United states tax collector

Chapter 403: Selection of the National Security Bureau Boss

"This is the eighth time that interest rates have been raised, and the situation in various countries has been severely disrupted!"

"Should I say it, the Fed's method of raising interest rates is really a huge profit, and it doesn't have to pay a dime in tax. To be honest, this has to be enviable."

"With this increase in interest rates, on the surface it seems that our American finances have also benefited. In fact, those damn Freemasons are the ones who are really making a lot of money!"

At the Mountain Ohm Resort Hotel, Bucky, Neeson, and Simmons were chatting while soaking in the hot spring pool.

David on the side was holding his chin with one hand, wondering what he was thinking.

At this moment, Munson suddenly came to them and reported: "Inspector General, there is news from the CIA. According to the information from the Intelligence Division, the three major groups do not plan to worry too much about the bill. It’s time to focus on the mid-term elections!”

“Midterm elections!”

David's expression suddenly became serious.

The three major groups are focusing on the mid-term elections. What else can they do besides trying to regain control of Congress?

But I have to say that if he were from the three major groups, he would probably do the same.

As the saying goes, he who wins the Congress wins the world!

As long as this group of people regains control of Congress, even if the off-site tax avoidance bill has been successfully enacted, it can still be implemented and abolished!

"Yes, according to the information from the CIA, this group of people are spending a lot of money to support their own people in power. Basically, every voter who is willing to support them will receive shopping cards, coupons, cash and other benefits. All in all, it’s about 1,500 US dollars!”

David frowned slightly when he heard this.

A benefit of 1,500 US dollars for one person is 15,000 for 10 people, 150,000 for 100 people...

If there are 1 million people, that would be 1.5 billion.

Take California as a comparison. This state has a population of nearly 40 million, so it must be at least 60 billion US dollars.

But it's still just one state.

There are 50 states in the United States. If every state lobbyed voters in this way, how much money would it cost?

Even the Internal Revenue Service, which is in charge of national taxation, may not be able to afford such a large amount of money.

It's no wonder that the Freemasonry is announcing an interest rate increase. If they don't rely on interest rate increases to get back the funds, they may even have to take out the coffin.

"Then it seems that we may not be able to take this vacation..."

David sighed helplessly.

Obadiah just gave him a holiday yesterday to let him have a good rest, but he didn't expect that the three major groups would take action so quickly. Among them, the Freemasons also announced an interest rate hike to mobilize funds to compete for the mid-term elections. Naturally, he We cannot sit still and wait for death.

Otherwise, once this group of people wins the midterm elections and regains control of Congress, the IRS will be in a worrying situation again.

Nissen, Bucky, and Simmons also looked a little depressed.

Since being promoted to regional director, although they no longer follow David as usual, they have been very busy during this period.

Now that the bill has finally been enacted, I thought I could relax for a few days. However, the three major groups have already focused on the mid-term elections, so naturally they cannot relax.

"Contact Tom, Sean, and... and ask them to come here tomorrow."


Munson immediately turned and left.

At noon the next day, in a private room in the resort.

Tom and his daughter Ivanka walked in first, looked at David with a smile and said: "Inspector General David, I originally thought you would prepare a celebration banquet after the bill was passed, but I didn't expect you to be so low-key... …”

"I've been a little tired during this period, and now I just want to relax."

"Yes, you have been busy working on this bill during this period. It's time to take a good rest..."

While talking, the box door was pushed open again, and this time representatives of the Texas families of Bessemer, Gotha, and Charlie came in.

In the following time, some local snake families who were summoned from other states also arrived.

After another ten minutes, Sean arrived in a hurry and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Inspector General David, gentlemen, I have some affairs to deal with in my family, which delayed everyone's time."

"Okay, since everyone is here, I'll keep the story short!"

David organized his language and said: "You all know about the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike. According to intelligence information, the Freemasons are now using this money to start lobbying voters in various states to win this midterm election."

"As for what they want to do after winning the midterm elections, I think everyone here is smart and should have guessed it!"

"According to the news from the CIA, although most voters are very supportive of our IRS, they will not refuse this kind of free money."

"In other words, with the support of these voters, the situation of many congressmen may become a bit worrying. I need you to ensure that the seats of your major families in Congress will not change too much. Do you understand? "

After hearing this, Bessemer was the first to reply: "Don't worry, Inspector General David, Texas is our territory, and we will definitely defend this basic territory."

"That's right, we can't guarantee it in other states, but in Texas, no one can reach in!"


After the three major families representing Texas made promises, representatives from other states also expressed their willingness to try their best to stabilize the voters.

In the following time, David made arrangements for some follow-up matters, and the meeting was not over until nearly two hours later.

However, in the end, Elvis, Sean, and Ivanka and her daughter from the CIA were not in a hurry to leave, as if they had something to say.

“Inspector General David, the midterm elections are a big deal, but there is one thing I think must be dealt with.”

Elvis spoke first.

"What's the matter?"

"The last time the families of the senators were attacked, it was the National Security Agency that did it. In this midterm election, this department will definitely play an important role for the three major groups. So my idea is that we have to deal with this department first, which will be more beneficial to us!"

"You have a point..."

David held his chin with one hand, thought for a while and said, "Their director Edgar is a member of the Illuminati. Who else is there besides him?"

"There are also Deputy Director Grantham and Intelligence Director Abner..."

Elvis pointed out five or six senior NSA officials in one breath.

"Okay, give me a copy of these people's personal information and whereabouts when the time comes, and I will take care of it then."

"No problem, then I'll go back and get busy!"

Elvis knew that the remaining two people should have something to say to David, so he didn't stay any longer and left the private room directly.

The remaining Sean and Thompson looked at each other, and then the former looked at David and said: "Inspector General David, the midterm elections are of course the most important thing now, but if they can 'cut off' the financial support of the Federal Reserve, then they will naturally collapse!"

The Kennidi family and the Freemasons have a blood feud. The tax avoidance bill is a severe revenge on the Freemasons, but if the Federal Reserve, which these people regard as their life, can be deprived, it will naturally make him extremely relieved.

"That's the truth, but the tax avoidance bill has just been passed, and our IRS still has a lot of things to deal with. I'm afraid we can't spare the time to do this now, and the Federal Reserve involves a lot of people. We must be fully prepared before we can take action, otherwise, our entire country's financial system will be in chaos, and this pot is not easy to bear."

Again, the Federal Reserve controls the economic lifeline of the world, but it is so active.

If he acts rashly, with the temperament of the Freemasons, as long as they manipulate the Federal Reserve to do something, it will easily add pressure to him and the IRS.

Before you move it, you must be fully prepared!

"This... okay..."

Although Ken Nidi wanted to kill the Freemasons immediately, he could only suppress the impulse in his heart after hearing what David said.

David looked at Ivanka and his daughter and asked, "Mr. Thompson, do you have anything else to add?"


Thompson laughed evilly and said, "Nothing, in fact, I also want to hear about the Federal Reserve, but you have already answered Mr. Thompson just now, and I have nothing to ask."

In fact, he was eager to wait until he came to power before dealing with the Federal Reserve, so that he could get some credit, and now David's answer naturally satisfied him.

"Okay, then let's do it!"


In the next few days, the local snake families in various states followed David's instructions and tried their best to control the situation of the mid-term elections in various states.

As for David himself, he began to collect black materials about the senior officials of the National Security Agency, and then gradually released the news through the media channels under his control.

Internal Revenue Service Tax Inspector General's Office

"Okay, Elvis, I will consider this Makunta you mentioned."

"Inspector General David, Makunta is absolutely capable, and he has also promised me that if he can become the director of the NSA, he will be loyal to us, there is no doubt about that..."

"Yeah, I said, I will consider him, give me some time, okay Elvis?"

"Okay, Inspector General David, just let me know if you have any ideas."

"Got it, that's it!"

Since he released the black material of the senior NSA officials, Elvis has contacted him many times and recommended a friend to him, hoping that he can help this friend get promoted.

However, the NSA is a powerful law enforcement agency after all, so David naturally plans to indirectly control it, but he still needs to think carefully about the candidate.

Elvis is now the director of the CIA Intelligence Department. In the future, David plans to support him step by step to the position of director. At that time, if he is allowed to indirectly control the NSA, the power is too concentrated, which is not very beneficial to him.

Maalim, who was eating a pizza, handed a piece to David and said, "It seems that Elvis also wants to get his hands on the NSA!"

"Nonsense, he is already the director of the CIA Intelligence Department. If his people control the NSA, it can be said that he is extremely powerful!"

"You are right, Elvis is trustworthy, but sometimes you have to pay attention to checks and balances when employing people, especially in this kind of intelligence agency, we must be more cautious!"

Simmons and Bucky, who were sitting on the side, also spoke one after another.

But after they finished speaking, they looked at David, wanting to see what David had to say.

However, before David could say anything, his phone rang again.

Seeing that the caller was Sean, David paused and picked up the phone.

"Sorry, Inspector General David, I called you suddenly. I hope I didn't disturb you at work?"

"No, tell me, Mr. Sean, what's the matter?"

"I saw the news. You have exposed the dirty secrets of those senior officials in the NSA. I guess they are almost done for, right?"

David had guessed it just now, and now he heard it as he expected!

The NSA is a powerful department after all. Not only Elvis covets it, but the Kenedy family is no exception.

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his mind, David replied: "There is still some work to be done. What do you think, Mr. Sean?"


Sean laughed awkwardly and said: "It's like this. If this group of people falls, then I think we'd better let our own people take over, so do you have any suitable candidates?"

"Not yet."

Hearing this, Sean was overjoyed and continued: "Inspector General David, the position of the director of the National Security Agency is not ordinary. It must be held by a trustworthy person. If you don't have a suitable candidate, I have a candidate here who is absolutely trustworthy. After he takes office, he will definitely be able to quickly integrate this department and help us deal with the three major groups!"

Hearing this, David showed some interest and asked: "Who is your candidate?"

"Tomlinson Sylvester!"

"Tomlinson Sylvester?"

After hearing this name, David read it and winked at Nissen.

Neeson immediately opened Google and typed the name in. Personal information about Tomlinson Sylvester popped up.

Then Neeson held the phone upright under David's eyes.

Soon, David knew who this person was.

He was none other than the director of the CIA Intelligence Department during the reign of Little Bush!

But later, with Little Bush's resignation,

he was also removed by the new person in power.

"Yes, he is my good friend. He worked in the CIA before and is familiar with the CIA's operating system and rules. He will definitely be competent in the NSA. The most important thing is that he is a trustworthy person. After we support him to take office, he will definitely be loyal to us. I think he is a very suitable candidate and can be used!"

Sean on the other end of the phone continued to recommend. (End of this chapter)

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