture.

At some point, a dark shadow appeared in the room, standing at the head of the bed.

Although the Li family is not heavily guarded, it also has the most advanced defense system. How could someone enter the master’s bedroom without knowing it?

“I’m Li Yuan, Dad and Mom, I’m back to see you!”

“It’s the third child!” After seeing the figure at the head of the bed, Li Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said unhappily, “How old are you, and you still come to your parents’ room in the middle of the night?”

It’s normal for people in dreams to have a muddled mind, and sometimes their memories are still stuck in many years ago, so Li Zheng didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem.

Fortunately, Li’s mother seemed to be awakened at this time. After a moment of stagnation, she burst into tears:

“Xiao Yuan, my son, you finally came back to see us?”

Looking at his wife crying while holding her son, Li Zheng’s expression froze instantly, and goose bumps all over his body.


Isn’t the third child dead? ! !

I discussed this with my wife before going to bed!

Could it be that you dream about something during the day!

But are dreams so real?

Or… an assassin?

Just when Li Zheng was about to take action, Li Yuan looked at the unstable space around him and said hurriedly:

“Don’t get excited, Mom and Dad. If you get excited, you should wake up. It’s expensive for me to build a basic dream room!”

Normally, dreams cannot harm the living, and the living can even easily break free. “Waking up from a dream” is the truth.

“Is this a dream?” Mother Li suppressed her excitement and sobbed, “Okay, okay, Mom is not excited, Mom is not excited! My son looks stronger than the last time I saw you…”

She had dreamed of her son before, but how could it be so real this time?

Li Zheng also noticed the strangeness of the space, as if there was a fog outside the bedroom, and asked cautiously:

“Dream room? You said we are in a dream?”

“Yes, not long ago, His Majesty Emperor Jiang led the army to the Yellow Springs Ghost Realm, subdued the Ten Kings of Hell, forced Hades to retreat, and fought for our Blue Star Lord…”

Listening to Li Yuan’s story, Li Zheng’s eyes were full of disbelief.

As the head of the lord’s family, he knew very well what this meant.

He shook his head vigorously.

“Recently, my imagination has been getting bigger and bigger. Even novels dare not write like this…”

Obviously, normal people would not believe this is true, just treat it as a dream that you don’t want to wake up from.

But Li’s mother didn’t care so much, as long as she could see her son.

The family hasn’t seen each other for several years, and there is endless talk.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Yuan’s face suddenly changed:

“Mom and Dad, you’re about to wake up. I want to tell you something. You can think about it during the day. I want you to have another child after a while, and then I’ll be reborn in my mom’s belly and come back to be your son, okay? Anyway, mom is still young, so I won’t bother two people with one thing. It’s just hard for mom…”

“Okay, okay, it’s not hard, not hard…” Mother Li smiled from ear to ear.


In the early morning, in the master bedroom of the Li family, the silly laughter of Mother Li was heard.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Talking in sleep, this is already on the verge of waking up.

The solidity of the dream space is also related to the state of the dreamer.It does.

People are not sleepy anymore, so naturally the dream cannot be maintained.

Mother Li did not wake up, but her sleep talk woke up Father Li.

He opened his eyes, lamented the reality of the dream just now, looked at Mother Li who was a little abnormal, and pushed his wife:

“Wake up, are you dreaming again?”

Mother Li opened her eyes and found that the pillow was soaked with tears.


She suddenly stood up, and after sitting for a while, she realized that it was just a dream.

“You bastard, I’ll strangle you to death!”

Mother Li gritted her teeth, suddenly pounced on Father Li, pinched Father Li’s neck and shook him hard:

“You must have woken me up, so that my son ran away, woo woo woo…”

Father Li was strangled by the neck, and it seemed that he saw the shadow of Mother Li when they were in love decades ago.

Since becoming a mother, Mother Li has not been so fierce for a long time.

But there were more important things to do, so he could not think about it anymore: “What did you say? You also dreamed about your son? What did your son say?”

“Hmm~” Mother Li cried out of breath, “Son said… Son said he would be our son in the next life… Let us have another one…”

Father Li swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice: “Didn’t son also say that His Majesty Emperor Jiang led the strong men of the God Realm to descend on the Yellow Spring Ghost Realm to kill all the people and forced Hades, the King of Hell, to retreat without a fight. From now on, His Majesty Zhu Yuanzhang will sit in the Yellow Spring Ghost Realm to lead the Lord of Blue Star…”


Listening to Father Li’s story, Mother Li was stunned, and then her eyes burst into dazzling brilliance.

After being married for decades, Father Li knew Mother Li very well, and he knew what happened by looking at her expression.

“Really, it’s true! But this… How is this possible?”

12 noon.

“What? Mom wants to have a fourth child?”

After the eldest and second sons of the Li family came back from the battlefield of all races, they were stunned when they heard the news suddenly.

The eldest brother complained: “No matter how much the second brother and I disappoint you, there is no need to rush to practice the trumpet, right?”

The second brother said loudly: “Even if our talent is not as good as the third brother…”

As soon as he said this, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly shut up and looked at his mother carefully.

But who knew that Li’s mother had no sadness at all, and smiled and said: “It is because Xiao Yuan came to my dream last night, saying that he would be reincarnated as my son soon, so I planned to try for the fourth child.”



The eldest and the second brother’s faces were instantly full of grace, looking at Li’s father, their eyes full of questions.

Li’s father also nodded and smiled and said: “That’s it.”

The eldest and the second brother’s faces were even more worried.

In the end, it was the eldest brother who mustered up the courage: “Dad and Mom, I feel uncomfortable watching you like this…”

“Insert a message…”

Suddenly, the scene of the soap opera of love and hatred between the two lords originally played on the holographic screen changed, and Ye Yiren’s figure appeared.

“Hello everyone, I am Ye Yiren, CEO of Jianghuang Group. Through the negotiation of His Majesty Jianghuang, a group of Huangquan ghost lords who originally belonged to the God’s Domain may return in the near future. Please don’t panic.”

“The returning lords are all heroes of the God’s Domain, so Jianghuang Group will give the returning lords and returning families a return gift package. For specific rights and interests, please check the official website of Jianghuang Group. If there are other difficulties, you can also raise them to the group. The group will do its best to help employees in difficulties.”

“Before the lord returns, the willingness of the returning family will be fully consulted, and reincarnation will not be forced.”

“Normally, the returning baby unlocks the mystery of the womb at the age of 10, and those who are willing to take the initiative to adopt the returning baby Families who have returned can first register with the Jianghuang Group, and the group will match their needs. ”

“All returning families must do a good job of reception and confidentiality of the information of the returning lords.”

“As a benefit for employees within the Jianghuang Group, from now on, all employees can use the group’s contribution points to redeem return after death.”



Watching Ye Yiren broadcast the news, the eldest and second sons’ eyes widened.

Mother Li’s smile became even bigger.

“I have decided to convert to the Jianghuang Temple from now on and pray devoutly for His Majesty the Emperor Jiang.”

Only Father Li, as the head of the family, considered more.

“The return of the Lord of Huangquan is unprecedented, it is simply unprecedented! The Blue Star Domain is about to change!”

Father Li’s prediction was almost the same.

As soon as Ye Yiren’s announcement was announced, the entire Blue Star, whether it was the battlefield of all races or the main world, was boiling.

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