“Mythical strongman?”

Hearing these four words, everyone was stunned and looked in the direction of Meng Tian’s gaze.

A girl with black hair and black eyes, a slender figure and heroic spirit was walking out of the portal, curiously looking at the new world in front of her.

“Damn, it’s a lord! A mythical lord?!!”

Meng Tian nodded solemnly.

“Not only is this lord at the mythical level, but the tens of thousands of soldiers who have entered the portal are all at the legendary level, and many of them are more than just one legendary star.”

Her [Qi-gazing Technique] has been restored to perfection, and she is also a legendary nine-star. Although she can’t see Long Lingwei’s specific attributes, she can’t be wrong about the mysterious aura that belongs to the mythical strongman.

Zhu Yeqing looked a little serious: “There is a blood emperor in the Lighthouse country, and now the boss has introduced such a powerful force. I am afraid that the tail will be too big to be removed!”

“Don’t worry!” The little fox said indifferently, “Since Brother Jiang Chen dared to let Xiao Jiu bring people here, he must be absolutely sure. Maybe he has already controlled the territory of this myth lord.”

This remark caused everyone to roll their eyes.

The phenomenon of personality cult in Shenzhou is already very serious, and the most serious one is always the little fox.

An Chuxia said: “Perhaps Jiang Chen also saw the power of the Brahma Star God Clan, so he had to unite with the foreign lord. After all, they are all human beings, so they are more reliable.”

And Ying Yinman said curiously: “Strange… This myth lord and these soldiers all have the breath of dragons!”

When everyone looked at Long Lingwei, Long Lingwei also felt something and looked back.

But when she saw Ying Yinman, her face changed instantly.

“Such a strong dragon power! Could it be the blood of the divine dragon?”

“No, I have advanced to the mythical level. Even if the divine dragon is in front of me, it is impossible for me to have palpitations, unless…”

Thinking of that possibility, Long Lingwei’s heart was instantly filled with turbulent waves, and she swallowed her saliva subconsciously.

“The Blue Star Region is so terrifying!”

At that moment, she was even more in awe of the Blue Star Region.

Long Lingwei took a deep breath and saluted a few people from a distance, neither humble nor arrogant.

Then she flew ten kilometers away and waved her hand.


A pillar of light fell from the sky, and after the light pillar dissipated, a human territory appeared in the original place.

Long Lingwei was relieved.

At this point, she was completely free from the threat from the Brahma Star Region.

Other lords of the Dragon Blood Royal Court who entered the portal also followed suit.

One after another, territories fell from the sky and were distributed on the vast map.

As figures continued to pour out of the portal, Meng Tian’s eyes widened.

Millions of legendary troops!!

You should know that when the foreign land invaded a few months ago, the powerful tribes such as the angels, ancient Buddhas, and mechanical tribes only had about a million legendary troops.

What is the origin of this human royal court in front of him? It is almost equivalent to several powerful foreign tribes.


Before the portal closed, Long Zhan brought hundreds of dragon blood war gods into the portal, which made Meng Tian gasp instantly.

She even covered her mouth subconsciously with her hand.

For a great lord who has existed for thousands of years, this is already a loss of composure.

“What’s wrong, sister?” Ying Yinman asked curiously.

Meng Tian forced herself to calm down, and then sent a message to Ying Yinman through the lord channel.

Ying Yinman’s eyes widened and she swallowed saliva.

However, the two women tacitly fell silent, because there were already many lords who came to watch the fun.

Hundreds of mythical warriors are too shocking.

“Strengthen monitoring!”

In private chat, Ying Yinman complained:

“Jiang Chen is really a fool. He put hundreds of myths, millions of legends, and 120-level soldiers into the domain without any notice. If these guys really have bad intentions, it will be very troublesome…”

With the help of Ye Yiren.

The 3 million lords of the Dragon Blood Royal Court were all settled in one day.

Although the joining of millions of native lords caused a lot of waves in the Blue Star Domain, it was far less than the arrival of the envoys from the Florence Star Domain a few days ago.

After all, no matter how bad the elves are at breeding, there are hundreds of millions of lords in one territory.

And in the eyes of the human race, the elves are elegant, beautiful, and peace-loving. Compared with the blood race and the gods, they are completely two extremes.

Therefore, the arrival of the envoys from the Florence Star Region was warmly welcomed by the lords of the Blue Star Region, especially the ordinary lords who did not need to consider political factors.

And the enthusiasm could not be dissipated for a long time.

The lord of the Asan Kingdom had been bragging about it for several days.

“Ms. Lina just arrived in the Blue Star Region and took the initiative to visit Mr. Xiussara!”

“Of course, Mr. Xiussara is the ‘Shennong’!”

“Hahaha, planting is the elves’ strong point, but Mr. Xiussara sold tens of thousands of mythical spiritual objects, how can we not let the elves curry favor with us? ”

“If the Blue Star Region can enter the top ten thousand of the Ten Thousand Races Business List this time, it’s all thanks to our Asan Kingdom!”

In the words of the little fox, Asan Kingdom can brag about this for a year.

Although the lords of other countries are disgusted, who let them have a mythical farming lord, and just caught up with the Ten Thousand Races Business List.

So no matter how unhappy they are, they can only bear it.

At this moment, the elf messenger Lina, who was talked about by Lord Asan, was in Ye Yiren’s territory palace.

“Miss Ye Yiren, is Mr. Jiang Chen really coming back soon?”

According to the plan, they originally planned to invite Xiussalo and Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen went to the outer domain and had no news for several months.

Just when Lina was hesitating whether to continue waiting, there was finally news about Jiang Chen.

Ye Yiren nodded and said:

“In a week at the fastest and half a month at the slowest, our Lord Jiang Chen will definitely return to the Blue Star Region. ”

Lina thought for a moment and said, “Okay! Then I’ll wait a little longer!”

If it was another messenger, he might have left long ago.

But Jiang Chen defeated the enemy with six words in the battle of the Ten Thousand Races’ Pride and showed mercy to Lina, which left a very deep impression in her mind.

This is also the reason why Lina took the initiative to apply to become an envoy.

Ye Yiren also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn’t know the purpose of Lina’s coming to the Blue Star Region, the Florence Star was a powerful ally. If they were lured by the Asan Kingdom, they would be in trouble.

So everyone in Shenzhou also hoped that Jiang Chen would return as soon as possible, and then use his charm to take down this little girl Lina.

Jiang Chen didn’t keep everyone waiting for long.

Because there was a random door of the Dragon Blood King Court on the side of the Brahma Star Region, Jiang Chen returned to the Blue Star Region only 4 days later.

Lina showed a smile from the heart on her face.

“Sir Jiang Chen, we meet again!”

Jiang Chen was stunned, and then said enthusiastically:

“Yes, long time no see! Welcome to the Blue Star Region!”

But he had doubts in his heart.

Who is this? Why does she seem to be familiar with him?

But she has a nice face and figure.

Lina was delighted to see that Jiang Chen still remembered her.

“I also want to thank Mr. Jiang Chen for showing mercy back then.”

After saying this, Jiang Chen finally remembered.

It turned out that the elf girl who was scared away by his words in the battle of the Ten Thousand Races’ Pride, by the way, this girl seemed to be the sister of Liv, the leader of the Feilingcui Army.

After a few pleasantries, Jiang Chen asked curiously:

“I wonder what Miss Lina wants to talk to me about? ”

Lina subconsciously glanced around and said solemnly: “We have a poisonous temple in the Fei Leng Cui star field…”

As Lina spoke, Jiang Chen gradually showed interest.

Jiang Chen did not know the specific information of the Poisonous Temple.

However, Jiang Chen knew that the Poisonous Temple could recruit poisonous warlocks.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen asked: “Lina, I heard that you Fei Leng Cui also invited Xiu Si Sara this time?”

Lina hurriedly explained:

“The way to occupy the Poisonous Temple is simple and difficult! That is to kill directly to the temple center on the ninth floor of the temple!”

“But the monsters in the Poisonous Temple are not only powerful, but also full of poisonous fog. The deeper you go, the more overbearing the poisonous gas is! We were afraid of too many casualties before, so we only passed the fourth floor!”

“So, we need His Excellency Xiu Si Sara to help plant several detoxifying spiritual fruits, and even plant detoxifying spiritual plants on the spot when necessary, and then move forward step by step. ”

After coming to the Blue Star Region for a few days, Lina also realized that the people of Shenzhou did not like the Asan Kingdom.

She was afraid of causing Jiang Chen to be unhappy, so she revealed all the information that was supposed to be confidential to Florence.

Jiang Chen understood, and then seemed to say casually: “What is the detoxification spirit you asked Xiussara to plant?”

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