United states tax collector

Chapter 409: Are we going to be slaughtered again?

With all the thoughts from all sides, David has come to the New York Stock Exchange at this moment.

There is actually a reason why he chose to hold a press conference here.

As we all know, Wall Street is controlled by Jews, and the New York Stock Exchange, as the capital trading center of the street, naturally exists like a soul here.

And David chose to hold a press conference here and throw out the news of the investigation foundation, which is no less than rushing into the homes of the three major groups and giving them a slap.

This is exactly the effect he wants!

At the same time, he also wants to announce to the world that although the off-site tax avoidance bill has been legislated and taken effect, it does not mean the end.

In the next period of time, he will still work hard to crack down on this group of rich people who control most of the wealth in the United States but evade taxes the most!

"Inspector General David, what is the purpose of holding a press conference here today?"

"Inspector General David, there have been rumors that you will conduct a tax audit on Wall Street. Now that you are here, are you going to start?"

"Inspector General David..."

The media reporters have been "hungry and thirsty" for a long time. Seeing that David has finally arrived, they immediately came up with microphones to ask questions.

"Everyone, please keep quiet, otherwise our Inspector General David will not answer any questions!"

The scene was noisy and questioned in a mess, and Nahum had to stand up to stop it.

Although the media wanted to understand David's purpose this time, they could only shut up after hearing this.

"I'm sorry for not informing you of my arrival in advance. My arrival this time is similar to what many media friends here guessed. Yes, I'm here to conduct a tax audit here!"

"What, they really want to audit Wall Street's tax situation!"

"The IRS just launched the tax avoidance bill a few days ago, and then launched a tax audit on Wall Street. This is really swift and resolute."

"The tax avoidance bill has caused heavy losses to the rich people in the United States. Now the IRS is going to take action against Wall Street again. Now those rich people are going to jump up and down again!"

As soon as the news came out, the audience at the scene and online were all in an uproar.

And the members of the three major groups, such as Joshua, also looked gloomy at this moment.

"During my secret investigations over the past few days, I have already taken control of several foundations, including JP, WK, and AQM, which involve tax issues. I now officially announce that the IRS will set up an investigation team to enter these foundations and conduct a detailed investigation. The results of the investigation will be made public!"

"What, the foundation involves tax issues?"

"According to American law, foundations are not subject to tax laws, and the IRS has no right to investigate. What is going on?"

"JP, WK, AQM, these are giant foundations on Wall Street. If they really involve tax issues, it will be a big deal."


If David just said that he would conduct a tax audit on Wall Street, everyone just felt that it was a bit sudden, then now that they heard that the foundation was to be investigated, everyone was shocked.

Because as many people have said, according to American law, foundations are not regulated by the government or any department.

Any department, of course, also includes the IRS.

David now openly announced that he would investigate the foundation, which could be said to be an act of usurpation!

Morgan Bank Headquarters.

Joshua had been staring at the live broadcast on the computer, but when he heard that David was going to investigate his foundation, he was also stunned.

When he came to his senses, he immediately looked at the assistant in front of him and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Joshua, according to American law, let alone the IRS, even the government has no right to investigate our foundation and require us to disclose foundation data, so we don't need to worry about this."

"That's the truth, but since this bastard dared to announce it in front of the whole world, he must have his confidence. Think about it carefully, what loopholes does our foundation have, or will he catch any handle?"

This is not the first time he has fought with David. In fact, since David started to attack Nevada Governor Stevenson, their war has already begun.

After so many open and covert struggles, Joshua had long known David. He also knew that although he looked reckless on the surface, he was actually a very meticulous person. So the other party must have been sure to do this!

The assistant thought for a while, and then said: "In order to get rid of the regulatory issues, we first injected most of the funds returned by the Fed's interest rate hike into the foundation, and then transferred them to the candidate's team through the foundation..."

Joshua frowned when he heard this.

Before David appeared, he had guessed that the other party might come to cut off the campaign funds flowing out of their midterm elections.

And now it seems to be true!

Since their funds are to be transferred to the candidate's team through the foundation, as long as their foundation is attacked, they will not be able to transfer them out.

What a vicious method!

"But Mr. Joshua, you don't have to worry. As I said before, according to the law, the foundation will not be bound by any organization. They have no right to ask us for any data. As long as we refuse to cooperate, they can't do anything to us!"

"Notify the foundation's manager and ask him to come to see me immediately. In addition, let our lawyer rush to the scene immediately to find out what his bottom line is!"



Across from the New York Stock Exchange.

The news of the investigation of the foundation was too explosive, so after recovering, the media kept asking David what the basis of the investigation was.

Just as David was carefully explaining the basis of the investigation, several voices suddenly interrupted him.

"Excuse me, I'm the legal counsel of the JP Foundation. I just heard that the IRS is going to investigate our foundation. I have a few questions to ask."

"I'm the legal counsel of the WK Foundation. I also want to ask Inspector General David about the investigation of our foundation."

"I'm from the AQM Foundation..."

David was not very surprised by the arrival of these people. He said, "Since you gentlemen have questions to ask, why not come over and ask face to face!"

The special agents below opened a passage, and the three looked at each other, and then calmly walked in front of David.

"Gentlemen, what are your names?"

"My name is Price."

"I'm Hartz."

"My name is Komodov."

"Okay, gentlemen, you just said you wanted to ask me about your foundations, now you can ask!"

Price spoke first: "According to the law, our foundation is not regulated by any agency, including your IRS, so your investigation of us has no legal basis!"

"Yes, it is true according to the law, but I have to ask Mr. Price to clarify one thing first. According to the law, foundations are not regulated by any agency, but the premise is that the funds in foundations like yours must be used for charitable business, but if the funds in them involve money laundering, insider trading, and flow to certain interested parties, then let alone our IRS, I'm afraid even the FBI has the right to intervene, right?"

The three people who heard this looked at each other. As legal advisers of their respective foundations, they certainly knew that David was not talking nonsense.

"I admit that you have a point, but Inspector General David, the use of funds of our foundation does not need to be disclosed to you or any other organization. Of course, since our foundation is mainly for charity, the use of funds in it is naturally for charity, which is beyond doubt!"

This time it was Hartz who spoke.

And the underlying meaning of his words was that even if you, David, suspected that the funds of our foundation had other uses, you had no right to ask me to provide any data.

As long as I insisted that the funds in it were used for charity, what could you do?

David smiled slightly, and then waved to Manson not far away. He immediately opened the briefcase in his hand, took out three documents from it and handed them over.

After David took it, he turned around and stretched it to the three people in front of him, and said: "Three gentlemen, your foundation does not need to disclose anything to me, but I think you should also take a look at this document!"

The three frowned slightly, because it was not difficult to find from David's expression that these three documents should be things that are not good for them.

Without thinking too much, the three took it and opened it to check.

As the contents continued to come into view, even though they knew they were in a public place, the three of them could not help but become frightened.

Because the document in their hands was the confidential data of their respective foundations, and what he couldn't understand was how David got it?

"What's going on? Why are the lawyers of these three foundations so panicked?"

"Aren't foundations not subject to supervision by any institution and do not need to disclose data to any institution? What did Inspector General David show them now that could make them so panicked?"

"Now it seems that this seemingly impeccable foundation system is not so impeccable in front of Inspector General David."

Because the scene was live broadcast, not to mention the media reporters here, even the audience watching through the live broadcast saw something unusual.

Morgan Bank Headquarters Building.

Joshua is not blind, so he naturally saw that the face of his foundation's legal advisor was not right, which made him feel even more heavy.

Could it be that his foundation really had some handle in David's hands?

If that was the case, then it was over.

You know, this foundation is not just used to operate mid-term election funds, it is also the family foundation of their Mogen family.

In order to avoid the high inheritance tax for the family's descendants, he had injected his property into this foundation little by little many years ago.

Once something really happened and this foundation was frozen or sealed, the loss suffered by their family would probably be greater than the tax avoidance bill!

In addition to Joshua himself, many people in the three major groups were also nervous at this moment.

The inheritance tax in the United States is too high, so as long as it is a big family, it will inevitably choose to establish a foundation so that the heirs can bypass the inheritance tax and inherit the family legacy.

And now David is obviously going to attack the foundation. If he really succeeds, then the major families will have to pay a heavy price after the off-site tax avoidance bill!

"How about you three, now do we have the right to investigate your foundation?"

After hearing David's question, the three of them realized that they had lost their composure. They quickly pretended to be calm and returned. Hartz among them replied: "Inspector General David, I don't know where you got these data from. But what I must deny is that this is purely fabricated, and we firmly deny it!”

"Yes, our JP Foundation should also deny this data!"

"We have just stated that our foundation is used for charity, so this data is indeed untrue!"

Of course, the three of them knew that the document in their hands was indeed top-secret data of their foundation, but if they just admitted it, they would be dead.

If you deny it, you still have a chance to escape because the foundation is not subject to supervision and does not need to disclose data.

"Really? Then what do you think will happen if I make this document public and ask charities across the country to list a detailed list and ask banks to provide detailed funds?"

David seemed to have anticipated their answers and asked calmly.

The expressions of the three people who heard this changed again, and then Hartz replied: "You are free to disclose this document, and we have no right to object, but you require charities and banks across the country to provide details. Then we can’t agree, because according to the law, we don’t need to cooperate with your work!”

David smiled and looked at them as if they were fools: "I don't need your cooperation. I only need the cooperation of charities and banks across the country."

"You...you can't do this."

The three of them were really anxious this time. They really didn't have to cooperate with David, but if David asked the bank and the charitable organizations they contacted to cooperate, and the details given by these organizations were matched with the document in front of them, then their The Foundation has ten mouths and can’t explain it clearly!

"It seems like it's not up to you whether I can do it or not. Well, my time is limited. We three of you will meet again in the future!"

David didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, so he stepped off the stage and left surrounded by secret service personnel. (End of chapter)

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