As soon as this announcement was made, the anger of the lords of the Blue Star Domain was instantly ignited.

“Damn… what a generous person!”

“Do you still have any sense of shame? The Five Elements Temple belongs to Jiang Chen, so why did you donate it?”

Not only the Dragon Kingdom, but any lord with a sense of justice, even some Sakura Lords and Lighthouse Lords, could not stand it.

“Baga, the Lighthouse Kingdom is so shameless! They dared to do it but did not take responsibility after dropping peace bombs on us before, and now they are using the world wonders of Shenzhou to please the Five Elements Heavenly Domain. Why don’t they hand over their ancient gates?”

“It’s really shameless. As the lord of the Lighthouse Kingdom, I feel ashamed!”

What a pity.

Those who are righteous are often butchers!

People with a sense of justice are unlikely to reach the pinnacle of power.

Therefore, their protests are doomed to be ineffective.

“Everyone, please be patient. This is not the decision of one of us, but the common choice of the entire Blue Star Region!”

Sherman said passionately:

“For the sake of the collective interests, it is sometimes inevitable to sacrifice personal interests. Mr. Jiang Chen is our role model!”

Zhuge Lanqi was amused: “This is a farce. We refuse to vote and refuse to recognize the legitimacy of this proposal! You can entertain yourselves!”


The voting results came out.

“Good! 365 state capitals in the Blue Star Region, 228 votes in favor, 0 votes against, and the rest abstained.”

Those who support Shenzhou did not participate in this farce, so the number of votes against is naturally 0.

Sherman said loudly:

“I declare that the proposal is passed! The Blue Star United Council will immediately invite the allies of the Five Elements Heavenly Domain to enter the Blue Star Domain!”

“Please ask Mr. Jiang Chen to prepare the welcome ceremony and the delivery of the Five Elements Temple.”

“In order to thank Mr. Jiang Chen for his efforts, the Blue Star United Council has specially made a limited edition silk banner, which will be sent to Shenzhou later!”

Sherman’s words made the eyes of the thirteen states of the Dragon Kingdom spit fire.

Although everyone knows that this is just a war of words, Jiang Chen can’t just hand over the Five Elements Temple.

But the disgusting little move of the Lighthouse Country gave the Five Elements Heavenly Domain a reason for “procedural justice”.

Originally, even if the Five Elements Heavenly Domain knew that the Blue Star Domain had a Five Elements Temple, it must have taken into account the reputation of the upper domain and the will of other upper domains.

But now, the Five Elements Heavenly Domain has complete procedures and is legitimate.

Five Elements Heavenly Domain.

“Five Elements Temple?”

Shui Mengling was surprised:

“There is a Five Elements Temple on the map of our human race’s 108th domain?”

For the Five Elements Sect, the value of the Five Elements Temple is equivalent to several world wonders of the same level.

If a Five Elements Temple can be obtained, the development speed of the Five Elements Heavenly Domain in the 666th district will be increased by at least 30%.

Even over the years, any district with a Five Elements Temple will gather the power of dozens of districts and eventually become a branch of the Five Elements Sect.

At that time, as the military leader of the 666th district, Shui Mengling’s status in the Five Elements Sect will also rise, and she may even become the leader of the branch.

In short, no matter how much it costs, this Five Elements Temple is bound to be obtained by the Five Elements Heavenly Domain.

“Absolutely true!” The envoy of the Lighthouse Country flattered, “But there is a little trouble, it is really just a little trouble…”

Although the envoy of the Lighthouse Country tried his best to cover it up, Shui Mengling instantly saw through the trick after hearing a few words.

This made Shui Mengling sneer in her heart.

I had heard that the Blue Star Domain was extremely chaotic, and there were 200 countries in the lower domain fighting against each other. Today, I saw that it was indeed true.

But it was also thanks to the internal strife of Blue Star that I had a reason to seize the Five Elements Temple.


After hearing the name “Jiang Chen”, Shui Mengling’s eyes flashed with hatred and… fear.

It was this person who robbed the opportunity that originally belonged to me and made myself a joke among the human race’s geniuses.

But although this guy is hateful, his strength should not be underestimated, even if he is just a lower domain lord.

“I accept the donation from the Blue Star Domain on behalf of the Five Elements Heavenly Domain. If the donation goes smoothly, the Five Elements Heavenly Domain is also willing to offer 1,000 places to invite the Blue Star Domain lords to come to the Five Elements Heavenly Domain for further study, and their status is equivalent to that of inner disciples.”

The envoy of the Lighthouse Country was overjoyed.

These are 1,000 places for inner disciples!

Already have the right to settle in the Thousand Points of Fortune Town in the Five Elements Heavenly Domain.

“Thank you, fairy, thank you, fairy!”

After the Lighthouse Country envoy left with thousands of thanks, Shui Mengling thought for a while and said in the Five Elements Heavenly Domain management group:

“Please invite the senior brothers and sisters of the four departments of gold, wood, fire, and earth to come to my territory to discuss matters…”

Jiang Chen still attaches great importance to the threat from the Five Elements Heavenly Domain.

After all, with Ying Yinman’s strength, it is only ranked around 500 in the human race.

This proves that the Five Elements Heavenly Domain is the best.There are dozens of lords whose strength is above Ying Yinman, and as for the strong ones below him, no one knows how many are there.

However, things have come to this point, and we can only deal with them as they come.

With the newly promoted six-winged angel and crystal princess, Jiang Chen is not afraid, it is just a matter of how many cards are exposed.

Of course, war is a last resort, and it is best to solve this problem in a peaceful way.

“Brothers from Shenzhou can work hard to improve their strength, and leave the Five Elements Heavenly Domain to me!”

The lord of Shenzhou thought of Jiang Chen’s identity as a human being, and perhaps the military leader of the Five Elements Heavenly Domain would give Jiang Chen face, and he felt relieved immediately.

However, when they learned that Jiang Chen was going to explore the outer domain, they immediately became nervous.

“Boss, do you want to wait until the 17th book before exploring the outer domain?”

“Yes, I heard that the native lords in the outer domain are very fierce, and there are even many lords above level 20.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen!”

It would be strange if there was anything wrong!

After saying that, Jiang Chen waved his hand gently.

A random door of tens of meters in size appeared.

[Tip: To open the random door, the distance is 13 million kilometers, consuming 3 million spirit stones, and 300,000 spirit stones are consumed every 1 minute]

“3 million spirit stones!”

Jiang Chen sighed.

Then he took the empress, Yan, Aurora, and the main legions under his command into the random door.

For high-level lords, the “travel fee” to and from the foreign battlefield alone is a huge expense.

Sometimes if you are unlucky, you may even lose money.

So in order to save costs, several lords who know each other well often book a random door for travel.

The disadvantage is that there are no secrets between them.


Jiang Chen appeared in a dense primeval forest with his legions.

Surrounded by towering ancient trees hundreds of meters high, with lush branches and leaves, even the midday sun could hardly penetrate the ancient tangled roots, so that the whole forest seemed a little dark.

“Is this the Pandora Forest?”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath of fresh air:

“The environment is quite good!”

“Wait a moment, Lord!” After returning to her hometown, Aurora seemed very happy and said with a smile, “I will contact the elf lords of Pandora immediately to welcome you!”

As she spoke, Aurora came to a towering ancient tree and stretched out her hand to gently press it.


The ancient tree began to shake.

Then, one… two… the whole forest began to shake gently, as if it had Parkinson’s disease.

“What a magical way to transmit information!”

Jiang Chen exclaimed.

The last time Aurora raised 10 billion spirit stones through crowdfunding, the news was transmitted in this way.

Jing Qi suddenly said, “Lord, there is a jungle killer’s nest 110 kilometers away!”

“Oh?” Jiang Chen immediately became interested, “Let’s go and warm up!”

[Jungle Killer]

Race: Monster

Level: 104

Quality: Rare

Combat Power: 21290☆

“So disgusting!”

Zizaitian shuddered.

The situation in front of him was indeed a bit creepy.

Hiss hiss hiss…

I don’t know how many giant pythons were entangled together, forming a snake ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

The small ones were more than ten meters, and the big ones were dozens of meters.

The dense hissing sound was continuous.

The densely packed snake heads poked out from the snake ball, spitting out their tongues to protest to the invaders, which made people’s scalps numb.

But for Jiang Chen, it was just a terrifying momentum.

Because it was a wild monster, the Jungle Slayer, which was less than level 105, was far inferior to Jiang Chen’s Heavenly Sound True Transmission in terms of combat power.

“It’s been a long time since I killed such a weak monster!”

Jiang Chen sighed, and then said to Hathaway: “Let me see the power of the Heavenly Battle Formation!”

“Yes, Lord!”

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