United states tax collector

Chapter 406 Foundation

Paden looked at him sharply and asked, "Abner, what happened!"

"I... this... I'm sorry, Mr. President, I was also forced to do it, please forgive me!"

Under Paden's tone, Abner could no longer withstand the pressure and could only say this sentence with grievance.

"Forced to do it!"

Hearing these four words, Paden and Wilder looked at each other.

NAS, a powerful department, how could there be any forced to do it?

Could it be... that's right!

Didn't several major media outlets break out some scandals about NSA in the past few days? Originally, they didn't think there was anything.

But now, combined with the appearance of these people who were forced to resign, the result seems to be imminent!

The so-called scandal, it seems that there must be a pusher behind it!

Combined with the background of the Illuminati of this group of people, and the three major groups of the Illuminati, the Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry, have united to fight David because of the tax avoidance bill.

Then the result is self-evident!

All this should be related to David!

"Director Edgar, there are no outsiders here, just tell the president the truth, and the president will make the decision for you!"

In order to understand the situation more clearly, Wilder also looked directly at Edgar.

Edgar hesitated for a while, and finally sighed and uttered three words: "Yes, it was David who asked us to do this."

"What, it's really him!"

Now, Paiden and Wilder are completely confirmed.

"Wait, Director Edgar, although several major media have reported some negative news about you in the past few days, these can't shake your position!"

While Wilder said this, he glanced back and forth at several people with puzzled eyes.

Edgar and the others looked at each other, but no one spoke. They couldn't tell the president in detail the details of the crimes they committed and how they were caught by David, right?

"Speak, you are all dumb, right!"

Seeing that several people were silent, Paiden was a little angry.

"Mr. President, what was revealed is just the tip of the iceberg. David has more in his hands. I... I have to do this. Please forgive me!"

"Yes, sir..."

Seeing Paden getting angry, Abner and Grantham, who were the first to lose their temper, could only bite the bullet and answer.

"Damn it, one of you is the intelligence director of NAS and the other is the deputy director. How could you be caught by him and threatened by him so easily? Even if you are caught, with the power and resources in your hands, you still can't handle your "dirty business" cleanly!"

Paden gradually became furious.

In fact, it is not surprising that he is so dissatisfied. The current CIA and FBI are already controlled by David, and the bill has just been passed. He can't be unhappy with David for this matter, so he can only bear it for the time being.

Unexpectedly, the NSA is also in a state of "falling".

You know, if even the NAS intelligence agency falls into David's hands, to put it mildly, it is equivalent to a trend of undermining him as president.

To put it in a bigger picture, wouldn't his every move as president be monitored all the time?

He is the president, how can he tolerate such a thing!

"Mr. President, we... you also know David's methods. Even if we handle it cleanly, as long as he gets serious, it will be difficult to escape his clutches..."

"Director Edgar, since you have all decided to resign, who will take over your jobs?"

Wilder did not continue to dwell on the matter of resignation, but asked this key question.

Hearing this, Paiden also came back to his senses from his anger.

Yes, since these people were forced to resign, the issue of who will take over their jobs next is the most important.

"Mr. President, I recommend Strachey Samuel as my successor."

Abner spoke first.


Paiden looked at his chief of staff, Wilder.

"Mr. President, this is a former senior official of the CIA, but..."

Wilder hesitated to speak.

"But what?"

"It is said that this Strachey has close ties with the Kennity family!"

Patten's face froze when he heard this.

The Kennity family has long been openly on David's side, and his people have become the NSA intelligence chiefs. Then the NSA intelligence department will naturally be indirectly controlled by David.

Patten turned his eyes and looked at Abner and asked, "Tell me, Abner, is this the person David asked you to recommend?"

"Mr. President, I... I..."

Abner didn't dare to lie, but he didn't dare to continue.

"Director Edgar, what about you, who will take over your position?"

It was Wilder who asked this question.

Let's not talk about the successor of the NAS intelligence department, let's find out who will be the next helmsman of the NSA first.

Patten also stopped asking questions and looked at Edgar.

At this time, Edgar's forehead was covered with sweat, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Patten was so dissatisfied with the appointment of Strachey.

If he told the IRS that they were going to send in a high-ranking person to take over his position, Paidon in front of him would be furious.

"Say it!"

Paden asked, his eyes wide with anger.

Edgar clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, if you insist on asking me about the candidate to replace me, then I can only recommend Hena Quintadine."

"Herner? Which Herner are you talking about?"

Herner Quintadine of the Internal Revenue Service was known to both Paden and Wilder.

He and the others never thought about this person.

In their subconscious mind, the IRS sent someone to take over the position of the NSA leader. What an international joke!

"Sir, it's Hena Quintadine of the IRS!"

"What, say it again!"

Both Paden and Wilder were stunned, unable to believe their ears.

"Mr. President, I said that the person I recommend to take my place is Herner Quintadine of the IRS!"

Edgar was brave enough and said loudly.

"Damn it, do you know what you are doing? He is a senior official of the IRS. How can you recommend him to take over this position!"

Although Paden was verbally abusing Edgar on the surface, he actually knew that David must have been behind this, so he was actually expressing his dissatisfaction with David.

"Sir...Although Hener is a senior official of the IRS, he is the head of the intelligence department of the IRS and is qualified for my position..."

Although it was as disgusting as eating a fly, in order to fulfill the agreement with David, Edgar could only endure the recommendation.


"Okay sir!"

Before Paden could continue his attack, Wilder interrupted. Then he looked at Edgar and the others and said, "You go back to take charge of the work first. We will inform you of the follow-up matters."

Edgar and the others didn't say anything more, they immediately turned around and pushed the door open to leave.

After they left, Wilder looked at Paden and said, "Sir, since David ordered this behind his back, we can't break up with him yet. After all, the bill has just been passed, and there will be more to follow. Many things..."

"Damn it, he already controls the CIA and FBI remotely. If the NSA also falls into his hands, it will be too much power. It is possible that we will become puppets in the future. This is unacceptable!"

"No sir, he only controls a few departments, and our White House has countless departments under its jurisdiction. A puppet is too much."

"Haha, that's not an ordinary department, the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, these are almost the most powerful law enforcement departments in the United States!"

"Yes sir, but our top priority now is not to compete with him for control of several departments. Our top priority now is the 2024 general election. We must introduce the prepared bills as soon as possible and bring back the support!"

Upon hearing this, Paiden, who was still in a state of anger, calmed down a lot.

It is important to control these powerful departments, but there is not much time left before the general election, so the most important thing is to ensure that the next general election can be won.

Otherwise, once you lose the election and lose the throne of the president, how can you discuss the control of these real power departments?

"Sir, the NSA has been controlled by members of the Illuminati for so many years. I think David did this not out of personal selfishness, but just to avoid being harmed by the Illuminati. There is no need to worry too much..."

In the following time, Wilder still tried his best to persuade Paden.

And Paden was able to reach his current position, of course, he was not a reckless person. For the sake of the overall situation, in the end he could only agree with the opinions of his chief of staff.

In the next few days, the entire United States will be very lively due to the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, mid-term elections, and the implementation of the foreign tax avoidance bill.

However, on the fourth day, a piece of news stole some of the attention from these major events.

And this news is none other than that several senior executives in NAS, led by Edgar, have all announced their resignations.

But that's not the point. Immediately afterwards, the White House announced the nominee. When they saw that it was a senior official of the Internal Revenue Service, this naturally caused quite an uproar.

The Illuminati and the Angsa Group Freemasons are naturally deeply saddened by the huge changes that the MSA has suffered, but they can only silently accept the bitter consequences and continue to focus on the mid-term elections as the main battlefield.

Internal Revenue Service, Office of the Inspector General of Taxation.

"There is no problem with the Senate. Hoerner's nomination has basically been passed. He will be reported to NAS in three days at the earliest. And once he takes office, the previously scheduled candidates for various departments will be placed as soon as possible... "

In the office, David was listening to Keppel's report with his chin in his hands.

A few minutes later, he asked: "Has the report from NAS been released? What tasks have the three major groups assigned to this department?"

“First, they are responsible for monitoring the phone calls and emails of national congressional candidates..., second, they help the people they support to promote on major social platforms, and third...

Listening to Keppel's report, David nodded from time to time. After listening, he asked: "Then what do I need to do next?"

"We don't need to worry about NAS now. We have to turn our attention back to the election. The Fed's interest rate hike has allowed them to obtain a lot of funds. These funds are managed and responsible by several major foundations on Wall Street. "If we can cut off these foundations for their campaigners, they're going to be in a lot of trouble."

"Wall Street foundations..."

In fact, David had already started targeting Wall Street, but because of the last assassination incident, some of his plans were disrupted, and he had to introduce the off-site tax avoidance bill first, so as to weaken the three major groups. influence.

Now that the bill has been successfully introduced, the three major groups have suffered a heavy setback, and it is very suitable for them to take advantage of the victory and return their attention to Wall Street!

As the saying goes, I will take advantage of your illness to kill you!

In addition, he would also like to see how much money Wall Street, which is said to control the direction of the world's economy, has for the IRS!

Thinking of this, David said: "Wall Street Foundation... Okay, prepare the relevant information and arrange the itinerary. I will go to New York tomorrow!"


The next day, David spoke to Obadiah Donald and others, and then took Jerry Lalin Munson and others to the airport, got on the connecting plane and headed towards New York.

More than an hour later, the special plane landed at New York's LaGuardia Airport.

After getting off the plane, David and his team immediately came to the Manhattan branch. Since they had been notified in advance, the Manhattan branch was not very surprised by his arrival.

After a conversation, the Manhattan branch cleared a temporary office for him and sent people to Wall Street as per his request.

More than an hour later, a deputy director of the Manhattan branch walked in and said: "Inspector General David, the Wall Street foundation manager you are looking for, Mo Ang, has arrived.

"Okay, please, bring him here."

"Little things..."

The deputy director smiled and then exited the office.

Two minutes later, there was a knock on the office door, and then a figure pushed the door open and entered.

When he saw David's face, the man froze in place for an instant. He even forgot to take off the doorknob. Apparently he didn't expect that the person who came to him today was actually David!

"Don't be stunned, Mr. Mo Aung, come over and sit down and talk!"

After hearing the reminder, Gamoang calmed down a little, then closed the door and walked to the chair in front of David and sat down.

"Do you know why I came to you today?"

A change flashed across Mo Ang's face, but he quickly shook his head pretending to be confused.

"I want to talk about the foundation you manage!"


Upon hearing this, Mo Ang was immediately startled, and then quickly retorted: "Inspector General David, our foundation is used for charity and is not subject to tax laws!" (End of Chapter)

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