Among the items of the same quality, the least valuable are resources.

Above that are probably treasure chests, equipment, recruitment items, various advanced items, etc.

And the most precious, of course, are blueprints.

The blueprints of the state city are also the best among the blueprints.

It is hard to imagine how much of a sensation such a blueprint would cause if it were made public! ! !

[State City] (Eternal)

[Defense Coefficient]: 128

[Infinite]: As long as there are enough resources, it can be expanded infinitely.

[Dongtian]: The state city has its own space inside, which can accommodate a small town and can be a domain at most. The size of the Dongtian space is affected by the size of the state city, and the Dongtian environment is affected by the quality of the state city’s building materials.

[Unfettered]: The state city has 18,328 building modules (click to view), and the city lord can freely design the state city’s building structure. All building modules can be folded in a special space. When necessary, they can be fully unfolded, or a damaged building module can be replaced separately.

[Strike]: The lord and his legion located in the state city can obtain a certain degree of attribute bonus. The amplification effect is affected by the size of the state city, the quality of building materials, and the attributes of the amplified unit.

[Migration]: Consume spirit stones to migrate the location of the state city on the map. Consume fairy stones of corresponding quality to break the space ban below the myth level (inclusive).

[Subordinate city]: You can establish a subordinate relationship with other state cities. The quality of subordinate cities cannot be higher than that of the main city. The number of subordinate cities is affected by the size of the main city. The main city and subordinate cities can migrate their territories to each other.

[Transformation]: If you have enough fairy stones, perhaps this is not only a defensive fortress, but also a siege machine.

Unlike other buildings, state cities do not pick building materials, and there are no fixed building materials.

Whiteboard-level state cities can also use myth materials.

Similarly, myth-level state cities can also use whiteboard materials.

Of course, different quality building materials will naturally have different performances.

The same quality of building materials, when used in Jiang Chen’s Eternal State City, and in the White State City, the effect is more than a hundred times different? !

This involves the most important indicator for measuring a state city: the defense coefficient.

The lowest level White State City has a standard defense coefficient of 1 point.

In other words, the same [Arrow Tower], also using the mythical-level Galaxy Sand, is placed in Jiang Chen’s Eternal State City. Whether it is the degree of solidity or the special bonus, it is 128 times that of the White State City…

“As long as I have enough time to build the city, my God Realm is simply invincible!”

Jiang Chen sighed.

Not only is there a 128 building coefficient, but there are also 7 characteristics, each of which is extremely powerful.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s legendary three-star Yingtian City only has 3 characteristics, and can only build a five-story urn city at most.

Needless to say, the power of the first three characteristics, just talk about the fourth [Strong Attack].

The state city focuses on defense. This is the first time Jiang Chen heard that the state city can also increase its attributes.

Although it is not a fixed ratio increase, after the God Realm, the God Palace, etc., the God Realm Lord finally got an extra increase again. This is something that other lords do not have.

It can be said that as long as the building materials are continuous, this state city has unlimited possibilities.

“I am afraid that I will never have the chance to get a second eternal state city in my life. When I ascend to the fifth heaven in a few years, should I give up? Can I ascend with the state city…”

This sudden thought of the question made Jiang Chen frown.

“Forget it, it’s useless to think too much now! I’ll see the situation when the time comes. Anyway, it’s a fluke!”

Jiang Chen shook his head, then directly opened a random door and appeared above the new Shenzhou capital.

“Automatically generate the state city structure! Build the state city! Name the state city: Jiangcheng!”

The eternal-level blueprint turned into a stream of light and shot out. Within a few seconds, it expanded to a city phantom of hundreds of kilometers in size, covering the sky above the capital.

At the top of the state city, only Jiang Chen can see the construction progress.

[City construction progress]: 0/1000 trillion

The size of the state city is far beyond ordinary world wonders, not to mention that it is an eternal state city.

One trillion units of construction resources are naturally not something Jiang Chen can handle.

And this is just the most basic city.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen owns such a large divine domain, and his wealth is far beyond that of old domain lords like Ying Zheng. He directly took out the task editor and started editing.


All new Shenzhou lords received the task prompt at the same time.

[You trigger the task: Build Jiangcheng. ]

[Task background: His Majesty the Lord of the Divine Domain, Emperor Jiang, has gone through untold hardships and finally obtained the blueprint of Shenzhou’s state city. As a member of Shenzhou, hurry up and build your home with your governor! ]

[Basic reward: military merit. ]

[Rare resources: 100 units/1 military merit. ]

[Excellent resources: 5 units/1 military merit. ]

[Epic resources…]

[Contribute more than 1 billion units of resources to obtain permanent residency in Jiangcheng. ]

[Hidden rewards: For every 100,000 units of resources submitted, you can get a chance to draw a lottery. A large number of mythical props are waiting for you! What are you waiting for? ]

[Current prize pool: Mythical Hero Order*1, Mythical Soldier Talisman*1, Mythical Hero Order*1, Mythical Hero Soul*1, Mythical Soldier Soul*10, Mythical Equipment*100…Epic Equipment (Level 200)*100 million, Excellent Equipment (Level 200)*1 billion. ]

[All prizes in the prize pool have the same hit probability, and you will win a prize every time you draw a lottery. ]

[Number of tasks: unlimited. ]

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

“State capital? When did Shenzhou start the state capital mission?”

“It’s actually a personal mission!”

“Too powerful! His Majesty Jiang Chen has just been promoted to level 33 for more than half a month, and he has completed the state capital mission independently?!!”

The New Shenzhou channel was instantly boiling.

In the New Shenzhou, there are not only the lords of Longyuan Town who ascended with Jiang Chen.

There are also lords from the original Xin Kingdom who stayed in the New Shenzhou, and lords who moved to Shenzhou because they yearned for the bonus of the Divine Realm, totaling nearly one million.

Jiang Chen wanted to expand the scope of the mission, but unfortunately only the lords of the state were eligible to participate in the construction of the state capital.

As Jiang Chen expected, voices of doubt soon appeared.

“Too impatient! Starting the state city mission so early is not worth it!”

“Have you forgotten the strength of His Majesty Jiang Chen? The Empress can fight two mythical military lords alone. Even if there are only 33 books, His Majesty Jiang Chen can at least get an epic state city!”

“That’s true! But if you wait a few more years, with His Majesty Jiang Chen’s background, there may be hope of getting a mythical state city!”

The difficulty of entering the state city mission with 33 books and 39 books is the same.

So, almost everyone feels sorry for Jiang Chen.

“Haven’t you felt the tense atmosphere in the Blue Star Domain recently? Especially in the Tudor Dynasty, many angel lords have moved into the Blue Star Domain and obtained the authority of mayor, county magistrate, and even lord of the mansion!”

“Alas, it’s a troubled time! Perhaps His Majesty Jiang Huang sensed the crisis and had to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs!”

“Damn Tudor Dynasty, it made me lose a mythical state city in the Blue Star Domain!”

“Wow!!! Am I seeing right? Mythical territory advancement talisman! Mythical hero order!”

Finally, someone noticed the reward for building a state city…

“Hurry up! Go to the mansion! I want to clear out the resources!”

“Aren’t you planning to ascend to the fifth heaven?”

“If the resources are gone, you can collect them again! At most, it will take a few years! But if you miss the myth, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

Not to mention the territory advancement talisman, even if it is mythical equipment, many lords of the sixth heaven don’t have one.

Suddenly, a series of arbitrary doors opened, and everyone rushed to the mansion like crazy.

Beep, beep, beep–

Jiang Chen was peeking at the provincial government channel when a communication request came in.

It was Zhu Di!

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