The next morning,

Jiang Cheng came to the hall.

This time, there was no reminder of the soldiers being drawn, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

When he came to the barracks, all the blood clan warriors were assigned brand new armor.

They could use it when their levels were upgraded.

The discarded equipment could be distributed to the militia.

After all, that kind of equipment and armor had not reached level five, so the militia could use it.

After a night of training, almost all the blood clan warriors reached four stars, and only a few were still stuck at the peak of three stars. It is expected that they will be able to break through this afternoon.

Only Yale and Jack reached six stars.

The two of them killed six-star monsters and gained a lot of experience. They were promoted to six stars as early as yesterday.

It is considered the ceiling level of combat power in the territory.

However, Yatuo and his team are not much behind. They killed so many monsters yesterday, and the blood from the monsters was stored in the blood pool.

Such a huge amount of blood plus the continuous supply of energy stones makes Yatuo and his team not far from level six.

If you are lucky in the morning and meet some experience babies, it is a sure thing to break through to six stars.

At midnight yesterday, the goblins that had been implanted with the blood species had been successfully infected, and after some torture, these goblins were successfully made obedient.

As for the wailing when they were tortured, it did not attract the attention of other goblins at all.

Because it was not just them who were wailing.

It was also the entire goblin tribe.

The poison sac of the anaconda had taken effect.

Since midnight yesterday, about half of the goblins drank the water in the underground river and were accidentally poisoned.

Since the leading high-level people went to the senior tribes to have fun, the lower-level goblins did not find out what caused the poisoning for a while. It was not until more and more goblins were poisoned that they discovered that the source of the poison was actually the underground river.

For a time, the entire goblin tribe was in chaos, and had to ask for support from the two neighboring tribes.

All this information was learned from the brains of the infected goblins.


"What's going on!"

A five-star goblin angrily got off the iron car, followed by a group of goblin leaders.

They hadn't enjoyed their life of luxury yet, but were called back by urgent messages.

The three tribes rely on each other and can provide support to any tribe in a short time.

They didn't know what was going on and they were so anxious. It was really a bummer!

Soon, a four-star goblin told the whole story. He looked very self-blaming. If he hadn't fainted last night, things wouldn't have fermented into what they are now...

To be honest, he was also confused.

He was sure that he was knocked unconscious, but there was no one around at the time.

This made him suspect that he had a wet dream the night before and was retaliated by God.


The impatient expression on the goblin leader's face instantly calmed down. He waved his hand and said calmly,"Don't worry, I have planned this matter in advance. I have prepared a large amount of herbs in the warehouse of our territory. You don't need to cook them, you can take them directly."

""That's a good idea, Chief!"

The four-star goblin who was reporting the situation had his eyes light up and immediately flattered him.

"The leader is wise and has profound insights!"

"The chief is so good at foreseeing things that even this kind of thing can be predicted. We are ashamed of ourselves!" The goblin leaders in the rear also flattered him.

Since the matter has been resolved, it means that they can return to the high-level tribe and enjoy themselves for a while.

After receiving the order, a team of goblins immediately came to the treasury.

The garrison of the treasury has been replaced.

The goblin last night had gone home from work and went to sleep.

"We have come to the treasury on the orders of our lord leader to get medicinal herbs for treatment!"

""Everyone, please come in."

The guard took out the key and pushed open the heavy door of the treasure house.

Before he could see clearly what was inside, an extremely sour and refreshing fermentation smell rushed into his head, causing him to faint on the ground, his eyes rolled back, and white foam came out of his mouth like it was free.

"Damn, what a smell!"

"So disgusting. Ugh."

"Damn it, this smell has become a substance and turned the air green, so scary!"

"Could it be a newly developed weapon by the leader? Its power is so terrifying that even a six-star warrior can’t last more than three rounds!"The goblins who came to get the herbs retreated one after another.

The weak goblin had already fallen to the ground and began to twitch, his limbs becoming stiff.

"What's going on!"

The goblin leader standing outside couldn't help but yelled at the fleeing goblins.

"My lord leader, it seems that the weapon you developed has been leaked. It is extremely powerful and we can't get in at all. The guards and several brothers who were guarding the treasury fell to the ground on the spot!"


The goblin leader had no idea what they were talking about.

He simply led his men in.

As soon as he smelled the pungent smell, he almost couldn't breathe and died on the spot!

""Shit, what happened in the treasury!"

The goblin leader waved his hand, and the wind blew away most of the green smoke.

A small part of the green smoke was still lingering at the entrance of the treasury.

As time passed, the green smoke became thicker and thicker, and there was a danger of it coming out again.

Several goblins who died heroically covered their faces with a piece of rag, roared, and rushed into the treasury without hesitation.

The overwhelming smell made them feel like they were living in hell, extremely tormented.

Even if they breathed through their mouths, they could feel as if their throats were cut, and they felt a sharp pain.

There was nothing in the huge warehouse.

There were only nearly a hundred withered green balls that exuded a dangerous aura.

Several goblins looked at each other.

Their eyes were full of solemnity of facing death.


"Chief, the second batch of warriors also died in the warehouse, along with a four-star general!"

"Damn it! My warriors have fallen down in the warehouse one after another. What kind of poison appeared in there? How could such a thing happen to our tribe!"

Finally, the third batch of goblin warriors came out alive.

Of course, there was only one person.

His eyes rolled back and he foamed at the mouth while running.

When he put the object on the ground outside.

The task assigned to him by his teammates was finally completed. He could vaguely see his teammates standing in the blue sky, smiling at him and waving...

A goblin who was good at throwing knives cut a gap in the green ball. The object inside rolled out. The faces of all the goblins present changed drastically.

Could this be the herb the leader mentioned?

No wonder he said before that it didn't need to be cooked. It was impossible to eat it after cooking...

But will it really be okay to eat this thing?

The goblins present looked at the goblin leader, and some even showed hostility. They began to suspect whether the leader had colluded with foreign enemies and wanted to destroy their tribe in one fell swoop!

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