The abyss monsters were attacking again.

This wave of abyss monsters was much smaller in number.

But in terms of strength, none of them was lower than four stars, and most of them were around five stars.

Jiang Cheng stood on the city wall, wearing a six-star battle armor and holding a seven-star long sword.

There were a lot of equipment taken from Luo Qi.

It was enough for two hundred people to be fully armed.

The abyss monsters were extremely fast and even more violent.

In a moment, they were one kilometer away from the city wall.

The defense tower instantly locked the target.

The city defense cannon followed closely and fired shells at the area where the monsters were densely packed.




The roars rang out one after another, and nearly thirty abyss monsters died tragically under the first round of artillery fire.

Then another twenty died under the second round of artillery fire.

The abyss monsters also reacted and swooped down from the air, like a small fighter plane, and pounced on the militia behind the city defense cannon.

Swish -

Jiang Cheng swung his long sword and cut down three five-star abyss monsters that were about to pounce on the militia.

Then, under the cover of other blood clan warriors, he killed five more five-star wild monsters.

The reminder sounds of experience kept ringing in his mind.

Some of them were Jiang Cheng's own, and some were from other blood clan warriors. I think the situation in other directions is similar.

Puff puff puff...

Three more abyss monsters swooped down.

This time, before Jiang Cheng could make a move, a sword light flashed in front of him, and the bodies of the three abyss monsters instantly dissipated, deader than dead.

The sword light came from the city.

Jiang Cheng turned around and saw Lily flying over from a distance.

""My Lord!"

Lily flew in front of Jiang Cheng, with an extremely resentful expression on her face,"That guy Yato thought I was stealing his head, so he sent me away, saying that he could handle it alone over there, and asked me to come here to protect you."

Lily's level has reached six stars.

There are more and more means that can be used.

Yalie, who has a seven-star level, couldn't snatch her for a while, which made him who wanted to be the only one very uncomfortable, so he thought of this way to send the little girl away.

"This guy!"

Seeing that the little girl had come, Jiang Cheng would not chase her away.

"My current strength has reached seven stars. You don't need to protect me. Go and fight with them. Try to raise your level to seven stars. After the battle, beat Yalie for me!"

After that, Jiang Cheng transferred a gold-level blood clan warrior to Yalie to fill the vacancy of the little girl.

In the subsequent battle, Jiang Cheng was in a mess.

He felt like he was redundant.

"My Lord, I am short of two monsters to upgrade to six stars. Can you give these two monsters to me?"

"My Lord, I am only three seven-stars away. After the upgrade, I can exert even greater strength!"

""My Lord, leave this to me. I will kill all these monsters outside the city wall!"

Even Jess interjected.

The implication of his words was that Jiang Chenggui, as a lord, should command the battle from behind and did not need to participate in the battle personally.

But the smile on his face was obscene. He was so quick and ruthless in grabbing the heads. Seeing that three wild monsters were about to pounce in front of Jiang Cheng, he didn't even blink and decisively killed them all with one knife.

This made Jiang Cheng very uncomfortable.

His purpose of coming to the city wall was to experience the thrill of fighting, but what was the result?

These guys were so agile.

He had just seen the shadows of two abyss monsters, and he didn't know who had snatched the heads. In just a few minutes, the group of abyss monsters just now had been completely wiped out. More abyss monsters attacked from behind, including some six-star abyss monsters. Abyss monsters.

But the blood clan warriors can deal with this frequency perfectly.

After killing an abyss monster, you can take a few breaths on the spot, and then continue to kill.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as relaxed.

The situation in the other three directions is similar.

The battle is unusually smooth.

There is even a situation where there are not enough wild monsters.

Only the battle in the air is still fierce. Large groups of abyss monsters hovered in the air and dived towards Jack's team.

Their number is terrifying.

About three times that of other directions.

After all, the abyss monsters are not fools.

There are defense towers and city defense cannons on the ground, plus a group of wolf-like blood clan warriors, which have caused great losses to them.

So compared to the ground.

The defense in the air is relatively weak.


Anna looked at the black fog in the sky and snorted coldly.

Totems appeared on the ground around the temple, engraved with various strange patterns, flashing blood-red light, and exuding a magnificent and mysterious powerful aura.

As time passed, several shadows appeared above the totems, the void trembled, and even the surrounding space was distorted by the energy generated by the shadows.

Blood-colored light beams shot straight upward at a 45-degree angle.

That direction happened to be where Anna was.

The blood-colored light beams poured into her body, and the huge energy spread all around. The momentum of the vampires continued to rise, reaching a terrifying point, like a god, and it seemed that the world had become much smaller.

A blood-red long sword appeared in her hand.

The sword was blood-red all over, and it was a long sword condensed by energy.

Anna's movements were gentle and slow, but with a sword intent that was difficult to ignore.

A faint divine power emanated from her body.

Feeling this breath, all the vampires in the city knelt on the ground and worshiped.

The gods looked down on all living beings from above.

They were the most powerful existence between heaven and earth.

No one was allowed to blaspheme, otherwise they would be punished by heaven. Condemned.

The gods appeared, and all living beings worshiped them.

Even a shadow, a breath, could make ordinary people unable to control their bodies and bow down.

Anna held a long sword, and the sword body made a buzzing vibration, as if it could penetrate everything.

Finally, she moved.

An extremely bright blood-red sword light cut through the sky, and the terrifying sword energy made people shudder, just like Pangu opening the sky, as if it was going to split the entire sky in two.

The black fog in the sky was torn in half.

Countless abyss monsters were still hundreds of meters away from the sword light, and they were cut by the sword energy in the sky and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Starlight The bright moon also shone on the earth at this moment.

With the help of the bright sword light, everyone finally saw Anna's target.

Three extremely large abyss monsters hovered in the air, with countless tentacles twisting on their bodies, and holes all over their hill-like bodies.

Hundreds of abyss monsters crawled out of these holes, twisting their gray-black bodies, and drilled into the black fog next to them.

Feeling the terrifying sword light coming.

The three huge abyss monsters let out a scream like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, and the tentacles on their bodies kept moving forward, as if they wanted to use this to block the sword light.

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