United states tax collector

Chapter 345 Want to kill David again?

at the same time.

Major companies in Silicon Valley such as WeiRuan, Oracle, and Invista also received such a document, and their senior executives all looked livid after reading it.

A few hours later, a black Chevrolet arrived at the door of the Bay Area branch. When the door opened and the man in leather clothes came out, the media stationed there and people watching online were instantly in an uproar.

"That's... Huang Renxun from Invista!"

"It's Jensen Huang, that's right. Invista, which he founded, is one of the real giants in Silicon Valley. Is he going to compromise on tax issues too?"

"Right now, no other giants in Silicon Valley have appeared, but Huang Renxun has appeared. This seems a bit intriguing..."


That's right, the person who came was none other than Huang Renxun from Invista.

Seeing him coming here, both reporters at the scene and people following online started making various speculations.

Amid a burst of discussion, Huang Renxun strode into the Bay Area branch, and was soon taken into David's office.

"Hello Inspector General David."

To be precise, Huang Renxun is a Chinese. He can speak Chinese, and he said this sentence directly in Chinese in order to get closer to David.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, you should have received the document I sent you, right?"

David also replied in English, but the corner of Huang Renxun's mouth twitched in the last sentence.

"Of course I received it, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"It seems that you are different from other giants. You still want to solve this matter."

"Of course, since I'm here, I'll be honest. I admit that our company does have some tax problems, but in fact, it's not just our company that has problems, almost 90% of companies in the United States have tax problems. It just depends on whether we are caught. Now that we have been caught, we will admit it, but this tax is not a small amount. I hope that the IRS can give us some grace periods and some reductions and exemptions. "

"Your company is one of the giants in Silicon Valley, and it was the first to arrive. This can be regarded as setting an example. As long as you are willing to pay, grace is not a problem. Give you three months. As for the exemption... I’ll make the decision and give you a ten percent discount!”

As David said, Yingweida is indeed more sensible and has set an example, so he doesn't mind giving the other party some sweetness.

Of course, this is not entirely the reason why he is so happy. He is now pursuing these companies in Silicon Valley, and he actually wants to bring out the asset management giants such as State Street, BlackRock, and Vanguard.

If companies like Invista were willing to help provide some data, this would save him a lot of effort in tracing.

Huang Renxun was overjoyed when he heard that he could get a three-month extension and a 10% tax discount. However, as a businessman, he would not show it so easily on the surface. Instead, in order to bargain more, he pretended to be He looked frowning and dissatisfied.

In the following time, he also started to bargain.

With his sharp tongue, he really convinced David, and he got an additional five percentage points of tax benefits.

At this point, his purpose of coming here today can be considered to be relatively satisfactory.

And just when he wanted to get up and say goodbye and go back to prepare taxes, David's next words made him stunned.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Huang, I heard that Vanguard holds 8.31% of your shares in INVISTA, BlackRock holds 7.30%, and State Street holds 3.72%. Is this true?"

Huang Renxun was stunned, and after a while he replied: "Yes, these three companies do hold shares in our Invista, and the shares are consistent with the shares you said, Inspector General David."

"I am very interested in the specific connection between your company and them. I wonder if you can provide us with detailed data and information?"

At this time, even Huang Renxun, no matter how stupid he was, understood. He said why David was so easy to talk to just now, and he was given a reduction and grace on his own initiative. Now it seems that he meant to pave the way for this matter.

Could it be that... this tax investigation targeting Silicon Valley is just incidental, and that the IRS is really targeting asset management giants such as Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street?

If this is the case, then the Freemasons will definitely not be able to remain calm anymore, they will definitely jump!

The more Huang Renxun thinks about it, the more he becomes numb. Although he is the first among the Silicon Valley giants to come to the IRS, that is because INVISTA is his company, and the Freemasonry has not done anything, so this is not the case. It's an excusable thing.

But if the data of Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street is really provided, the nature will be different, and the Freemasons may not be able to let him off so easily.

Thinking of this, he could only grit his teeth and refuse: "Inspector General David, since you can name these three companies, it means that you also know what these three companies mean, so I'm afraid... I can't accept your order." ”

"Mr. Huang, are you really unwilling to do me this favor?"

"It's not that I'm unwilling, but I'm afraid I won't be able to gain a foothold in the United States after helping you. I hope you can understand..."

"Okay, if you don't want to, I won't force you. You can go back and do what you need to do."

Although it's a pity that the other party is unwilling to provide data, they have already expressed their willingness to cooperate in paying taxes, so he can't push too hard.

Anyway, with the golden finger on his side, it wasn't like he couldn't dig up the data of these three asset management companies, it just took a little more effort.

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Huang Renxun immediately stood up and left as if he had been granted amnesty.

The entrance to the Bay Area branch.

Seeing Huang Renxun coming out, reporters immediately came up with microphones to ask questions, but Huang Renxun had no intention of answering, got into his car and left quickly.

However, after driving for a while, he seemed to have made some decision and told the driver: "Let's go to Guge first!"

He was the first among the Silicon Valley giants to compromise with the IRS, which must have aroused the dissatisfaction of the Freemasons and other giants, so he planned to tell the news that David intended to target the three major asset management companies, and also This is an explanation for them.

As for whether doing so would offend David?


But David didn't say that he couldn't reveal the matter.

Ancient Song Company.

Ryan was still busy in the office thinking about how to deal with it. Suddenly there was a knock on the office door, and he had no choice but to say come in.

"Mr. Ruian, Mr. Huang Renxun from Invista has arrived and wants to see you."

"Humph, what is he doing here!"

Through the news from the media, he already knew that Huang Renxun had gone to the IRS, so when he heard that the other party was coming, he naturally didn't feel good about it.

"He said he had something important to inform you."

"Something important?"

Ryan thought for a while and finally replied: "Okay, let him come up."

About five minutes later, Huang Renxun walked in. Looking at Ruian who looked unhappy, he did not explain too much and said directly: "I went to the IRS just now and got a very important news. I think... The Freemasons will definitely be interested."

"what news?"

"David's tax investigation on us is probably just the beginning. In addition to us, asset management companies such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street may not be able to escape his clutches."

"What did you say!"

Ryan couldn't sit still.

Because he knows very well what these three asset management companies mean to Freemasonry.

This is the core of the core assets of the Masonic Group, and another point is that these three companies have many interests linked to the Federal Reserve.

In other words, touching these three companies is no different from directly touching the arteries of the Freemasons. One can imagine how furious the Masonic Group would be if they knew about this.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"He asked me for data on our connection between Invista and these three companies. What do you think?"

"Then did you give it?"

"Haha, although I am not as determined as you, I still know what can and cannot be done, so of course I didn't give it."

"This is a sign of your understanding!"

"Okay, I've brought you the words. It's none of my business what to do next. I'll go back first."

Looking at Huang Renxun's leaving figure, Ruian's face kept turning, but in the end he picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said: "Mr. Joshua, I received a message here. ,Is such that……"

Senado Island, East Coast, New York.

It was already dark, but the entire island was brightly lit, especially the manor in the center, which shone brightly like a star.

In the meeting room of the manor, Henrietta sat on the main seat, and on both sides of him were representatives of the seven major families. Below and in the outer rows sat other members of the Freemasonry.

"I believe everyone has seen the situation in Silicon Valley. The IRS is sharpening its knives, and major companies have been asking us for help in the past few days. How should we deal with it?"

Prescott, the head of the Rockefeller family, looked at everyone and asked.

"Silicon Valley must be saved, otherwise when the IRS finishes harvesting this place, Wall Street will definitely be the next step, and we will be even more passive by then!"

"Save? How should we save it now? What happened at the last congressional hearing has made us a joke to the outside world. Now if Silicon Valley cannot save it, then the prestige we have built up over the years will be gone."

"If we don't save it, our prestige will be lost even more..."


A fierce quarrel broke out instantly.


Joshua's shout interrupted the atmosphere. He said: "Let's put aside the matters in Silicon Valley for now. I have some news to tell you. Just a little while ago, I received a call from Ryan, the CEO of Guge Company. On the phone, he told me personally that David is already pursuing three asset management companies: Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. Once he has enough evidence, I think what this means, I don’t need to explain too much. Right?"

"What, is he going to start tracking down these three asset management companies!"

"Isn't he conducting a tax audit on Silicon Valley? Why did he suddenly find these three companies? Could it be that..."


After hearing what Joshua said, except for Henrietta and several major families who knew about it in advance, everyone present was shocked.

As members of the Freemasons, they know the importance of these three asset management companies better than anyone else.

These three asset management companies control the shares of almost all giant companies in the world, and the assets under their control exceed 20 trillion.

Moreover, these three companies play a connecting role for the Federal Reserve. If something goes wrong, it will not be comparable to the loss of a News Corporation before.

"We can no longer sit back and wait for death. We must do something. Otherwise, by the time he finds out about these three companies, it will be too late for us to do anything else!"

"That's easy to say. If we could do something, why would we wait until now?"


All the Freemasons present knew very well that if they continued to wait like this, with David's methods, they would be dead sooner or later. But unfortunately, they were also motivated but unable to think of a good response at all.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene was slightly deadlocked, California Governor Borgwana seemed to have thought of something and said: "When things have developed to this situation, I think there is only one best way."

"any solution?"

Everyone turned their attention to him.

"It's very simple, just kill him. As long as he is dead, all problems will be solved!"

After Bogwana said this, everyone at the scene was stunned, but soon someone stood up to object.

"Are you crazy, Borgwana? David may be a vegetarian, but the IRS's armed forces are not vegetarian. What if we kill him and they start an anti-terrorism operation? Who among us here dares to say that he can withstand it? Their aircraft cannons?”

"Killing him would be like killing one thousand enemies and damaging eight hundred to ourselves, which is not very cost-effective..."

"This bastard has such a high prestige in the country now. If we kill him openly, it will not be easy to deal with. It would be too risky..."

This was not the first time that the idea of ​​killing David had been raised within the Freemasonry, but if it had been a year ago, they might have considered it carefully.

But now you have to think about it, how many times has the IRS deployed its armed forces this year?

How many times have armored vehicles, fighter groups, and even aircraft carrier fleets been dispatched?

They say dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious.

And David is now a high-ranking official of the IRS and has such great prestige. If he really kills this guy, and if the IRS goes crazy, maybe their entire island will be razed.

So no matter how much they hated David, not many people dared to do such a life-and-death thing.

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