The sixth heaven.

The seat of Ming domain, Yingtianzhou, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zhu Yunwen had just opened his eyes when several civil officials and lords surrounded him and asked with concern:

“Your Majesty, what is the result?”

Zhu Yunwen glanced at his right-hand men and said:

“The obstacles of Xianqin, Shengtang and Shenyu have been resolved!”

Several civil officials immediately showed joy and said respectfully:

“My emperor is wise!”

Zhu Yunwen’s mouth curled up, but he quickly suppressed it.

“Huang Qing, in your opinion, which rebel should be targeted next?”

Huang Qing’s name is Huang Zicheng. He has a dignified appearance and a righteous spirit. He is one of the chief designers of the plan to reduce the feudal system.

Before Huang Zicheng could speak, Qi Tai on the side hurriedly said:

“Your Majesty, I think that the Prince of Yan has always had great ambitions and is the biggest threat to Your Majesty. He should be reduced as soon as possible.”

Just as Zhu Yunwen was about to nod, Huang Zicheng immediately said:

“Not appropriate. The Prince of Yan has long been preparing for rebellion. It is difficult to reduce the power of the princes in one fell swoop. The Prince of Zhou and the Prince of Yan have a deep brotherly relationship. It is better to reduce the Prince of Zhou first and get rid of the Prince of Yan’s right-hand man!”

Qi Tai loudly retorted: “The Prince of Zhou is just a land lord. Although his prestige is high, his threat is low. The Prince of Yan has been in the battlefield of foreign lands for many years. His combat power is amazing. Under his command, there are many military lords and war lords. He should not be allowed to grow bigger!”

Huang Zicheng: “It is precisely because the Prince of Zhou has high prestige and low threat that he should be set as the first target. It’s not that the Prince of Yan can’t afford to reduce him, but that the Prince of Zhou is more cost-effective!”

The two of them argued for a long time without any result.


After a long time, Zhu Yunwen whispered:

“Just do as Huang Qing said, and start by reducing the King of Zhou!”

Qi Tai opened his mouth and sighed.

And Huang Zicheng’s eyes flashed with a hint of pride, and he struck while the iron was hot:

“Your Majesty, it may not be long before Jiang Chen, the Lord of the Divine Realm, will ascend to our Sixth Heaven. This is a fierce dragon crossing the river, and we must be on guard!”

“Shut up!” Zhu Yunwen frowned and scolded, “Jiang Chen is my brother, and he is the first to support the reduction of the vassal. When he ascends to the Ming Realm, I must entertain him warmly!”

Huang Zicheng was not discouraged, and said seriously:

“Don’t have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others! Your Majesty should know that Zhu Yeqing and Zhu Yexuan are as close as brothers to Jiang Chen. They are all direct descendants of the King of Yan, and even the relationship between Zhu Yexuan and Jiang Chen has always been unclear…”

Zhu Yunwen finally frowned when he heard this.

Huang Zicheng also stopped when he saw the good, and changed the subject:

“Of course, His Majesty Jiang Chen is the backbone of our Dragon Kingdom, so we still have to be courteous.”

Zhu Yunwen: “What do you mean?”

Huang Zicheng said: “I suggest that Jiang Chen be prohibited from entering the heart of our Ming Domain before the success of reducing the vassal states and clearing the world. This is also for the safety of His Majesty Jiang Chen.”

Zhu Yunwen was entangled after hearing this.

It is not difficult to prohibit Jiang Chen from entering the Ming Domain, as long as Jiang Chen is not authorized to use the Anywhere Door.

With a territory of nearly 10 million kilometers, it would take half a month even to reach the Sky City by flying.

“But…” Zhu Yunwen was a little entangled, “Jiang Chen’s 300-year agreement with the Ancestral Saint King is already tight, and if we hinder him from behind, wouldn’t it be even worse?”

“Hehe…” Huang Zicheng chuckled, “300 years to challenge a top eternal, even if our entire Blue Star fully supports, Your Majesty doesn’t really think Jiang Chen has any chance of winning? After all, no matter how strong the Divine Realm is, it’s only 300 years of glory! How can it compare to the thousand-year fortune of my Ming Realm.”

Zhu Yunwen was stunned, and then suddenly enlightened, and said happily:

“Mr. Huang really woke me up with a word, I have learned from it! Then follow Mr. Huang’s opinion!”


No matter how strong Jiang Chen is, he can’t jump around for many years!

In 300 years, he may not even be able to reach the first heaven, let alone challenge the Ancestral Saint King.

For such a powerful person who is destined to be short-lived, as long as he is not offended within 300 years, it will be fine. Why did I try so hard to make friends with him before?

“Your Majesty is wise and will become an emperor of the ages in the future!” Huang Zicheng said with relief, “Why not suggest that His Majesty Jiang Chen ascend to the territory of Xin Kingdom, which can also help Prince Xin share the pressure and resist the remnants of Qingyu.”


Xin Kingdom is a kingdom on the northeastern border of Mingyu. It is in danger even without reducing the vassal state.

Moreover, Jiang Chen has just destroyed the foundation of Qingyu. Although most of the Qingyu rulers who have ascended to the sixth heaven also hate Ci Le, they hate Jiang Chen who destroyed Qingyu even more…

However, Zhu Yunwen, who has “awakened”, hesitated for a moment and nodded:


Seeing this, Qi Tai and Fang Xiaoru looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

After leaving the Hall of Supreme Harmony and returning to the territory, Huang Zicheng immediately logged into an encrypted channel.

“Everything is going well at the moment.”

The channel immediately became lively.”Jiang Chen is too strong. If you want to kill Jiang Chen in the battle of breaking the domain, the cost may be a hundred times that of killing Zhu Yuanzhang, and it may not even succeed. Let him go to Xinzhou, and then we will catch him in the jar!”

“The Ming domain is in chaos. If we get rid of Jiang Chen, we will finally have a place to stay in the sixth heaven!”

“With the strength of King Yan, I am afraid he is not the opponent of the Ming domain. We need to support him secretly…”

Even many war lords who have developed for a hundred years will choose to enter the older area to spawn monsters.

Because the older the area, the higher the level of wild monsters, the more levels you jump, the higher the reward bonus.

And due to the restrictions of the rules of the ascending platform, the lords of the old area cannot transfer to the new area, so the lords of the old area will become increasingly scarce.

For example, the 120 area where Jiang Chen is now has been opened for 551 years.

Unless you have several transformation skills such as [Qingmu Gong] and [Changchun Gong], no lord in the seventh heaven can live so long.

Because there is no lord to clean up, not only are the monsters of high level, but also the number is dense.

Just like now.

The huge sky city is suspended thousands of meters high “close to the ground”.

Below is the endless golden tribe army, shining brightly under the sun.

Although there is no territory, official position and other blessings, there are heroes in the wild monster tribe.

The attributes of the golden army, which is as high as 190 levels, should not be underestimated. If it is a legendary monster like [Golden Overlord], the attributes are not even weaker than the Nine Heavens Goddess.

Fortunately, the monster spawning point was carefully selected by Jiang Chen.

Groups of sun true fires that have reached at least a small success fell from the sky, instantly turning hundreds of kilometers into a sea of ​​fire.

The sun true fire sacrificed the special abilities of the Six Ding Divine Fire and the Nirvana Holy Fire, but in exchange it brought extreme lethality.

Under the multiple blessings of the flame will, the flame rune, the dragon and phoenix, the flame field, etc., more than 99% of the golden clan had just flown less than a hundred meters into the air before their bodies melted into golden juice and fell into the sky.

Fire overcomes gold!

Only a few bosses above the excellence level can fly away from the area covered by the sun’s true fire before melting, but their bodies are also very soft and their combat power is greatly reduced. They are easily cleaned up by the goddess warriors, Lolita and other strong men.

Jiang Chen instantly refreshed millions of battle reports.


In the sky city, Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and chuckled with an ambiguous meaning.

The empress asked curiously: “Why are you laughing, sir?”

There is nothing to hide, Jiang Chen briefly recounted the content of the conversation with Zhu Yunwen just now.

“Allocate a prefecture in Xin Country to us?” The ability of the empress is one in a million among the lords. Hearing this, she frowned and said, “Is the new Ming Emperor on guard against us?”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said indifferently:

“Be on guard, we have the Divine Realm and Longyuan Town, and we don’t need to rely on the authority of the Ming Realm.”

The empress thought it was right, so she stopped entangled in this issue, and rarely showed a trace of cunning and said:

“Master, there is good news, do you want to hear it?”

Jiang Chen was surprised: “What news?”

What news, the heroes all know, but he, the lord, doesn’t know?

“Master, give me a kiss!”


The empress didn’t keep it a secret: “Just now, a Tianyin Saint’s Sun True Fire reached the Great Perfection.”

“Really?” Jiang Chen stood up and laughed, “Where is she? I must reward her with a piece of Enlightenment Tea.”

This is really a surprise!

In addition to the wars of life and death such as the Domain Name War and the Texas War, up to 20,000 Tianyin Saints spent all their time in the Tianyin space to comprehend the Sun’s True Fire.

Under the acceleration of time, the first 2,000 Tianyin Saints have been practicing for more than 300 years.

However, it took more than 300 years to practice a mythical skill to the Great Perfection. Even with the assistance of the Sun’s Heart Core, it can be called a peerless genius.

At least in terms of the talent for practicing the Sun’s True Fire, it is unparalleled.

The Empress rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen after hearing this.

A piece of Enlightenment Tea can directly promote the Great Perfection skill to the Transformation Realm, which is naturally a huge reward.

But even if this Tianyin Saint did not want it, Jiang Chen could not agree.

The Empress said unhappily:

“No need, this girl’s progress in the Sun’s True Fire has always been one of the dozen people far ahead, and she has received more than one piece of Enlightenment Tea in the monthly exam reward.”


Jiang Chen met the Tianyin Saint named “Xia Ke’er”.

Xia Ke’er looked about 20 years old, with a petite figure and a beautiful face.

After more than 300 years of hard training, Xia Ke’er has become an out-and-out stay-at-home girl. After being summoned by Jiang Chen in person, her face flushed with nervousness. It took her several seconds to remember to greet Jiang Chen and the Empress:

“Ke’er greets the Lord, the Holy Lord!”

Jiang Chen said with a pleasant face: “No need to be polite, immediately evolve the Great Sun Golden Crow toLet me take a look. ”

Just at this moment.


An extremely sharp sound wave that was beyond the hearing range of ordinary humans came, causing the void cover of the Sky City to vibrate.

Jiang Chen frowned, then opened the Heaven and Earth Eye and looked in the direction of the sound.

Hundreds of kilometers away, a 100-meter-tall golden giant appeared at some point, and was even constantly merging with other golden people, getting taller and taller.

“Golden Emperor?”

Jiang Chen was amused.

It was simply a target that was delivered to the door.

He pointed his finger:

“Ke’er, target that big guy, let me see the power of the Big Sun Golden Crow!”

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