After a brief experience,

Jiang Cheng asked Meng Li to transform back into human form.

Now she was only two stars, and the weapon she transformed was also of this level. It would not be very effective in a short period of time, and she needed to be trained for a while.

"Okay, go back to the temple and play by yourself."

"Don’t run out again, or I’ll spank you!"

"But I'm still hungry……"

Ten energy stones were just appetizers for Meng Li.

They couldn't fill her stomach at all.

Jiang Cheng glanced at her stomach and took out five more energy stones from the lord's warehouse.

"Here you go, it's not good for children to eat too much"

"You will get a stomachache and turn into a fat girl."

Meng Li took the energy stone and swallowed it in a moment, then explained seriously:

"Although I look small, I need to eat a lot. These energy stones can't satisfy my appetite at all. At least 500 energy stones are needed to make me half full."

"If you don't have that many energy stones, you can give me rare metals. For example, the two largest cannons on the city wall would be good."

"After eating those two cannons, I shouldn't be hungry anymore. Compared to energy stones, I actually prefer rare metals."

"Because I have eaten rare metals, the hardness of the weapon I transformed will be greatly improved, which can provide you with a lot of help."

After Meng Li finished speaking, she looked up at Jiang Cheng.

Seeing the expression on his face change, she quickly said:

"If you feel bad about the two cannons, you can give me the weapons and armors of those soldiers. They are also rare metals. Although they are not as good as the city defense cannons, I will not despise them."

Jiang Cheng was roaring in his heart.

What he feared most was to create a gold-eating beast.

Constantly consuming his financial resources.

At first, when he saw Meng Li's small one, he thought it would not consume too much, but now? It eats as much as his two city defense cannons in one meal!

You know, the city defense cannon weighs several tons.

It takes four blood clan warriors to carry it together.

Even if there are more rare metals for sale in the lord's trading area, it can't be consumed!

Just when he was distressed, the figure of the woman appeared in his mind again

"Luo Qi, don't you have a lot of garbage in your territory?"

"How about leaving it with me from now on?"

"My territory is too big, and there are large open areas with nothing to put. You can just put your garbage here and use it as a garbage dump."

In the Saint-class battleship.

Loki stayed in the lounge, feeling extremely relaxed.

Among the tens of millions of lords, except for those who abandoned their territories, Loki was the most comfortable.

Her Saint-class battleship can withstand all attacks below the Saint-class, and those so-called abyss monsters are no threat to her at all.

On the contrary, she can also use the artillery on the Saint-class battleship to kill those abyss monsters.

Just casually killing a few nine-star monsters is enough to ensure that she stands at the top of the rankings.

Jiang Cheng heard this news yesterday, and he was so angry that he directly closed the friend page and didn't want to continue chatting, for fear of hearing any news that would affect his physical and mental health.

"What the hell is Jiang Cheng doing?……"

"There is such a kind side……"

"Humph, no matter what his purpose is, he can't achieve it so easily. Who made him so stingy, like a miser."

Luo Qi was resentful of Jiang Cheng's bargaining with her yesterday.

She replied:"It's okay, but you have to give him energy stones."

"If you had been more generous yesterday and didn't bargain with me, I could have given you some for free. But who told you to be so stingy that you had to bargain with me for a long time for just over a thousand energy stones?"

"No partner attitude at all!"

"You are the number one lord, but you have no generosity at all and you cheat me, a little woman, every day!"

Jiang Cheng felt a headache.

He felt that this woman was his nemesis.

"If you want energy stones, then take energy stones. You won't lose much if you convert them this way."

Soon, the two reached a deal.

Jiang Cheng bought an interstellar battleship for a huge sum of 500 energy stones. It was the largest one in Luoqi's territory, about 200 meters long, and the interior was scrapped and could not be started. It was really garbage.

He led Meng Li to an open space.

Jiang Cheng summoned the interstellar battleship that had just arrived.

I don't know if it was because of the huge amount of money, but the friend page for red envelope transactions even had a short freeze.


"This... is this for me?"

Meng Li's face was full of disbelief.

Just now Jiang Cheng was reluctant to give her even a broken cannon, but now he took out such a high-end interstellar battleship!

The metal on it is much more advanced than those city defense cannons.

After all, it is a battleship that can roam in the universe, and its metal structure is naturally not comparable to ordinary metal.

Seeing the little girl's eyes full of fascinating brilliance, Jiang Cheng felt that the five hundred energy stones were worth spending!

This is also thanks to Luo Qi not asking too high a price.

For this reason, it will not be a problem for the little girl to recognize her as her godmother in the future

"Nature is for you"

"If you like, stay here and eat slowly. I will find two people to watch over you."

"When you are full, go back to the temple.

Meng Li nodded heavily.

"You are such a good person. Just for this battleship, the conflicts between us are resolved. Not only that, I will also make you the regent of the Slime Kingdom, with the power to recruit private soldiers!"

Jiang Chengqiang resisted the urge to beat her and gave her a few instructions.

Then he found two militiamen to protect her and told her not to run around.

Countless wild monsters in the sky were killed.

The blood clan warrior seemed to have taken a bath in blood.

His whole body was blood red.


A powerful aura burst out in the air, dispersing the black fog in the air and a large number of wild monsters.


"I finally broke through to the Seven Stars. You guys, prepare to die!"

Yale's voice floated in the air.

At this time, scarlet energy surged around him, like a bright red star, dazzling and dazzling. The aura of a Seven Star strongman caused the surrounding space to fluctuate.

It seemed that he wanted to vent his inner emotions.

The next moment, he soared into the sky and directly left the defense range of the protective shield, and went to the outside world to fight with wild monsters.

At the same time, another roar sounded.

It was Jack's voice.

He also rose to the Seven Stars.

The aura that burst out of his body was no weaker than Yale's just now.


"Yalie, don't think about eating alone!"

"Leave the rest of the monsters to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack followed Yale's trail and rushed out of the protective shield.

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