Entering the Dragon Kingdom and looting while it was burning was the dream of all the lords of the Sakura War.

A confidant of Toyotomi Yeming nodded and continued:

“Including Jiang Chen, the main forces of Longyuan County have all been defeated, and Jiang Chen himself was killed by Lord Toyotomi!”

“But there are still many Dragon Kingdom lords scattered in various towns, and we can’t kill them one by one in a short time with a hundred people!”

“The legendary sealed scroll can only be sealed for 15 days, and by then the Dragon Kingdom lords will surely flee Diaoaozhou.”

“That’s why I hope Lord Kitani will send troops to kill these Dragon Kingdom lords…”

This explanation is reasonable.

Kitani Ryuichi has no doubts.

With the strength of the lords of the old district, there is no possibility of defeat.

Having said that.

Even if he doubts, there is no way to confirm or disprove it when all space and information are sealed.

“Please convey my gratitude to Lord Toyotomi. I will mobilize the army to enter Longyuan Town and ensure that no lord of Longguo will be spared.”

“Lord Kitaya is too polite. You have worked hard to guard the border of Longyuan County for so many days. Even if you have no credit, you have worked hard!” The confidant continued, “Lord Toyotomi has planned the route for you. In order to improve the efficiency of killing, I suggest that you divide the army into multiple teams…”

Kitaya Ryuichi sighed: “Lord Toyotomi is really thoughtful!”

Looking at the backs of the two old district lords, Kitaya Ryuichi whispered:

“Toyotomi Hideichi, look at how sensible your brother Toyotomi Yeming is! Tsk tsk tsk, they are both direct descendants of the Toyotomi family, why is there such a big gap…”

Kitaya Ryuichi immediately mobilized 50,000 war lords in Kitaya County and entered Longyuan County from the east.

Almost at the same time, Yagyu County, which received the news, was not willing to lag behind.

Everyone knows how rich Longyuan County is. Apart from other things, the resources plundered from destroying a small town alone are worth the trip.

Half an hour later.

A team of a thousand people suddenly appeared on the edge of Longyuan County.

This team belongs to three war lords, two men and one woman.

Although there are only a thousand people, nearly half of them are legendary soldiers.

The middle-aged male lord in the lead frowned: “In order to shorten the registration time to a few days, we Xian Qin paid such a great price, but we didn’t expect to be a step late!”

The female lord doubted: “Mengge, what is the identity of the target that is worth our Xian Qin’s mobilization of troops!”

The man surnamed Meng shook his head: “I don’t know either, I only know that this is an order from the third heaven.”

The female lord muttered: “Perhaps this Miss Ying Yinman is the descendant of an ancient royal family!”

It is common for powerful lords from hundreds or even hundreds of years ago to take advantage of the opportunity of opening the channel between the two worlds to leave offspring in the main world, and these powerful lords have long completed the battle of the sky and entered a higher level world.

So this is not a rare thing.

“This is not what we should ask!” The man surnamed Meng looked solemn, and then said, “We don’t need to pay attention to these cherry blossom lords who are taking advantage of the fire. Go straight to Lao Qin Town, maybe it’s still in time.”

Xianyang Palace.

The air in the Jade Scenery Palace had already solidified, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

After a long time.

Qin Shihuang’s calm voice came: “You mean, Xiaojiu may have met with an accident?”

Zhao Gao breathed a sigh of relief, and then dared to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

He was one of the few people who knew the status of Ying Yinman in Ying Zheng’s heart. In terms of favor, she even surpassed the Eighteenth Prince a thousand years ago.

He also knew that the Eighteenth Prince was jealous of Ying Yinman because of this.

But this time it was really not his fault. He had persuaded everyone he should have, and even passed on a message to Meng Tian.

But the Nineteenth Prince just didn’t listen, what could he do.

He also said something like “Even if I die with my brothers, I will never be a deserter.”

I remember that this little girl was very well-behaved when she was young. How could she become so… passionate after entering the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield for three months.

She must have been led astray by that damn Jiang Chen!

“Your Majesty…” Zhao Gao said cautiously: “The Sakura Kingdom acted too quickly this time!” “But the war lord of my Xian Qin has already arrived and has now arrived in Longyuan County.” “Meng Tian has recovered to the legendary level. I believe she can protect the little prince!” After a moment of silence, Ying Zheng said: “If Xiao Jiujiu really has an accident, then Diaoaozhou will not be necessary.” Zhao Gao said respectfully: “Yes!” If everyone is gone, there is no need to worry about Ying Yinman exposing her identity. Although life and death are determined by fate, if the emperor is angry, there will be more than a million corpses. Soon. The news of the fall of Longyuan Town spread throughout Diaoaozhou. The Sakura Lord was naturally jubilant..

The Dragon Country lords were naturally the opposite.

“It’s over, it’s all over! I was holding on to a glimmer of hope!”

“Woo, Boss Jiang Chen is a rare genius in our Dragon Country for a thousand years, and he is the hope for the rise of Dragon Country! I didn’t expect that hope would be shattered like this!”

“Sure enough, the new district lords can’t compete with the old district lords…”

“Let’s leave as soon as possible. By the time these old district masters have time, we won’t have time to leave.”

In an instant, a large number of lords moved out of Diaoaozhou again.

——Even Jiang Chen, who was famous for his golden battle, couldn’t create a miracle. Would they stay and wait to die?

The only one who had some doubts was Toyotomi Hideichi.

Because this was somewhat inconsistent with Toyotomi Yeming’s style of doing things.

However, this doubt was quickly thrown behind him.

With the strength of Toyotomi Yeming and Shendai Pig, how could they be defeated?

Besides, the two lords who just reported the news were indeed his brother’s confidants.

Jiang Chen’s death was a relief for him.

Toyotomi Hideichi was in a good mood and immediately sent several messages.

“Gentlemen, Jiang Chen, the evil spirit, is finally dead. I’ll set up some wine in the territory to celebrate with you!”

“By the way… I just recruited two teams of excellent quality geishas…”

Jiang Chen didn’t know how big a chain reaction his rumor had caused. He just lacked energy.

When he saw the news brought back by Jing Qi, he was immediately excited:

“Two counties, 100,000 war lords!”

Although there are nearly one million lords in these two counties, there are other lord factions besides war lords, and no matter what the situation, each town must leave a certain amount of military force to defend the home.

This time, it was a pleasant surprise to attract 100,000 war lords.

He roughly calculated that even if each Sakura lord brought 100 soldiers of excellent quality, this vote would have nearly 5 billion energy.

What’s more, there are at least 20% to 30% rare quality, a small number of excellent or even epic quality, and the lord himself.

“In this way, as long as I reach 12 books, I can immediately skip the strength accumulation stage and directly enter Jianxin Town to seize the precious sword tomb!”


Jiang Chen frowned and said:

“No air ban and no speech ban are less than 10 days away. After 10 days, everything will be revealed. I don’t know if I can kill all the enemies?”

Jiang Chen waited patiently for a long time until the cherry blossom lords of the two counties went deep into thousands of kilometers, and then he started to act.

“Yan, you lead the angel army!”

“Empress, you lead the Nine Heavens Saint Ji and all the Tianyin True Transmissions!”

“The others follow me!”

“Everyone, do your best to kill the cherry blossom lord. Crystal Maiden, pay attention to scanning the battlefield, don’t leave any alive!”

Everyone shouted: “Yes, Lord.”

Kitaya Ryuichi and Yagyu Bai cooperated very well and divided the county lords into multiple teams.

Jiang Chen soon met one of them.

This team has more than 500 Sakura Lords.

The total number of heroes is nearly 100,000, and it is a mighty force.

“Ryuichi Kitaya?”

Although they were hundreds of meters apart, Jiang Chen could still recognize at a glance that the leader of this Sakura army was Ryuichi Kitaya, the mayor of Kitaya County.

Speechless, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh:

“This is too coincidental! If Yueyue was here, she would be ecstatic!”

He still remembered that when Ryuichi Kitaya shouted, he made the little fox very angry.

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