
Shenwu Naizi snorted coldly upon hearing this:

“The reason why our Great Sakura Empire cannot bring down the mythical strongmen of the 632 war zone is because the evil forces group headed by Yu Fengwu is interfering. As long as Qingyu can hand over these evil leaders, Sakura and Qingyu would have achieved a co-prosperity society long ago.”

“This…” Ke Su frowned. He didn’t have such great power. “I will convey Miss Shenwu’s request to the top!”

Yu Fengwu’s reputation in the war zone is too high, and he also knows that Qingyu can occupy a place in the 632 war zone, all thanks to powerful generals like Yu Fengwu.

“Even if Yu Fengwu cannot be handed over, it shouldn’t be difficult to deprive him of his official position…” Shenwu Naizi retreated to the next best option, “If Qingyu is willing to deprive Yu Fengwu of his official position, our Sakura Kingdom is willing to support Qingyu after the [Ancient Myth Road] is opened soon.”

Ke Su’s eyes lit up. He knew that Shenwu Naizi was the great-grandson of Xu Fu, and his words still carried weight.


At this time, Sherman, who had been silent all the time, suddenly laughed out loud.

“There is another good way!”

Shenwu Naizi treated Sherman and Kesu in completely different attitudes, even though the Lighthouse Country had just thrown a peace bomb at the Sakura Country.

She immediately said with a smile:

“Mr. Sherman, please speak?”

Sherman smiled and said, “The Five Elements Temple is the common wealth of our Blue Star Region, not Jiang Chen’s alone!”

Shenwu Naizi frowned.

“Even so, the Five Elements Temple is in Jiang Chen’s hands!”

The two sides have already torn their faces apart, whoever has the bigger fist is right.

What’s the point of saying these words to Jiang Chen?

Shenwu Naizi didn’t quite understand Sherman’s intentions.

“Don’t forget, the Five Elements Temple can be relocated!”

Sherman was confident of victory:

“We can donate the Five Elements Temple to the Five Elements Heavenly Domain on behalf of the Blue Star Domain in exchange for some places to study in the Five Elements Heavenly Domain.”

When this was said, Shenwu Naizi, Ke Su, Aoi Song, Philip and others were all stunned.

Such a shameless plan, can humans really come up with it?

Then, they remembered the unpleasantness between Shui Mengling and Jiang Chen, and their faces suddenly showed excited smiles.

“Mr. Sherman is right!”

“The Five Elements Temple is a treasure to the Five Elements Heavenly Domain, but it is just a pretext for its mission. As the upper domain, it is impossible to commit robbery!”

“So, let’s let the Five Elements Heavenly Domain have a pretext for its mission.”

Philip laughed and added:

“As a society ruled by law, our Blue Star Domain is very democratic.”

“So for the donation of the Five Elements Temple, we can submit a proposal to the Blue Star United Parliament.”

“As for whether to donate or not, it will be decided by the voting results of each state!”

Ke Su said loudly: “Our 43 states in Qingyu will definitely vote in favor.”

“Donate my temple to the Five Elements Heavenly Domain? And we have to initiate a referendum?”

Listening to the news from Susan, Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with anger.

“Don’t be angry, Lord Jiang Chen!” Susan said with a smile, “Although this matter is a bit… shameless, it’s just a verbal battle for you. Everything depends on your strength.”

“I know, I just feel a little embarrassed!” Jiang Chen quickly calmed down, thought for a while and smiled, “I just mailed a small gift to Miss Susan, as a thank you for the messages these times.”

“Lord Jiang Chen is too polite…” Susan smiled charmingly, and just as she was about to refuse, she exclaimed, “This is… the blood of the emperor?!”

Jiang Chen smiled: “I can’t let Miss Susan work in vain!”

It’s very difficult for the blood clan to advance, but it’s also very simple.

As a race with a strict hierarchy, it’s almost impossible for the blood clan to complete the class transition through cultivation.

But if you have enough blood of the upper blood clan, advancement is as simple as eating and drinking water.

However, every drop of blood of the blood clan must be cultivated for a long time, so the blood of the upper blood clan is extremely precious, not to mention the blood of the emperor.

The drop of Emperor’s blood in Susan’s hand is naturally the output of the Blood Emperor.

This is a “bug” that Jiang Chen accidentally discovered not long ago.

Because it is a summoned creature, the price of this Blood Emperor to condense a drop of blood is just to shorten the summoning time by 10 minutes.

In other words, if Jiang Chen is willing, he can use about 300 drops of monster blood of any legendary quality to exchange for a drop of Emperor’s blood.

Although blood can’t be strengthened, it’s still easy to get a few hundred drops.

Jiang Chen is already considering using the “hematopoietic function” of the Blood Holy Grail to cultivate a group of real Blood Emperor soldiers.

Susan felt the fatal attraction of the Emperor’s blood in her hand, resisted the urge to swallow it immediately, and looked at Jiang Chen with brighter eyes.

“Jiang ChenYour Excellency is indeed closely related to the Blood Throne!”

It is obvious that she misunderstood something.

“If I want to obtain more Emperor’s blood essence, what price do I need to pay?”

If she has enough Emperor’s blood essence, Susan can also advance to Blood Emperor, which is S-level qualification.

Jiang Chen is sure that as long as he hooks his finger at this moment, the blood clan beauty in front of him will definitely not mind what happens to him.

“Miss Susan should know that I am not short of money now, so it depends on what you can do for me?”

Susan knew that for a determined and powerful person like Jiang Chen, the “something” he said would definitely not be as vulgar as going to bed.

In order to avoid being looked down upon by Jiang Chen, Susan thought about it, took a deep breath and said:

“Don’t worry, Your Excellency Jiang Chen, I know what to do! ”

Looking at the hung-up call, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel depressed.

It’s so difficult to have unspoken rules these days, it’s really a waste!

However, thinking about the information Susan just provided, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

After all, it is one of the twelve upper domains of the human race!

After ending the call with Susan, Jiang Chen continued to look at the Blue Star Domain channel that had just been opened.

There, several golden messages have been pinned.

[Announcement: Blue Star Domain opens the third provincial capital ranking competition.]

[Ranking content: Expedition to the outer domain (click to view the rules ). ]

[1st place prefecture, all attributes of the prefecture ruler +2000, all attributes of the prefecture people +200, prefecture national fortune +40, luck gold talisman *4000. ]

[2nd place prefecture, all attributes of the prefecture ruler +1200, all attributes of the prefecture people +120, prefecture national fortune +24, luck gold talisman *2400. ]

[3rd place prefecture, all attributes of the prefecture ruler +800, all attributes of the prefecture people +80, prefecture national fortune +16, luck gold talisman *1600. ]

[4th-10th place prefecture, all attributes of the prefecture ruler +400 , all attributes of the prefecture citizens +40, prefecture national fortune +8, luck gold talisman *800. 】

[11th-100th prefecture, all attributes of the prefecture lord +200, all attributes of the prefecture citizens +20, prefecture national fortune +4, luck gold talisman *400. 】

[Settlement time: 5 months. 】

[During the qualifying round, the lord of the Blue Star Domain in District 666 will definitely get a founding order if he destroys any indigenous country. 】

[During the qualifying round, the right to the arbitrary door to the outer domain is temporarily unlocked. 】

[During the qualifying round, the upper domain descends to the lord The killing of the Lord will not be counted as the killing points of the foreign domain. 】

The rewards for the third provincial capital ranking competition will be doubled again.

If Shenzhou wins the first place again, Longyuan Town’s luck will reach 10,000 points.

When the luck reaches 100, 1,000, or 10,000, there will be a qualitative change. I just don’t know if the dragon vein will have new characteristics.


“Destroying any indigenous country will definitely get the founding order…”

Jiang Chen repeated a sentence:

“Originally, the founding order was exploded randomly, without any rules. Now there is a 100% chance of getting the founding order!”

“Although the conditions are very harsh, in 5 months, with the strength of the thirteen states of Longguo, it is not hopeless to take down an indigenous country!”

“I am afraid that someone will interfere, or even enemies outside the Blue Star Domain will appear…”

“What a trouble!! ”

This was the news released half a month ago. In terms of time, Jiang Chen has fallen behind others.

Fortunately, the monster level in the foreign battlefield is at least level 100, and it is the territory of the indigenous lords.

Ordinary war lords would die if they went there.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen immediately said: “Brothers, come to my territory to have a party tonight! ”

Regarding the expedition to the battlefield outside the domain or even the founding of a nation, it is better to listen to both sides.

And taking advantage of this time.

Jiang Chen asked Zizaitian to take hundreds of Tianyin disciples to sort out the gains of this trip to the maze.

And he himself looked at the gains of the maze lord Taonos.

Jiang Chen naturally used the three super attribute books on himself, and increased his physical strength by 2,000 points and spiritual power by 1,000 points.

Including these three books, Jiang Chen has used 96 attribute books this year.

Fortunately, in another half a month, it will be exactly one year since the opening of the zone, and the number of attribute books used can also be refreshed.

As for the two mythical arms souls… Jiang Chen has also chosen the target.

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