“It’s over…”

As soon as Hojo Midori uttered two words, her body was covered with cracks like broken porcelain.

Then, under the impact of the air wave, she turned into powder with a bang.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg under the peace bomb.


Wherever the power of destruction passed, whether it was human bodies, buildings, or plants, they were instantly turned into the most primitive particles.

The light of destruction swallowed up the entire Fudu in a few seconds.

Nearly 10,000 territories, along with the lords, heroes, soldiers, and peasants in the territories were all wiped out from the world.

This is not the end.

In the farther place, the light of destruction was slightly weakened.

The “Ono-kun” who had just shouted was lucky enough to fly out of the Fudu map because he was riding a griffin.

But before he could show the joy of surviving the disaster on his face, a strong light swept over, causing him to feel pain all over.

He raised his arms tremblingly, and was shocked to find that bloody cracks had begun to appear on his skin.


As he screamed in fear, his skin and flesh began to fall off, and finally turned into a pool of broken meat together with the griffin under him, and scattered in the air.

Death is lucky.

On a shallow beach dozens of kilometers away from the capital.

Several lords were exposed to the light of destruction, and their skin fell off inch by inch, revealing bright red muscles, which made them roll on the ground in pain. The sand and gravel stuck to the exposed muscles, making them wail miserably.

Driven by a strong desire to survive, they drank several bottles of recovery potions.

But the light of destruction was like a thorn in the flesh, and the skin that had just grown fell off again, making them suffer again.

This is the power of the law level. Even if they return to the main world, they must be extremely powerful lords to take action to heal.


Finally, a female lord of Sakura who couldn’t stand the pain hit her head on the reef, her brain burst, and she was freed.

Under the attack of peace, Muromachi Prefecture instantly turned into hell on earth.

After a full minute, the light of destruction faded.

A deep pit with a depth of one thousand meters and a diameter of ten thousand meters appeared at the landing point of the peace bomb. Even with the self-repair function of the map, it is unknown how long it will take to recover as before!

Paris thought of something and curiously stretched the tip of her wing out of the phase space, but was instantly corroded by some kind of power remaining in the space, and several dragon scales dimmed.

“Hiss…it hurts a little…”

Paris quickly retracted her wings:

“It is said that the power of destruction will remain for dozens or even hundreds of years. It seems that it is not an exaggeration. This prefecture…is considered to be ruined!”

The pit of the prefecture is the most important resource of a prefecture.

After being attacked by the peace bomb, the value of Muromachi Prefecture is considered to be half ruined.

Very soon.

Hundreds of photos and several blurry videos were sent to the Blue Star Domain group chat by the surviving lords.

Along with them, the surviving Sakura Lords made tearful accusations.

This caused the Blue Star Domain channel to explode.

“Peace strike?”

Ying Zheng looked at the broadcasted video of the new district and his eyes fixed:

“The Lighthouse Country is so brave that it actually launched a peace strike?”

Zhao Gao hurriedly said:

“Your Majesty, it has been confirmed that this is not a prank, let alone a rumor!”

“After the legendary Ino battleship of the Lighthouse Country arrived in the Sakura Country, it immediately launched peace bombs against the Muromachi Prefecture that could not be relocated.”

“The Muromachi Prefecture in the new district has turned into a ruin.”

After a moment of silence.


Ying Zheng suddenly laughed:

“What a pig-like opponent!”

For the second provincial capital qualifying match, the main forces of the twelve states including Qiyun Prefecture have just arrived in Xiawei Prefecture.

This move was originally a great risk.

But the Lighthouse Country played such a bad hand at this juncture, making the Lighthouse and Sakura completely opposed.

And the Thirteen States of Dragon Country can fish in troubled waters.


Ying Zheng saw several statements issued by the Lighthouse Country in the broadcast screen and frowned:

“Do the people of the Lighthouse Country dare not take responsibility for what they did? They are still quibbling and even slandering that it was done by the Thirteen States of Dragon Country. They really treat everyone as fools!”


The Lighthouse Country squeezed the state capitals and wanted to take the top ten places in the second state capital qualifying competition.

The Sakura Country was indignant and betrayed its allies for the qualifying competition.

The Lighthouse Country felt that its authority was challenged and launched a peace bomb.

Everything seemed to be natural and flawless.

But Ying Zheng always felt that this matter was too dramatic.

The Lighthouse Country reacted quickly, and the official immediately issued a statement on the Blue Star Domain Channel.

[Our Lighthouse Country has always been peace-loving and will never take the initiative to provoke a peace war. 】

【So this peaceful attack was carried out by the Thirteen States of Dragon Country, and then the blame was put on our country. 】

【We believe that the Thirteen States of Dragon Country have beenThe traitors have developed into an organized, planned, and purposeful international terrorist organization. 】

【Even in the future, the Thirteen States of Dragon Country will inevitably become the culprits of the destruction of the Blue Star Region. 】

【Therefore, our Lighthouse Country strongly calls on all Blue Star people to jointly sanction the evil forces headed by Shenzhou and jointly build a beautiful home on Blue Star (*^▽^*)】

Seeing this statement, all the Sakura Lords were furious.

The message condemning the Lighthouse Country instantly swept the screen, and even many lords without authority began to send krypton gold messages.

“Bakayaloo! Two months ago, it was you, the Lighthouse Country, who issued a statement to send down peace messengers to maintain order in the new district!”

“One month ago, it was you who sent the Eno warship to threaten our Sakura Country with peace!”

“If you don’t know how to start a peace war, why did your Eno warship come to our Sakura Country’s inner sea? For sightseeing?”

“You dare to do it but you don’t dare to take the responsibility! You are a worthless person!”

The Dragon Country lords, who were originally happily eating melons, suddenly became unhappy.

“Damn, you Lighthouse Country are too shameless. You can even relate this to our Dragon Country?”

“Although it is gratifying that Sakura Country suffered a peace attack, if I have a peace envoy, I will definitely go to Sakura Country first to throw one. But our Dragon Country will not bear the blame this time!”

“Hehe! Friends from the international community, you have all seen the face of the Lighthouse Country! Sakura Country is still an ally of the Lighthouse Country, but one dissatisfaction leads to peace.”

“Don’t quibble! The legendary Ino battleship, which country has it besides your Lighthouse Country?”

Even many neutral countries and states couldn’t stand it and accused the Lighthouse Country.

All states were already dissatisfied with the Lighthouse Country’s monopoly on the Ancient Gate.

At this moment, all the dissatisfaction broke out.

After the Lighthouse Country issued a statement, there was no news.

Just now.

When the Lighthouse Country received the news, it was in a mess.

Even the big guys in the main world and the old district were instantly alarmed.

“Shit, who ordered the launch of the peace bomb?”

“I’ve said it so many times, we’re just a deterrent this time!”

“Quick, issue a statement immediately and put the blame on Dragon Country! We can never admit it!”

So, the above statement was made.

But soon after, they were dumbfounded.

Because after repeated investigations and confirmations, they can be sure that the peace envoy who came from the upper world has been well fed and well fed in the hinterland of Lighthouse Country during this period, and has never left.

The peace bomb… it really wasn’t launched by them!


All the Lighthouse executives were sweating coldly behind their backs.

“Investigate! We must find out who is framing our Lighthouse Country!”

“Could it be a terrorist force from the base?”

This guess made everyone nod.

“It must be!”

At this time.

General MacArthur, who was over 100 years old and had just returned to the main world to visit his relatives, waved his hand to stop the indignant people.

“It has been concluded that it was done by Longguo… or to be more precise, it was done by Shenzhou!”

“The propaganda department should immediately forge evidence and witnesses!”

A major general frowned and said, “General, even if we frame Shenzhou, no one will believe it! Peace Messenger, Legendary Ino Battleship, these are not what Shenzhou can have at this stage!”


MacArthur snorted coldly:

“Believe or not believe is not a cognition, but a choice… I think Sakura Country will choose to believe it soon!”

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