Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 98: The Ninth Level Temple, the Empress Becomes a God, (12)

Chapter 98 Nine-level temple, the empress becomes a god,

Mengli gained a lot of weight.

Jiang Cheng carried her all the way to the temple auxiliary fort.

The lights are still on here.

Anna is instructing Lily on her cultivation matters, and is waiting here for Jiang Cheng to return.


"Lord Lord."

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, and then looked at Lily.

The energy in Lily's body is flowing rapidly and endlessly, and there is a blazing energy inside her body, like a small human-shaped sun.

Apparently she had successfully recovered the Fallen Heart Flame.

Let Anna check Mengli's body.

Maybe Jiang Cheng's embrace was too comfortable, so Meng Li fell asleep again.

"Mengli is fine. Her physique is extraordinary. She can't cure anything just by eating."

"It's just that she doesn't need to eat anymore for the next two days, so she can digest the remaining energy in her body."

Anna withdrew her hand from Mengli's belly.

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, threw Meng Li to Lily, and asked her to take Meng Li back to the room to rest.

He did the same and took Anna back to his room.

After washing up.

Jiang Cheng took out tonight's spoils.

When I was in the Goblin Kingdom.

Yatuo, Yale and others relied on their strong strength and numerical advantage to easily take the lives of two powerful eight-star goblins.

At lightning speed.

Take away the storage rings from their bodies and dig out the eighth-level beast cores in their bodies.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng has a total of three level eight beast cores in his hand.

Only two of them need to be broken down.

This will satisfy the requirements for upgrading the Vampire Temple.

There is no need to use the nine-star beast core at all.

"Anna, the temple will be upgraded to level nine soon. Why don't you reward me well?" An intriguing smile appeared on Jiang Cheng's lips.

"Then master, what reward do you want?"

"I want you to... tell the story you haven't finished before."

"Is it just this?"

"What do you think it is?"


Three hours passed.

Anna finally finished her story.

It's just that there are obvious traces of changes in the ending. Maybe she didn't want Jiang Cheng to know what the real ending of the story was.

Jiang Cheng had already noticed this.

But he didn't say much.

He enjoys listening to Anna's stories and mainly enjoys the quiet atmosphere of the night.

Listen to her cool and beautiful voice as she tells the lifelike characters in the story.

There is no noise interference from the outside world.

There are not so many tedious things to consider.

Let go of the fatigue accumulated during this period.

It's bright outside.

Jiang Cheng decomposed two eighth-level beast cores.

Came outside the temple.

[Do you want to spend fifty seventh-level beast cores, three hundred thousand wood, three hundred thousand ores, and fifty thousand energy stones to upgrade the Vampire Temple? 】


As soon as Jiang Cheng finished speaking.

The Sanguine Temple began to change.

Don't wait for the chime in your head to sound.

Jiang Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to upgrade the temple for free.

Upgraded twice in a row.

The beep paused for a while before sounding.

[Used successfully! 】

[Sanguine Temple: Level 9]

[Three hundred blood warriors can be drawn every day. The probability of drawing a bronze-level blood warrior is 100%, the probability of drawing a silver-level blood warrior is 85%, and the probability of drawing a gold-level blood warrior is 50%]

[Tip 1: The Vampire Temple has reached level nine, and the vampire warriors will be drawn in the order of gold, silver, and bronze]

[Tip 2: If you choose to breed an awakened vampire warrior, ten awakened vampire warriors will be born in one day, and the initial level of these ten vampire warriors is level nine]

[Tip 3: Since the Vampire Temple is currently in a state of gestation, the gestation time has been shortened to twenty hours. Ten Vampire warriors who have awakened their bloodline will be conceived in the early hours of tonight, and the initial level of this Vampire Warrior will be changed. Upgraded to level nine]

[Required for the next upgrade: 1 million wood, 1 million ore, 300,000 energy stones, a heart of dynasty, level 9 beast core*50 (level 9 beast core is produced by level 9 creatures, explosion rate is 100%, the stronger the creature, the higher the chance of exploding the beast core)】

[Note: Since the lord has upgraded the territory level to level nine, the next temple upgrade will be out of the scope of the ordinary level, ushering in major changes, and the rewards will be very generous]

Finally level nine!

After two consecutive upgrades, Anna's remnant soul is estimated to have been completed. She can use the power of the soul to reshape her physical body and restore half of her strength in her heyday!

Jiang Cheng thought about it day and night, looking forward to it from the moment he heard the news to now, and now he finally got what he wanted!

He didn't know why he was so excited, but he was just happy from the bottom of his heart.

"The time to conceive an awakened vampire warrior has been shortened to one day, and the number has been increased from three to ten, and the initial level is nine!"

The Sanguine Temple has reached the ninth level.

The next upgrade requires fifty level nine beast cores.

This is obviously not so easy to do.

Currently, it is very difficult to find all fifty nine-star creatures.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng's next upgrade may take a while, unless he is lucky and allows him to encounter two saint-level powerhouses, kill them to obtain the holy source, and then decompose them into ninth-level beast cores to upgrade the temple...

Of course, the probability of this happening is extremely low.

The Saint-level strongmen are beyond the ordinary, just like a young lady who never leaves her house. She is focused on breaking through a higher realm and leaves everything to the people below.

They almost never stay outside for no reason.

Saint-level strongmen are collectively called Saints.

Above this, there are two realms: Saint King and Great Saint.

Then there are the gods who are revered and worshipped by all living beings.

"Nowadays, ten awakened blood clan warriors can be bred every day. Even if the upgrade speed of the temple enters a slow period, it doesn't put too much pressure on me."

Jiang Cheng sighed in his heart.

Then he cast his eyes on the Blood Clan Temple.

The temple has once again undergone earth-shaking changes.

It is magnificent and seems to be a place specially for gods to live. The surroundings are emitting brilliant divine light, and with the white mist floating around, it is like a paradise on earth.

But this divine light does not seem to be emitted by the temple.

But from his inside...

Before Jiang Cheng could think about it, an extremely strong pressure was overwhelming and swept around the territory. Even if Jiang Cheng used all his strength to resist, he could not stop it for a moment, and the whole person kept retreating.

The terrifying pressure swept across the entire Sky God Island. The surrounding buildings kept shaking, and ordinary houses were full of cracks. Yellow sand filled the sky, and the air around formed a huge tornado, covering the temple, and countless white mists were involved.

The entire Sky God Island seemed to have fallen into the end of the world.

Thousands of blood clan members fainted when they felt the pressure.

Atuo Yalie and others who were practicing were not much better, spitting blood and having disordered breath.

Green Rose, who noticed the situation from a distance, rushed over as soon as possible.

She almost mobilized all her strength to seal the terrifying pressure around the temple and prevent it from spreading outward.

This pressure lasted for a long time.

Colorful auspicious clouds appeared in the sky.

Brilliant rays of colorful divine light penetrated the clouds and illuminated the Blood Clan Temple. As the divine clouds gathered more and more, the divine light also increased, and in a moment, the entire Sky God Island was enveloped in it.

The divine light illuminated the world.

An extremely huge, thousands of feet high divine shadow appeared above the Blood Clan Temple, like a pagoda that reached the sky, emitting a terrible might.

At this moment, all the creatures in the entire Vaslo Forest felt this vision and were extremely shocked.

Especially for ancient forces as strong as elves, because such visions are only recorded in ancient books, and only occur when the strong break the mirror and become gods.

And when most gods are born, the sky should be condensed with dark and dense calamity clouds, and immediately flashing with world-destroying calamity thunder, ready to strike the new gods below at any time.

Only after surviving this calamity can they be called true gods.

But what is the situation now...

There is no calamity cloud in the sky, but auspicious clouds appear instead, as if the heavens are celebrating the birth of this new god, and through this method, the new god can quickly condense the body and soul of the god, transform the divine power, and help her adapt to the new power in a short time.

Everyone stared at the area illuminated by the auspicious clouds and divine light.

Even the goblins and dog-headed men who were engaged in a great war pulled away and stopped the ongoing battle.

Not only the local forces, but also the lords in the Vaslo Great Forest have been swiping the screen frantically on the world channel.

Like war correspondents, they are swiping the screen frantically about the strange phenomenon here.

There is no way, it is too shocking, directly covering the entire Vaslo Great Forest, and some forces outside the Great Forest have noticed it.

Some powerful and ancient beings have even speculated on the secrets of heaven, wanting to see who caused this strange phenomenon.

Some actionists have sent their subordinates to the Vaslo Great Forest to investigate the news.

The shadow above the Blood Clan Temple became more and more solid. It was Anna, who was extremely beautiful and charming, showing the majesty of the empress.

A Buddhist sound rang out between heaven and earth.

The colorful clouds dissipated and turned into invisible breaths that flowed towards the direction of the Sky God Island, along with the white mist in the air, and flowed into the temple together.

It may be that the amount of breath was too large.

It overflowed a little in the process.

Jiang Cheng stood in the front. He mobilized the holy energy to wrap the breath around him and absorbed it into his body.

In an instant, his cultivation, body, soul, and all aspects have been significantly improved.

The fatigue on his body also dissipated at this moment.

The Blood Clan warriors and the people in the territory also enjoyed this benefit. Their injuries were healed, and their cultivation and physical fitness were slowly improving.

Yale and Jack, who were slightly ahead in cultivation, broke through the nine-star at this moment, and Yatuo and others reached the peak of eight stars, and becoming nine-star strongmen was just around the corner.

The rest of the Blood Clan warriors also broke through one star more or less.

It felt like one person's success brought prosperity to the whole family.

As the last breath entered the temple.

Anna's shadow in the sky gradually shrank and quickly shrank towards the temple. The terrible pressure it exuded caused the blockade of Green Rose to collapse quickly.

This time the pressure was different from the previous one.

Although it was terrible, it would not cause substantial damage.

Because this was no longer an ordinary pressure, but a vast divine power.

Gods are revered by all and worshiped by all living beings.

Except for Jiang Cheng and Green Rose, all the blood clan people and blood clan warriors in the entire territory bowed respectfully to the ground in the direction of the temple, with extremely pious expressions on their faces.

"Is this the power of God?"

Jiang Cheng's face showed a look of yearning.

"Hehe, with Master's talent, the divine realm is just around the corner!"

Luluo laughed playfully, and then bowed in the direction of the temple. As the companion spirit of Sky God Island, she can also be regarded as a half-god. There is no need to bow down like ordinary creatures, but only a slight greeting, showing respect to the new god and acknowledging the other's status.

The vast divine power spread rapidly and soon spread throughout the Vasluo Forest and the surrounding areas of Vasluo, covering a small half of the Lord's Continent.

The creatures in these areas all ran out.

Show respect to the new gods.

Kneel down in the direction of the Sky Island.

Divine thoughts intertwined in the void.

These divine thoughts are so powerful that the void cannot stop trembling, and is on the verge of collapse at any time.

"A god was born in the outer area of ​​the Vasluo Forest. Who would become a god in such an inhospitable area?"

"It doesn't look like this power can be caused by the New God..."

"Hmph, which of the gods on the continent doesn't have a name and a surname? It's an existence that dominates one place. What is it if a god suddenly appears and isn't a new god?"

"Could it be the work of those small forces that suddenly appeared on the mainland? As far as I know, the places where they first appeared were small and remote places, and the outskirts of the Vaslo Forest fit this point..."

"How is it possible! They have only been around for eight or nine days, how can they have such a great power? They are just a bunch of little shrimps. Let the younger members of the clan go and eliminate them. Within three months, they will be wiped out!"

"When the time comes, we will hold a competition to see which clan's juniors kill the most, and we will reward them with some rewards."

"That's very good. By the way, let the juniors go to the Vasluo Forest to find out what happened."

"If the other party is a new god, let the junior draw her over and become our thug, but we can't let her continue to grow. Otherwise, sooner or later, this new god will grow into a behemoth and affect our interests!"

"You are cautious by nature. If you are just a new god, I can destroy it with just a wave of my hand and seize the divine source from her. Maybe our clan will gain another god because of this, hahaha!"

"Okay, let's all disperse."

Just when these divine thoughts are about to dissipate.

A blood-red attack penetrated the void and struck these divine thoughts from a distance of tens of millions of miles, causing their spirits to shatter.


These are exactly the thoughts of the native gods of the Lord's Continent.

Their spiritual thoughts had no time to withdraw, so they withstood the blow and suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of years of cultivation were destroyed at this moment.

And their bodies were not much better either. They spat out the divine blood as if they were free of charge, and their auras directly fell into a state of malaise.

I don't know how many people in many places were stunned by the roar of the gods.

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