The power of the sword-cultivation technique is also affected by the carrier of the sword.

The sword that Li Hanyi used to cultivate was a top-grade Lingxi sword specially made by Jiang Chen, which was enchanted, spiritualized, and infused with three layers of sword soul.


The sword body just popped out half an inch, and the terrifying atmosphere filled the whole field.

The next second.

“All disperse!”

Accompanied by Taonos’s roar, a panic sword energy shot out from Li Hanyi’s hand and rose against the wind.

Hundred meters… Thousands of meters… Ten thousand meters… One hundred thousand meters…

In less than a second, this sword energy crossed hundreds of kilometers and swept across a fan-shaped area of ​​half of the maze space.

And the most condensed part in the middle swept across the maze army at a height of several meters above the ground.


The subtle sound of countless sharp blades scratching flesh rang out in the field.

After passing through the Labyrinth Legion, the sword energy had also exhausted 80% of its power. The dim sword light continued to move at an undecelerated speed, and it hit the Taunos giant axe before it dissipated.


After a moment of silence.

Tens of thousands of Labyrinth Legion soldiers were like dominoes, their bodies broke in the middle and fell to the ground.

Blood, internal organs, heads, and limbs covered the ground, and the battlefield instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

According to different heights.

The lucky ones among them were beheaded by a sword;

The less fortunate ones had their legs or feet cut off, losing most of their combat power;

The most unlucky ones were cut in half, and their strong vitality prevented them from dying for a while, but they could only wail in pain on the ground.

Only a few flying soldiers, as well as dwarves and other soldiers, escaped the disaster by virtue of their height advantage.

Only one-tenth of them were intact.

In fact, many legendary strongmen in the Labyrinth Legion had already sensed the fatal crisis.

But just when they wanted to take off, they were targeted by powerful control skills such as gravity bombs, void entanglement, and thorn rebirth.

Even some originally flying soldiers were suddenly pulled to the ground.

[Your hero Li Hanyi killed the troll warrior…]

Looking at the tens of thousands of battle reports that were instantly refreshed, Jiang Chen was extremely satisfied.

Not to mention the huge amount of items that exploded, the energy alone, this sword strike was as much as 12 billion.

Compared with the sword that cut off the temple in the legion battle, the power of Li Hanyi’s sword is several times more powerful.

Not only because 7 months have passed, the sword cultivation time is longer, but also because of the increase in the power of the sword technique by the [Golden Spirit Root].

And with the help of the enlightenment tea and dragon veins, Li Hanyi’s [Dragon Heart Sword Cultivation Technique] has reached a small success.

Only in this way can the terrifying effect in front of him be achieved.


The Lord of the Labyrinth, Taonos, seemed unable to accept the scene in front of him, and let out a roar that shook the void.

“I will tear you apart!”

The visible sound waves swept in all directions, showing his grief and anger.

Although these soldiers were his slaves, in Taonuos’s ancient values, slaves were personal property. It can be said that Li Hanyi’s sword made him lose everything.

Moreover, slave fighting was his main entertainment during his long years.

It is conceivable that after losing 90% of his slaves, his next days would be extremely difficult.


Taonos, who picked up the golden axe, increased his body by more than ten meters with every step.

After a few seconds, Taonuos’s height had exceeded two hundred meters. The thick demonic energy gushing out of his body wrapped his body inside, and he looked very defensive.

And his eyes were also burning with blazing hellfire, emitting this breathtaking light.

Although his body was huge, Taonuos did not look bloated at all, and even moved a few points faster, taking a step of hundreds of meters.

“Sure enough, there is a burst skill!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t even see Tao Nuos’s combat power at this moment.

“Fortunately, Tao Nuos was not set as the target of sword training!”

With a physique of 1.2 million, it would be possible to kill him with one sword unless Li Hanyi attacked him face to face.

But it was only possible.

Taonos’s speed was very fast. He crossed a distance of dozens of kilometers in just over ten seconds, as if he was afraid that Jiang Chen would retreat back to the corridor.

Fortunately, he was eager to kill Jiang Chen to vent his anger, and Jiang Chen was also in a hurry.

After all, more than ten minutes had passed since the blessing of the dragon.

“Angel Legion, Tianyin Legion, clean up the remaining miscellaneous soldiers!”

“Jaina summons the demonic scourge!”

“All other members, beat Tao Nuos up for me.”

At this time, Tao Nuos had already arrived within ten kilometers.


The potential energy mecha still took the initiative.


Taunos, who was hit by 156 gravity bullets, sank and his steps became heavier.

But this only slowed down his speed by 20%.

“Thorns are reborn…”

Within a radius of several kilometers, countless thorns grew, as if it had life and entangled with Taonos.

“Void entanglement…”

Paris led 360 fairy dragons to release the ultimate move at the same time, tens of thousands of void chains, including hundreds of order chains, trying to anchor Taonos in place.

“Crystal shooting…”

180 magic crystal maidens instantly shot out nearly ten thousand crystal rays, and Taonos’ body continued to crystallize.

Bang bang bang——

In Taonos’s struggle, thorns and void chains broke, and the crystals on the surface of the body fell off piece by piece, but the speed still dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Ah ah ah…”

Taonos’ voice was full of unwillingness and disbelief.

“Are these hundreds of soldiers all mythical? ! ! And all of them are extreme soldiers?”

It is obvious that the attribute enhancement of the dragon’s blessing made Taonos misunderstand something.

Even so, Taonos’s speed is still 10% left.

And the speed of 10% is close to the speed of sound. Every time the giant axe is swung, it can cut countless chains!

Jiang Chen’s eyelids jumped when he saw this scene.

“This guy is so strong!”

Boom boom boom —

Taonos blasted out 12 more golden axe shadows, six of which were barely blocked by the Blood Emperor, and the remaining six actually broke through the phase space directly, blasting the six fairy dragons into blood mist.

Fortunately, Taonos’s move seemed to be unable to be performed continuously.

And the hundreds of thousands of demons summoned by Jaina also swarmed in, biting the protective magic of Taonos frantically.

Bang bang bang —

Taonos’ body shook slightly, and thousands of demons turned into blood mist, and then roared:

“As a low-level demon! How dare you attack the great Taonos? I order you to obey my orders and tear my enemies apart!”

Jiang Chen was really shocked.

He thought Taonos had the ability to control low-level demons.

Fortunately, facts proved that Taonos was just talking nonsense…

And the demon army was fearless and climbed all over Taonos’ huge body again.

With the demon army’s restraint, Taonos’ speed was reduced by half again.

“Eye of Judgment…”

Jaina also took the opportunity to drink several bottles of water of life, and then used the strongest single skill of the Book of Demons.

The Queen, Li Hanyi, the dragon, the six blood emperors, and 160 crystal maidens of the Department of Physics drank the water of life while using the strongest killing skills to attack Taonos.

Clang clang clang——

Accompanied by the sound of metal clashing, thousands of concave points, some large and some small, appeared on Taonos’s body protection magic every second.

Several myths, plus hundreds of strong men with a physical strength of more than 300,000, could not even break Taonos’ body protection magic.

The empress shouted, “This guy is too tanky!”

Jiang Chen was also a little anxious and looked at Yan.

After Li Hanyi used his ultimate move, Yan was the one who suffered the most damage.

“Watch me!”

In the void above Taonos’s head, the ten-meter-long giant blade finally condensed.

Yan struggled to swing the Thunder Sword in his hand, as if it weighed more than ten thousand pounds.

And as Yan swung, the Sky Blade in the void also fell synchronously.


Yan’s attributes comparable to mythology, combined with the A-level skills of the transformation level, finally made a success.

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